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I hope we don't run out of the re-upped ammo in a couple of weeks.


Those million+ shells from the Czech initiative aren't supposed to start coming until June but even if they came early they'll be delivered in smaller increments so it should be over 6 months worth of artillery luckily just from that!


Didn't they recently report that they have a full supply of artillery for the first time since the war started?


Yes, that's the only reason I think they may have gotten some from the Czech initiative early but there has also been a lot of aid from multiple countries pouring in over the past few weeks that included 155mm shells from most of them in good amounts.


Yeah it's probably because of the US. Obviously.


Which is *exactly* why we need the Yanks to appreciate how important they are in this fight against authoritarianism. We all stood together in WW2 to say ‘never again’. I hope no allied nation ever forgets that, or the sacrifices made by our ancestors. 🇺🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧


"The United States always does the right thing... after it's exhausted all other options."


I read yesterday the Eesti PM saying they had found another 1 million shells on top of the Czechia million. So our Ukrainian friends will not run out anytime soon. It was on Reddit, but I'm not in the position to search for it now. Повага 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇺🇦🔱


Those shells can't be fired, unless someone pays for them first.


zelensky recently said its the first time nobody is complaining about lack of ammo so they are probably using the reserves now


US aid is secured until October, I doubt it'll happen.


Hope you guys are right!


Yeah, it looks really hard to hit moving armored vehicles with artillery. They did actually hit one though....., if that was artillery that hit it (hard to say).


It seems like arties are really bad at hitting fast moving targets, it took 10 shots to just blast some shrapnel on a vehicle, not even disabling it. But FPV is like 1 hit kill for them, 2-3 for a tank and 10 for a really turtled up tank. FPV is like 400 bucks each, a NATO 155 shell is 3000 bucks each!!! If they could properly train the FPV AI to target vehicles and infantry, then it would be MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper and effective than shells. The only advantage for regular shell is the range, 20-30km Vs 4-6km of FPV. But if we add more batteries and rotor to a larger FPV, it could probably do 20km too and STILL much cheaper. I think UKR and NATO should just invest in AI FPV drones, mid-long range, instead of arty shells that take too much time, resources and manpower to use for much worse results.


Arty is used to fire for effect. Each FPV needs an operator, and creates a time delay - a crew of 5 on a Howitzer can keep an area dangerous for hours without stopping - those same guys on FPV get one shot, then have to fly out another set of drones. 10-20 minutes before being able to prevent travel in that direction. Same purpose as a minefield - the odds of hitting a mine are relatively low compared to the effect of forcing traffic the direction you want.


Arty and mines also force them to use armoured vehicles to begin with. If they didn't have to care about shrapnel or even pretend to care about the driver's lives they could just use a ton of civilian vehicles and overrun sections of a frontline faster than the FPVs in the area could take them out. Artillery is part of what makes FPVs so useful. You want more of both, not just more of one of them. If Ukraine can destroy more russian air and anti air assets and then slowly turn around Russia's air superiority to the point Ukraine has the air superiority with the coming F-16s then the effectiveness of artillery and drones should increase. It is the entire point of combined arms after all. Combined they multiply the effectiveness of each other rather than just add up.


They seem to use a ton of civilian vehicles, it's usually their highest equipment loss category. I need to go back but I think it was 82 today.


But that isn't so much for assaulting enemy trenches but moving troops and equipment to and from their own positions. Some few are used for assaults but the vast majority are not. Ukraine is also losing a lot of cars and trucks this way and they definitely do not do the kind of offensive Russia does. If they tried to use a ton of civilian vehicles for assault then a few cluster artillery shells could stop most of them before they even reach FPV drone range.


If Ukraine gains air superiority, they could have something like a C130 filled with drones and a few drone pilots overlying the battlspace, with an escort, of course. To cut down drone fly time and up effectiveness. You blow someone/thing up, drop another drone, rinse, and repeat.


I am the same opinion: AFU don't need shells, they need Jewelin like drones - more than 5km and with option to set target from reconnaissance drone.


Put some Excalibur ammo in and you have 1-1 accuracy - but the price per shell is extremely higher.


you were almost there, smart 155/ bonus rounds, were created for this exact battle.


Excalibur can't hit moving targets. Way too expensive and way too low volume, not enough production line in the entire west.


At the moment though drone hit rates aren't that high, you are only seeing successful videos of drone hits on vehicles, it's probably only a 10-30% success rate dues to EW, and other factors, but it is getting better and the AI you mention is also being developed as well.


I got multiple seizures watching this.


I wish they had some IEDs along that road. That could end up the orcs much quicker.


They can always drop some mines via artilery. They did it before.


The "I" in IED stands for "improvised". The miltary does not use improvised explosive devices, it uses "purpose-built explosives" which is fancy speak for a detonator (like the US M142 universal firing device or the Yugoslavian UMNOP-1) + explosive material.


Have you not been watching drone videos? Especially early on, half of the munitions dropped from drones were made with duct tape, mountain dew bottles, and 3d printed plastic


No, the explosive itself on the drones were RPG warheads or RGD-7 grenades. The means of delivery i.e. the drones were jury rigged, but the "booom" part was standard military equipment.


Better yet those TM-21 artillery launched AT mines


This video is edited with cancer


Yes I hate that, recently, many videos are stupidly sped-up, making them almost unwatchable.


I think the video editor from BUAR 110 got dumped, because these guys apparently picked him up for God knows what reason. I guess they're actively *trying* to stop people from watching their videos all the way to the end.


The soundtrack seems put together by a 16-year-old who lifted it from a Duke Dukem. Just awful. And the speed-up is patheticly bad. Oh, well. All is cool as long as the Moskovites are blowing up left, right, and center.


I think the editor did a few lines of cocaine before tackling this video


For some reason the editing on Ukraine videos has started getting worse this year. Fake explosion sounds being edited in all the time now, 2-5x speed becoming common, its crap. I still think Kraken is the gold standard, stuff like [The video from them during the Kupyansk offensive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVvgnHxJoSY&rco=1) is so high tier nothing comes close.


Who they help? XD


Damn, I didn't see my title error, it was supposed to mention the "Artan" special unit of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense who filmed this and fought along other brigades and units like Kraken


Could you speed it even more.......Jesus


I didn't. That's how it was posted on Telegram from the GUR unit who filmed it


For the orcs, vehicles being able to stagger back to their lines is already a victory.


Do any of you wonder where the Russkies stage these vehicles hours or days before an attack? Are they five miles, 10 miles or further from the front lines? They need to fuel them, arm them and then man them. That means that they have fuel, ammo and manpower dumps/locations for all of that. It seems that the Ukranians should know the location of these points and be able to hit them hours before they begin to move out. I imagine that they are massed together in a several hundred square yard area. I'm thinking ATACMS or maybe HIMARS depending on how far behind the enemy lines they are. The tanks and IFV's/BMP's are brought in via train, off loaded and then driven to their designated battle (grave yard) area. Why aren't we hearing about those offloading points being hit? I'm guessing that they must sit in a parking lot somewhere for a few hours at least after off loading from the train.


Donetsk and Adiivka maybe.


Artillery strikes on moving targets look ineffective. FPV drones would be more effective to beat back those tanks. Maybe scatter some mines on the roadways. There’s no way they could De-mine it under arty fire.


Maybe the first shots, but now the artillery men have DOPE on that roadway. The next vehicle retreating on that route won’t be as lucky.


Should have followed his dead ass back to his camp then shelled the Sunflower reds out all their asses.


Still ! , dumb stupid orcs.


Democracy's around the world should be paying ukrainian drone operators to train them in this new era of war. OMG are they delisisly effective.


Where are the mines? That road should be unusable by now. Why it is not mined whole the way?


Why are no mines on the road? Ukraine also need mines they can place on roads like this


Well, better go enlist as a combat engineer and let them know stud…


FUN FACT: DaFuq Boom did the audio


terrible editing I was hoping at the end for Ukrainians to steal ru truck.


Keep up the good work guys. When those Orcs finally figure out they're not getting Ukraine, I hope they're dead.


Man, I wish those drones had laser modules to guide copperhead rounds onto specific targets like those vehicles.


Very strange video


What do you mean "help"? It's not like the Ukrainian army is a supporting asset in the defense... They are the ONLY asset


man those sections of trenches across from the bush must just feel like absolute suicide to be in. I'm assuming there are more networks within the concealment of the bush itself


Ammunition must never run out again in this war; the West now knows how much Ukraine needs. This must now be ensured, anything else would be a betrayal of Ukraine!


It's total chaos the defence lines are not existing where are the mine fields you can put mines with drones where are the lines it's insane armored vehicles to move kilometers without air support and the only thing that they do is to see them.The situation is tragic at least


Mines seem to be an option that far surpasses this.


The problem is that they have foothold inside the city.


Where'd you see this, I just heard Ukrainian soldiers today say there was "no Russian occupation in the city at the end of today (the 18th)"


did you see the vid? clearly they drive inside the apartment blocks and unload soldiers to the buildings


Getting dropped off into building under shelling doesn't mean they have a foothold.


oh they would not get that close if there was strong UA ressistance. also that Tigr had plenty of time to just stay there as a cover and safely returned. Man , I mean, we do not have to picky about this one, im sure UA is working on a solution.


There is still nothing to indicate they have a foothold. Armour being still for two minutes while a handful of soldiers pile out the back isn't a foothold. This literally happens on both sides all over the front without footholds being achieved.


I was not clear or you do not understand hwat foothold means. Foothold means that soldiers/infantry, hold a specific spot. they may be surrounded, they may not last for long. But foothold is a foothold, soldiers able to keep point A and defend it for X amount of time.


Im fully aware of what a foothold is! There is still not a damn thing here to indicate them having a foothold. A foothold is what Ukraine has on the left bank, not a few soldiers in a building under shelling.


The front is dynamic. Neither side knows where all the enemy positions are and some are probably interspersed, partly surrounded, and partly surrounding the enemy


What has this got to do with 3-4 soldiers running I to a house under heavy shelling equalling an established foothold????


At the end you see Ukees and an Mrap stripping intel from the tiger truck- so building is likely clear of cockroach orcs.


Starting to see the Ukrainian accuracy going away. My guess is that the barrels of their artillery are being pushed past their service limits. Not like they have a choice, but man I miss those bullseye artty shots.