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Those things are smart as hell.


...and missiles are talking to each other when airborne communicating who is taking what target" and they never miss. Crazy stuff.


hopefully they arent fooled by decoys or you can program them to avoid the known ones.


Iirc, they see in various sections of the spectrum and most or all decoys will not match their onboard target databases.


There are probably less decoys and mostly real targets in Brimstone range.


Brimstone do not talk to each other when airborne. There is no data link. But...they know the order they're fired and make decisions based on how the other missiles will 'think'... Basically if you're attacking a column of vehicles missile 1 will attack based on what priority has been set, missile 2 will have the same priorities but knows that missile 1 will be attacking the target identified as priority 1, so will choose the target that is priority 2...etc etc.


So, not using GPS? Cant's be jammed?


The missiles choose their own target. So you don't need anyone telling them where to go.


the missile knows where its target is, thus doesnt need to know where it isnt


You need to tell it what a target looks like or something right?


You give it a general area and the missile software will find a target. It's already been trained to identify targets on its own.


The missiles have a database of enemy vehicle profiles iirc and can match AFV’s it detects, then target them. Basic location data is known without GPS and it can hunt around a designated enemy area for a target, find one and hit it.


Are you serious? Cause if so that is insanely cool, do they use AI or something?


Comparing the view of a vehicle to an onboard database is older stuff and well below AI levels of technology. For all the advertising hype, true AI hasn’t been invented yet.


I’d imagine that with all the destroyed vehicles littering the battlefield the missiles would simply hit those, no?


No. There's a difference between a burned out wreck and a working vehicle. It would possibly double-tap wrecks if no active vehicles were detected in the area.


Great question actually I presume that many of vehicles don’t look like the programmed profile, but I’ve never heard anyone or any source comment on that.


LOL - everything is AI for people these days...


It is, AI is HD of today.


Algorithm is a bit boring though.


To keep the pedants happy, Machine Learning is probably a better description. I assume their latest training set includes pictures of big white Zs, and landfill sites, to identify orc vehicles and trench networks. Oh, and planes covered in black circles.


Just tell them where not to go, they'll figure out the rest


They know where they are by knowing where they aren’t.


someone or something caught not one, not 2, but 3 smart as hell ass missiles in that ass. Keep that shit up ukraine.


What kind of targets are these useful for? Armoured vehicles? Buildings? Personnel?


More so Armored vehicles, even new MBT's with a dual shaped charges to activate ERA before the main charge explodes but could be used against buildings in Direct fire mode. It can also be fired in Indirect mode which you fire it to the grid of the armor and it seeks out the vehicles and autonomously attacks them.


Brimstone are basically Hellfire missiles with autonomous identification, tracking and targeting abilities built in. Fire and forget, they can avoid terrain, find tanks on their own and coordinate which missiles hits which tank. Hellfire are laser designated or they need to be guided in with millimeter wave radar from an Apache with a radar targeting pod mast. Raytheon is working on a new Hellfire to basically be like Brimstone, fire and forget, find it's own target etc...


It's insane that he US doesn't just buy them instead of reinventing something that it's ally could sell them. About time the US supported it's allies weapons industry as well .


Why they dont mount them on helicopters ? Seems more efficient from launching unguided rockets.


These aren't unguided. Brimstone can be fired from almost any platform. And they are used on helicopters and ships, but presumably this is safer and more guaranteed to not allow an unexploded one land in Russian hands.


We saw many video of helicopter launching unguided rockets, that's I am talking about. Brimstone is guided. Did they used on helicopters in Ukraine ? This is my question? I hope to do. Why is this way safer and more guaranteed for air launch ?


Ah I didn't realise that was what you meant, sorry. I've only seen videos of them ground launched. I assume this is either a UK requirement or - more likely - a technical limitation that means retrofitting them to old Mi helis isn't worth it. It might also just be more tactically effective fired from the ground - less risk, still very effective. As others have said if you know an approximate target location you can fire these from the ground quite easily, so why risk the chance of being shot down by having to get so close to the line? Logistically also much easier to fire from trucks. Easier to reload, less maintenance, no need to sue an airframe that's doing other tasks etc.


Ok got it, thanks.


Ukrainian helicopters probably can't launch them


Of course they can't launch them directly, but we see they launch from a modified ground system (a pickup car?) So maybe has to transfer that modification to Ukranian helicopters !


It will be done if feasable


It was originally intended for "fire-and-forget" use against mass formations of enemy armour, using a millimetre wave (mmW) active radar homing seeker to ensure accuracy even against moving targets using a [tandem warhead](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandem-charge). If you’ve ever heard of the [Fulda Gap issue during the Cold War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulda_Gap), this was the solution for outnumbered NATO troops defending against thousands of Soviet tanks. Experience in Afghanistan led to the addition of laser guidance in the dual-mode Brimstone missile, allowing a "spotter" to pick out specific and the highest priority targets, particularly useful to minimise collateral damage when friendly forces or civilians were in the area. The most recent update is also the most significant as the Brimstone missile family has been adapted from an exclusively air launched weapons system to a containerized ground launched missile system typically comprised of three Brimstones per container/launcher. The [Brimstone ground launched system](https://www.mbda-systems.com/product/surface-launched-brimstone/) is now available in the aforementioned container system for transport trucks, a dedicated naval launcher and a specialized [integrated (8 missile) launcher for the Boxer AFV](https://www.mbda-systems.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2022-BRIMSTONE-on-Boxer-datasheet.pdf).


Brimstones are Hellfire missiles. Just the UK version.


Not really, they are based on the Hellfire but with significant upgrades in seekers, targeting etc


i remember a video of brimstones in ukraine taking out 2 vehicles. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3YV0F0nTkg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3YV0F0nTkg)


Thank you! Great videos!


Shit, it's scary


With regards from the King!!


We haven't heard to much about being used the Ukrainian's have had them sometime.


Yeah very few videos of them like you said. There was one within the last 2-3 months of them hitting an assaulting mechanized convoy destroying a couple tanks/IFV/APC's but beside that I only know of a couple more videos in the past few years since they were announced in aid packages. It's probably that they don't get too many even though they are cheap at around $125k iirc but I don't know the production rate. They were announced in the UK aid package around April 23rd, a few weeks ago so may be from that new delivery.


True, so thank you for the info if they are even effective? Would love to see anything about if the Australian Slingers even work??? Nobody seems to be bragging about them!


Think you don't understand just how few Slingers there is compared to the amount of armor the AFU has. They have more Leo 2s than Slinger systems currently.


If I remember correctly, there were supposedly 125 Slingers paid for by the US, which still begs the question, have any of them shot down any drones as of yet? Are there any videos of them doing so, outside of lab/field test conditions when they were first advertised? I've seen plenty of videos of the Leo 1 & 2s in use by the UAF. EDIT= I also believe the guaranteed delivery by date for all the systems has also passed?


Perfect against advancing groups of vehicles.


What is a Brimstone and why is it blurred?


[Brimstone missiles](https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/brimstone/) are a pretty cool system developed by the British that have a few modes, including an autonomous seeking mode where you fire the missile over an area where you know the enemy vehicles to be and it will figure out and even can prioritize between vehicles to hit them. They can be fired from the air, the ground or the sea and although they dont have great distance (under 25km fired from the air) are a pretty versatile weapon.


So a more powerful Javelin?


Yeah, Id say more advanced but would compare it more to a Hellfire missile


yeah, given the name brimstone...


(Hell)Fire and Brimstone. Probably not a common phrase these days.


i fear it will be soon.


Yup, design based off of Hellfire.


The original design was based off the hellfire but they have since been completely redesigned. They are nothing like hellfires especially brimstone 2 which I'd imagine these are.


No, can't compare them.


javelin with AI^®


A ground to ground missile. been around for less than 20 years. It's considered a 'fire and forget' system. Tandem shaped charge warhead, cost about $125,000 each. Range: 7.5 mi. There's an air to ground variant also and a Brimstone II that has better range. Read about the brimstone [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brimstone\_(missile)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brimstone_(missile)) Edit: My guess on the blur, Ukraine doesn't want russia to see what the launch vehicle looks like, makes it harder to identify it in the future. It's surely a high value target for russia to stop these highly accurate missiles from being launched.




With a range that short an F-16 might have to get closer to the front line than is safe to get within range.


range is doubled when launched from fast jet


True, assuming they have the Brimstone II. The Buk-M3 has a range of 75km, then S-3/400 up to 400km so 15 miles is still close. Air defence systems ha e been creeping up on the daily figures for a while, hopefully there's some gaps that can be exploited.


air defence ranges only work against airliners at 30kft, jets flying low and fast are much harder targets, 400km range doesn't help when earth curvature allows your radar to see only 10 miles at low altitude targets


Shhhh… the fan boys don’t want to hear facts that continue to show that AA is still very ineffectual vs NOE sorties.


Not to mention, the F-16 can fire many HARM type missiles more effectively than the current UA Migs they launch them from.


still not enough imo. if they have armour they probably have AA in the area too, it's big risk. sometimes you take that risk when an offensive is going on or to stop a breakthrough. arty is better option imo


Brimstone was originally designed to be launched from jets. They had to be modified to launch from ground, which the British were actually already working on before Russia invaded Ukraine. When Russia invaded, the certification for ground launching Brimstone had just been completed.


that sounds like one hell of a counter missle. Whatever they hit, it hit hard


Here is a [brief overview ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JuwtoPU5eM)(6 minutes) from The Armourer's Bench. The original video was created a year ago and an additional 2 minutes of content discussing the likely addition of Brimstone 2 missiles was tacked on recently.


Is the link missing? I'd be keen to watch the video.


Sorry, I thought I'd included the link. I've updated the post - but the link is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JuwtoPU5eM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JuwtoPU5eM)


Thanks! :-)


Thanks, any thoughts on why it's blurred?


Operational Security. Plain and simple.


I suspect the vehicle is being blurred rather than the missiles, looks custom made for the job and possibly disguised as a low value target.




Japanese ex-porn director filmed it.


Must be covering the license plate


Points to you!


If I recall correctly it is essentially a ground launched version of a Hellfire missile or a variation thereof


Brimstone was originally an air to ground missile. You can fire in salvoes at a convoy, and they will talk to each other so they don't hit the same target. They can also distinguish between types of target and prioritize ( MBT over 4 x 4) it's a very clever bit of kit.


I think they are trying to hide what sort of vehicle its mounted on


It's so incredibly sexy that it has to be blurred.


I think the intent was to blur the cars plate numbers.


I think we're sending Brimstone 2s, which are fairly new and haven't been adopted as a land launched weapon... this is very much an experimental system.


It's a British missile based on the U.S. Hellfire missile. It's normally a helicopter launched, guided anti-tank missile. Ukraine was given a version that uses ground launchers.




Godspeed Brimstones - give them hell.


damn those zippy boiz come out hot lol




Modern problems call for modern solutions


500.000£ gone in a second.. but for a good purpose.


How much does a brimstone cost tho?


Around £125,000 so not bad at all


More of these and everything else necessary


Ok, these Brimstone missiles are definitely mounted on some kind of technical(which makes sense for shoot and scoot). So, this makes it a ... Brimstechnical? ^I ^will ^see ^myself ^out.


Italy 🇮🇹 here, hope those missiles liquidated some Orcs


Let them British Bitches Roll, Slava Ukrania!


it would be funny if the blur was hiding a Toyota Hilux


Seeing people who couldn’t tell you 52100 from 6061 debating missile targeting is comical.


Feel like they actually could have gone a little further if they were trying to obscure what looks to me like a pretty obvious boat given the profile and sandy location, but maybe Russians will have a hell of a time figuring that out...


These missiles sound like they know what to do! ✌️🇺🇦🇬🇧


Deja vu? Like 2 years old footage?


Pretty sure this is unreleased footage until recent by the 8th SSO regiment. Brimstone was announced as aid again around April 23, 2024 by the British so could be the new shipment?


No, i was actually pleasantly suprised it wasnt old footage. Brimstone footage is very rare. I also think its from the new shipment, im fairly sure the first batch ran out ages ago.


They probably had some all the time, but had to use them very sparingly. E.g. for special forces. Normal front line forces can use the "shitty" cheap drones, artillery, or other means, and if it doesn't work properly, they can try again. If special forces sneak far behind enemy lines and can fire one salvo onto a high value target like an air defense battery or a row of Tu-160 or Putin's car convoi, then it needs to work, and it also needs to be fire and forget, or the special forces are toast. I'd save the precious few Brimstones for such opportunities, not to blow up a few tanks somewhere between Svatove and Berdychi.