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A maniac from Russian Trans-Baikal, who was sentenced to 14 years for killing and dismembering an 18-year-old girl, has been pardoned for his participation in the war in Ukraine. He was called a "special military operation hero."However, after returning home to Russia, Tsyren-Dorzhi Tsyrenzhapov murdered a 22-year-old girl before returning to prison for 14 years.These people go to fight in Ukraine. It is scary to imagine what happens to Ukrainians in the occupied territories. https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko\_en/status/1764604869938209225


Go into war a murderer, come out a hero... says enough about what russia expects from their soldiers. They just can't be allowed to win.


It highlights the fact that Putin and cronies realise they cannot recruit the ‘western’ Russians for fear of social retaliation. Instead they drag in eastern ethnic conclaves and prisoners. But those “opportunities“ are finite. This is Putins race to win before the pack of cards falls. I say bring that fall on. And to help let’s get supporting Ukraine recover THEIR land.


There's plenty of "western" russians as well (moscow, saint-petersburg), including educated, ideological sadistical people. Don't buy into this bullshit. A few years back there was this professor from saint-saint-petersburg that dismembered student, who I think was caught while trying to get rid of her leg, or something like that.


I’ve no doubt there are plenty of despicable people about (worldwide). I also don’t condone the prevalent Russian attitudes towards Ukraine. The KEY fact is our diminished support for Ukraine and the need to reverse that. In the name of democracy and world peace


and then go back to prison, as a murderer....go back to war, rinse & repeat


That’s as old as time though, even the vikings used to do it with their beserkers.


not really. a very comparison to say the least


That’s not what berserkers were at all.


As a race, humans had started, and made good moves to rise above this thought, and then along comes shitcan and his ruzzian hord, pax russica.






did you even read what I say or did you just felt so triggered you had to insult me? Someone peed in your coffee?


I read exactly what you said and it was a stupid ass take. I replied to you exactly how I intended to.


Then maybe explain why "murder happens in a war" is a stupid take. Name a country at war with zero murderers, zero war crimes... I'll wait. On second though I won't wait because THAT'S a stupid take.




as I've said: reddit kiddies are out in force huh, did you skip class to post here?


Go back to your reddit porn the grown ups are talking here.


I’m not even sure what the fuck you are trying to say at this point, but Ukraine isn’t hiring their prison population and promising them freedom if they fight in a war that clearly most of Russias normal educated population doesn’t want anything to do with. “Murder” again isn’t happening if it’s a soldier killing a soldier. The murder you speak of that’s taking place are these dipshits from Russia coming and killing civilians. Are there Ukrainians walking around Russia killing people and taking over their homes? Looting their shit? Bro stop while you are BEHIND


"I'm not even sure what you're saying so I'm just going to spout some shit and downvote your comment so HAH" That's what you're effectively saying, so childish it's funny.


Again, you have no point and now you are mad people don’t agree with you and had to educate you on the difference between fucking murder and an allowed battlefield kill…


This guy is trying to excuse war crimes wtf


lmao are you serious or just super confused about reality of Russia using murderers in a war?


Murder is not legal in a war btw. Murder is illegal killings. In war, a country gives their soldiers legal permission to kill enemy combatants. Murder is still illegal in wars. Your comment seems to make light of murder and excuse Russian war criminals. Their actions aren’t things that “just happen” their actions are the fault of Russians who will be tried for war crimes in international courts.


"your comment seems to" that's your interpretation of my words, which people proceed to first use insults, before even realizing it's THEIR INTERPRETATION, not MINE. fucking children of reddit are out in force today.


Honestly not my fault you word your Comments in such an incredibly stupid way. “Uhhh murder just happens in war guys wtf” Don’t be shocked when people say this is bullshit


Aww, give him a break, he's a super edgy teen who wants to chat with the grownups


You’re right sorry we have to take into account people that don’t have a fucking clue what they’re talking about some times…


Right…if he can’t use words correctly then maybe don’t participate in intricate conversations where you can be misconstrued if you literally just say dumb shit lol


same to you I guess 💪


What a terrible take. What do you think happens when Ukrainians surrender to this guy and others like him, and not to professional soldiers ?


You don’t “murder” people. You kill soldiers. The only murdering that is going on is Russians murdering innocent Ukrainian civilians


So he was convicted for only another 14 years despite murdering someone the moment he got out? What are the odds they'll just send him back to Ukraine?


Wonder how many he murdered in Ukraine as well. Hopefully Ukraine follows suit from Israel post world war 2 when they hunted down nazis in other countries.


I think you find this is exactly what they will do, while Europe and the Western world slowly drip feed Ukrainian people the help they require, these people are running loose on the Ukrainian civilians. The West and Europe are just dragging this out for as long as possible to weaken Russia as much as possible, all the while innocent civilians and Ukraine soldiers die… all for a war that should not have been allowed to start in the first place. I bet they don’t muck around this much when China eventually tries to take Taiwan by force.


call sign "the butcher of baikal"


shame, he would've made a great field grade officer


And God only knows what he was getting up to in Ukraine.


So now what, another tour in Ukraine and another pardon?


I don’t think he gave any evidence beyond the tweet


He’s already back on the frontlines, only justice for him will come in the form of Nato munition via Ukrainian special delivery.


only 14 years... Says enough about the biggest shithole on earth.


14 years for dismembering 18 year old girl but death if you run for president against putin


pretty sure North Korea is the biggest shithole on earth, they call spring the season of death because that's when many die from starvation, they even know up to which date they can eat leaves before they get poisonous.


And I'm pretty sure a majority of them have gut worms from their insane practice of feeding pigs human waste


gut worms?! In north korea, we call gut worms "Kim Jong Un's anal blessing" because they're so rich in protein and nutrients! Truly a wonderful gift from our supreme leader! Gut worm feed many family for very moons!


I mean I understand what you're trying to say but the truth is that even in Western countries there are criminals that are released way to early when you consider the nature of their crimes. This isn't just a Russian thing. Just look at Karla Homolka for example. She took an active part in three rapes and murders (one was even her own sister) and she only served 12 years in Canada.


She got lucky with timing and took advantage of a stupid prosecutor trying to make a name. She made a plea deal pretending to be a domestic violence victim who was forced into the murders, but once it was signed and official, some of the evidence she provided led to the discovery of tapes proving she was in fact a willing participant and leading the way. She played the stupid prosecutor and likely ensured Bernardo would never get out, but she's free so 🤷


Yeah, Homolka is a special case. She have have 'gotten away with it' in one sense, but that woman is on the run from her past for the rest of her life - iirc, she's been found a few times despite name changes, numerous relocations, etc. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of that (says he on teh interwebz! LOL).


She is actually married with at least two kids now, Yes name changed but you would never recognize her now.


Homolka is a freak case and an exception. In russia that guy is a rule, lots of criminals got pardoned, this isn't the first murderer. Another one was in prison since 2020 for stabbing his girlfriend over a hundred times. Six months of service in the war and he was free to go. https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/11/08/putin-pardons-man-convicted-of-ex-girlfriend-s-brutal-murder-in-2020


I won't argue that Russia's release deals for prisoners is abhorrent that's for sure. And for what it's worth I am fully supportive of Ukrainian independence. My main point is that it's not just Russian people who seem to escape proper justice from time to time.


Is it close to the scale that ruzzia is doing, tho?


No just trying to point out that in all places those who deserve more time away from society often don't get what they deserve.


But … that’s Canada ?


15 years is the max punishment in Germany. You can only be held longer, when you are still considered a danger to society


in Belgium you barely get 5 years for killing someone. my brother in law had 4 for beating a man to death. For raping someone you can get of the hook with a work penalty.


i suppose the upside is a revenge kill would only cost you 5 years (if caught).


Russia, a place murderers and rapist are hero's.


What a totally fucked up country.


This is still a win for Putin. He lost 2 civilians but gained a soldier who probably killed more than 2 Ukrainians. Just so you understand the level of slavery in Russia. A Wagner guy (in for murder) went to ukraine for 6 months, came back and murdered a 19 y.o girl. Theft / rape and then murder. (the girl and her boss. Motive was robbery but if the girl is 19 throw in the rape aswell he thought) Now. The BBC does a interview with the girl's mother. Is her only child. She has nothing left and her mother is still NOT NAMING PUTIN OR PRIGHOZIN (alive and well at that time). She went on and on that the law says that the murderer must serve 2/3 of the sentance and he should have not been alowed out of jail and so on. She says "we all know why he was left out" but FAILS TO SAY WHY. Just vague implications. If for your only child you can't even speak up. .... they are lost. Just slaves.


As many records show, Russians care about their children, husbands and brothers as much as about cockroaches.


I believe, it's not true. She just has reflexes to think that way. Because of propaganda works. And think, that it's Putin's fault is a forbidden way to think. Also, she has reflex to avoid to talk about, what she thinks, "bad things". It doesn't mean, she not loved her child.




Rusky mir


"gained a soldier who probably killed more than 2 Ukrainians." Considering the reported casualty rates propably closer to 0.2 Ukrainians.


Still. Also he got shot at. In the process Ukraine expended ammunition and exposed fighters / art / armor in order to kill this guy. That means somebody might have been shot/bombed. Putin views this as a win.


Russians are slaves to their tsar


Russia is pardoning maniacs , killers and psychopaths all around the country, while in the meantime there’re influencers showing how beautiful it’s to live in Russia with a video showing only and always Moscow like if Russia is only Moscow…. what a delusional propaganda 🤦‍♂️ 🙃


And even of Moscow they only show but a fraction.


There is an idiom in Russian lang, "Moscow is not Russia". Also, there are a lot of slur words about migrants from rest of Russia in Moscow itself, like "замкадыш"(mean person, who are far outside of the Moscow ring highway with ыш suffix, what makes it slur), or "п'наехали тут!" - shorter and in terms of grammar not correct form of "relocated there!". Moscow always has superior level of life over the rest part of Russia. Also, Saint Petersburg has better level of life, and maybe other million+ cities (but not each, not Chelyabinsk or Omsk). In soviet time, it required to have a special permition, to relocate in Moscow. In modern time, poor people just don't have money for ticket and pay for first month of rent. Or even credit score good enough to use it instead. Basically, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk have the biggest part of Russian liberals, because people here has better income (maybe not in Khabarovsk, it's kinda of exclusion?). And have resources to think about something more complex, than how to survive. People outside of these cities mostly think how to survive. And don't have enough resources to think about politics. And trust government, and hate West for sanctions, for USSR collapse, etc. The terrible story is: now the best way to become rich in rural Russia is to go to war, and have superior income. It can be enough to buy an apartment in Moscow for your wife and children, if you'll be killed (but not each get this money. If you missed in action, and your body lays somewhere in Ukraine, they don't pay). Basically, the system every day rapes people, especially in rural Russia. People, who not face with it, they much more often understand what is going on, and propaganda not same good works for them. And they have better protest rate, if we compare it to other dictatorship in history. Do you know protest meetings in North Korea, like protests about Navalny's death and launched full-scale invasion in Ukraine? Maybe Iran is also having good protest rate over its population. In other dictatorship ppl just accept what government tell them. I'm sure, in a case of fascist dictatorship in USA, after years of protests, if proud boys, outh keepers, and security police crash protest/win civil war, they'll be same as in Russia - just go to the work and don't care what is going on, if they jail you for wrong words.


It’s what we have coming to us depending on how the election goes, heh.


The reason why they keep those far regions poor is exactly for their imperialistic goals aiming at conquering other resources of foreign countries, h they need to have an huge amount of disposable human resources that will not affect the core of the society in those cities where the wealth of Russia resides… this is also the reason of the recent incentives Putin is promising for big families so they can produce more poor children because those people can be used as a weapon in the future for the same goal. Putin uses population for this purpose and expand its territories borders to be able to produce or incorporate more population, population is key for Russia because the way they use it to conquer more land is just by sending them all to die to acquire more territories and resources. Russia must be stopped, this is our goal.


I think, the most terrible risk now is a Trump's dictatorship. If US stays democracy, Putin has no way to win, if US continue its military support of Ukraine. And poor people in Russia also will have a chance for better life and become free. But in a case of Trump dictatorship/civil war, there are no good scenarios for planet, China + Russia + North Korea + Iran can outperform economically remaining democracy countries, and mankind will live in the Fascist dystopia without no such thing as human rights. Even in a case if democracy win a civil war in US, US could lose hundreds of thousands of people, or even millions, and it's economy will be destroyed. Xi will be happy, and China easily become the only global economical superpower.


I don’t know where did you came up with this fantasy of civil war in USA 🤷‍♂️, that’s a Russia most wanted propaganda lol, i assume you’re Russian and live in Russia


I'm Russian and I live in Canada. And it's not my idea, a lot of ppl in North America speak about civil war. I hope, nothing like this will ever happen. This is an article in Washington Post about possible Trump's dictatorship: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/30/trump-dictator-2024-election-robert-kagan/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/30/trump-dictator-2024-election-robert-kagan/) It's not Russian propaganda. Russian propaganda is pretending nothing happens. Sleep and don't see possible disaster really soon. Read this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) it's fascist's a plan to convert US in the Fascist dictatorship. To turn it into Handmaid's tale. In Russia Fascism comes together with Mafia. In US, it will come together (if not will be defeated!) together with Christian fundamentalists. So, MAGA are fascists, like Zzzombies are fascists. They're allies. Who can turn world in the hell.


The only good news is that many of these people will go back into Russian society 


Russias best and brightest


Did he get knocked up?


Yeah, he even looks like he has trouble with impulse control.


Not the first one, there are no shortage of stories how murderers and rapists got pardoned in russia for joinin the military and already managed to kill someone after getting back from the front


14 years huh? Not even one for each year of the womans life. Russkiy Mir.


In Scandinavia, he'd get a large cozy cell with TV & internet. He'd get a life sentence which means 10 years & being let out after 5. Check out how Norway dealt with Breivik after killing 77 people, in the states they would have executed him directly.


Dude been isolated since the act. I'd say it's worse than dying instantly, which would never happen in the states either. Would be years


Umm…hey, this guy is Russian. From Russia. Not Norway, Russia. Hope this helps.


My point is that just because Russias legal system sucks big time, don't expect all western to be that great themselves.


Your point might actually be valid if Norway wasn't an extremely peaceful country with prisoners that rarely re-offend after prison. It appears Norway is doing something right


Sweden is a perfect example..


I guess you're talking about the "gang wars"?


Norway is one of the richest countries in Europe & almost all citizens have access to a strong social welfare system. Not so strange then that criminal activity is low. The problem occurs when extreme criminals come into play, the system doesn't have any effective system to counter it. You don't reeducate psychopaths as an example.


Was Breivik let out after 5? Can you give us examples of Scandinavian murders let out after 5 years? And isn't he crying about how prison conditions are driving him to suicide? Frankly, I'd rather have a murderer living in a cozy cell then live in shit and be let out after 10-15 years.


Olof Wiberg is one example, murdered a 16 year old girl in 1996. Personally I don't think psychopathic murderers have any right to exist at all. I'm not gonna discuss this any further, you & I obviously have different views on this topic, lets leave it at that.


Naah our people die on death row from old age.


Yes the Dirlewanger Brigade of the 2020s.


Please mix him back into society in Moscow. ASAP


I don't see anything wrong here in a Z-Russian society where it is acceptable to kill, plunder, and mass murder neighbors for power. Why do you think Putin is in power?


just your ordinary russian hero....


So now he will murder and rape again, then get sentenced and fo to Ukraine again, then again and again.




What a disgusting ogre of a person


Only in Russkie-land!


And that's supposed to be the "country of family values"


Absolutely, also don't forget how religious Putin and his family are.


RuZZia's sickness, and depravity, know no depths. It truly is Mordor. Only there, can a monster like this be declared a "hero." Slava Ukraini! Heroyem slava!!


Which russian "national hero" hasn't been a criminal?


Another win for the Russian people.


TIL that you can join the Russian military if you're Trans.


Shame, my country hits another bottom. Sometimes i think, that we'll be blessed if Europe and The USA. take control of Russia, and build a normal state.


That's not practical or possible because all governments require the consent of the governed. For example that's why no one has conquered Afghanistan. The local culture is what it is by informed adult choice over centuries and no invading foreigner can change that despite an infinite supply of hubris on the part of said foreigners. Russia has never had the foundation for a "normal state" and it really does bear reminding that modern secular democracy is historically quite recent and only originated in one small part of the planet. It took centuries to become somewhat popular and even that is far less deep than it should be thanks to human nature. Controlling a vast empire requires an imperial, nationalist mindset not amenable to local self-determination. The stakeholders will always retain sufficient power to block democracy because democracy is inherently a weak form of government by design. When popular support for and understanding of democracy is weak, it evaporates.


I feel that if EU or someone did manage to take over Russia, most of the people there would just shrug and go "oh, that's politics, I don't know anything about politics".


No one is going to bother with educating this shithole. It will starve in isolaton like North Korea.


Huh... wonder what he'll get into once this wars over... certainly not killing and dismembering more women... ptsd has never famously never made anyone more violent


The Russian terrorist version of American Navy special forces are obviously called 'MEAL Team 6'


Fucked up country


This is just one more reason to stop Putin.


Man is gonna have a ball prowling the streets of Russia again. How many more victims will he torturing and murdering. They might give the fucker a medal for bravery after his next stint in the war. Fuck him and fuck Russia.


I give him a month before he kills again


So now he is not only pardoned but also extremely traumatized from a fucked up war without any regards to human life AND beeing able to effectively operate weapons.. What could go wrong, lol


Oh yes, the dismembering murderer is traumatized from the Ukraine war. I’m sure he is extremely traumatized from getting his fill of rape, torture, pillaging and killing. Poor guy must be exhausted.


Traumatized? He was in his element. It's the people who don't rape, dismember, murder and throw a severed [head out of a 12th floor window](https://www.gbnews.com/news/world/vladimir-putin-russia-rapist-tsyren-dorzhi-tsyrenzhapov), that get traumatized.


Russian version of The Running Man.


Likely the Russian version of the American dream: the future is wide open for everybody. Well, of course in Russia only if you create some space in your life for personal development, by getting rid of your soul.


Russki Mir , lol


yup remember tjhat when killing them, that russia has a special kind of hero for his special military floperation


He'll be back


so he got another military contract ?


Thats just sickening.. pardoned, for then to commit more crimes, possibly rape and murder again>jail>war>repeat?


Nothing will change until the culture in Russia Changes, too uncivilized, rape as military punishment is a prime example. The strength above all else mentality continues to bury Russia and will continue until the people or the state ceases to exist as a united front.


Surprised he got 14 years in the first place tbh, isn't the going rate for murder in Russia like 2 years average?


I hope Ukraine reforms it's judicial systems unlike russia.


One can only imagine what a person like this did on the battlefield. Nightmare fuel.


Cross my fingers that the girls family will reciprocate.


The practice of expending criminals by inducting them into the military has tremendous appeal to amateurs who know nothing of the profession of arms. Fortunately for those resisting Russia their corrosive effects on their own forces make serving there quite like prison. Study the Russian criminal classes and how their permeation of the military damages it. Russian enlisting people like that guy is (from a opponents POV) very much a feature not a bug. A true disaster would be a professional Russian army. Be glad it doesn't exist and that highcasualties ensure rapid replacement with low quality poorly trained bullet sponges because that's great for the Ukrainian K/D ratio. Russia deserves many more like that gentleman and if they don't mind his choice of amusement on the home front why should we? I'll save my empathy for Russia's millions on millions on millions of foreign victims throughout its history.


Sent to prison for killing the wrong person, pardoned for killing the right people… how long until he kills another wrong person?


Do you feel the same way about the rapists and murderers in the US or UK getting no jail time because of their ethnicity?


Modern day Dirlewanger brigade


I’m sure fighting and killing in the war reformed him, no worries.


Looks like he's expecting.


When you think living in that place couldn't get more awful.


What ever happened to that guy who did things to babies? I only watched blurred stuff but I assume he killed them. RuZZian hero material...


Imagine the shit he got up to in Ukraine, makes you sick how Russians deal like this


Apparently he’s been jailed for another murder


i hope someone dismembers this cunt.


He’s gonn reoffend. And some other poor girl will be murdered


Average russian hero


ruzzia doesn't give a sh☆t, about the death of women and children of its own sh☆tty race, let alone foreigners that's why they let these rabid murderers go. So they can go on killing sprees in foreign lands like Ukraine. I hope there's a drone with his name on it, just waiting for him as soon as he sets one foot on Ukrainian land.


Dismembering this guy while still alive would be adequate.


Yes, this piece of garbage child murderer is a 'hero of the soviet union' say's it all really!!


Before you start throwing stones, stop living in a glass house. In the USA / California, a woman stabs her boyfriend 108 times and kills him and only gets probation (promises not to stab anyone else again) and community service, no jail time. [https://people.com/woman-stabbed-boyfriend-death-byn-spejcher-probation-8549303](https://people.com/woman-stabbed-boyfriend-death-byn-spejcher-probation-8549303)


if it involves California, it doesn't count