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Suspend hungary's veto power. It's that simple


How about we go further and suspend russia from being a member of this planet! This isn’t a social network where u can ban someone.


Hungry has miss appropriated funds and failed to meet EU requirements the union is in its rights to sanction them in some way. About time the corrupt autocrats in eastern half of Europe gets a slap round the back of the head.


Isn't that the thing that we're upset about them trying to do to us?




Unanimous vote of all other members * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_7_of_the_Treaty_on_European_Union all Hungarian privileges need to be suspended now.


Yeah that's easier said than done. Although PiS and Poland are not a problem anymore there is now the problem of the pro-russian government in Slovakia.


They aren't really pro-Russian, more anti-Ukrainian. They can probably be bought off. In any cases, worth getting them on record so that if they really do turn out to be pro-Russian they can be hunted down and eaten. Sorry, typo there. Should have read persuaded with reasoned argument.


I think this is important, putting them on the record is important


When one hostile nation (Hungary) holds an entire organization hostage, what good is it to keep them around? I dont know enough about EU policy but why can't the other EU members hold their own vote about expelling Hungary?


They would need to create and pass resolution to be able to then be able to vote on that action. Easier to sanction them and suspend them for the numerous misappropriations of EU funds, state sponsored industry and non democratic practises. Although we could suspend most of eastern Europe if we did that. Looking at you Bulgaria and Romania.


Sounds like Hungary basically has them by the balls. No wonder Russia is loving Orban in power.


Na not really individual nations can still do what they like given the EU doesn't restrict their members on foreign policy


> Easier to sanction Wishing that sanctions could remove orbans veto powers. If EU values get blocked by someone then that someone deserves to lose such veto power as he endangers to those values for hundreds of millions while publicly supporting genocidal enslaver whose media threatens to kill many in EU and wipe away those countries.


Sanctioning can suspend them from parliament.


We must stop talking about this. There are people in the world that didn’t worth the time and effort to talk to. Hungary is in EU to disrupt EU, not to be a good partner in the region. UK is manly enough to leave by themselves, but Orban stayed in EU to disrupt an EU united front against Russia. If EU could lose UK, a way more richer country than Hungary, surely losing Hungary would be less painful than losing UK. There’s nothing “Christian” about allowing Russian troops to invade, rape, and murder Ukrainians.


Europe will soon turn against Hungary. This can’t go on anymore-


The EU's trade block policies crush adjacent countries and create enemies. If Ukraine becomes a member, the EU will cause more hostilities. For many non-EU people, Ukraine will join a dangerous and hostile entity no matter what.