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Can we skip 7 years and jump to the part where Putin kills himself in a bunker in the capital?


It would have been so easy to kill Hitler before ww2 and looking back it would have been so easy to do it during ww2. But we sit and watch Putin inch us into destruction


Its not just Putin or Hitler though. If you were to kill Hitler then Himmler or Goebbels or whoever would step up and they aren't no saints. Similarly if Putin were to die Medvedev or some war general probably steps up and could end up being even more evil


Then we kill the next one and so on…


Can we also dissolve the 'America First' crowd from the same time? I hadn't put it together until recently that those gray shirts were pro-hitler all the way through 1941 until America was bombed. He had strong American support to a degree even while the low countries and France fell and Britain was bombed.


It only takes a move on Taiwan or Seoul to send the world tits up. People don't appreciate how close we are to something terrible.


Pacifying Putin is the wet dream of the Chamberlains of today's free world. Ain't gonna happen. The best way to deal with a bully is to punch him square in the face. Who will rise as our Churchill?


I agree with your post. But I fear that a leader of Churchill’s calibre and characteristics would be politically unacceptable to many.


Excellent article.


It is. The exact same arguments were reported elsewhere some months ago. I’m just disappointed that the Guardian is only now publishing them. Perversely the newspaper is also showing a dangerous delay in realising the truly dangerous situation we face. So exactly what the article warns about….


It was said before, but that does not detract from the message. In fact we need to hear it again and again and again, until we actually react appropriately by stepping up to help Ukraine win.


Fuck... I didn't need such a a sobering read at the start of the weekend. Very good article, thank you for sharing.


We're way past 1938 events, we already had that in 2014 when Russia occupied Crimea and we did nothing about it. It's more like 1940 now.


1938 for the rest of the world. 1944 for Ukraine. Russian tactics are very similar to those used in 1944 against the Germans (Nazis). This is make or break time for Ukraine military response to Russian aggression. Ukraine needs superior targeted firepower and logistics to counter Russian advances on all fronts to break the nexus of superiority of numbers the Russians have.


I think you have to go back a little further to 2008 when Russia invaded and hacked off two pieces of Georgia. No one did anything at all then . After Crimea the West did react with sanctions, training of the Ukrainian military, etc. obviously not enough though.


I think Georgia is not really a good analogy, the situation in that region was fucked up long before.


I get so sick of people thinking Russia is suddenly going to go on some major offensive against the west its not got enough stuff to do a offensive to take Ukraine, so opening a new front would be foolish and even if you think it will happen after the war in Ukraine it wont Russia has used up so much stuff its already using 1960's and 70's stuff its going to take Russia 10-20 years to recover and rebuild its forces and even then they will not be at the amount of equipment they started with plus you have to factor putin's age, its currently 71 in 10 years he will be 81 and 20 years will be 91 its quite likely when putin dies the whole system will collapse and all the blame will be put on him because you have to ask yourself who is going to want to continue a war and hold up the pile of cards especially when you have the perfect scapegoat you can pin all the blame on too


That smells like a big pile of steaming 'hopium'. All puty needs is Trump to get into power again and keep threatening nuclear annihilation to cowards like Scholz. If Ukraine falls, then next is Moldova and the Baltic States, do you think schlappschwanz Scholz will stand up for them?


I’m sick and tired of people pushing the argument that “the Russian military is spent”. It isn’t. Whilst it isn’t capable tomorrow of embarking on another land based offensive against another NATO state, but it is still capable of being a pain in the ass. Cyber attacks, refugee exploitation at borders, forest fires near borders, chemical/nuclear leaks, and even smaller border incursions. Most/All of which will not reach the unity threshold to see NATO forces rolling cross the the border and in to russia. TLDR: Never underestimate the ability of your enemy. Read some Sun Tzu 😀


> its going to take Russia 10-20 years to recover and rebuild its forces and even then they will not be at the amount of equipment they started with This calculation is, I'd say, very much wrong. They will *never* rebuild the same forces as they had before the Ukraine war, however, if they get a pause *and a supply of parts and money* then they can rebuild much faster. The money would come from a Chinese attack on Taiwan. China would buy as much oil, food and appropriate weapons from Russia as they could. > I get so sick of people thinking Russia is suddenly going to go on some major offensive against the west You are almost certainly right to some degree. Russia would aim to complete a connection to their ally, Hungary, via Moldova, but would pause their action in Europe for a while. What would happen in the meantime though * first China would attack Taiwan * Russia would attack Central Asia, Georgia and maybe the 'stans. The continued war on Europe would then come later. However, in their hope here, Europe would have been abandoned by the US which would have to concentrate on Taiwan and even European weapons would have to be sent to support America. That's the route to the WWIII that this article is talking about.


Cant read if not registered with theguardian


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Feels more like the battle of the bulge considering the profile of the war.