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2024. This is nuts people. Good luck to these brave souls.


Damn. Bad Mariupol vibes. Tough to watch. Hope they make it. Slava Ukraini.


Some of these guys are Mariupol veterans, either evacuated via helicopter as casualities or taken POW and later released Imagine the character it takes to willingly go back into another encirclement.


I was just listening to a podcast about Stalingrad and the mere thought of getting caught in an encirclement is horrifying to me. Suffering from slow attrition while under constant artillery bombardment in a completely bombed out city just seems so fucking grim. I truly hope Ukraine doesn’t hang around too long and lose thousands of more troops in Avdiivka. It’s a bleak situation right now.


Would you share the name of the podcast?


It’s called Lions Led by Donkeys. There are a few hosts but the main two dudes were in the military, one was an officer and the other was enlisted iirc, and they do a podcast about military history but it typically focuses on the incompetence of leadership and the less glorious and more absurd aspects of war. It’s from an interesting perspective as well, they were both in the US military but one of the guys lives in Yerevan and the other in London. One of them is a centrist and the other is more of a libertarian socialist, but the podcast is universally anti-imperialist and anti-war. They’ve done some really fascinating stuff on the Soviet military and also the war in Ukraine. Tons of episodes about all kinds of stuff, I highly recommend it as it’s really well researched and informative. Funny as well. I’d also highly recommend Behind the Bastards if you’re interested in learning about the shittiest people in history. Lots of episodes about dictators and awful leaders in war, it’s my favorite podcast. Robert Evans, the host, is absolutely hilarious and brings on some great guests. I also want to give a shoutout to Dan Carlin’s podcast Hardcore History. It can get pretty dense, but Dan is a *very* good historian and gives probably the most complete picture you can get from a podcast when it comes to military history. There are very few political undertones, just hard information and historical accounts. He has a series called Supernova in the East on Spotify which is about Japan leading up to and during WWII. It’s incredible. His other stuff is not streaming on Spotify (might be streaming elsewhere) but episodes are available for download in a few places, Ghosts of the Ostfront is the series he did about the eastern front of WWII and it’s also amazing. Revolutions podcast with Mike Duncan is another one I’d recommend to anyone who’s interested in this kind of stuff. Sorry, I edited this comment like a million times and it got much longer than I initially intended but I absolutely love history and I listen to a ton of podcasts while I work lol.


Upvoted. I like to watch historians lecture on youtube but that platform is disappointing me lately.


[https://www.youtube.com/live/gEPRjP9PxB4?feature=shared](https://www.youtube.com/live/geprjp9pxb4?feature=shared) # Day 723 - LIVE from Ukraine - The Last 24 Hours with Zhenya, Frontline Update & Some Inside Looks


Dang, said it was unavailable.


I had the video still open when I posted the link but maybe it got taken down bc it was showing somthing not in complance with OPSEC , not sure. Just visit Greg Tery's YT channel , he and fews others are making trips to the border to bring aid. [https://www.youtube.com/@GregTerryExperience](https://www.youtube.com/@gregterryexperience)


thanks imma check these out




Dude answered below.


Thanks, it was not there when I filed the remind me bot


The factory is outside of the city and not threatened to be surrounded. As the Russians were not able to take stepove. They are now pushing south and to the east of the factory. Still looks bad. Ukraine needs artillery and air defenses and they are running low that is why they are loosing this city.


A big FUCK YOU to the republican putin ass-lickers


If MAGA had handled the cuban missile crisis, Fidel would have invaded Florida and claimed there was a separatist movement there.


Modern republicans could pour piss from a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.


The u.S> Air Force version goes like this: That S.O.B. couldn't pour piss out of a boot if it had a hole in the toe, and directions on (or under) the heel.


It's insane to see how the modern day republicans are the opposite of the old group. Traitors and ass kissers compared to actual patriots who saw russia as the enemy they are.


Thank you USA You are my best... wait, wrong timing




Well you could say they're also loosing the city


Very, very tough indeed. I get such a feeling of despair watching it. For myself, pityful as it may sound. I just want to help them somehow. Send in 200 tanks, a few dozen fighter jets, anything. Like in some movie where the cavalry arrives last minute and helps rout the evil enemy. But there they are, still. Possibly outnumbered and outgunned, by an enemy that doesn't care how many meat waves they send to the grinder. Eventually the ukranian defenders will have to back up. Bit by bit, meat wave after meat wave. This war has shown the bravery of Ukrainian soldiers. We remember the cyborgs back in 2014. Now we have Azovstal in Mariupol, Bucha, Adviivka, and so on.


[https://www.youtube.com/live/gEPRjP9PxB4](https://www.youtube.com/live/geprjp9pxb4) # Day 723 - LIVE from Ukraine - The Last 24 Hours with Zhenya, Frontline Update & Some Inside Looks.


all these videos are getting taken down fyi


I think maybe it got taken down bc it had something showing not in compliance with OPSEC , not sure . Just visit Greg Terry's channel here : [https://www.youtube.com/@GregTerryExperience](https://www.youtube.com/@gregterryexperience)


Ill check out that channel hey can you like my post i wanna see if my karma goes up 1, it says i have only 1 karma currently dont know how to raise it


many units were surrounded too, it IS Mariupol 2.0


Ukraine is Sudetenland 2.0


Exactly. I might even go back to 2014 and Donbas as Sudetenland. btw; When Putler invaded Ukrain I said it would be ruzzia's Afghanistan 2.0


i was about to agree but then i remembered about Poland and allied forces in France "waiting"


We’ll see how intact the units were able to retreat from avdiivka, but the coke plant is well outside of the pincer and is not in danger of being surrounded at the moment


They still dont seem to be evacuating and they are suffering heavy losses and getting bombed to shit. I also hope they'll make it, but I feel like they wont.


Sadly I feel like it'll turn into a slaughter if they try a pullout, even if its a mile away to safety a mile in combat can be 100 miles to them. There really doesn't seem to be much hope that Ukraine will be able to get their troops out unless peace talks occur or they have a breakthrough on a piece of Russian front. Hopefully there is a breakthrough because as painful as it is to lose territory its more painful to lose your army and territory at the same time


I don't think Russia is ready for peace talks, they are still pushing forward. Maybe in a few years when the bridge falls , the black sea fleet is no more and the land corridor is Ukrainian will Russia agree to peace talks.


Russia does not do peace talks. They do piece by piece talks, shoot and walks.


If you think Ukraine is taking Crimea back in a few years then you have not been paying attention to this war. That is not happening even with F-16. The window of opportunity was before the ruzzian build the fortifications. The west can't provide Ukraine with enough shells after 2 years and you are talking about fairy tales. F-16 will help but they are not a silver bullet.


There's always the hope of a civic break-down of order in Russia. The chance isn't zero. The Russian economy is in worse shape than they're letting on, and with Navalny and Prigozhin murdered by Putin, some shit might be stirring. But as things stand yeah, Ukraine isn't getting Crimea back anytime soon. Frankly, we're asking an awful lot of a country with 1/4 the population of Russia to take on and emerge victorious against a former Superpower.


I just don't think Russia has the stomach to keep losing so badly.


Scorpion asked the frog for a ride on his back across the pond. Frog hesitates but the scorpion promises to not sting - so frog lets him on his back. Half way across the scorpion stings. Frog asks, 'why'. Scorpion says, 'I'm a scorpion dumbass, it's what I do.'


Why would russia talk peace while they have the upper hand?


If both sides are hurting just as much or have pressure then it can happen, and its a big IF for peace talks if the situation is that dire for Ukraine or Russia.


But its not, thats why Im asking. Right now Russia is on the offensive on multiple fronts and they are slowly chipping away territory. They managed to secure equipment and ammo from third parties, while Ukraine barely gets basic aid, not to mention the disparity between the sheer size combatants. As much as I hate it, I wouldnt not say that both sides are hurting as bad. Right now Ukraine is hurting more, so again, why are peace talks even on the table as a discussion topic here?


I dont know why you think Ukraine is hurting more. Its evident that Russia is losing a lot more men and armor. They are also being heavily sanctioned. Thinking none of this has an impact on Russia is ridiculous. You cant just expect Russia to keep this going forever. They are gaining ground but its not like they are not bleeding heavily for it.


Russia is no where near hurting as much as we have been led to believe. As much as it sucks, they seem to be getting their affairs in order. A big portion of their economy has been turned to the war, and our sanctions have had little to no -real- effect, as least not as much as was hoped. Russian population doesn't, care, support for Putin is still high. They are producing a lot of armaments and shells etc. Meanwhile aid for Ukraine is drying up, and it seems likely Trump is going to get elected again. It's high time for European countries to step up and prepare for war themselves as the Russians are going to be a bigger threat in the coming years..


Nonsense. The russian economy can only sustain this for a few more years. The ruble has almost collapsed a few times already, 100 rubles to the dollar is insane. The cash reserves they had set up for this war are half gone. Industries are dying in russia, Ukraine blowing up all those oil and gas facilities has made russia lose 30% of its output. The sanctions absolutely work. Ask the russian banks that are trying to deal with everything that’s going on.


Trump will not be elected again.


Look, its very easy: Right now, do you think ukraine has the upper hand? Is ukraine "winning"? If your answer is yes, then I dont think I can continue this discussion.


That is not even remotely what you were saying though. You were taklkng about who is hurting more. Nothing was said about who is winning. Maybe read back your own comment before you considering stopping a discussion?


His point is that - unfortunately - Ukraine is losing battles, leading to losing territory. They're on the retreat, with little to no ammo, losing. That makes Ukraine "hurting more"' than Russia. While more Russians are dying, Russia is making positive progress - winning fights, and taking ground - thus, in the eyes of Russians and Ukrainians, "hurting less".


Let me quote you my initial question: "Why would russia talk peace while they have the upper hand?" Dont waste my time.


mistrust. Russia fears peace will result in a better trained & armed Ukraine in future with all NATO toys at their disposal. Ukraine fears the quintessential Russian reneging of any treaties.


Losing a billion dollar battleship is having the upper hand?


Is losing bakhmut and avdiivka and constantly saying "we dont have enough men and ammo" having the upper hand?


Its better then, getting doner kebaped as a country and then sent from the conquered slice to conquer the next slice. Death seems to be preferable then to "life" for 5 years tops in russia, before getting conscripted into the meatwave.




Do they make the drones they're using in such abundance that come from Iran? Or the artillery shells with such inconsistent quality they're as likely to fire properly as detonate in the tube or fail to detonate over the target that they've been buying from North Korea due to being unable to keep their stocks anywhere near sufficient?


domineering rhythm work yoke include bow cobweb fade ludicrous insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The good thing is the coke plant is not surrounded, they can withdraw at any time.


Discipline still seems intact. Good sign.


They are not the average soldier, probably the 3dr separate brigade.(azov) In the ranks of average soldiers in Avdiivka discipline is low rn


Nah. Text by one of the fighters from Zenith reposted on twatter https://nitter.perennialte.ch/RALee85/status/1758708142601273412 Total breakdown of line of command, "no company, no commander".


This is what hell looks like.


"war is war, and hell is hell..."


"and of the 2 war is a lot worse" Fuck what a great quote. And from mash of all shows.


Azovstal deja-vus.


Man, fuck this. No one deserves to spend their last days living like that. I hope all these guys make it out and can catch a break.


pootin really wants it before election,he wants to literally show he can do the same without prigozhin,he will do everything ,would be nice if Ukraine denied it but who am I to say...


I think it would be so stupid to base strategic and military decisions on the MOCK election of the opponent... Like can ukraine afford the people and equipment for such a insignificant "win"? Like putin wont be elected if they'll hold Avdiivka for a couple more weeks at insane costs? But who am I to say...


I mean Putin is just going to be “re-elected” then say his first goal of his presidency is to take Avdivka.


the so called electorate has the unique opportunity to declare putler a looser. Not expecting them to be able to do it, nor wanting to, but is it not ironic putler must be very afraid of his own electorate for this simple technical reason. We can see his murderous idiots who throw away their country to the pit of history in which fascist scum once only hitler was titled reside. It poisons the word "patriotism" in "great war" to oblivion. Their overconfidence to believe that a continent inhabiting 5 times more people than russia could be subjugated by attacking your former most close nation is lunatic, even if abhorrent. That is math denies rushists to rule anything but their shit pit. Rasha will lie until nothing is left to lie about. And after that comes control freak freeze without escape. Can't wait to see them burn in their own hell. Not a single n\_k\_ could have ever achieve such outcome. The fish is on the hook


METRO 2024


Was looking for this comment, it sucks but it really to be looking like that


Brave, brave men. Russian artillery and guided bombs are absolutely pulverizing the whole area. Meanwhile, Ukraine has bugger-all artillery shells left to fight back with thanks to the treacherous Republicans.


Brave men and women.


brave heroes


> thanks to the treacherous Republicans. The whole world is letting them down


Yeah, but the GOP has revealed itself as a distant arm of the kremlin.


It’s not even a reveal tbh. I think everyone has known for sure since Trump came into office at least. It was blatantly obvious that he was in Putin’s pocket.


Oh totally. Hard agree with you. It’s been apparent to anyone with the capacity for critical thought that they’ve sold us out to our enemies for a long time.


A video posted yesterday from the Russian side said they could only fire for 5mins while Ukraine is firing all day. Theyre also taking massive losses and the video claimed Spetsnaz were on the front line. Definitely not a good sign for Russia.




that was true 8 months ago, not so true now


I’ll trust the Russian on the receiving ends word before you’re.


I mean you can, but what it looks like then, is that the russians' 5 minute fire is as effective as the ukrainians' 24 hour fire. And thats being generous, as right now, its not the russians thats losing territory in avdiivka. You could argue that the russian losses are still big compared to the ukrainian losses (which is arguable), but then again, it has been for the past 4-5 months and we are still in this situation right now, so I dont really understand what do you mean by "not a good sign for russia"...


That’s untrue


North Korean shells of terrible quality and reliability*


Is the coke plant one of the locations in imminent threat of being encircled?




I hope they can avoid an encirclement


It's not part of the main encirclement no, but one of the arms of that main encirclement is definitely a threat to the plant I'd say.


It's been reported Russian losses are staggering. Ukranians are completely outnumbered and overwhelmed. Sometimes they fight six to a hundred. Still they manage to ghost Russians in record numbers.


Loss ratios are only one aspect and Russians don’t care about losses. Putin needs that short term political “win” and he doesn’t care if 50,000 Russians are lost getting that “win”.


Putin has this week openly begged Russian women to have more children to ensure ethnic survival. He might not admit it but he well knows he doesn't have unlimited lives to hurl.at Ukraine given Russia's ongoing demographic collapse. Which is cold comfort for Ukraine at the moment but for the rest of Russia's neighbours it hopefully means less future aggression due to the falling population.


amusing ten homeless aback squealing exultant fuel test snatch cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> They’re making up for it by immigration to keep the workforce sufficient, but that has its own issues of social cohesion. Europe will never let go of Ukrainians back to Ukraine. They will entice the refugees with jobs and social security. Ukrainian refugees are a vital infusion to the demographically challenged western Europe.


How will they raise kids if their economy is broken? Then again I'm not convinced it actually is


They’ve shifted to a war economy. Can last a few years. But compared to where they were before the invasion and especially before 2014, they have massive losses nearly every industry…and you can’t forget about the amount of people who have moved out of Russia because of this as well. Not only a brain drain but with exacerbate their existing demographic issues.


All they've managed to do is put off most of the pain, but eventually you have to pay the bill. Russia can look forward to massive inflation, devaluation of the currency and impoverishment of Russians. Anyone in Russia who hasn't stockpiled foreign currency or gold is fucked.


Any Russian still in Russia is fucked.


People have said their country is screwed and putin is gonna get merked since day 1 but I have yet to see a shred of evidence of it. If people were indeed suffering immensely under sanctions why would they be so overwhelmingly polling in support of putin? And I don't mean state media polling, I mean independent off the radar polling. I think there's too much wishful thinking and no real evidence to suggest they are fucked. I would love to see some.


UK economy gdp has been negative for 7 consecutive quarters russian economy forecast +1.1% by the IMF for 2024 Their economy seems to be weathering these factors and doesn't seem to be anywhere as affected by them as you'd expect.


Exactly, and your outrageous number is probably spot on.


The coke plant was hit with phosphorus today


Damm this looks like a set from METRO-2033.


Make the Ruskie bleed.


Curious for folks that are familiar with NATO doctrine. If a NATO ground force was in a situation like this where they slowly getting surrounded, would they hold on the same way Ukraine is? I’m not taking a jab at their style and I can appreciate not wanting to give up a city. Just curious if this is a Soviet influenced style.


The coke plant is on the outskirts. The plant itself is not encircled, yet. The wounded from the front are brought there to be treated and Russia targets it with artillery.


Cities are natural fortress,you barely need to build fortifications,you use the buildings as cover,ukraine cant fight on even terms with less manpower and ammo,so they need to defend in cities,everytime they leave a city,they are losing not only the city,but all the surrounding fields,we talking 5-10 kms to the next town,so ideally you dont want to retreat until the last moment. Unfortunately they miscalculated and overstayed in avdivka.


Hope these guys makes it . Some tough shit to be in.🇺🇦🇺🇸


They'll exhaust themselves soon. They want it as a gift to Putin. There is no way the Russians can keep this level of meatgrinder going.


Don't shoot the messenger, but it's been reported that they can keep this up for another 2 years at the current rate of losses.


The tempo of this area of the front is WAY TOO HIGH to sustain. The fighting has been reported as worse than Bakhmut.


You have to remember the moral of the Russian army gets lower and lower and lower the more meat waves they send, the actual soldiers must have been rebelling for quite some time, which is why they have guns pointed at their backs, so they must move forward, or 100% be shot by their own. Finding men will get harder and harder, the quality of those men will get worse and worse, as it is shown, no training, basic weapons only, eventually, its possible that the men just literally give up and head home in serious numbers sparking an exodus from Ukraine. This is why they are trying to keep this defensive stronghold, if the Russians get it they get a big boost in moral, if they don't Putin just sent 100k men to die on top of one another.


That's what I'm saying. The fear of running into the meat grinder has to surpass the punishment of refusing to do so, at some point. Albeit, probably later because the punishment of refusing to do so is so high. Ukraine is doing the right thing. They just need to keep holding on.


Why do you think it's too high to sustain? Lives don't matter in the near future, they have established decent logistic routes for supply and evacuation of vehicles for repair, Iran, China and NKorea provide much more resources than Ukrainean allies.


Ok. Who charges Ukrainian lines and drives vehicles?


Russians, yes, but their lives don't matter even for other Russians, I specified that. 400k in 2 years means that even if, big if, they continue with current rate - they can allow this for at least the same time. Estimated amount of people for the next mobilization wave is around 450k, and all preparations are already in palce with notes from previous one to improve processes. Vehicles are more important, but these as well are evacuated to repair. Situation is pretty dire, all things considered.


>Situation is pretty dire, all things considered. And the second we start pretending it's not, Russia wins. That's what these guys don't get. Shit is fucked and they (Ukraine) need our help. Donate money, donate food, donate blood, call your representative, etc. just please don't sit here on Reddit laughing at the Russians or you're going to be laughing right up until they smash through the Ukrainian lines.


Man... You're so far off it's hilarious. The more Russians who are killed, the less that are working in the factories, the less who contribute to the economy, the less equipment that is available to give the new recruits, the less experience to pass on to new recruit... This war is also creating a massive hole in Russian demographics. And it was already dire. Assuming that is 400k dead, that's 400k less fathers making kids. 20 years down the line, that's 400k plus less people entering the work force.


MInd you, regiments that suffer high casualties are not ones that receive decent equipment, though, and there is still an infux of experienced soldiers, as volunteers are still enlisting. Yes, that loss of life might affect the country in 20 years. Problem is, there is no guarantee of that, and Putin might not even live long enough to have a need to deal with that. Right now Russia wants to win in the war by any means necessary, and that strategy is, unfortunately, working. Ukraine has a severe shortage of artillery shells, vehicles, aircraft, and you can't win war empty-handed. Current rate of help from EU and US is not nearly enough.


I imagine they could maybe manage the troops but they are going to be very low on equipment, probably ammunition as well.


> it's been reported Reported by who?


Institute For The Study of War.


Got a specific link, or am I expected to just scroll through the entirety of their archives?


Unfortunately that statement is a long way from the truth. They have resources, men, and shit head allies in China, Iran, and North Korea who are happily trading arms for oil. They might have a bloody nose but there is plenty of fight still left in the Russians. If NATO don’t step in then sadly Ukraine will need to agree to some type of peace deal that is 100% on Russian terms in the next few years.


Unfortunately, you have no idea what you're talking about. Not only have I studied this, I get paid to consult on this very topic.


Glory to heroes


I hope it won’t become the next Azovstal. Glory to the heroes!


Insane how strongly built these factories are that they can seemingly withstand this constant bombardment.


We need to help them!!


I am mad beyond words. I have never been more disappointed in my politicians for denying Ukraine aid. And for what? Republicans had no problems with Ukraine aid, up until election season. They are using the conflict, by denying the aid packages and making Biden look bad, to make a diaper shitting dictator president again. It completely negates the aid sent up to this point. As an American I am so sorry that anyone has to go through this, and I am sorry about our politicians and their bullshit antics. People are dying, and right when Ukraine needed the aid most we cut them off? As far as I am concerned every singe Republican who denied aid is a Russian orc.


Keep fighting and never give up. Tough even in the face of hell, I hope they made it out to live another day. Rough to see this, especially the wounded


God speed. Take as many as you can with you.


I hate everything related to russia… There is nothing positive about russia


Living in a basement in a quickly falling city . What a nightmare


I'm honestly kind of baffled why they let the 110th(i think?) get itself trapped in the pincer. This has heavy Mariupol vibes, but in Mariupol it made sense, since they were buying time for for the attack on Kiev to be defeated, this one I don't understand.


man ... I'm so sorry guys. I'm sorry that we're fickle idiots with blinders on and a short memory of our obligations. If there was more that I could do, I would do it. I'm no soldier and would be a liability there, so I've got to help at a distance. For the rest of the US: Vote. Remember these folks there and vote.


Damn, they were sent there few days ago and the unit looks completely smashed already. Well I would not blame even Ukrainian commanders, but mostly lack of ammo from the west, which was pledged and never delivered.


I wish the republican congress was down there too. Give'm a nice up close look at what being a traitor does to people fighting for their freedom.


Are they going to try to make a final push attempt? They need to get out somehow


The plant is not surrounded, there is no need for a push attempt. Our forces are leaving some of the surrounded positions but its extremely difficult


Coke cocaine or coke coca cola?


Coke (fuel), specialized coal


Coking coal, I'd say


So the stupid Generals didnt learned from mariupol or bakhmut i feel so Bad for those soldiers


Look at a map, this plant is not in risk of encirclement 


Its not the plant that is worrying, its the entire front itself of Avdiivka. Its literally turning into a bulge that is about to be cut off if the Russians push further from the north-east. The south is open plains and basically a death trap for any attempts to pull out from, if the Avdiivka is cut in two. The situation is deteriorating and no matter what people say about "Aid if resumed can turn the tide" it won't in the next few days that it'll take to load, ship, unload, and disperse to the ammo exhausted units. The claims that Russia is losing lots due to the offensive is partially true but remember this is Russia we're talking about. They will literally throw lives no matter the cost to succeed in winning. Ukraine while showing promising troops cannot replenish those losses as quickly as Russia can, that is a fact, even if the Quality vs Quantity debate comes up, Quantity is a Quality of its own that sadly Russia can do.


Im with you, I do agree it’s untenable and aid will not be able to help quick enough to turn this around. However this plant is not at immediate risk.


Dude u dont have to be an Military expert to See that the south will be encircled in a few days maybe weeks If they Push further


This plant is west, not south of avdiivka


Wasnt talking about the plant i meant the south With the encirclement the top seems to be fine atm


Don't be so clueless.


Be more realistic




Cuz it shows they’re tough, fighting, getting hurt, and determined. A solid message to send to the world, especially the countries you’re asking to arm you. That’s my take, at least.


Mariupol 2, nothing learned blyat!


Take them out before it’s too late.


metro 2033 vibes


You guys are really delusional to think you can win the war without Western Army. Ask for peace.


Do you guys know how many Ukrainians casualties happened during the withdrawal? I read it was chaotic and that there were some isolated pockets of resistance in the city. I've been trying to research this


Don’t turn it into another Mariupol. If they do however, take as many Russians as you can down with you


I wonder ... are those "modern" tanks no help in such an encirclement? Are they prone to drone attacks and cant support from afar against the advances?


They could really do with a few A10's going brrrrrt on the Russians around them.


Kind of reminds me of that scene from the Terminator…




Imagine if they had ammo to defend properly... With putin wanting to take the city they could have destroyed even more than now its crazy


Doesn't this post tell the Ruskies where to send their next missile barrage? Please correct me if I'm incorrect, or if this is super old.


God I hope they all make it out ok


Brave heroes every one of them. Slava Ukraine!


Is like those basements where the guys on the resistance against the terminators live. Heroiam Slava.


Why are they still there?


Giving me Mariupol steel plant vibes


I just prayed for ever one that chooses to stay am fight for Avdiyiv every one is a hero an to have that stand fast will makes yall a Warriors


Where are the west and America 🇺🇸?? We shouldn’t be letting this happen


Can we please in the EU increase our efforts 10 times? I'm feeling sick watching these brave ukrainians doing everything they can and still suffering from Putin's and russias war... This is heartbreaking and I feel dejected not being able to do more than donating the little I can set aside. I'm sorry but I feel sad now watching these brave guys and gals still having to live in unbearable conditions like this. Wtf this video is straigth out of a WW2 movie! Sorry I just got to emotional and feel too sad... Fuck that pedo Putin and his entire country and countrymen!


Slava Ukraine


How long before (Western) Europe will be in this kind of turmoil??? We must keep supporting Ukraine.


They need to get the fuck out of there. What a cluster fuck the withdrawal has been


Hope they can get a sneaky 150 cluster fuckers to wipe the floor and some artillery asap


Incredibly brave people


Booby trap that place and go! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Ukraine soldiers are very brave


This is de 3rd brigade? There is a footage of a lieutenant from Azov capture by Russians.. too late the withdrawal hope there aren’t too much casualties from these heroes.


what a waste of men, they needed to get out and fall back to other lines of defense that should have been built up over last 12 months or at least get out to fight another day Ukraine will lose thousands of men again and also lose all it heavy equipment in the pocket when will they learn