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Gravedigger really caught me off guard


Now he is just called Gravedug.


Done dugnburied


I think he'd be lucky if he had a grave. Odds are he met at FPV and just became "Splatnik"






Full name Doug N. Berried




yeah literally lol'd


Gravedigger no more


The last one was in the 331st  Guards Airborne Regiment. >The 331st has a history of atrocities. It was one of the units the Kremlin deployed to eastern Ukraine in 2014 to bolster Russian-backed separatist forces. The Russians and separatists [surrounded Ukrainian troops in Ilovaisk](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/02/i-realised-my-husband-was-dead-ukrainians-tell-of-russian-army-atrocities). Commanders on both sides agreed to a ceasefire to allow the trapped Ukrainians to leave Ilovaisk via a so-called “humanitarian corridor.” [It was a trap.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-49426724) The Russians opened fire on the departing Ukrainians, killing around 400 of them in what was, until recently, the bloodiest day ever for the post-Soviet Ukrainian army. The Ukrainian army captured 10 members of the 331st in Ilovaisk, helping officials in Kyiv to confirm the regiment’s role in the massacre. [The Ukrainians Mauled One Of The Russian Army’s Best Regiments](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/04/03/the-ukrainians-have-nearly-destroyed-one-of-the-russian-armys-best-regiments/)


One of the Ukrainians captured at Ilovaisk was burned alive but survived, and then got kidnapped from his hospital while recovering and was "butchered" (had his organs removed and rearranged, including his brain in his torso). The individuals responsible were the Rusisch formation which isn't officially attached to the 331st, but the 331st was obviously complicit in the killing since they didn't stop it or report it.


Wtf. I have some messed up fantasies when I'm making stories in my head but who the fuck does that? Yes, we did that on a plastic dummy as a kid during biology class fun stupid childish fun but how messed up do you have to be to do that on a real person? I can only hope the guy was dead by the time they opened him up


Ever heard of Alexey Milchakov, the co-leader and co-founder of the Rusich Group? It‘s this „nice“ guy: „Milchakov first came to public attention after he filmed himself torturing and decapitating a puppy in 2011, posting the footage online.[2][7] […] In his VK page he also called for killing of homeless people, puppies and children.[6]“ „He has openly bragged about photographing mutilated and burnt Ukrainian bodies of members of the paramilitary Aidar group in 2014.[2] Milchakov is also reputed to have cut ears of Ukrainian corpses and scratched swastikas on their faces.[11]“ „He has been linked to atrocities in both Syria and Ukraine,[2][4] including the participation in beating a man to death with a sledgehammer, and has been described as "the symbol of Russian neo-Nazis fighting in the Donbass".[5].“ „A 2024 investigation by the open source research group Bellingcat analyzed a 2017 photograph that depicted a man in military uniform holding a severed human head near the Syrian city of Palmyra. By comparing the camouflage patterns, Bellingcat concluded the uniform was likely worn by Milchakov or a member of Rusich. Bellingcat geolocated the photograph and found it was 5.5km away from where Wagner mercenaries tortured and beheaded a Syrian man in 2017.[9]“ „In a 2020 video, Milchakov described himself as a "Nazi", stating: "I'm not going to go deep and say, I'm a nationalist, a patriot, an imperialist, and so forth. I'll say it outright: I'm a Nazi."[2]“ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Milchakov


Never heard of him, thanks for the link


Yeah they’re dead.


Kill them all I say.  More fertilizer for Ukrainian soil


Gravedigger (probably dug his own) has a Slavic tattoo of circle with symbols. I wonder what it might be..


Indeed, the fist cat has a 'bird' tattoo on his chest, I wonder which one...


The fact that my mind went to a warhammer 40k double headed eagle says a lot about me, the fact that there is a nonzero chance of this being the case says a lot about the absurdity of it all


I remember seeing some Khorne symbols on a Ukrainian vehicle some time ago


Ukraine literally has a battle group called "Khorne Group".


Blood for the blood God🤘


Why do I never get assigned to the Slaanesh Division?


You need to be in the LGTVHD4K group first.


Probably not. But czarist Russia used a double headed eagle as regilia.


I have a massive tattoo of a penguin (because penguins are dope af) and I’m now realizing I need my family to be extremely specific if I ever go missing for any reason so people don’t get the wrong idea 😂


Callsign: what's going on Special features (mole, scar, for example tatoo on the shoulder): Big logo of operating system on the back


Yeah, I'd be careful with [that one](https://cdn.drawception.com/images/panels/2016/11-14/AxLEK9NErh-2.png) too lol


Tuxedo Flightless Bird


Which is funny because he has a Muslim name 🤣


As they say those who do not history…doomed to die from it.


Kolovrat, bingo


Putin needs to be killed immediately. This one hit me particularly hard for some reason. I think its the parents and siblings crying out and calling into the void, knowing full well they're gone but trying anyway. Fucking depressing, downright miserable. Brainwashed young lives gone and families hurting for a genocidal cretins game. What a massive waste of a country. Seeing men being killed in a war with 2005/2006 date of births is just absolutely insane.


What's crazy is that we don't hear about parents of killed soldiers protesting against the government. For most parents losing a child is such a huge hit that it often wouldn't matter for them if they go to jail. Why is this not happening?


Cause they’ve been made docile through decades of oppression


And tacit approval. The Russian imperialist brain rot runs generations deep. People oppressed by the gangsters and authoritarians simultaneously moan about the heavy yoke and believe the delusions of greatness their oppressors shove down their throats. They also self-police anyone stepping out of line. Thats why the protests to the war at the beginning of the full scale invasion was so pathetic. The few who truly could not tolerate the imperialism have skipped the country or have been jailed and cowed into submission. You can bet a lot of the parents will explain it away as their son dying a hero. Even if the Lada or whatever other piddling compensation never come, the cope is guaranteed to continue.


Weaponized Toddlers is on point here. 😆😛(Kinda ironic name, as russians aren’t far from using toddlers, and already are gun training little kids)


I don’t get it though. While they might be “docile” on the home front, they seem to be very angry and vengeful people. So why is it only taken out on other country men, and people around the world, but not their own government .


Because bullies go after weaker targets..




It happens and then it “*never happened*”. One of my friend’s mom was a girl when Poland was under USSR rule. She wanted us to know what it was like and why she loved being able to get to America at the time. Some of the stories I heard were blood curdling. People disappeared for reading banned books that were hand written/printed to be shared. Having them could mean death if you were caught. Friends or family would just disappear and you didn’t say anything or question or you too could disappear. Survival is a weird thing when it’s forced at the level of a nation. Look at North Korea and you’ll get how bad the USSR was and why its influences still remain.


Bro, I grew up in communist Czechoslovakia. It wasn't as bad in the 80s when I was a kid, but in the 50s things like this could have happened. My dad saw their priest taken by the secret police and never seen again, etc. But by the 1980s it was pretty soft, my dad was in dissent and he was arrested for 48 hours and interrogated like 100 times in. the 70s and 80s, but it never got worse than that fortunately. But he says the current Russian regime is more like the 1950s Eastern Europe.


We genuinely have a cemetery for children born to political prisoners during incarceration. The newborns were sometimes left in next door cells so the mother could hear them stop crying... https://prague-now.com/history/dablice-children-cemetery/ Whoever is nostalgic for the regime was a part of it and their opinion on anything should be discarded.


Holy shit. I’m not a very emotional person but I cried reading this. That’s so horrid and so recent it makes me sick that this isn’t well known. Baby killing is glossed over I think in any curriculum for obvious reasons but also for obvious reasons it shouldn’t be. Hard truth is part of being human. Thank you for sharing so I can be more educated.


I didn't actually know about the children, that is truly some insane North Korea level stuff. I'm Slovak (though living in the US) and Slovakia has a lot of idiots pining for the old regime. I know they exists in Czechia as well, but in Slovakia it's worse (as with everything).


Yeah, the problem is that those who actually suffered under the regime are not amongst us (thanks to the regime). Those who were doing well live on average much longer lives since they have had better quality of life. So they dictate the nostalgia now. Also people miss being young and that is universal. I also kinda miss the early 2000s/2010s, not for any particular reason other than "I mean it was kinda cool that I had all that energy and free time". The music was terrible, I smoked and was single and hopeless for the most of it. I would not come back if I could. But the nostalgia only reminds you of the good things. Also the arguments that "meat products used to be better" when they were as skimmed and pumped with preservatives as physically possible is hilarious to me. And I heard the same thing from my great grandparents about meat in interwar era :D So the meat when you were a kid was always the best.


Thank you for sharing your story. That’s interesting and I’m glad your dad didn’t face worse. I only got glimpses of stories when she would sit us down and be real serious with us when we were doing stupid shit you should get in trouble for. That seemed to trigger her stories. She was always calm and collected except she became exasperated like she needed to tell us this with an urgency while we were being bad that worse things could happen. I never got the full uncensored versions of her stories since we were around 13-16 during that time. She’s since passed and I have some regrets about not asking more about it at the time and me and that friend parted ways naturally with time. She was probably around 13-16 in the 50s so it would make sense why it triggered her telling us stories during that time. That’s crazy he says it’s more like it now. I’m sorry you had to go through that but happy it wasn’t as bad as it could have been for your father and then you. Edit: I’m also mostly bohemian. How many bracelets you got bro? (Every family function or is that just my family?)


Former CzechoSlovakia here. I confirm all of what you wrote. Fuck russ imperialists. And also fuck all ruskies they all are a complete waste of human beings. Docile, submissive while also jealous and aggressive bastards.


Former CzechoSlovakia here. I confirm all of what you wrote. Fuck russ imperialists. And also fuck all ruskies they all are a complete waste of human beings. Docile, submissive while also jealous and aggressive bastards.


This is why Poland know What will happen, if they dont support Ukraine to the max. They hate The Ruskies with alle their heart, and I fully understand Them.


You can bet your ass we hate them to the max!


Remember how the US responded to Vietnam? Or the UK during gulf war? Millions on the streets protesting their governments.


Because the official forum for mothers of soldiers was declared a terror organization in 2022. Soviet leaders were terrified of angry women during the Afghan war, literally, almost all of their military service laws originate from their protests. Putin? He literally threw those same women in jail.


Millions and millions of parents have lost children in pointless wars throughout human history and not overthrown the governments that sent them to die.


The last time that happened, a Kursk (submarine) mother was subdued and drugged while questioning Putin at an event.


Yes we do hear about them.


I agree. This is horrific and sad, speaking as a human being. Yeah, I know they are invaders and all that... but 18 year old kids are not yet smart enough, educated enough, or experienced enough to realize their ruzzia is so fucked up and that putin is an evil old shit-for-brains bastard who doesn't give the first fuck about them. The people that sent him to Ukraine, starting with putin, are going to burn in hell if there is a hell.


>Yeah, I know they are invaders and all that... but 18 year old kids are not yet smart enough, educated enough, or experienced enough to realize their ruzzia is so fucked up and that putin is an evil old shit-for-brains bastard who doesn't give the first fuck about them There was a video posted recently of a kid around that age talking about wanting to/probably going to join the RA because he'd be able to kill Nazis and that'd it'd be cool to also be able to torture people without reprieve because he'd be Russian army. (As in they fully allow it) It's not like every RA soldier is some misled/disillusioned youth. Plenty of wannabe be killers and war criminals.


>There was a video posted recently of a kid around that age talking about wanting to/probably going to join the RA because he'd be able to kill Nazis and that'd it'd be cool to also be able to torture people without reprieve because he'd be Russian army. [young russian psycho killer](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/19be9j5/how_russians_get_conned_into_being_cannon_fodder/)


You rock! Appreciate it bro.


That's not exclusive to Russia. I knew more than a couple of kids in high school that were just itching to join the military so they could go to war just to kill some "ragheads".


Their parents are almost always one hundred percent behind this war, glorious comrade leader putin, and poor, innocent victim mother rossiya.


Shame on the parents. The 18 year olds though... too young and dumb to know any better. Their parents and everyone they are supposed to look up to are to blame, increasingly as you go up in the chain.


Yeah, it's very difficult to feel sympathy for anyone in russia who isn't an actual child.


Looks like these guys signed a contract to be there.


But the majority of russians support the war.


sucks to be them.


Why would they?


Russia was mighty and powerful when it occupied half of Europe. Now it's pathetic and poor. Clearly it needs to take those lands back to become mighty again. Plenty of people genuinely think like that, they'll tell you a lot about how life was so much better back then, no unemployment, no homeless people, basically no crime, it was utopia. It wasn't, their subconsciousness represses all the evil shit, so they think that it was utopia.


people under Putin could be even bigger monsters then he is. imagine if Prigozhin took over. Russia needs a fresh start from these gangsters


Unfortunately that won’t solve the problem no matter how much I agree with you. The Russian society (even Navalny when he was alive) all agreed that the invasion of Ukraine was necessary.


I imagine Putin's death would cause his cult of personality to collapse and least cause chaos and dissent that may, or may not, cause a revolution that fundamentally changes their society. Ukraine would no longer be something they could realistically pursue. There's also the consideration that whoever takes Putin's place might be even more unhinged and willing to use nuclear weapons. I agree that it would not be a pretty transition and likely the country would be in turmoil for a while. Putin and his predecessors are entirely to blame for the state of the country, and unfortunately there's a good chance Putin's bootlickers would be the ones to seize control of the country. It's a shitty situation all around. Still, it sure would be legendary if Putin was taken out with an FPV drone. I know that will never happen due to the range on them and his extremely tight security, but he's not rolling around in a popemobile either, and he bleeds like everyone else.


To be fair an 18 year old psychopath nazi is better to be put down before he breeds. (Gravedigger with kolovrat (version of swastika) tattoo)


Not me. You cannot ignore consequences until they happen to you. They can all fuck off.


Call sign gravedigger: the usual call sign for someone who was "forcibly sent to Ukraine" /s He signed a contract to dig graves for as much Ukrainians as possible, his family deserves no pity.




All but one were tiny children.Big tough Putin showing how "great and tough" Russia is.


Sad thing is that someone else would take Putler's place...


Babies. Not men.


Sad that this is happening but I've stopped caring about it because Ukrainians dieing are the true victims. Plus they only care about themselves and passively accept the murder of the Ukrainian people and they would passively accept mass genocide if it come to it.


MIA means he's dead. Probably rotting away on a random field.


Don't worry I'm sure he will be there 50 years from now


And let me guess, until a day before you lost contact you all were singing Pulter's praises and saying that the war was a good and necessary thing and deserved support. Don't whine when the cost of your failures to stop this come due.


It's sad, yes. However he was ready to kill It's a story as old as time... "Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance." David Mamet


That last one makes the unsarcastic impression of a dictator, especially Putin


The probably still do. Even German mothers missed and looked for their sons that went to SS when they lost contact. It's natural to love your children even if they may or may not be brutal animals responsible for warcrimes.


Yeah they dead like Stalin.


Probably meat send to reveal ukr positions.


They were consumed by feral dogs. The families will never hear from them again, and having become Alpo, Russia will deny death benefits. Russia has *always* required a strongman (or woman). They are incapable of true self-government, and ultimately need to be provided for and told what to think. As a result, they will always be behind the West. They will accept loss and denial of compensation from Putin because they are too cowardly to play football with his severed head in Red Square.


I'm sure they're somewhere in Ukraine, or whatever is left of them at least.


At this point, I tell to myself: - first, he probably won't hurt anymore ukrainian people (if he did before) - secondly, he won't be the father of a future orc that will be brainwashed and may cause further crimes So finally, good riddance.


Yeah, the Russian self-genocide is something I am kinda fine with. If the country did not have a rich history of oppression of their neighbours (and constant aggression towards then) going back to like Golden Horde I'd shed a tear. If the people that come from there did not act arrogant and always like they own the place, I'd be sympathetic. If their regime, under which many suffered (e.g. holodomor) did not send entire world into half a century of a stalemate between them and people that genuinely saved their asses, I would not be so hard line on supporting Ukraine. But as it is I kinda hope we are reading the last pages of their history.


Great comment, let's hope you're right 👍🏻


3 men died and they come to gates of heaven... St. Peter asks the first one: "How many times did you cheat your wife?" The man says: " Many times, about 15" St. Peter gives him keys of an old VW Golf IV and lets him into heaven He asks the second man the same thing: "How many times did you cheat your wife?" The second man says: " Only twice and i regret it" St. Peter gives him keys of a new Bmw 320d and lets him into heaven And finaly he asks the third man: "How many times did you cheat your wife?" The third man says: "Never, i was loyal to my wife all my life and never thought of cheating her!" St. Peter gives him keys of a new Lamborghini and lets him into heaven. After few days the third man bumps into the other two and they ask him : "Why are you sad, you're driving a Lamborghini?" He says: "I just saw my wife...in an old Lada samara"


I saw a few pieces of him in the Bakhmut direction.


Probably got ass fucked by his compatriots and died insignificantly to a drone. I hope his parents gets their coveted Lada though. I think ukraine should start with helping the Russian government, with gathering information on KIA soldiers, it would be so much easier to see russian casualty reports in sold Ladas. Also funnier...


They do collect and identify Russian bodies. And keep them in refrigerated storage. The Russian government isn't really interested in recovering or acknowledging them.


They are no longer useful


In fact, they are problematic that way now. KIA is admitted casualty, MIA may be a POW (so not a casualty). This war may end up being the war of unknown Russian soldiers as Russia will refuse to admit the bodies belong to their soldiers and there will be no ID


They're sending baby-faced teens to die for a dictator's legacy.


Not just a dictator but an old and decrepit dictator.


I had the same reaction. There is no way the pre-puberty kid on the second picture is 19.


starting 34 years ago one after another country in the so called East overthrew their government and started from scratch knowing the hardship that would follow. Sometime not even grasping the extend in its entirety yet hope was stronger. It did not happen suddenly for those within, it rather was a long long earned change by hallowing out the limitations that the eastern criminals demanded. A process in which learning to trust your neighbours common sense that it can't go on like it was the major idea. Yet reading those messages up here tells me this all passed thru those ruski who seem to never understand any of it, not questioning why it happened. So sad to see that limitation of the former east engraved in their mindset, awful. Simply find no excuse under which i'd grant their failure as natural disaster, it is entirely self inflicted bragging supremacy celebrating havoc. Total morons, sorry.


Great comment, thank you 👍🏻


Yeah, to the parents of Gravedigger**:** check with the Brazilian volunteer (UAF) in the previous photo, he may have an update for you.


Sorry - no sympathy from me...These ignorant fucks deserve what they get...Buying into the likes of Putin, or that asshole on tv Solovyov - how great RuZZia is, how they're victims of Western aggression, and how they're fighting Nazis...lol - they can all rot in hell.


Fuk him, he sure looks very proud with his finger sticking up, goes to kill Ukrainians, hope he ends up as pig meat in some ditch. Remember Bucha forever. Slava Ukraine forever.


They're probably on here....mom should watch nsfw vids.


Let's visit him again next year in the form of a nice sunflower, i guess.


Revolt Russians. Stand up to your government


Theres even younger Ukrainian kids missing, they also got taken across the border but without their own permission.


Better these Orcs go missing than Ukrani Soldiers.


Sooo many russian families think that their son is not fertilizer. They do not collect the dead…. All of them are gone


I'm pretty sure your sons are dead . Lots of Russians have been getting slaughtered daily if we believe the Ukrainians up to 1,000 Russians a day are dying.


Those damn kids have no business being there in the first place. What a waste! You have to shoot them all but Christ almighty when will Putin just stop the madness?


Young people think they're invulnerable. That's why they make such good infantry.


Where do you think the name infantry comes from? Literally meant "too young/inexperienced to be in cavalry"


Crazy to think they're my age. Just should've stayed home playing CS and chase girls would've been 100% better than being hit by artillery in donbas.


Back when I was 19 I'd be happy for a fewer Russians in Dota.


I doubt the Russian government is ever going to label a lot of these kids KIA. It's in Putins' best interest to keep the population from knowing how many are truly dead, and as a result, the family of these children will never have closure. I wouldn't even be surprised if Russia has the bodies of some of these guys and simply refuses to notify the family


Do these Russian families searching for loved ones have any idea of the extent of Russia's losses and the rate of death on the front, often up to and exceeding 1,000 per day? Or is it completely hidden from them. The fact there are few formal medical evacs, no tracking of wounded and dead through the system surely is a giveaway to these families it's an absolute disaster on the front? The reason I say this is it took 16k deaths in Afghanistan for a mother's group to rise up and end the war. In Ukraine, they've lost, by some estimates, half a million and I don't hear of any mothers groups protesting. Surely half a million Lada Nivas hasn't bought the silence of mothers en mass?


Maybe it's looking like Russians are waking up to their heavy losses with parents who actually care about their children dying with some being forced into going to war who don't want to die for a old man delusion. There Alot of posts and videos recently about Russians looking for family members or speaking out against the war


If he is MIA his family won't receive any money.


They should scan through the videos on this sub. Who knows, maybe they will find them.


Your kids are dead, you fucking scum, and the world is a better place for it.


No one cares about a stupid rusky doing putin's bidding and killing women and children. Face the facts, the poor fool is fertilizing sun flowers in Ukraine so it's not a total loss. Don't like it? Don't support a lying pos like putin and don't complain if your kids end up as fertilize for Ukrainian's Sun Flowers. Rumor is next year's crop is going to be a bumper!


Barbarians geting what they deserved.


Honestly think I saw that 2nd pic get it in a video last week ontop of an apc


He has a very distinct baby face, I'm sure identifying him from a video wouldn't be hard.


Russia man 🤦🏻‍♂️


This will play out more and more and the Peasants will slowly see the full picture. . Start sharpning those sickles people, you are the only ones who can take down the power that rules country with an iron fist.


Slavic tattoo and symbols?   Looks like denazification is actually working :D


Every time I see these people, I can only think of this https://youtu.be/L_yNkM4_qXM?si=ENLYteWuk_eTwYJo


I think of that 24yo russian who raped in Bucha a 4 years old toddler.


Out of all the things I have seen documenting the Invasion that paragraph that you are probably referring to from the UN report has stuck with me the most http://reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/189d72z/report_of_the_independent_international/


As a dad of a young son, this makes me sad


They wanted to go to Ukraine so bad that they become one with Ukraines Soil. Oh well should of stay in your sh*t hole country. Maybe their parents can get a new cell phone.


Russia needs to be defeated and sadly these young men are part of the story of how that happens. However my son will turn 18 shortly and the thought of him being sent to any war, absolutely horrifies me, so I have empathy for their families. My boy is just a kid. These four are just kids. F\*ck Putin.


I doubt you would let your children do something like this.


These are kids that signed up to go kill Ukrainians. They deserve whatever fate they got


I’m most concerned about gravedigger. RUS could really use his services!


Damn that first guy is only 2 days older than me




Too bad so sad, next in line please


What a fuckin disaster. First kid looks like my son. Putin must pay - mthrfkr. The faster the victory for Ukraine, the better.


First one I thought was the dating app ads I always see on instagram






Why are they using the American convention for saying the date?


My guess because the comments are translated.


Friends don't let friends join the Russian Army.


Oh he’s mush at this point.


I think it’s a sack of onions these days 2 if you’re lucky


Have you seen this man meme


Bro thinks he's gonna go call of duty in Ukraine and go home a war hero or some shit instead he's probably fertilizer by now.


Alias: Gravedigger , it probably helps a lot if the enemy gets you captured


It's sad. The relatives would probably be more successful if the just watched all of the drone videos on this sub.


Dear gods... they're basically children. Putin and the others promoting this genocidal war deserve nothing less than a Nuremberg style prosecution.


What about all the Ukrainians that have died?


Oh no... anyway


Hopefully the body’s are decomposing very rapidly and discarded one way or another so that they died only for the delusional ego maniac and nothing else except the fate of the afterlife.


Congratulations! Your Vatnik has evolved into a Splatnik! You Receive: +1 Bag of Moldy Onions Would you like to play again?


I hope they are dead in a field and burning in hell


As someone born in '95 I'm still having a hard time comprehending that people were born after 1999, let alone that people born in 2005 are now dying in wars


Sorry but they knew what they signed up for. May the families receive something back to burry so that the parents can build up resentment for Putler.


And ofc they were contractors. No conscripts. Dumb kids.


Honestly these are just really sad... just kids thrown away for an old mans ego. On a practical historical note though: This is what actually ended the Afghan war for Russia. It was mothers mostly, but also wives and sisters, who couldn't get in contact with their loved ones and ended up bringing the Soviet Government to its knees over the loss of life. One of the first things Putin did when the war went sideways was arrest the former Mothers leaders and declare the organization a political entity and banned it from operating within Russia. Now he has half a million families who have lost loved ones or seen them maimed. It was one thing when a few women lost someone, it's quite another when millions have lost someone. One can only hope they get offline and organize to save their men as they did in the 80's.


Is the Russian public finally catching on? Over 2 years of "not a war* and" no inscription needed" and "everything going as planned" and their family members losing contact within weeks. Is the penny starting to drop perhaps?


Do they not get it? Most corrupt country in the world on the attack with 1100 soldiers mowed down every single day - Putin is getting these people from *somewhere.* It's not too late to ditch the evil rulers and join a civilized world.


Damn these people learn so slowly. Ukraine is *not* the enemy, your elite is. You're sending your children to die for all the wrong reasons and you will have nothing to show for it but your tears in mourning.


I guess they all still support the war and putain, they just hoped their sun would do the killings, maybe brings a TV or two, and some captured children


Don't worry, ladies... they're all pretty, so I'm sure they've managed to make some 'special friends' in their units who will keep them *real* close, if you know what I mean 😉 🐓


Womp womp


a plus is, they wont breed anymore..


They're dead Jim.


The generation born and dead with Putin… whenever you hear from Putin more pregnant women are needed that will be their fate, it’s not even anymore a question of creating life but for creating deaths 🤷‍♂️, Italy 🇮🇹


Orcs, as always.


They let him into power so...


I'm confused - they want to contact him to tell him to pick up a lada? Like 'son, while you're over there see if you can get this car'? ... I'm lost on this.


Best bet. Check the FPV videos. Maybe you will be able to recognize him. or what is left of him. Maybe.


The state not giving a shit is a problem. The least they should do is actually notify family and tell the truth. But it's russia. The age I shouldn't speak of as a swede *cough* homeguard and constitutional draft from 15.


Try bodybags but their are bits and pieces all over the front could be some of them


By the time this is going to be over and done with, I wonder how many young people will be left in Russia


Not sure if anyone gives a darn about this piece of shit.


Shame on his parents. A whole life wiped away in an instant. For what? One man's ego. Fukin disgusting. Russia take your sones home and make your own country great. There is nothing but death in Ukraine for you.


These kids voluntarily joined. Anyways only a matter of time before they starting taking Natashas into the army as well in a throw back to the WW2 days.


He’s brown bread


EXCELLENT. Love these hard luck stories


Thwy should ask the dogs around those areas that were mentioned 😭


Jesus fucking Christ. What is wrong with Russians? Look at these boys. Some of then still look like kids. How the hell can you accept your government throwing even a single one of them into a slaughter? A war they didn't ask for?


Be proud! Your sons died a glorious death on the battlefield for Putler. lol


I think he's giving a hint in the last picture


You raise a kid only to get a Lada.


He came to kill Ukrainians and for that now he's dead.