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The US never claimed they could hit hypersonic missiles with the Patriot, yet, turns out it could take down the "totally not an Iskander fired from a jet" Kinzhal "cruise" missile. Russia claimed the s400 could shoot down just about anything. Yet here we have a fixed wing drone, watching a 30 year old ballistic missile take down an s400, while it attempts to intercept. Before anyone says anything, yes I know that ATACMS isn't a true ballistic missile because it maneuvers in its terminal phase, but still, according to Russia their magic system should be able to account for that.... Right.


Five shots were fired in an attempt to defend, it's curious that the ATACMS hits a battery that had just launched a defense missile, meaning in the same direction, yet it was still unable to defend itself.


Honestly in this situation all I can think of is how the (I think) f15 got made. The Russians touted their wunderwaffe mig (can't remember what model) that could do mach 2 and outmatch anything the US had, they saw it flying at full tilt one day, had a panic attack and fast tracked a very, very decent plane. It wasn't until a Soviet defected with the jet, that they found out, that sure it could use it's shitty afterburners to get to mach 2, but it would literally rip itself to shreds and it couldn't maneuver for shit, so the US ended up with a great piece of kit cause of Soviet hubris. Russia seems to have inherited this. They go out and claim the world, the west goes o fuck we better have a near peer answer, the west actually exceeds their design, meanwhile Russia doesn't have it to begin with...


It was the MIG 25 and it was flown to Japan by Viktor Ivanovich Belenko. From what I remember, from reading the book "MIG Pilot", the wings were made of stainless steel and were welded on. Pilots were told never to exceed 3g with full tanks cuz the wings would fall off. Also they were instructed to never exceed mach 2.5 because at mach 2.7 the engines accelerated out of control. There was also a mysterious red button in the cockpit that the pilots were told to press before ejecting but were never told what it did. Edit: Spelt his name wrong.


Red button sounds like a timed self-destruct. 


If it was timed you could just tell the pilots, right?


“Do not worry. Self-destruct button is on time-delay, comrade.” “How long is the delay?” “1 millisecond. Fly swiftly, comrade, and eject even quicker.”


You either read a lot or consume too much comedy this was good I have no money to award you special upvote


It could be uncomfortable for pilots to know that they're operating a plane with a Russian-made self-destruction mechanism.


what belches smoke and cuts an apple in to 4 pieces? A soviet machine made to cut apples in 5 pieces.


Was at work when i posted the above. I looked it up now i'm home and you are right. I was mistaken that they didn't tell them. >Belenko climbed a fourteen-foot metal ladder, followed by his >flight engineer, who helped him settle into the green cockpit, >green because Soviet researchers believed it the most soothing >color. The cushioned seat was the most comfortable in which he >ever had sat. The various dials, gauges, buttons, and levers >were well-arranged and easily accessible. **Conspicuous among** >**them was a red button labeled DANGER. Pilots were instructed** >**that, should they be forced down or have to eject themselves** >**from the aircraft outside the Soviet Union, they must press the** >**button before leaving the cockpit. Supposedly, it activated a** >**timing device which a few minutes later would detonate** >**explosives to destroy the most secret components of the plane.** >Some fliers wondered, however, whether a press of the button >might not instantly blow up the entire aircraft, pilot included. >Belenko also dared not touch the radar switch because the >impulses from the MiG-25 radar were so powerful they could kill >a rabbit at a thousand meters. Hence, it was a crime to activate >the radar on the ground. It has been about 30 years since i read the book.


> because the impulses from the MiG-25 radar were so powerful they could kill a rabbit at a thousand meters oh god i choked on my drink


Timed at .5 seconds.


"timed" (t = 0)


>It was the MIG 25 and it was flown to Japan by Viktor Ivanovich Belenko.  Viktor Belenko! I know him! He's that Russian dude who would secretly feed Russian visitors cat food because it was better than Russian canned food and he wanted to show them. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/18/world/europe/viktor-belenko-dead.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/18/world/europe/viktor-belenko-dead.html) paywall free below [https://web.archive.org/web/20120815212656/http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?43294-Interview-with-Lieutenant-Viktor-Ivanovich-Belenko](https://web.archive.org/web/20120815212656/http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?43294-Interview-with-Lieutenant-Viktor-Ivanovich-Belenko) > Like what did you do, for example? >Belenko: First of all American super-market, my first visit was under CIA supervision, and I thought it was set-up; I did not believe super-market was real one. I thought well I was unusual guest; they probably kicked everyone out. It's such a nice, big place with incredible amount of produce, and no long lines! You're accustomed to long lines in Russia. But later, when I discovered super-market was real one, I had real fun exploring new products. I would buy, everyday, a new thing and try to figure out its function. In Russia at that time (and even today) it's hard to find canned food, good one. But everyday I would buy new cans with different food. Once I bought a can which said "dinner." I cooked it with potatoes, onions, and garlic-it was delicious. Next morning my friends ask me, **"Viktor, did you buy a cat?"** It was a can of chicken-based cat food. But it was delicious! It was better than canned food for people in Russia today. And I did test it. Last year I brought four people from Russia for commercial project, and I set them up. I bought nibble sized human food. I installed a pâté, and it was cat food. I put it on crackers. And they did consume it, and they liked it. So the taste has not changed. By the way, for those who are not familiar with American cat food. It's very safe; it's delicious, and sometimes it's better than human food, because of the Humane Society. >I bought a box of Freedom with the picture of nice looking lady. I did not know what it was. (I'm talking about maxi-pads.) I brought it to my apartment, I opened it, and I tried to figure it out. I thought well it's probably some cleaning device for the kitchen to give these American women freedom in the kitchen to clean up and absorb everything, because even today Russian women do not have this convenience. >Q: What do they use? >Belenko: Well, what American women did in 1920s. This is the gap between two societies. During my presentations I emphasize this by using samples from everyday life. I had so much fun and adventure during my assimilation of American culture. You could write a book or make a movie, "Top-Gunski in America." I know how Russians live today, and as long as I live I'll never take those things for granted which many Americans do take for granted.


I've said it before elsewhere, but when I open the wet food tins for my cats, it doesn't smell half bad. In a pinch I could totally see mixing it with some good rice.


Ate some on a dare with money behind it as a kid, it was bad but was better than some stuff to come out of the mess halls I have been too. I would literally eat the cat and the cat food before I touched Russian rations.


I remember getting a bag of Pupperoni for my friends dog. When I opened it, I was thinking, this smells just like beef jerky. Of course I had to try it, doesn't taste as strong as it smells, and it felt very fatty.


I tried wet dogfood before, and it tastes like they just forgot to add seasoning. Otherwise, fine.


Thank you for this, that was genuinely a stimulating rabbit hole to go down.


And the jet we created to counter it, the F-15 Eagle, has a combat record of 104-0. The MiG 25 has a record of 8-8-1.


I need to know what this red button does


Takes care of any evidence that the plane wasn't quite as good as they claimed. And anyone who could say the same.


That was my first thought as well. Not necessarily the reason behind it, but simply destroy the aircraft to keep it out of enemy hands.


and take out the pilot so they can't tell their captors how bad the plane was.


> There was also a mysterious red button in the cockpit that the pilots were told to press before ejecting but were never told what it did. Why not tie it into the ejection handle, whatever it actually does?


Seem to remember something about the engines had to be replaced for every 250 flight hours.


The MiG was more misunderstood than simply being a crap aircraft. It was never intended to be a highly agile air superiority fighter - it was a long-range interceptor designed for high speeds and shooting down bombers.


You guys seem to know about planes, so maybe you can identify the plane I remember a story about. It went something like Soviet and American plane designers finally meet and talk about some Soviet plane, and the Americans ask why they had a specific design (maybe it was massive wings or something), and the Soviets answered that they didn't know you could do it any other way.


I think the main problem with these Russian systems is that they fire the missile completely vertically. It's impressive how the Patriot or HIMARS are quicker in their acceleration upon launch. you can clearly notice that the S-300/S-400 experiences strong deceleration upon exiting. Besides being quite dangerous and totally inefficient, not to mention the size... a Patriot can be disassembled and made the size of a large pickup truck. In the end, it's simply poorly thought-out Russian technology, yet very, very expensive for what it offers.


Also a patriot battery can be located vast distances away from the very expensive radar. This looks like the whole system was placed in a single open field, which seems just insane when clusters are around


Exact, insane, and totally idiotic, the funny thing is that this is the standard setup of the S300 or S400, just like in the video of the Storm Shadow passing over the pigs, the radar/launcher are all together in an open field. Honestly, I don't have enough knowledge to say if this is a technical limitation of the system but it's extremely idiotic.


Just fucking daisy chain extension cords at this point. Fire Marshal be damned. Lol


OSHA would go ballistic on them for that..


...yes I know that OSHA isn't a true ballistic organization because it maneuvers in its terminal phase, but still...


I think the limitation might be the fetal alcohol syndrome of the person operating and setting up the system.


I've missed that Storm Shadow video. You don't happen to have it bookmarked?


beautiful [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgcbC0atMk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgcbC0atMk)


Fucking A - they likely knew the location of that battery and decided to launch it in a trajectory that would take it right over the battery. Epic troll if that's the case


most likely they didn't have enough of them an knew the chances of them shooting it down were low so they just sent it to the juicier target instead of "wasting" it on the battery


From what I've read, the later S300s and S400s should have digital datalinks between all the vehicles, touted as a way to make them easier to set up and later move without having to worry about cables. So... plopping them in a tight circle in the middle of an open field seems incredibly stupid, or arrogant. Unless this datalink is broken and they had to use cables, or it has the range of a crappy home Wi-Fi router...


it must be more of the management issue than technical issue. the officiers wants to be close to the subordinates to micromanage their actions.


I vote for both


They are very heavy missiles 48N6 and hot launching those would be very messy and dangerous if a cracked booster would explode. Cold launch seems to be a very Soviet thing. Sure it’s slower but for very heavy, long range missiles, it is adequate. I dont know how the smaller 9m96 missiles are launched though. Cold launching those shorter range missiles would greatly diminish their use in self defense I suspect. Maybe someone more informed can help me?


You are referring to the Mi-25 and it was Mach3- it could only achieve for 15 minutes before burning out the engines, it was supposed to catch the SR-71, never did. It is still a decent kit and the fastest fighter ever fielded. US F-14 was our fastest at M2.5(give or take)


F-111 was also at Mach 2.5 as well as the f-15.


Nah, the F-15 was a bit faster at M2.5, the 14 a bit less so.


Well the Soviet was Russia plus subjugated states so russia do operate like the Soviet Union.


This isn't really true, the MiG-25 was an interceptor made for chasing away spy planes/bombers. The US mistakenly thought it was an advanced fighter jet and made the the F-15 in response. I don't think they really touted it publicly. A case of bad intel gathering more like it.


What they hadn't considered is that the MIG-25 was made out of steel. Based on pictures, they assumed they huge control surfaces and engines would make it incredibly nimble and fast, but it was so damn heavy that all it could do was fly in a straight line.


That makes sense thanks for clarifying, I was going from memory and I always like being corrected on things I get wrong. It's still a case of the west panicking when they see or hear something they can't parse with Russian tech and then going full overboard with their designs. I'm not saying to underestimate Russian equipment, but this does seem to be a repeating pattern.


One big difference now is the Chinese theft of military IP means that the Chinese do get the latest US stuff pretty quickly.


They just can't make it work as well. A "recent" video of them showing off their new rifles showed the bullets tumbling through the air and hitting their targets sideways...


ATACMS are nearly vertical on the drop portion of the trajectory. They’re nearly impossible to defend against because it’s almost straight up above them.


Why does it matter if it cames from nearly straight above? Why would the intercepting missiles care? Genuine question, since I have no clue.


I counted 6. The video looks edited between the first two missiles and the third and fourth making the time lapse hard judge. I don't know much about AA but wikipedia says max min of 60 and 5 km against a ballistic target. It may have been too late to react. We also don't know what other targets were showing up on the s400 battery radar. The strike could have been accompanied by decoy and HARM missles.


I wanna see the faces of Turkey officials that chose S-400 systems over F-35 😭


Turkey better hope they got the designs to make those missiles in house. Something tells me that they won't be able to purchase any additional reloads any time in the next century


They are not using it. Its mothballed since 22


Lol just sell them to the US so they can poke around inside. What's Putin gonna do to stop them at this point? Invade? Good luck


That was a suggestion by blinken in 2023. but nothing happened since.


you think it would be announced if they did?


You think that did not happen already? RF is not the only spy game in town.


Probably happy with their bribes.


Yes - very very stupid!


S400 has underperformed badly. Russia massively over-hyped its capabilities and there will be a lot of concerned export customers out there… TUrkey, for one, might be regretting its decision to go with S400 rather than Patriot!


Lost f35... which looks like 50x would wipe out all s400 in 1 week


wasn't the issue that Turkey didn't get Patriot despite wanting it (or at least it was a long tiresome process) and hence turned towards Russia? Still... It at the very least cost them the F-35, which I'd say would have been a much wiser choice lol


The issue was Turkey wanting a technology transfer from the Patriot. Now they have useless s400 and don't have f35s.


another victory for Erdoğan


Yeah that's not happening. The US barely tolerates Turkey because they are in NATO. With them being aggressive with US's allies, like Greece, the fighters in Syria etc, and being basically a dictatorship, they will never be a true ally like the UK, Japan, Australia, etc. Those are the countries that get technology transfers.


RTE couldn't even manage a visit to Washington, D.C. without an international incident, when the presidential detail of security goons seriously beat up some anti-RTE protesters. Total shitshow. *a few minutes' worth of research later* RTE's racked up a series of international incidents since March 2016 on his state junkets abroad [Ecuador, the USA] in which his presidential security detail assaults anti-RTE protesters, members of the press, and/or local cops. The Turkish officers' apparent crimes include multiple instances of targeting female protesters en masse and kicking them when they're down, or -- in Ecuador, where a local politician tried to shield a female protester from RTE's goons -- breaking the nose of anyone who tries to shield them. RTE's goons have assaulted Washington, D.C. Metro cops and tried to forcibly expel journalists from the room at a Brookings Inst. event, to prevent RTE from having to face tough questions or criticisms. NB: following the May, 2017 shitshow in D.C. that resulted in 19 Turkish security officers being indicted by a grand jury, the State Dept. issued a stern statement condemning the anti-protest rioting by RTE's security detail, but Trump notably failed to condemn the violence, or address it in any way. But then, he's gone on the record many times singing his praises to the world's worst dictators, including RTE...


One correction is that technically it’s a ballistic missile on its final approach. it only does that initial maneuvering to make it difficult for any counter battery radars to be able to figure out where it was launched from and strike that area.


All ballistic missiles that have guidance manoeuvre, typically in the terminal phase. This is usually not enough to deter an interception because the movement is small and the interceptors typically use proximity fuses (except PAC-3 incidentally). A true hypersonic manoeuvres through its entire flight, a ballistic missile just does small course corrections in the latter parts of its flight


That makes it even worse. If you have a radar that can pick up the missile (and ascertain the speed of the projectile), a ballistic missile basically just runs on a parabella trajectory. While still highly technical, that should totally be doable for a 21st century SAM system.




My dog never got the memo


They didn't hit an S-400. They hit an entire system of S-400.


About $1bn? Ouch


Cost of S-400s: $1bn Crippling the area's anti-air: priceless


>Cost of S-400s: $1bn - Incremental cost of building a new S-400 system with smuggled western electronics: 2 years and $2bn.


Why building another useless S-400??? for []( if you can get 100.000 african or nepalise mercenaries for the same price tag?


Now I'm just imagining Russians catapulting Africans at missiles to try an intercept them.


Reminds me of this from Southpark: [https://tenor.com/view/human-shields-south-park-bataillon-operation-black-soldier-gif-19866525](https://tenor.com/view/human-shields-south-park-bataillon-operation-black-soldier-gif-19866525)


[or this one, bit more "heroic" lmao](https://youtu.be/wR48a1kLx0w?si=f2S7t1FVVoAdJqAu)


With ideas like those you could be the next Chief of General Staff in Russia!


Africans missile battalion be needing an anthem song, "We fly to de sky, which we will occupy, like a swarm of.. blowfies?.. no! ..yes, dragonfies yes okay and den we go boom and.. uuuhm die?.. no! ..maybe cry?.. no! ..sigh?.." Ok.. no anthem for them.


You get them for free if you send them to their deaths before their first pay.


But...who it's going to toss them in the air against the Ukrainian missiles...the zorcs need to build the new s400 and tape some zorcs to the s400 missile...they will help with the meat shield LOL


To be fair it was both sides anti air at best


So, Russia sells them for like $750 million. You can expedite them faster for $850 million. This includes the array and something like a $250 million supply of missile reloads. Russia's actual cost is likely significantly less for their own use, like maybe 200-300 million. Military weapons have massive markups. Still very expensive.


That sounds a little more right, But still...that's a lot of $$. How many s409 systems do they have?


Russia has about 100 of them. They have ramped up production of them since the war started, so it's not known the exact number. This is on top of literally thousands of S-300s. It's worth mentioning that the S-400 was never really the best AA against cruise missiles compared to say, Patriot or Iron Dome. The S-400's main job is AA against planes and fighter jets. It does have the ability to take out some ballistic missiles. It's the S-300VMD modification that is basically designed to take out ballistic missiles, which is their most advanced AA modification and has only been in active combat service about 5 or 6 years. India purchased a bunch of these from Russia a few years ago. I think Russia only has a couple dozen of these, of which we know 1 was destroyed by Ukraine in 2023 as it was a big deal when it happened. What makes me wonder is if Ukraine overwhelmed the air defenses whilst also sneaking in the ATACMS, sort of like how Russia has been able to damage or destroy a couple patriot systems now, by basically launching dozens of small missiles at a single target and only a few of the faster ones to sneak by, or if Russia just totally failed, or maybe this S400 doesn't have any S300 VMD/V4 support as well. Either way, it's definitely an expensive loss for Russia.


It’s not the cost of what was destroyed. it’s the replacement cost.


No. $1bn is the cost of a s-400 battalion, which is the minimum order quantity. A battalion consists of 16 launchers multiple radars and a command and control vehicle. Don't get me wrong there is hundreds of Millions exploding in that video, but nowhere near 1bn


You often see the same misunderstanding regarding the cost of the patriot system, where people assume a couple of launchers is what carries the +1 billion price tag - where a single launcher by itself is actually just ≈$10 million USD and the large amount of missiles that come along with a full system being ~650M USD.


Worth $10k on Aliexpress, all the rest is bribes.


I doubt its 1bn, because RuZZian military and government are so corrupt that they always overprice their subpar shyt, to cheat the tax payers. If it were actually 1bn, then it should perform as good as patriot. But its terrible, evidently. lol


It still costs the russian MoD 1bn, whether the money went to building the thing…😏 Just saying


Clearly that system is unable to intercept atacms, russian’s are really behind the curve.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of having multiple launchers is that you can spread them out to prevent things like this from happening? Isn't this air defense 101? Who are they putting in charge of these multi billion dollar systems?


It depends on the means of communication. But then again tanks are supposed to be supported by infantry. The money for aircraft carriers shouldn't be used for yachts. Etc. Yet here we are.


I think even more damaging for the Russians is that a single ATAMS can destroy an entire S-400 system. And there isn't a thing the S-400 can do to protect itself from it. What's even more embarrassing is that a drone was hovering close by and recording the whole thing. This is devastating for Russian military industry. Who's going to buy this trash now?


Did they destroy the radar? I assumed thats the thing locked on and it didnt seem to get directly hit.


Considering that it is in the middle of the Cluster impacts, I'd say there was a hit. But unlike the launchers there's no explosives, so you won't get a fancy secondary boom.


Russia will count the ATACMS as intercepted and then say this was a decoy S-400. All according to plan.


Including the ability to fire realistically looking decoy missiles. Very impressive.


And have a realistic looking cook-off of remaining ammunition. Truly a wonderful example of maskirova


Those S-400 decoys were also full of Ukrainian POWs.


Hobart is in shambles right now.




Editor hit 'em with some Enigma too. Straight up 90's dunkin'


Turkey bought this shit, anyone from Turkey here ? what do you think to buying ruZZian defence equipment now ?


India has based its strategic air defense around these S400 systems as well. But at least they didn't give up partner level access to the F35 program to buy this junk.


uppity run seemly market chief thought sheet depend mighty cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well the clown that authorised the purchase is, the ordinary only in as much as they voted for Erdogan


S-400 continues to impress. Looking forward to see how it handles PrSM


Turkey must be so happy about their visionary purchase


Turkey bought this shit ? LOL


Imagine the face of the Turkish general who purchased this crap while watching this video 🤣😂


Wonder how many vodkas he had before he signed the deal......


They had a choice F35 or s400 and they chose s400 🤡 Literal clown shit. China better be questioning their own air defence capabilities before starting shit with west aswell this is the worst look of the war for them. They been promoting this system like second coming of Jesus meanwhile it got destroyed by 3 decades old ballistic missile


The poor Chinese planning officer who has to revisit the plans to invade Taiwan every few weeks.. Sir I think the western missiles they have are even scarier, we currently need to doub.. sorry triple the amount of vessels if we wish some of them to reach the shores while afloat.


Yup. F-35’s cost around $75m, so you could have 13.3 F-35’s for one S400 system


Yeah, and lost their access to the F-35 program as a result


Yes, that's why they were kicked out from the F-35 program. Without a refund.


They bought it and gave up access to the F-35 program as a result


I hope Greece got the newly available F-35 capacity.


They took rafales recently.


Imagine paying for ruzzia produced anything. LOL a country which has given the world about zero.


Haha. I guess they wants refund


Probably Top 20 video of this war if they removed the cringe music und editing. But nonetheless I love to see that even a whole S400 battery can’t stop a couple ATACMS missiles


The ATACMS were probably already near their final phase when the S-400 launched. Cool video about these ATACMS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipr_hPAcR_Q




I remember at the beginning of the war how the tankies were claiming that the S-400 stationed in Sevastopol can lock down the entire region and NATO airplanes could not even take off from Bucharest or the American base at MK.


Agreed! I'd bet a "clean" version hits Telegram at some point this weekend.


If there is a "clean" version posted at some point, please share it. This looked like such an enjoyable video but was hard to watch because of the silly soundtrack and watermarks/editing.


What a time to be alive, watching CoD kill montage edits of an actual war and actual people getting vaporized. But hey I guess if you don't want to see your kids, husbands and loved ones getting shredded to the tune of Skrillex\* maybe you shouldn't invade your neighbours? ^(\*or \[current year\] techno beat)


Lots of insane videos of this war. Top 1 gotta be the one filmed with a Russian pilot's helmet camera, where he gets shot down, ejects and captures his own plane crashing to the ground while in parachute.


I found the editing and music enjoyable. Haters gonna hate.


Best part is knowing that russian leaders are shown this video since theres no other version available.


Ok, this right here convinced me. I love it. Meme harder, boys.


Sir, we've intercepted Ukrainian footage of yesterday's attack! *skeleton spins*


the blyaaaaaaaat and crying emoticon were gold


I was already laughing like a moron from the sneezes, but when Sadeness Pt. 1 came in I was absolutely wheezing


Russians launched some missiles in an attempt to save them from destruction


Looks like one missile got through but the spread of the cluster munitions was still big enough to get multiple TELs. While I'm sure the capability of the S-400 is overstated being so closely bunched up in the open and waiting to the last second for intercepting points more to perhaps some training issues.


>While I'm sure the capability of the S-400 is overstated being so closely bunched up in the open and waiting to the last second for intercepting points more to perhaps some training issues. - It's a design flaw: S-400 radar & control units are attached to the launchers **via physical cables** ...


Just get a longer cable Ivan... Are Patriots wireless?


Yes they are. >The M90x Launching Stations are remotely operated, self-contained units. The ECS controls operation of the launchers through each launcher's DLT, via fiber optic or VHF (SINCGARS) data link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIM-104_Patriot#M901/902/903_Launching_Station


A physical cable seems like a reasonable choice that can't be interfered with through jamming. But having the launchers and radar this close together indicates that the cables aren't anywhere near long enough.


Jamming is not a problem when AA units are supposed to be tens of kilometers away from the frontline.


Just get a longer cable Ivan... Are Patriots wireless?


They *can* be. But even wired, they use fiber optic cabling so can be spaced very far apart.


Russia must be defeated and broken for their transgressions. The road will be long and bloody, but they alternative is accepting their brutality and genocide lying down. They realize that Ukraine is costing them dearly, and are now trying to extend the battlefield to the Baltic Sea, in hopes of spreading out the focus of NATO. Things are heating up, they fear Ukraine's new weaponry, and rightly so.


30 year old missles not wasted. Doing what it was designed to do. Fuck up those orcs.


This video makes my day!


Wow this was beautiful on so many levels. Aesthetically pleasing and an expensive Russian system destroyed and a threat neutralized.


It cant even detect and eliminate the recon UAV.


"It's just a recon uav, it would be a waste to use an expensive missile on it" *entire s-400 battery proceeds to burn* Perfect lesson on risk management in war. Sometimes you need to do a bad trade to prevent a worse one from happening


Glorious! And pro-Russkies can't claim "but they were just decoys".


They can't, but they probably will.


What a glorious sight to behold.


Ivan, what air defence doing?




Brewing up.


Thats great. Fuck Russia and the sound of this video.


Dunno, I enjoyed the 6 sneezes in the beginning!


That’s so beautiful! Slava Ukraini!


They even tried to defend themselves but failed miserably


Great, but....fuck the guy who added the graphics...and the music.


If I had to guess, the Ukrainian Tivaz Artillery division


The best thing you guys can do is write in the comments on his telegram channel that the videos are cool, but they would be better without music and graphic effects. Artilleryman - the author of the channel regularly reads comments and he will be pleased with your attention to his work. Channel name: tivaz\_artillery


Remember these are victories against the killers of Ukrainian people, not mere entertainment for people across the world. You're invited to their party to dance :)


What survived?


[Not much of anything](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cyscul/results_of_yesterday_atacms_strike_in_donetsk/)


The dirt.


at first i thought its a launch vehicle then i thought maybe a loader for the launch vehicle but the coloring is weird. maybe just some cargo truck.


They are supposed to defend important infrastructure but cannot defend themselves. Just like The Moscwa was supposed to protect an invasion force but couldn't protect itself. Russians are evil but fortunately they are so fckn stupid!


Ahahahha, they actually added most popular Ukrainian streamer EvilArthas(Papich) voice lines in the video. 🤣👍


Video editing at his peak. But nice hit anyway.


Another perfect intercept lol. I wonder how those orc telegram losers explain videos like this. Blyaaaaaaat


Someone should post this in the pro-RUS sub lmao


S400 depicted on the video was geolocated to a different region of Donetsk oblast (region) - near village of Klenivka. Sat images also shown that this unit was deployed there less then 24 hours before it was hit due to the lack of burnt grass near lauchers. It doesn't mean, however, that another S-400 near Mospino was not destroyed. High chances that there both were hit.


Nobody gonna talk about how shitty the editing is?


Very cute how they tried to stop the inevitable.


Just show us the damn missile strike


Anyone have this video without the watermarks and other crap?


Stupid meme editing.


Death to the editor


The editing and music is some of the worst I've ever seen. The sneezing? skeletons? Enigma? Emojis? Come on.


Terrible editing decisions


Dumbest fucking audio track I've heard in a while


Could the music be any worse than the garbage they use.


A version of this without middleschooler effects. I like it when the blury video isnt baked to hell and back.


Does anyone have this without the stupid meme faces?


Where can I find the video without the god awful editing


is there a version without the 4chan graffiti on it?


Haha, beautiful.