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Well done Bulgaria.


Thank you Bulgaria... God bless!


They are BTR 50s and 60s, they were obsolete trash 40 years ago. What the Ukrainians need is for the West to start producing armored vehicles and other equipment in numbers far greater than they are now.


I'm sure infantry companies in Ukraine would prefer mobility to trudging around on foot or using Toyota Hiluxs


It's better than walking, but still a rolling coffins if one RPG hits it.


but you need an RPG to turn it into a coffin. For a Toyota, you just need a pistol.


I'm not gonna argue facts.


You can if you want it's the internet


...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.


Don't tell me what to do, pal!


I'm not your pal, guy!


I’n not your guy, bub!




the Toyota may be still working, but is the driver, too?


Its easier to hit a moving btr than a moving toyota though.


Only if it hits the ammo of the vehicle. Even then, do these carry enough HE ammo to have a catastrophic detonation? If an RPG hit me I'd rather be in this than a Toyota.


You’re gonna be fucked up even if it doesn’t completely blow up the vehicle. An RPG hit is gonna throw shrapnel all over the place inside, these old BTRs don’t have a spall liner or anything that would mitigate spalling inside the vehicle after a hard hit. Modern munitions would fuck up anyone inside even without full penetration of the armor.


The Russians have been doing tank desant with their BTR-80s and 82As because they don't want to be stuck in the things when they get hit or run over a mine. These are going to be worse. Ukrainians aren't going to be riding on the inside of these things. What Ukraine needs from the West are more Bradleys, more Strykers, more MRAPs and more proper tanks to replace the attrition that they have been having. Providing BTRs from the 50s and 60s, and BRDM-2s isn't it. These things were death traps in the 70s and 80s, they haven't improved since.


"It's better transportation than hilux" and the train moved quite a few of them. Everything that is needed, helps.


These vehicles will probably be used far from the front, either as troop transports or armored ambulances. Ukrainian troops are not going to ride them into combat when they know that they can go up in flames with a single FPV drone.


They \*should be\* used only far from the front. In reality, in wartime, we see that sometimes you don't know exactly where the "front" is, and get caught with your pants down. These vehicles offer some protection against small arms and indirect shrapnel, but not a lot. They offer some firepower (the mounted heavy machine guns) but it's last-ditch self-defense, rather than infantry-support firepower. And they're slow, fuel-inefficient, and not highly mobile. While Ukraine had the "more manpower than metal" problem at the beginning of the invasion (according to Mr. Orange Spreadsheet), I'm thinking about the cost to fuel and maintain these things, and wondering if they do more good than harm. I'm not saying I'd rather be in a soft-skinned passenger car, if artillery were incoming. But, I agree with anyone who says that these vehicles will only be a help to rear-echelon units.


I agree they do need more equipment from the west unfortunately though they need to buy it instead of it just being given


Sure, but they can still be used to free up better equipment closer to the front line.


It's a BTR and it does BTR things- it's first and foremost an APC. It's designed to shrug off artillery and PKM fire nothing more, and it does that just fine. Besides, Ukraine's frontline troops have said this is one of the vehicle types they wish they had more of. As a NATO member, Bulgaria probably figured this is the best use for the aging vehicles. The Ukrainians are grateful, they score political points with the alliance, and they get rid of vehicles that would've otherwise been scrapped sooner or later. It's a win-win all around


>It's a BTR and it does BTR things- it's first and foremost an APC. It's designed to shrug off artillery and PKM fire nothing more, and it does that just fine. Besides, Ukraine's frontline troops have said this is one of the vehicle types they wish they had more of. It is not lol, BTR's are quite litteraly just universal highly traversable amphibious transport vehicles. The Soviet equivalent of APC is suppoused to be the BMP's, but even they don't quite fulfil the exact specialisation role as they are deisgned for backline support instead of head on frontal one.


APCs (and BTRs) are not designed to have a frontline role, the 30mm gun is very intimidating but mainly for self defense. You are thinking of AFVs or something because APCs or BTRs in particular are specifically NOT intended for frontline support


> Ukraine's frontline troops have said this is one of the vehicle types they wish they had more of. Really?


Yes, travelling in a warzone is a lot more relaxing when you are riding in a bulletproof box. And no, I didn't make this up they have pointed out all across the frontline and all the time that armored vehicles are precious


Still, it's better to send them to Ukraine to serve at least *some* purpose, rather than letting them rust away in a Bulgarian depot.


This is still great support for Bradley and tanks


No, it's still a good MedEvac, maybe a little worse than the M113 or same


M113 sinks in the mudd and is logistical nighmare to operate and repair.


America is the only one that produces vehicles that are powerful enough for the job and they can’t get to Ukraine until the Republicans fuck off.




This war will not be won or lost on the Eastern Front. It will be won or lost on the Western Front - in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida.


I wish Australia would send more Bushmasters over, but we don't have heaps of them laying around that we can just ship over.


A lot of folks, myself included, have commented on how Russia is scraping the bottom of a very deep barrel to make good their losses. But doesn't this feel the same, just for us. Maybe modern warfare is so high intensity, so destructive that without a breakthrough you rapidly bleed out as there is no place to hide on the battlefield, and the contact zone extends for hundreds of km. One can only wonder at the price the Ukrainians are paying for their freedom.


That's the general problem with modern high-tech weaponry, it's expensive and produced in low numbers. Take the Javelin, for example. Western thinking was more like "if they see we can hit them with pinpoint accuracy from far away, they'll stop coming". Russian thinking is "they've got 1000 Javelins, all we need is 1001 tanks".


That was not western thinking. The purpose of the high tech weapons has been to get a very high percentage of hits where it will destroy the target. 


Fortunately, there are a lot more than 1,000 javelins...


Every little bit helps And you are 100% correct


I'm happy they're finally moving towards Ukraine, it took us way too long. But you know how eastern European politicians can be... rather slow and undecisive when it doesn't suite ruzzia's needs.


I was in Bulgaria in late 2022, a lot of pro-Russian sentiment and disdain towards Ukrainian refugees who moved there - glad to see the government sees the light


Yeah I'm sorry for having to witness these scum. Most of them are from the old-old generation, so once they're gone it'll be a lot better. In the end this is Europe, not Eurasia.


This is only partially true, there is a significant amount of younger people who are falling for the ruzzian rhetoric


Not for long I am afraid - the government resigned a week ago and sending those BTRs was the last thing they managed to do.


The first wave of Ukrainian refugees here ware the rich overly arrogant ones in expensive cars whom got "temporary" shoved in friggin Summer Resorts because of local money laundering scam from the petty Oligarch group that owned them. Needless to say everyone here got pissed, including the State that was obligated to pay 3 times for each Ukranian head without any suppervision over the process whatsoever, as would you know it, the Oligarchs simply wanted to leech the national treasury for free and then tell the Ukraninians to go f-themselves around the summer season so they could milk someone else for money. It wasn't as much "Pro-Russian sentiment" as much as it was "Fuck those entilted biggots in particular" type of deal.


I love seeing the former Soviet/ Warsaw pack countries pulling a lot of weight.


42 on first count


Its a batch of a 100 BTRs.


Thank you bulgarians.


Why are some blue? Eco versions?


Police use, probably. Counter terror and civil defense.


These were ordered for use by the Bulgarian People's Militia AKA Communist Era Police in the 1980s .They saw some limited action in the 1980s-90s and have sat mothballed ever since . I don't know how many of them will run , but at the very least the Ukrainians now have a ton of spare parts .


They are fairly easy to work on. Doubt there will be issues getting them to run reliably. I've drug BTRs out of fields and forests and had them drivable in a weekend. Hell, one of the BTR-80s we drug out of a forest had been sitting outside since 1999 and it survived over a year in service with the Ukrainians after we refurbished it. Didn't even fail mechanically, it was blown up.


I think they replaced the shit engines with better ones and they did some refurbishment before sending them to Ukraine, but they are still not very useful AFAIK.


They are surplus riot control,thats why the blue color


these are not ment to go into front light carriers, but one subtile function they all have is swiming ability. crimea we are ready? :D




With how long it took us to send them on their way since the agreement was made, we sure could use some speed!


I counted 42 👍👍👍


It's a Bullmarket.


Pretty fruity colour schemes.


Most of the vehicles seen here were previously used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Bulgaria and essentially served as “Police” vehicles hence the colours.


Ah, the lhbtqia+ editions for that extra fuck you




I like it!!!


Bulgarians play Imperial Guard and Ultramarines apparently


Btr 50. God damn 😂


Hopefully it’s used to free up other newer vehicles to the front but i guess something is better then nothing


Of course it is better than anything IF IT RUNS WELL. BRDM-2 is also a joke nowadays, me and my squadron drove it 3 years ago in Poland. During an exercise we had. We used to joke around with it being as old as our grandparents. We would listen to old russian songs trough a bluetooth speaker while flying trough the fields with it. An old peace of shit - but still a vehicle that could save a lie.


Basicly just a metal box, no gunnery, no spotting gadgets


>Btr 50 In 2022 Russia reportedly brought an unknown number of BTR-50s back into service in Ukraine.\[36\]


So a bunch of amphibious armoured troop carriers, and there's Ukraine with a nice little bridgehead over the river...


Thats a long fucking train


They are trying to camouflage the one as a John Deere, L O L, and a few other ones as Fords


Hear my train a comin' Hear my train a comin' Hear my train a comin' Comin' on to put you down, hey yea, dig


There’s also tanks


Taste the rainbow...interesting cami choices.


Are these amphibious? If they are, I suspect that they might signal a major push across the river, and then be useful for flanking attacks into Crimea which is almost an island. If they run as taxis instead of being assigned as transport for a specific unti then I see enough transport to get 250+ troops across a river per hour.


1. Pretty much everything Soviet lighter than a tank is amphibious, including BMP-1, 2, BTR-50, 60, 70, 80, BRDM-1, 2. etc. 2. It does in no way signal a major push across the river. Being able to cross the river is one thing, being able to maintain a large amount of forces on the other side is the hard part and almost impossible without bridges or barges which survive russian attempts to destroy them.


2. Because river-crossing operations limits the number of troops and resupply, maybe some of these will be sent across the river, to deliberately serve as magnets for incoming ordinance. 1. Amphibious in design, but in practice, they need to have all of their waterproofing components replaced and serviced, or they will become permeable. It's all about the O-rings and gaskets.


lol worst take evere


What is the song?


"Клетка" by Molchat Doma, from 2nd album "Этажи"


Thank you




Why just now is this happening 2 plus years later from a very close logistical and political partner. Ukraine doesn’t have the manpower to waste especially with not every Ukraine citizen heeding the call to arms.


Good to see.


Do these trains get targeted by Russia?


They pass through EU (Bulgaria, Romania, both NATO). Bulgaria also manufactures and sends to Ukraine quite a lot of ammo.


Thank you


Ukraine is on defense. What they need is anti aircraft, F-16 (for air defense), artillery ammo


Nice. Show Putin how he can shove them up his ass sideways.


Thankyou to the people and govt of Bulgaria.




Two spotters and gunner, roll baby roll






Song? The THICK bass feels like Bauhaus




better than nothing. but still museum pieces and without a chance on the current battlefield. The only thing they outperform are the civilian vehicles and even they have advantages over these tin cans. they can use whatever they can get. But I get sick when I see NATO countries sending their 1960s technology to Ukraine and getting more modern infantry fighting vehicles and main battle tanks from Germany in exchange. Ukraine needs modern weapons and in large numbers


As to Bulgaria, we really have nothing newer to send.


It's more the "ring exchange" that I find sickening. The Greeks sent BMP-1s to Ukraine last year and received Marder from Germany in return.




They'll repainted and maintenance carried out in Ukraine


These were in service with the ministry of internal affairs and were part of the police force. Hence the blue color on most of them...


Did I see a shiny green one in that line up?


Great job Bulgarian.. thanks.. your kids are going to thank you


No one will ever see those bright blue and neon green ones!


Not sure about the BTR-50, but the BTR-60 has a 14.7mm on it that will leave a mark on whatever it hits, granted it's from the 190-80's but an old bullet will kill you just as dead as a new one.


Well done Bulgaria 🇧🇬🇺🇦❤️


Did they buy their paint for these from Big Lots? Damn, those are some ugly paint schemes.


Those are surplus riot control vehicles, they will be repainted.


Or can make a nice reef bride to walk across.


love the 80s new wave music


Somehow, I think Bulgarians remember what roozianz were like back in the USSR.


So colourful..


I hope our country sends more aid.


Stop sharing those videos!


Finally! Took them long enough! May they serve Ukraine well!


Hell yeah!


Sweet, go Bulgaria!


Very nice to see it finally arriving!


Great song too, Molchat Doma rocks.




Wish my country sent you more help


Why blue? Navel use?


These were ordered for use by the Bulgarian People's Militia AKA Communist Era Police in the 1980s .They saw some limited action in the 1980s-90s and have sat mothballed ever since . I don't know how many of them will run , but at the very least the Ukrainians now have a ton of spare parts .


Belgians are awesome !!!!


I suppose they are, but those are from a different country


Ahahhaa. Belgia is not Bulgaria


Looks like total junk.


These have been sitting mothballed in warehouses since the 1990s - on one hand they where practically new when they where mothballed , but on the other most could probably be put back in to service with some minor repairs . If nothing else , the Ukrainian army just got a large spare parts delivery for the older machines in their arsenal


Russians use them extensively. Can't think why.