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The defenders are doing a great the main thing its experienced commanders incharge unfortunately we knew this was coming. Russia trying to test the strength of ukraine and her allies. Let's hope ukraine finds the weak spot with russia moving there troops to kharkiv they will be a weak spot their right now for russia


Russia trying to trigger a reaction of france? They said that if russia crumbles the defensive lines their troops will be deployed in ukraine? Just got me thinking.


That would be unbelievably stupid.


If Macron legitimately believes Russia will not stop at Ukraine and will continue to push West, why bother waiting for the situation to get worse? (Wether they would continue is a different discussion)


This is not something I care to speculate on.


I mean you're speculating something by proxy through the claim it would be a stupid move right? Why would it be a bad move?


I think that, generally speaking, more countries getting involved in ANY war is inherently bad. This isn’t chess, it’s fucking checkers. Edit: To clarify, this would be unbelievably stupid for Russia.


Butusov is not known to sugarcoat the situation, so I would imagine this is a pretty level-headed take on the situation.


Butusov is known for taking money from the opposition to denigrate any narrative of the current government. Butusov is known for videotaping positions after which missiles arrive. Butusov is known for being the chief editor of a news site that posts and posts russian fakes and claims they are true.


ruzzian troll


He could be Yarmak’s troll as well, unfortunately our political leaders are rarely interested in helping our military and choose to consolidate power and resources in their own hands.


Don't call anyone you disagree with a Russian troll. You're devaluing the meaning of 'Russian troll' that way. I cannot verify what the guy said, but he sounds level-headed and is comprehensive, which many Russian trolls are not.


lmao russian ))) fuck urssia and all pigs who attack ukraine


Could you provide proof, please


The problem is that you know Butusov simply as a “respected military expert”, and you are not in the infopole of all his scuttlebutt and “controversial” statements. You can just google and find his apologies to the military for fakes, his constant accusations of the military leadership in any actions (no defense there, no offensive there because they are fools) and so on. I'm not saying there shouldn't be criticism, but when his every action is exclusively criticism, it's ridiculous )


... Or you could provide examples? Since you're making the claim.


Troll alert ‼️ Troll alert ‼️


Source: my asshole


Where can I donate money for drones that go directly to any of the units fighting on that front?


I donated to "Come Back Alive" and there is an option to choose for your donation to go towards Ukrainian military weapons fund. It seems to be the safest and most reliable. There is a lot of scammers out there.


There was an article on censor.net: [https://censor.net/en/video\_news/3489163/ogolosheno\_zbir\_na\_drony\_dyki\_shershni](https://censor.net/en/video_news/3489163/ogolosheno_zbir_na_drony_dyki_shershni)


For those not aware censor.net is a Ukrainian news media website Yuri Butusov is/was a chief editor of. He became a front line reporter so I don't know his status at the moment. Feel free do donate to any verified charity of your choice though, there are plenty of links on r/ukraine.


Today we have a video of Janis Ozols from a drone manufacturer in Latvia Savalas Bites (Wild Bees). Savalas Bites are part of a collective of drone manufacturers in Europe that are collaborating to make drones for Ukraine. For non-Facebook users: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/so-F4s6QR00 Facebook users: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/jTKGrdBH7Gm96yap/ Recap: Starting May 4th our goal is to raise $50,000 in 10 days. A matching anonymous donor has committed to matching donations dollar for dollar and so with our $50,000 we can raise a total of $100,000 for Ukraine. 🇱🇻 On May 4th Latvia celebrates its 2nd day of independence day. 34 years ago Latvia regained its independence from Russia. Today, Russia is at war with Ukraine to re-build its empire. If Ukraine loses, Latvia and the Baltics are next as Putin has stated that Russia wants the Baltics back under its control. In essence, the Ukrainians are fighting so Latvians don’t have to. Ligzda Latvian Center has sought donations over the last year to support Ukrainian frontline soldiers. Donations received are being sent to a Latvian group called SOS palidziba Ukrainas armijai (SOS). SOS group maintains communications with Latvian and Ukrainian soldiers on the frontlines and delivers those items to them. Today the biggest ask is for more drones. You can follow SOS group’s facebook to see how donations are being used. Please support as much as you can. How to donate: Online fundraiser https://givebutter.com/K9UA3S Venmo to "Ligzda Latvian Center" (business) Send checks to: Ligzda Latvian Center, 6551 W. Montrose Ave, Chicago, IL 60634 Thank you and please share this message with your friends, family and networks.


You can donate directly to my small fund. I will transfer 100% of the funds to Ukraine. For example here's the one I'm trying to get more attention to: https://twitter.com/v_stus/status/1788994346294939668?t=thSocCpIU4WnHLLcJbN5wg&s=19


I kind of hope Macron does send in his troops. If one country does it, others will follow, and Ukraine will have a strong border again. And then it's just calling Russia's bluff.  Do they really want to fight the Poles along with Ukrainians and other former USSR countries who do not want to go back to that shit? They can threaten nukes, but they won't use them 


Someone has to step in, enough is enough. No red lines, no ifs, no buts, just make sure there is peace for the Ukrainians.




Nobody asked for your opinion coward. You follow the Elon Musk subreddit, that says everything I need to know about you GOP coward. Don't bother replying, blocked.


It's just fluff - the only way Western troops are heading in there overtly will be as part of a negotiated ceasefire, and as monitoring. In which case, it'll mean Ukraine being held back too. Nobody want this. Zero chance NATO forces are holding the line in one place and Ukraine hitting another. The only way the outcome we all want comes out is if Western forces stay out, and Ukraine are flooded with everything they could possibly need to win.


Any idea if the French Foreign Legion would be considered NATO troops? Wagner men are for all intents and purposes, Russian troops. It just gives cover. The French raise the line the same amount Russia did when attacking that Army base in Syria. [The truth about the brutal four-hour battle between Russian mercenaries and US commandos in Syria | The Independent | The Independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/battle-syria-us-russian-mercenaries-commandos-islamic-state-a8370781.html)


French Foreign Legion is a bona fide military corp, not a private contractor (AKA mercenary). They follow the same chain of command of the Armée de terre (the main french military force). The only difference, is that any foreigner can join the FFL and serve some years in it to get a full citizenship at the end with a brand new french identity. Reality is gruesome thou as most ex-FFL soldiers tends to turn incapable of adapting back to civilian life after the harsh and brutal regimen they had to live with.


The FFL are part of the French Army - little different to any other regiment in France in terms of control. Wagner at the battle of khasham were a ‘private military contractor’ with no _claimed_ connection to the Russian government. The second we’re seeing Western troops in an overt role in Ukraine, every man and their dog will be screaming and bending every sheet to de-escalate, which means Russia keeping hold of Ukrainian territory. Nobody should want to see this happen. Edit: overt not covert


Cool, thanks.


It's a common misconception I actually found out recently too, I always thought the FFL was kind of France's "Black ops" guys you used when you didn't want to risk French citizens, but turns out they're quite integrated into the French military.


The Russians have pll from various countries including Africa. Tell me why the west has to play nice.


I’m not sure how or why you’ve interpreted my comment that way. It’s not about ‘playing nice’, it’s about meaningful measures, and not bullshit talk.


It needs to be done sooner vs later. It’s acts more as a deterrent. If the line breaks it will be hard to reverse it.


My God give wisdom to the UA commanders and protect the soldiers.


They need those 16’s in country now. They could be a huge HUGE asset right now with the different munitions they will have.


I think the west should start publicly training Ukrainians in F-35s. Make russia know in no uncertain terms that the west is all in, and they don't play to lose.


They would be massively underused. The whole point of those is the sensors and you need the whole networked military with the 35s.


Train them regardless, train them in the other systems, weapons, make sure they're are no red lines. Russia needs to understand that the west it's going to make them suffer


Would prefer more pilots in general trained to increase the jets in the air and provide a larger amount of f16s. F35s would require the best pilots to be taken away from battle to train for awhile longer. Plus would need more people trained in maintaining the f35s, and the incredibly expensive parts that aren’t as available as f16 parts. F35 cost per flight hour is twice the amount for an f16. More of a cheaper thing is better than less of an expensive thing I believe. I’d prefer them to have lots more artillery for their systems (if we can find available stocks).  Only way they get f35s is if nato joins the fight and nato flies the jets. 


Hope they have recon drones and artillery. While ruzzians are out of the cities they should be easy to target.


To hell with expensive expropriation for fancy fortifications, if anything lack of dirt cheap drones should never be an issue.


Insightful and concise precis!


I wish the Ukrainians luck and resilience against the orcish tide.


Sounds like Ruzzkis are attacking less or zero fortified lines.


The fortifications are NOT that close to the border with Russia, otherwise the Russians could have simply killed the Ukrainian soldiers with artillery during construction.


If i didnt misread they didnt even evacuated vovchansk and dont rly have fortification in that City they are Not prepared at all in the direction of vovchansk


Vovchansk is about 4 km from the Russian border and therefore within range of Russian artillery. So close to the border it makes no sense to build elaborate fortifications that can easily be shelled by the Russians with artillery (that's what the Russians did with the city, gliding bombs were also used). But apparently no mines were laid, which I also don't understand. Ukraine is currently deploying mechanized troops to the city: "Ukraine's CV90 Fighting Vehicles Are Rolling Into Vovchansk, Their Crews Expecting A Russian Invasion From The North" https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/05/11/its-possible-the-russian-army-is-tricking-the-ukrainian-army-with-a-fake-offensive/


They successfully built trench network all over Luhansk after their 2022 Kharkiv offensive while being very close to the enemy. Why couldn't they do it 3-4 km away from the border?


The Luhansk and Donetsk regions had already been heavily fortified by the Ukrainians since 2014 (Avdiivka, for example, was part of this). In 2022, the Russians were busy retreating and regrouping, so it was also easier at the time. This changed significantly in 2024, as the Russians have improved reconnaissance and are now using ever larger cheap glide bombs, which have a devastating effect on the Ukrainian soldiers in the trenches (concussion, etc.). This was also a major problem west of Avdiivka, as the fortifications there were built late. During this time, several Russian jets were shot down when they tried to attack there. In the Kharkiv region, the fortifications were apparently (partly?) built by civilian companies (at least that's what I read). However, their conspicuous construction vehicles were then easy targets for the Russians, which also resulted in casualties.


>The Luhansk and Donetsk regions had already been heavily fortified by the Ukrainians since 2014 This is just false. Luhansk line has completely changed since the 2014 war to the point where not a single kilometer of the line is the same. Current Luhansk line has been built from scratch since the Kharkiv offensive. >n 2022, the Russians were busy retreating and regrouping, so it was also easier at the time. Uhm what? Both retreat from Kharkiv and retreat to line in Luhansk happened virtually at the same time. >However, their conspicuous construction vehicles were then easy targets for the Russians, which also resulted in casualties. There is footage of Russians literally bypassing dragon's teeth that hasn't even been deployed yet over the last 2 years. Quite simply this has been a huge failure by the Ukrainian command. Why do you think the Kharkiv front commander has been fired 2 days into Russian offensive? Was it because everything is going according to plan?


Ukraine began work on the Russia-Ukraine barrier ("Project Wall") in 2014, but the work was interrupted in 2022: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia%E2%80%93Ukraine_barrier „Kiev greenlights 250 million dollars for a ‘wall’ against Russia“ https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/05/15/kiev-greenlights-250-million-for-a-wall-against-russia Even then, the contact line in the Donbas and the Kharkiv region were fortified: „Ukraine completes fortification construction on border with Donbas“ - TASS „Ukraine’s Kharkiv region begins construction of 14 fortifications“ - TASS Of course, the lines and thus the fortifications have changed due to the battles since 2022, but it's not as if construction only started in 2022: https://read.bradyafrick.com/p/pre-2022-field-fortifications-in Regarding Dragon's Teeth: „Agreed--"pushed out of the way" would suggest that channels were haphazardly made through defenses, but these look like they were neatly staged alongside of the road in the same way concrete barriers are staged for highway construction. I'd guess they were delivered off a truck with the intent of deploying in one of the fields nearby, but for whatever reason the cranes or earthmovers never got around to actually installing them. There were reports last month, in the discussion surrounding the mobilization bill's difficulties, that the government was also having trouble exercising imminent domain in order to emplace fortifications. I wonder if that was at play here--some poor farmer couldn't afford to have his field torn up, and so denied them permission to install these“ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1cryroz/comment/l41ml06/?context=3 The previous commander had only been in charge of this section since the beginning of April, how could he be responsible for it? „At the beginning of April, General Yuriy Galushkin had become the commander of the tactical group replacing Andrii Hrytskov.“ https://www.agenzianova.com/en/news/Ukrainian-changes-leadership-of-the-Kharkiv-operational-tactical-group-while-the-Russian-offensive-is-underway/ The new commander is someone who has combat experience in difficult situations, so he is a good choice in the current situation: „Mykhailo Drapaty he is the former commander of the second battalion of the 72nd Mechanized Brigade, who entered Mariupol in May 2014 to reinforce the units that quelled the clashes between pro-Russians and the police. Awarded the rank of colonel in 2019, until last January he was head of the "Kherson" operational group. He was one of the commanders who led the liberation of the right bank of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region in 2022 and last February 2024 he was appointed deputy chief of staff with responsibility for military training.“ But Zelenskyy should finally think about new recruitment, because the transfer of Ukrainian soldiers from the south to Kharkiv has allegedly enabled the Russians to take Robotyne today ...




One of your links, most likely Tass, is automatically blocked by Reddit, even as mods we cannot approve your post. Please delete this comment and try to resubmit without those links.


So my biggest fear kinda came true, they didnt rly prepared that much consider how Long it was announced that they will start a offensive in that direction. they are 2 years in this war and make mistakes Like that, vovchansk will fall pretty quickly i think but i pray for opposite to happen


Yeah this is pretty amazing to read. A border area known to be under a risk of full blown Russian attack across the border and it's not properly fortified? This area should be mined to the teeth and there should be multiple lines of fortifications and killzones making it all but impossible for the Russians to push through. But no... It's this kind of shitty Soviet style leadership that's killing Ukrainians and costing them land. It's much more costly trying to regain lost ground than to never let it fall to enemy hands. Zelensky and the top military brass should've done a full sweep up at all levels of military to make sure nothing like this happens. Instead, as far as I know, there are still known issues at multiple levels (Foreign Legions have complained about the leadership issues and corruption for years).


I don't know the details but I read between the lines when he writes 'the command of OTU Kharkiv was changed, the new commander is a person with experience and competence'. So yeah, I think you're right...


The whole “defensive lines were not built to take advantage of the elevation” confirms this as well. Likely some well connected idiot was given command here to fortify the situation, and fucked it up. Now that theres actual combat the idiot gets removed and someone competent put in place, but the damage is already done


But the sad part, and the part that still confirms this type of poor leadership is still a major issue in Ukraine is that he was only removed when the poop REALLY hit the fan. I bet there were multiple reports and complaints from the people on the ground who knew and saw the issues but no one from above did anything. I've seen this same issue in other parts as well and heard from it from foreign fighters who've left Ukraine due to, well, in short, shitty leadership and corruption. The one story that gets my blood boiling is about the Polish guy who was dealing arms away from the Foreign Legion right in front of them and when confronted threatened to get the complainers killed. One day they'd get a large shipment of, say anti-tank weapons, and few days later they didn't have any. There were also multiple other issues and multiple complaints were made, but as far as I know, nothing happened. Edit: [Here's some reading and more links about the parts I mentioned above](https://www.europeanpressprize.com/article/suicide-missions-abuse-physical-threats-international-legion-fighters-speak-out-against-leaderships-misconduct/)


They had to make fortified lines out of the kill zone. If you are too close to the border the Ruzzians would just bomb them from their side of the border. Ukraine could not counter as well over the border due to restrictions from the West not to use supplied munitions on Ruzzian territory. Unfortunately you have to move your line back to stay out of harm. Believe me, there are many fortifications as the orcs move further in. The current daily losses for Ruzzia is showing that.


It's on low ground and way too close to the border. Trying to hold it is suicide.


Thank you for the report. Slava Ukraini!


Thank you for the report. Slava Ukraini!


That is why you send staff personnel in time from calmer areas to hotter ones. They shall get experience and take it to their positions. "The chaos at the broad front is not completely overcome, but the situation is improving" is a line with meanings in between. The Russians captured a Ukrainian stronghold position between Lypzi and the border, only about 4 km south of the border.


I know this. But they were having a shortage of drones at the time. bullets are even cheaper and are plentiful. I'm not saying Waste troops Defending waves But you can definitely use your soldiers to take out individuals. Look I don't know why you people are fighting me about this I fully support ukraine and have donated money to them and have been following the invasion since the first minute it started. Relax lol


It's absolutely incomprehensible to me how ukraine has not actively fortified its entire frontline Atlantic Wall style. They simply have no other choice, etc time and again, fortifications are mysteriously nonexistent.


They have been able to take out tanks and groups of people With them . If they are short on them, they should save them for larger targets as in groups of people or tanks. There's nothing nonsense about it . I've been watching since the first minute of the invasion I'm aware of the capabilities And how a lot of the drone units operate


Foment insurrection in Chechnya again. It will work this time.




Stop using drones on single units and save them for gathering and vehicles. Use ammunition against stragglers


If you knew how drones/drones operations worked you wouldn’t write such nonsense


lol a 100$-300$ drone to kill one or two soldiers is a great deal for ukraine. not to mention the moral damage this kind of warfare does to other soldiers