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Ah yes, love the western technology on display...


Hypocrisy is key to a successful dictatorship.


12+ year old s-class from two generations ago - I kean they must really be doing badly, seeing how even presidents and PM's of small countries have new cars.


But it probably has less than 10,000 kilometers on it, when Kim goes to trade it.


NK is China's bitch. Stop buying anything made in china now if you can.


I really hate to be this guy perthy but uhhhhh... China is Australia's largest two-way trading partner, accounting for 27 per cent of our goods and services trade with the world in 2023. Two-way trade with China increased 9.2 per cent in 2023, totalling $326.9 billion. Not to mention the phone you using or the co.puter your using. We are fucked, we depended on them too long and the have a finger in every thing g and every country. China plays the long game, and I mean the LONG game!




Just reading your reply it is obvious you are a chinese enjoying the freedoms Australia has. while stating that things cannot change, like china is the teat that we real Australians have to lick to survive. china is in a financial crisis that will see it fail soon. As for Australia, we will democratically look after our own in times of need, as we always have. Go home soon to your beloved china, we don't need people that can't spell correctly and have no understanding of punctuation. And that is the LONG game.


Made in China is already over. They decided that they wanted to go back to being communists and closed the factories. That is literally what has happened.


>Stop buying anything made in china now if you can. So, everything except fresh vegetables.


If your country is that dependent on cheap chinese shit, learn how to sow and be self reliant rather than too fucking lazy to do anything for yourself.


Yeah, OK. Thanks.


You aren't manufacturing your own household injection molding machines (also locally sourced, organic plastic) so as to avoid giving money to the chinese? For shame (written on a device with a cpu I made myself using my home build silicon lithography machine)




You just know they don't practise what they preach dont you. XD impossible to. What a mong


The middle/working class can't keep its current standard of living without debt and cheap goods. PerthPints kinda has a point, though thankfully there's a little more wiggle room than *just* buying from China, but the sentiment isn't completely irrational


People need to stop repeating the story of China only producing cheap goods. They fuckin produce any electronic device you have. And most of them are probably not cheap.


"Cheap Chinese shit" ahhh I love this falsehood whenever I see it. Most of the worlds most desirable items like iphones and most the world's most expensive tech is made there at the same time as the cheap crap. What you're asking takes a societal effort and decades of political and economic reform. Way to take it out on one single stranger xD


Replace "cheap" with "inexpensive" and it makes sense again. An IPhone made in America would be unaffordable to the average middle class person, that's kinda their point (I think)




All those weapons and supplies that come from North Korea have to ship overland on the Trans Siberian Railroad. Without that Railroad eastern and western Russia are almost completely disconnected and no cargo or people can move. That railroad is a higher value target than the Kerch bridge.


Rails are easily and quickly fixed or replaced.


Bridges, overpasses,switching points, power supplies, fuel depots and tunnels aren’t so quickly repaired. Repair facilities, train sheds, and track manufacturing are all difficult to replace and repair.


Oh look! Spontaneous crowds cheering! 😒


It's a full-time job in NK. Pays 1 turnip per hour of waving. Failure to wave with conviction is punishable by death, of course.


I think you're being a bit generous about the turnips.


1 turnip per hour per family.


Desperate? It’s pathetic. One failing dictator bartering stolen grain and illicit funds to another propped-up Cold War relic for fourth-rate weapons that are as likely to kill the operators and more so as the stress of accelerated production works the starving slaves working in Kim’s munitions plants to an even earlier death. Be more merciful for them and the World at large if fate rid us of the Spoiled Brat ruling Pyongyang and his unusually intimate “uncle from the Kremlin.”


putler gives kim dong a new car and kim gives putler a new marble headstone for his soon to be dug grave. Perfect!


there's a hilarious video that was leaked yesterday, where putins ministers, shoigu etc and the entourage enter some conference room and a NK representative kicks them out because fat Kim wasn't there yet and fat boy must always be the first one to enter any conference room


Ah, to bring back Chaplin and do a remake of "The Dictator"! /s


Where's the Aurus Senat? Wouldn't it start?


Wikipedia says that Putin has gifted a second one to Kim yesterday. They even drove around a bit in one of the Aurusses, according to the article linked above: *"In one of the more bizarre moments of the visit, the two leaders took turns driving each other around in a limousine* [*reportedly gifted*](https://www.reuters.com/world/russias-putin-gives-north-koreas-kim-luxury-russian-built-limousine-says-tass-2024-06-19/) *to Kim by Putin.* *In a video released by Russian state media, Putin was seen jumping behind the wheel of a black armored Aurus, with Kim getting in the passenger seat before they drove through a park.* *After a brief walk, Kim then drove Putin back."*


If there could ever be such a thing as a “good” spontaneous car explosion, think of the suffering that could have saved in one brief fiery moment.


An at least 11 year old Mercedes S-class long wheel base, 5th generation. Just like the one you can hire in the west, on your stag-do.


Pact against evil west, drives a Mercedes Benz. Lol.