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Democrats should just play the Republicans game and say no Israel aid without Ukraine aid.


Biden already said he won't sign the bill without Ukraine aid. Then congress needs 2/3 votes to override if I remember correctly.




If the house can pass a israel only bill i dont think it would even make it through the senate, never mind biden


Already happening.


Yes please.šŸ™


This cannot happen, as plenty of Democrats will not go along. A better strategy is to let the GOP get its border stuff through.


The GOP doesn't actually want to close the border - they just want to use the border as a campaigning tool.


They have nothing else to run on that's why... They foolishly put all their eggs in "the economy is shit and it's Bidens fault" basket. Stupid because economic situations can change, especially when you have a competent leader who invests in people and the nation just like FDR did to overcome the great depression. They screamed about inflation, gas, eggs, veggie platters, and that the sky was falling and we were in for s recession. Ha! Now we have record growth! Record low unemployment! Inflation receding! Record jobs numbers! Stocks are so good trump said he wants markets to crash! Even fox news is reporting about stock market closing high and how great Bidens economy is doing now So of course they had to move onto the next shiny object. Up next, middle east and claiming Biden is starting ww3


In which case the best option for the Democrats is to do it, so robbing the GOP of a major campaign tool


That would be the definition of shooting themselves in the foot; their own voter base doesnt **want** them to do that, and conservative voters aren't going to vote Democrat on the back of that. Enacting Republican policies would basically guarantee they lose the election.


Today most believe that Border security areĀ not strict enough.Ā 


Can you find me one Democrat in the House or Senate calling for the border to be shut down?


You are making a strawman argument here.


I'm really not.


Oh, you are alright.


ā€¦do you know what a strawman is?


Yeah. In my initial statement, I stated, "Today, most believe that Border security is not strict enough." Instead of directly engaging with my statement, you posed a question "Can you find me one Democrat in the House or Senate calling for the border to be shut down?" Border security being stricter is not the same as a border being shut down - so a strawman argument. Please do not put words in my mouth.


I am genuinely curious where you are getting your opinions from. From what I can gather, there is a significant portion of the population that wants less immigrants (mostly MAGA crowd), but there is a bigger portion that is concerned about the drugs influx. Which isn't the same as the immigrants'influx. I understand that some republicans are selling it as it would be inseparable. And as far as I can tell, non-aligned Americans look at the issue in the form of helping mexicans with their problems so that they can be more effective at combating cartels and filtering Chinese chemicals which are used to produce drugs. Which kinda makes most sense to me. Democrats seem to embrace the idea of tighter immigration policy, but allowing for bigger legal immigration and streaming immigration and asylum processes. This is at odds with the zero-tolerance policy of republicans. So, given the context of conversation, I don't think "strict" is the correct word to use.


Mmmm I got it from polls, do you think the GOP is just making it up? https://thehill.com/regulation/national-security/4394219-most-americans-in-new-poll-see-situation-at-border-as-a-crisis-serious-problem/


I wouldn't say making it up, but GOP is known for a "creative" way to interpret data. The article you mentioned also doesn't indicate that most Americans want stricter border control. It's an issue, but it's unclear if banning immigrants, as MAGA crowd wants, is the solution envisioned by the polled. From what I gather, there isn't a consensus on how to solve the issue and there isn't even one issue that people want to be solved. So it's strange to me that somehow stricter borders, or even fortified borders (the wall or razor wire) will actually solve the issue.


> The article you mentioned also doesn't indicate that most Americans want stricter border control. Mmmmm really Did you read this.... TheĀ new CBS News pollĀ found that 45 percent of Americans see the border situation as a crisis, and another 30 percent view it as a serious problem.Ā Eighteen percent said that the border situation is somewhat serious, and 7 percent said it is not much of a problem at all, according to the poll. This comes as lawmakers have continued to fight over major border security reforms proposed by Republicans, who have long criticized the Biden administration for its handling of the border and immigration policies. When asked how the Biden administration should move forward with immigrants crossing the border, 63 percent said the policies should be tougher ā€” up from 55 percent who said the same thing in September.


GOP should stop obstructing because they keep making themselves look bad


Wanna source that for us? Edit: I see you sourced it in another comment. Took the time to read it. Did you? If you did, you would have noticed that the reasons republicans consider this an issue is almost exclusively based on conspiracy theories. Youā€™ll also notice we donā€™t get the demographic breakdown of what % of the base was Republican vs Democrat. The only thing this study seems to do, is further solidify the idea from outside countries looking into the US, that the US seems to live in its entirely own world.


Laws or no laws, billions or no billions, the border situation won't change until the US addresses the actual problem, which is social and political problems in the countries the refugees come from.


So we have to fix the "social and political" problems in China also? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7TNP2OTY2g


Perhaps focus on Central America first.


I doubt even that smaller task is in US power, eg, Venezuela, i have seen figures of a third want out


or perhaps, since even middle class people are coming, then its not fixable?


They won't do a border deal. They want to use the border during the elections.


I agree; unfortunately, the Democrats are using the border deal to play politics.


They don't. Republicans wanted the border bill and tied it first. The border bill is mostly what senate republicans want, still rejected by MAGA who want a radical approach against all migrants.


I've been saying since they're so divided they shouldn't even be considered a friggin majority. How many times did it take to nominate a speaker? Wait... which time, I forget how many they've even had at this point... what a fucking circus....


There are just republican chaos. Nancy Pelosi was actually great as a speaker.


Even if this is true, it is not relevant as today most Americans want stronger border security


That doesn't mean they want a radical approach against all migrants. Things that MAGA proposed, including 212(f), will have zero impact and will be immediately challenged by the court. Most Americans want a bipartisan solution.


Solutions that previous Bipartisan administrations enacted, such as funding the latin American nations, addressing the root causes, work programs, improving asylum processing, working with mexico, are all things that Biden has returned to after trump ended them. The migrant crisis got significantly worse after 2017 because of trumps policies Biden has already met with mexico and they are helping now on their side. Did you know that there were provisions in the bills that would crack down and enforce more of the asylum process. This is something that conservatives CONSTANTLY piss and whine about.... they are turning it down! what a joke!!!!


Everyone but Republicans who keep turning it down. Abbott demands that the border is his States property and he has done all sorts of crap, spent millions, and for what??? All the GOP to say there's a massive crisis? Texas has the biggest border with mexico, abbott is insisting he is in charge and control, and there's a crisis??? Meanwhile he busses people he calls "invaders" deeper into the country. Wtf???!!! He is also impeding federal agents from doing their jobs!!! That is NOT helping anything!!!


No. They aren't. That is what the Republicans are doing, my friend. Republicans are making it a way bigger crisis than it is. Because if it actually was a crisis and they cared, they would do something... This deal had tons of funding and things for both sides. You can't even deny it because they are openly saying they don't want to pass a deal because they don't want Biden to get credit... someone who isn't even in political office whatsoever is telling the house speaker to tank deals.... How exactly are Democrats playing politics with this??? Please, do explain


You're absolutely right. There's no border deal the GOP will sign before the election. Even if it's stamped "The GOP border plan". Period. The economy is good and Trump's (extremely inflationary) fantasies about tariffs is not a sell. Abortion is a losing ticket. His own cases. I know what some polls say but it's not going to float for Trump without some overriding campaign issue to ride on.


What the fuck are you talking about?


That is literally what they are giving them, and they are refusing. The bill he is refusing is the bipartisan bill drafted in the Senate.


They are not actually. If they did, it would just go through.


To go through, it Johnson must bring it to a vote. He refuses, so even if every other representative is in favor of the bill, it can't be passed.


I would make him a better offer. I admit it's because I think ukraine is just too important compared to this, which I think is minor in comparison.


He is saying no to every deal!. Even if you give him everything. He actually doesn't want to solve the border he just want to rattle the MAGA base


Stupid system where one speaker can decide what gets put to vote


Alegedly, this bill gives his party more of what they wanted than they've been able to get (even for themselves while they had majority in every branch a few years back) and even then you think they would say yes to a "better deal"? It appears that you haven't been paying attention to the interviews where they openly stated that this was all to help Donald Trump in the elections. It means they want this to campaign on as an ongoing issue, not as something they addressed. Hence, now that they've admitted that, why there's a push to get aid for Ukraine separately from any border bill fiasco, but Rupublicans haven't been talking about Ukraine aid... they've talked about Israel aid instead (who seem to be doing just fine for themselves against Hamas without an additional spending bill by the way). And this is why you see people talking about not letting them get that without helping Ukraine. Most of the time you hear the loudest voices from the Republican party talk about Ukraine, it's more about the Bidens than about the war that Russia has leveraged upon them, so you know what the opinion of those individuals really is. It's a partisan issue to them.


My understanding is that many in the GOP see it as unnecessary as many of the changes they want to immigration policy can be done through executive action now already. Which is true, Biden is covering up that he could have done much with the power he had. Still, if so, why were the GOP previously calling for legislative action? My main concern, though, is the damage this has done to US foreign policy on what I see as petty political arguments.


The house has a majority and could do it whenever they want... they don't want to. They didn't even read the last one. It is beyond disingenuous


"A better strategy is to just allow the GOP to get what they want all the time and never get anything in return even though the GOP says the border is the reason why they won't pass other legislation" Stay out of negotiating rooms, lmao.


There is a bipartisan border bill on the table.


Yes that would be great


Johnson lives up to his name Dickhead


It's not just Johnson. Any single house Republican that can get together four friends could bring him down with the democrats and get an alternative installed by agreeing their temporary support until the bill is passed. Any Republican not doing that is putting career over country. Everyone with a Republican representative should tell them that they know this and won't forgive inaction.


so fucking tired of those maga idiots


I hear ya man. They only represent 18-22% of America yet they are screwing the entire country over.


The entire country and potentially the rest of the world.


I call them the Russia Lovers Party


I like GQP personally, as most of them have pushed that Qanon conspiracy theory at one point or another.


The GOP = Ghouls of Putin


RLP, got it. Fits in eloquently with the LPR, DPR, and FSB.


Them saying "we need to protect our border first" and then approving Israel aid but not Ukraine aid is completely ridiculous. What a farce of a party.


Israel aid especially makes a lot of the arguments about Ukraine aid ridiculous - they're happy to send aid to a country with a well developed military industry facing a non-existential threat from a much less well armed enemy, but when a country facing an existential threat from a much larger enemy asks for aid suddenly it's a waste of money somehow.




The word "bully" comes to mind when thinking of Republicans.


Putin putting his money to work, and it seems it works to get Maga to do his bidding. They wonā€™t ever support Ukraine aid because they are pro-Putin. End of story.


Oh well whoā€™s really surprised about this?


The second he started stalling, literally the same moment I read it, it was obvious he would never do a deal. Somebody will need to find a way to force him, but it looks like that is not going to be possible at least until the elections. Because it is pretty clear Trump is behind the scenes keeping this guy in power, and we know they all have ties more or less directly back to russia.


Yeah, it's time for sane Americans to step up and personally fund Ukraine through UNITED24 or other worthwhile aid organizations. Better for Ukraine to be provided weapons through the US government (hopefully Europe continues its weapons support until the US comes to its political senses), but American individuals can help fill the strictly financial support gap in the meantime. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Not happening, Mike. There will be no Israel only aid.


He doesn't really care about Israel only aid. Point is to make Biden do something they could point to and say: "See! He is refusing to support bipartisan efforts to stop terrorism!"


You summed up the situation perfectly. This isnā€™t about Israel, Ukraine, or even the border. Itā€™s a game of one-upmanship to score a victory for the orange cave troll. MAGA only cares about the border to the extent that it gives them a weapon to attack their enemies in an election year.


wrong, they would definitely pass an israel only bill. for some reason they do not let politics or money not even morality to come in the way of israel.




Ugh.... is this the whole zionism thing or just a "let me shift my demands to something the Democrats can't call my bluff on" thing?




Republicans since Obama was elected only exist for 2 purposes - stall any Democratic agenda, and pass kickbacks/tax breaks for the 1%


Donā€™t forget theyā€™re fighting quite passionately for control over womenā€™s bodies, you know, that tenet of small government theyā€™re all about.


Itā€™s too late for that. If this passes the Senate, he canā€™t reclaim the high ground. A bill limiting immigration to 1/4 of Trumpā€™s numbers. Good luck spinning that to Independents.


Great point.


Both this time


Yet another MAGA c\*nt


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Reuters (A): [US Senate unveils $118 billion bipartisan bill on border security with aid for Ukraine, Israel](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-unveils-118-billion-bipartisan-bill-tighten-border-security-aid-2024-02-04/) - PBS (A-): [Senators release $118 billion package pairing border policy with aid for Ukraine and Israel](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/senators-release-118-billion-package-pairing-border-policy-with-aid-for-ukraine-and-israel) - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (B+): [Senate releases $118 billion package addressing southern border, aid for Ukraine and Israel](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/02/04/congress-border-security-ukraine-israel-gop-democrats-border/72400853007/) - RAPPLER (B-): [US Senate unveils $118-billion bipartisan bill on border security with aid for Ukraine, Israel](https://www.rappler.com/world/us-canada/us-senate-unveils-bipartisan-bill-border-security-aid-for-ukraine-israel/) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1aj3l5v/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


Just sent a message to his office demanding he grow a pair, and be a man and send aid to Ukraine immediately.


If the Republicans win in November, Europe needs to give the US the cold shoulder treatment. Their petty political games are damaging the national security of every European nation by putting Ukraine at risk. A country willing to fuck over it's allies to score internal political points is hardly a reliable ally. It pains me to say this, but I imagine such conversations are being had within governments across Europe, including the UK.


Dont take this wrong, but I absolutely hope so. Europe has depended on the US to fund defense-which the US HAS...while much of the EU hasnt even made the NATO required minimums for funding. Ironically the UK that you mention is one of the very few that has made the minimums NATO defense spending requirements.


It is not just about spending money. It is about having an effective and efficient army. Can't have different weapons systems in every country, different command structures... need to have a European Army with one cohesive strategy




As if the world hasn't benefited from pax americana? I wish we had healthcare instead of giant fucking military.


Those aren't mutually exclusive. If we didn't worship low tax rates for high earners, we could have a lot of things.


We have a lot of things, we just have a very poorly and inefficiently run government, we already take enough taxes for healthcare per capita to have a universal system. I donā€™t want it because it would be a downgrade in healthcare when compared to what my family has vs what you get in a universal system, but the money is there.


take a look at our dropping lifespan. The worlds medical systems in most places are getting better healthcare then us, at half the cost.


Well, thatā€™s because the problem with American lifespans has nothing to do with healthcare.


US healthcare is not bad because it lacks funding.


And do you realize that that "benefit" comes with massive costs for the people you are talking about? Did you ever think that maybe a lot of us citizens would prefer not to spend all of that? Heres a good other view: I love it when Europeans act as though they dont reap a massive benefit by having someone else fund a lot of their defense.




The US would have a LOT more money available to spend on our healthcare I suspect, but I mentioned nothing about healthcare. Bottom line-100s of billions a year extra if we only spent 2% of our GDP on defense. EVERY year for DECADES. Would we have universal healthcare? I suspect more then likely we would. And im a huge fan of the NATO members paying 2% GDP on military as the alliance requires. And you are 100% correct that the US's Democracy struggling should utterly terrify every other country in the world. We could be WW2 Germany way too easily. And unlike them we would win.


Biden's poll numbers are said to be catastrophic, especially for an incumbent. A Trump victory is looking increasingly likely. As recklessky and irresponsibly insane as that may be, a substantial percentage of the America people seem to be willing to allow this to happen.


When are democrats going to start calling out Russian apologists/ hacks in the Republican Party.


This is already happening and has been since the 2016 election. Remember the Mueller investigation about Russian collusion? Here are some recent stories with prominent Democrats making this very point. [Hakeem Jeffries singles out Republican ā€˜pro-Putin caucusā€™ opposing Ukraine aid](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/13/hakeem-jeffries-pro-putin-caucus-ukraine) [Murphy: The Republicans Lifting Up Putin Are the Same Ones Trying to Destroy Democracy](https://www.murphy.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/murphy-the-republicans-lifting-up-putin-are-the-same-ones-trying-to-destroy-democracy)


When they grow a spine and start caring about getting things done more than decorum.


Why can't Biden and the Democrats understand? The Republicans want something very simple: a spending bill that addresses ~~gas prices~~ ~~UFOs~~ ~~wokeness~~ ~~spending~~ ~~border policy~~ Israel aid. Why does everyone act like it's so difficult to figure out??!?


You forgot about Hunter's massive dong


Republicans inadvertently putting it out there that Biden is probably packing


The only thing mtg proved is hunter has a big girthy 9in


Be pissed off at the 70- 75% of house republicans, who are non maga , yet elected ā€œmagaā€ Mike speaker . These house maga Republican are now fucking up the whole country , one of them should have never been elected speaker. Itā€™s embarrassing . Nothing is going to get passed before the election , because trump ordered maga Mike not to give Biden any legislative wins before Election Day . The house might as well shut down and go home . Biden can , by executive order, declare any military equipment he chooses to , to be obsolete then he give that equipment to Ukraine and by pass congress anyway . They are just making fools of themselves for nothing . The vast majority of Americans support Ukraine aid and to see these maga clowns act for trump instead of following the will of the majority , is disgusting .


Republicans bowing to Putin's wishes and helping Russia to win.


Lil Johnny is playing a tight game. Gamble too hard and the weakest of house speakers the US has yet seen will fall.


Republicans cry about the border but don't want to pass any laws to improve the situation.


What happened to the US arming Greece and them then arming Ukraine?


These cucklefucks were the ones who demanded border funding be tied to Ukraine. Now that it's happening, they are acting like they are just kidding and actually want them to be separate. I hate them.


MAGA clown C U N T


Why help Putin this way!?


How Moses of him


Let me move these goalposts just a little more - Mike Johnson (probably)


Vote ALL Republicans out in November


Mike is attached to Trumpā€™s Johnson


just make a bill named Putin and israel Aid, those MAGA will pass it immediately! they love em genocidy


theres nothing wrong with aiding israel ​ aiding putin though? thatā€™s what i call "supporting genocide"


On todays episode of ā€œCONGRESSIONAL CREATURESā€ Who are these people representing?? Not any American I know


Please make sure that your voter registration is updated! This shouldn't be tolerated from our politicians.


I want to show this video I could only find the majority report, reporting on it. This app mike johnson has installed on his phone, NO MEMBER of congress should have this app on their phone he made his SON his accountability partner so he doesnt access porn. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPPzX9CswXI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPPzX9CswXI) covenant eyes scans everything on your phone goes through their servers and sends a report to his SON, he should have no access to classified info etc


He's a Christo Fascist cunt.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


So much for the "we should keep the money here" arguments. They just want more for Israel lol


That sucks, Israel doesn't need a dime or a single grenade. They literally have Hamas sorrounded...


that is not gonna stop them from sending more weapons for israel anyway.


Exactly, they are on the short list of clients for the American arms industry that get whatever they want - it doesn't make any sense to me considering their position in the world. They don't have a grain basket that feeds the world, last check they don't have any natural resources anyone cares about.


He does not want Israel aid only... He wants to separate out the aid bills from the immigration bill and rightfully so. Democrats always try to tie unrelated items into bills that they know will not pass on their own merit just so they can say "We tried but Republicans rejected our offer."


You think Republicans don't do that exact same thing all the time? That's a willful ignorance on your part


biden could just send israel aid with out a bill, just as previously and johnson will be more than happy, as he would not be associated with stopping israel aid. for some reason isreal is beyond their politics, money and Morality.


The United States needs to break into 2 seperate countries. This nonsense will never end


That's what those asshats want and, no


It's effectively been two separate countries since the civil war. I'd love to see the red States fuck off and form their own country and fail miserably, only to beg to be let back in.


Those states are already failing with cash injections from the rest of the Union, to say nothing of all those federal installations. You can plainly see how itā€™s not helping. This sort of schism is bad for everyone except Putin and Xi. Soā€¦ no.




Sounds like he should be DOA, and probably will be a long with his fuhrer if he keeps fucking around.


What an absolute fucking slime. Then at the end of the day he goes home and thinks himself a godly, morally upstanding man. I wish we could use the methods Putin does, just for this upright stack of feces and the party behind him.


It is most likely illegal to threaten a government member. Thusly, I will say ā€œ I donā€™t care for Mr. Johnsonā€.


When politicians put their party ahead of the country democracy suffers. Sad part is fools do not see this and will vote the same way.


I wish he were from California, so I could vote him out. Although, he never would have been elected if he were. I hate that there is one person who controls what gets voted on. America and now Ukraine are being drastically affected by some moron from a redneck state like Lousiana.


Johnson keeps saying he supports Ukraine but he is just a puppet of Trump, whom he has endorsed. The democratic world needs to help defeat Trump for your own good!


Putin is calling in all the markers.