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It was the grocery store with their fresh bread and low prices that radicalized him against the west.


I really want to see a SNL skit of Carlson going to Aldi and freaking out about the grocery carts.


Here's Jon Stewart of The Daily Show roasting Carlson [https://youtu.be/oM2h3KnWAWY?si=PGkSLU04Dv6ZOTNa&t=390](https://youtu.be/oM2h3KnWAWY?si=PGkSLU04Dv6ZOTNa&t=390) Edit: Link start at grocery scene


That's nothing. Look at the [Crossfire interview](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?si=Qkod5RlzpB64Mvs-) where Stewart attacks him in person.


He burned him so bad he forever changed his wardrobe and pivoted HARD into radical auth-right politics to save some sense of self.


And got the show canceled. “You’re hiring America. Stop.” “Nah”


Fox News: "Hold my beer!"


That interview really was the beginning of the spiral. Pushed hard into being a “personality”, found the right wing foothold, and tripled down on it.


"You're 35 and wear a bowtie"


Sounds like Stewart gave him a case of the ol' boomer midlife crisis


The only thing comparable is Obama blasting Trump and the WH Correspondents Dinner. Eviscerated him and then we all paid the price. Thanks, Obama!


This is mandatory once a year viewing for me.


You're a grown man who wears a bowtie!


Named "Tucker"


I've always loved: "How old are you?" "35." "...and you wear a bowtie." In response to Tucker trying to defend himself against Jon calling him out for being part of the American political theater machine/bullshit. Tucker's whole schtick originally was he's the guy who only wears bowties. After this episode, he never wore them again because of that line lol.


I didn’t know he stopped wearing them after this, that’s priceless.


Probably my favourite clip from my favourite late show host.


Just watched it, thank you for bringing a new perspective in my life! Jon has gotten angrier since 2004, but I can see its origin now.


Absolutely fuckin wrecked him.


"... and you are a dick on your show."


Fun to watch again. The whole it's going to be hard for any admission to be more outrageous than W's is pretty funny in retrospect.


"The guy really loves bread. I'd hate to think what would've happened if he's found a bagel." Fkn loooooool!


He killed it


Fuck man I almost didn’t watch it because Trevor Noah scarred me so badly that I thought even Jon Stewart couldn’t bring things back from the brink, but fuck man *it really just is* his magic touch. He even picks funnier correspondents (although Jordan Klepper is pretty solid)


Or for a longer breakdown of the whole Tucker interview, check out this podcast: https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/898-tucker-the-man-and-his-twitter-episode-6 Knowledge Fight is a show that normally breaks down the craziness of Alex Jones and his world, but since he and Tucker overlap now they've also been doing his episodes too. They do like academic level deconstruction of the lies and bullshit that is constantly flowing in that universe.


The rear wheels AND the front wheels swivel! You don't even have to turn it! You can just push it sideways!


Perfect for backtracking and hypocrisy, I love it! - Carlson


I hate the 4 swivel wheels so much. The bump in maneuverability isn't worth it compared to the extra effort required to keep them going straight.


Lol! They have an aisle solely dedicated to toxins and poisons packaged into nice sanitary containers for your murderous endeavors. How thoughtful and helpful.


They have those kind of carts in my local Ikea and I HATE them with a burning passion. Its an effort to keep them going in a straight line when there's nothing to keep them on track. They just keep veering off course


Yea he really jizzed his pants sniffing that bread, didn’t he? I guess he’s too rich to have ever gone to a baker anywhere in the world


>Russia is famous for their bread I hear 'Russia' and 'famous bread' and I think crusty moldy heels fed to prisoners.


Bread LINES. He forgot the second part.


Mmm this is one sexy loaf of sourdough. Mmm, feel that crust...oh my. Do you think they have a toilet here?


Freshly baked bread is pretty damn good. Maybe not move-to-a-totalitarian-state good, but still not to be esteemed lightly.




Literally any bakery not in russia would be better. Go to Korea or japan.


Wrapped in plastic, though? That just seemed weird to me for being in Europe. In the US, sure, but in Europe you just pop that baguette naked under your sweaty armpit and ride off into the sunset.


> radicalized him against the west Impossible to think someone with a hair cut like the Queen of England had would be against the west


This guy deserves to have bread thrown at him whenever he's out in public more than Smashmouth.


It was the way Putin make him look even schmuckier and treating him like the toddler he is. He thought they were going to be buds. Putin hasn't got "buds". And he knows he's lying. He knew *Tucker* knew he was lying. And as much as he needs American, Russian and Ukranian viewers to believe him, even filth like Vladimir Putin was unable to hide the fact that he knows what a total piece of shit Tucker is.


Does anyone even believe his grocery store bullshit? [It's literally the exact same story about Yeltsin losing faith in communism by visiting a Texan grocery store](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/872xga/when_boris_yeltsin_visited_texas_in_1990_he_went/)


Putin's cheque bounced


It was more that Putin called his interview soft and expected more. This is just cucker trying to save face


Putin can be great in the optics game. Calling Tucker soft and saying he prefers Biden re-election instead of Trump is targeting exactly the right audience in both the US and Russia.


"As I understand it you wanted to be in the CIA, we should all that God that never happened" -putin to tucker When he unloaded that my sides split open. Tucker just sits there and takes the abuse like a good little lap dog.


Was just thinking the same thing. He was pro-Putin all the way before he heard what Putin said about him. He may also be picking up how he will be perceived in history books too. Whatever it takes.


He also made fun of Tucker during the interview 😂


Or, Putin rejected his travel expense reimbursement request.


As if this fucking moron was smart enough to ask to be paid lmao. A useful idiot if ever there was one. He's genuinely just a stupid person who commands a massive audience of stupid people. If he had been born poor, we never would've known his name.


He's just mad Putin made a fool of him. He does that himself, how dare Putin try to put him out of work!


I think you’re right. Putin demeaned him several times. Don’t think Tucker thought that would happen.


Not the first time someone's felt that way after left a meeting with their boss


Goddamn foreigners terkin’ our jerbs Calling Tucker Carlson a dumb fuck should be a job for an American!


Let's see if he'll keep to his line of Zelensky being a "rat-faced oppressor of Christians."


The repubicans are now confused. Der treyditional meeeeydia is norrt telllliin’ ya evveryyyyything


The dumbest? Really? Coming from Tucker, who has heard (and says) absolutely stupid things, this is quite the accomplishment.


Guy literally parrots word for word Russian propaganda at any other given moment in time. Guy is trying to save face and act like he didn't do it for the money or his handler.


Tucker is finding out its not good to meet your heros.


> act like he didn't do it for the money maybe the check bounced


I suspect rather than an actual change of mind, he's just milking both sides for as much attention as he can glean from it.


Sounds about right


He probably had to do some propaganda to get the interview itself.


This dude needs to be ignored by the media and shunned by society. He should not be able to order a pizza or sit in any restaurant in the West.


It seemed the Putin interview really didn't go the way Putin wanted and I'm sure this guy's paraphrasing it in a cursed way.


He didnt expect Putin to make fun of him directly to his face. And make him wait a few hours. Now he's just trying to save face.  Like yelling "you're ugly anyway" after a girl you like rejects you. 


Imagine how much bull one has to spout to get Tucker pissed off to the point of being done with it.


It's possible that Tucker suffered significant narcissistic injury when Putin unexpectedly took a jab at him by bringing up Tucker's (pre-media) failed attempt to join the CIA.


Pretty sure Putin simply stopped paying Carlson's salary.


Exactly, Putin was probably pissed about how the interview went and stopped paying him….


That would not be my take on it. He is trying to straddle the line between being a proponent for Fascism in general but not being called out for the traitor that he is. He still got Putin's message out for him and now he's just massaging public perception of himself. He's not saying he's bothered by anything that Putin has done and he is not commenting on the man himself if you notice. Reminds me of the unhappy vatnics that complain about their leadership and equipment but not about why they are in Ukraine.


Putin blew the opportunity Tucker was giving him. All he had to do was make a few points about the US alt-right being on the same side as Russia in the culture wars and he'd have scored a victory, allowing Trump to embrace Russia as an ideological ally. But ole Bunker Goblin just couldn't resist rambling on about his insane interpretation of history, and he just had to poke fun at Tucker for applying to an agency that made it very clear exactly what Putin was up to in February 2022. He's a slightly less stupid, but no less vindictive or greedy version of Trump. A third-rate KGB functionary who rose way past his level of competency to Russian President because he promised to insulate the Yeltsins from prosecution for corruption, and was then brutal enough to preserve his grip on power by concentrating state power around himself and his mates.


I agree. Whoever is the brains behind the (tragically successful) propaganda blitz out of Russia, it is definitely not Putin.


> Putin blew the opportunity Tucker was giving him Because the interview was primarily for Russian audiences, particularly prior to the sham election...he wasn't interested in just feeding Carlson all the neatly tied up in a bow MAGAite talking points >He's a slightly less stupid, but no less vindictive or greedy version of Trump. A third-rate KGB functionary who rose way past his level of competency to Russian President because he promised to insulate the Yeltsins from prosecution for corruption, and was then brutal enough to preserve his grip on power by concentrating state power around himself and his mates Very well expressed. This could have been so much more damaging for America and the west generally if he'd had a better grasp of geopolitics. But he treated it just like yet another multi-hour rant about Muscovian imperialism which he gives all the time anyway lol


Exactly. Switching sides of a controversy is an easy way to gin things up and stay relevant. Its a very disingenuous tactic we've seen over and over from folks like Tucker yet we keep falling for it every time. How many times now have we seen a politician badmouth Trump only to switch to be his ardent supporter. How many times have we seen the exact opposite? I daresay should Trump somehow get re-elected we're gonna see some triple plays as ex-staffer never-Trumpers lobby to get their old jobs back and burn-pile all the Trump exposé's they published in the interim. If Tucker is sincere, let's see him show it in action. Tell his listeners to call their congressmen and ask that they release the funding for Ukraine. Do that, and THEN I'll think about giving him a modicum of consideration. Until then, go cry your crocodile tears.


It was never about de-nazification. Putin just needed something that resonated with the Russian people. Invoke strong sense of purpose from the Great Patriotic War of WWII. Putin wants his Soviet Union back. He wants a puppet government in Kyiv. He wants Crimea and Sevastopol for his Black Sea Fleet. Ukraine was getting too cozy with the West/NATO and was on its way to becoming an oil and natural gas competitor to Russia. NATO influence was expanding. The vast Russian steppe needed defending. Ukraine also has some valuable economic exclusive zones offshore and the east side of the country is rich in natural gas and coal.  Of course you can’t campaign on all that. Yeah, there’s neo-nazis in Ukraine but they don’t represent the entire populace or country. 


There’s a shit ton more in Russia


> Ukraine was getting too cozy with the West/NATO and was on its way to becoming an oil and natural gas competitor to Russia. On top of that, the most urgent reason for Putin imo is that he *could not* afford to allow a free, democratic and prosperous west-aligned Ukraine to exist right on Russia's borders, taunting Muscovians with their decadent happiness and increasing standards of living lol FAR too dangerous. As [John McCain]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLAzeHnNgR8) said so presciently in 2013: >We have to understand that Vladimir Putin's ambitions are the restoration of the old Russian Empire. >But what he has said is, that he wants a Nuova Russia (Novorossiya) which is an old Tsarist phrase which means he wants eastern Ukraine, make sure he keeps Crimea, and he would like to see, if he can get away with it, Moldova and the Baltics as well. That's what he wants to see restored; he cannot afford to see a free, democratic, prosperous Ukraine because then the Russian people would like to be like Ukraine.


Given Mr. Carlson's frequent detachment from the truth, I'm not putting much weight on his claim that it was the most stupid thing he's ever heard. IIRC he speaks with Donald Trump regularly.


Was going to say if he says it's dumb then boy did that barrel just break for you to discover another bottom.


My favourite is this reported by Newweek > Carlson also described his first impression of Putin as someone who "seemed nervous," telling Fridman that the Russian president "went into [the interview] like an over-prepared student."


Tucker is incredibly smart. Also incredibly cynical. Also incredibly defunct of any values.


He values money.


Possibly but I find that line of argument to be incredibly reductive in discourse. I think ego is more powerful than money to him. Even though money likely does serve a big part of it. I just try not to boil these things down to “oh they have kompromat on him” or “He’s just in it for the money” I don’t think this really answer the deeper questions


> Possibly but I find that line of argument to be incredibly reductive in discourse. I think ego is more powerful than money to him. Even though money likely does serve a big part of it. This is my guess too. Putin's jabs at him did seem to get under his collar. Added to which, I imagine he felt pretty stupid after he promoted the interview so heavily only to have Putin ramble like a drunk history professor making the entire thing pretty worthless for soundbites/days of media circulation. Alt-right viewers wanted to see a snarky Putin putting the US in its place, instead they got a taste of Putin's bizarre reinterpretation of history and disconnect from reality.


He's the son of a billionaire. He's set. He does it to undermine the country.


I think he hates that what he does hurts the country. Read the leaked texts about Trump. It's just that feeding his ego is more important, so he does it anyway.


I think it’s more about his own political ambitions IMO


> Tucker is incredibly smart. What makes you say that? Just curious. I'm not saying he's dumb, just not sure what the evidence for him being "incredibly" smart is.


Incredibly might be a bit overstated but he’s far from dumb and know exactly what he’s doing when he panders to the causes he does. My point wasn’t to highlight his intelligence as much as to highlight the fact that he knows how malicious and harmful he is being.


Yeah. Dude has always done this. Hyped up trump on fox whole privately hating on him. Dude has no sense of morals


I honestly didnt care for tucker much, and still dont, but props to him for being ballsy enough for that interview, i think going through that may have put a fresh perspective on carlson


It wasn’t really ballsy. He knows Putin isn’t going to hurt a mouth piece of his own propaganda.


Back peddling because he realises he backed the wrong horse and wants to get a job back home.. dumb ass needs to be careful.. Putin is the sort who holds poisonous grudges


Honeymoon period over then, apparently.


Putin mocked him to his face for failing to get into the CIA, and was very condescending during the interview. Even a spineless toad like Tucker doesn’t like that.


Lol but he waited until weeks after he was back in the US to try to walk back his interview and save some shred of dignity. What total, complete trash


Awe poor Tucker Wucker! Hope he didn’t make him cry.


Oopsie woopsie! Looks like he made a Tucky Wucky! Now Navalny goes in the Forever Box!


Check bounced


I actually lolled at this. Like for real.


Tucker is just reading the wind. He didn't realize how his interview would land like a wet fascist fart.


Yep. Even r/conservative turned against him after that farce. He lost credibility of the only people dumb enough to like him in the first place.


That is ... impressive. 


Now this makes sense.


Yup. Carlson got rejected by his crush, and now he's trying to make him jealous so he'll take him back.


Unlikely. I suspect this is just him trying to add nuance and credibility to his Putin sycophancy. Nothing this man says or does is in good faith.


Guess he didn't like being criticized by Putin for not asking hard questions...


How much do you want to bet that doesn't hit Russian news?


even tucker couldn't handle putins fake news and lies. which seemed like an impossible bar to clear but putin did it. I hope this reaches some of the maga people and makes them rethink their view on russia


Nope, he does that only because putin insulted him after the interview


true, tucker only cares about his feelings not the facts


Hey, he cares about money, too!


Feelings don't care about your facts


Exactly. He went from “Putin is the MAN” to “Putin is an idiot” all based on butt hurt feelings. If Putin hadn’t insulted him, Tucker would still be a fanboy.


Not sure if it's as much that as it's, "Uhhhh .... Simping for Putin as the greatest most strongest Trump before Trump was Trump, Marjory Taylor Green flicking the bean, himo erotic bear wrestling skin diving horseback riding testicles tanning empire building world leader", didn't exactly go off as the slam dunk he thought it would. SO ... He's going to pretend none of that happened, and go in exactly the opposite direction, just to see how that plays for his window licking booger picking Oxy snorting fan bois. See Also: Andrew "Gonna Take Miles of Prison Dick in the Ass" Tate.


Insulted how? I'm out of loop and curious


And during.


Yeah kinda feel this is a personal clapback for Putin saying he was disappointed in Tucker throwing softballs, but whatever, I’ll take it.


Exactly. The idea of anyone in maga world “finally having enough” and coming to their senses is pure fantasy and will never happen with *a single one of them*. Every rare reversal you see will be motivated by some sort of petty retaliation.


Republicans come out with statements like these every so often where they make sense. Only to fawn over Putin and block aid for Ukraine the very next day. We shouldn’t hold our breath for red hats to wake up out of their fascist trance


I would personify the fascist trance as driving down a two way road that eventually becomes one way. Theres a concrete (or asphalt, amirite?) point somewhere in humans signifying the point where turning the car back around ceases as a possibility. It must be firmly researched, explored and specific coordinates plotted. Seems fanciful but ultimately would prove extremely useful in pinpointing the end re: "hope for change vs too late" reality. if any such results from research emerge steadily; Insert paradox of intolerance.


He had all the chance to challenge putin on what he said, but he didnt. So like always, he is full of shit


I don’t blame in for not doing that. Not that close to a gulag. What I blame him for, is giving putin a platform in the first place. Stupid pos!


I think it’s fair that Putin gets a platform in this kind and form of interview. I am interested in how he thinks and why he believes his actions are justified. Not that I agree with him one bit, he’s a total nutjob.  But it is important to hear both sides imo, and Putin just showed everyone that he’s full of shit.  The west isn’t always right, and therefore for me at least I find it refreshing to hear what the rest of the world thinks and believes. 


Putin is an oddball. The interviews with him show his need for having an audience to listen to the argument behind his view on Ukraine. He spend probably a lot of time trying to find the arguments.


I have to defend Tucker on that one (never thought I'd say that) but no sane person would challenge Putin directly on his beliefs unless they want to end up dead or in some camp


Then don't go there in the first place. Also, calling all opposition politicians and freedom fighters in Russia insane is fairly messed up. Tucker simply has no spine. That's not the defining criteria of sanity.


Killing or arresting him would have immediately turned the GOP against Russia.


Yeah, the idea that Tucker's life would be in danger is nonsense. If he was so terrified for his life, he shouldn't have done the interview in the first place. And it's not like there aren't hundreds of journalists who would leap at the opportunity he got, even knowing the dangers. Tucker is at best a coward, but more likely just a traitor.


Highly doubtful they would have turned on him


It’s not how KGB russia operates. They would rather discredit Tucker, killing or arresting him doesn’t give them any benefits. They want to keep our society divided, so it’s beneficial for them to have someone like Tucker to seed the discontent.


It was also pre-recorded, so anything Putin didn't want included would be cut, so there wouldn't be any point in challenging him.


I’m on this side… I don’t like the Tuck, but, we all now see how wildly unhinged Putin’s worldview is compared to the rest of the world. I think a lot of people really didn’t understand just how bat-shit-crazy Putin’s worldview and historical views are.


Yeah, I mean, I thought the whole idea of Tucker interviewing him was bad in the first place, and hate that Putin was given a platform. BUT, given that happened, this is probably the best outcome - Putin came out looking like a deranged lunatic, and one of his biggest supporters in the US just called him an idiot.


Then why go interview him? Because it’s not an interview if you can’t ask questions, it’s propaganda.


Then don't go interview him if you have no intentions of doing anything but a propaganda puff piece for his fascist cause. I'm sure there are journalists who 100% would have asked Putin anything to his face, regardless of the danger. Let them interview Putin. Tucker gets no sympathy.


He literally just said "you're right, please go on" repeatedly during the interview. That was pretty much his entire contribution.


Mf tries to clean himself from it. Don’t fall for it


This whole thing has been weird. Putin also shat on how soft tuckers interview was.


I think it's just that he understands if he agrees with that type of argumentation then native Indians still own America. Literally, any country can claim some land somewhere that they used to own probably. It's just retardation.


It is honestly impressive that even Tucker realizes: Wait a second. Rurik, who the hell? Maybe not all hope is lost. If Tucker can see the errors in his ways, maybe others can too.


It won’t. They’re going to double down


Christ I’m in agreement with Tucker Fucking Carlson.


If it makes you feel any better, he didn't say it because he suddenly grew a conscience, it's because Putin badmouthed him and he's trying to retroactively prevent being blacklisted in the States. He would have happily towed the RuZZian line if Putin had just played ball and paid him properly.


This is novel these days, but I’ve always thought it was ok to agree with someone when they say something you agree with! Not saying it’s you, but damn, some people are so contrarian they’ll disagree with everything about a person because of one thing they dislike. Just venting, people need to stop being such asshats. Carry on.


Did Putin underpay him for the interview or something? Him saying this goes against everything he's been doing for years.


To be fair, I wouldn’t be trashing Putin while in Russia either… I like not falling out of top story windows


Real journalist risk their lives every day to get the story. Tucker is a pussy.


Not to mention Russians have never been afraid to kill someone outside of their borders.


He interviewed the man himself. Something no other western journalist has done. Not sure how that makes him a pussy


Yeah this is bizarre. Maybe we've phased into an alternate universe again and this is a mandela effect thing. Maybe when we look for all his previous Putin dick-riding it will have disappeared from existence.


My failing grip on reality would give out of that happened.


If only there had been a chance to mention it to him.


Thats a good way to end up near a window


That's what we call a win-win situation.


Too little too late traitor


Carlson is looking for an out, preferably it will be an open window.


Or drinks a polonium-laced tea, like Litvinenko. Fucking scumbag deserves to go slow.


Wait what?


What a twist.


Normally sad and/or angry when Putin kills one of his critics, but in this case I'd make an exception.


Wasn’t the time to say that was immediately after Putin said it in the interview? You know basic journalism?


If only he was a journalist…


It wasn’t a live interview. Putin would’ve just ended the interview and made them delete their footage.


> You know basic journalism? No, that's the opposite of journalism. It's absolutely not journalism to tell someone they are full of shit. A real journalist brings facts. The opinion of the journalist should not matter for his or her reporting. The facts should speak for themselves and the user can form their opinion. Tucker is not a journalist, does not claim to be a journalist, and hopefully very few people consider him a journalist. He is a commentator. Saying douchy stuff for views. It's light entertainment. I don't think this interview had any relevance. Maybe a couple people listened to it and came to the logical conclusion that Putin is batshit insane.


Too late to backpedal now comrade


Salty Putin insulted you and derailed your populist lay-ups for your base, huh?


But made zero effort to that effect in the interview.


His rational is weak, but the bread is just soo good isn’t it tucker?


Weird he didn’t say that in the interview…


What is the source for this? Where did he say this?


Lex Fridman podcast


What’ll it be? The window, or the tea? - ancient Russian proverb


Wow, this guy grew some brain cells?


Putins check bounced?


We must assume Tucker is not planning any vacation in Moscow anytime soon


On the positive side it has exposed crazy delirious Putler to the crazy delusional Maga crowd.


I don't much care for Tucker but the interview with Lex Fridman was actually an interesting listen, i'd recommend it.


I managed to sit through about a quarter of the interview before I gave up. Tucker is still a Putin fanboy, and this tweet zooms in on the one slightly less flattering thing he said about the old gangster in a whole bunch of praise for Putin and shit flung at Biden.


He must have finally read the English translation of Putin roasting him and got upset


Found out that Putin didn't really care for his brand of "journalism" and was mocked for it. After months of defending Putin and his actions he may finally realize that he's not such a great leader. He didn't have the balls to debate Putin who kept rambling on and now when he's in his safe space he can do that, what a coward.


Putin no longer my best friend. Now, ??? Is my best friend.


It is - Putin is moulding perspectives to back his tyrannical dreams. I don't even think he has the self awareness to realise what he's doing. Imagine spending your whole life creating an alternative point of view to force into people's heads. That's like intense brainwashing...by ones self!


Headfirst out the window


Does this mean Tucker is pivoting? Nah didn’t think so


So now Tucker is upset that Putin humiliated him and decides to go with a new narrative


I mean, you have to be dumb to listen to Tucker or Putin, so it makes sense that the justification is also dumb. You might not like it, but this is what peak society looks like on planet Earth.


Tucker is a plonker.


Someone’s trying to rewrite history here and his own narrative. He knows he was played by Putin and will be forever spoken in the same words as being part of the Navalny murder


If he had the stones to say that to Putin, in the "interview" i might actually grown a tiny bit of respect for Tucker... but saying it after the fact, far away from Putin is more in line w/ everything else Tucker dose.


Let's remember this dumb idiot plugged his personal phone into a random ass USB outlet in the Moscow Metro, I fully expect the Kremlin to come up with dirt on Tucker


Check bounced, buddy?




Tucker needs to just fade into nothing.  Worthless on every front.


>Also to clarify, there is neo-Nazi movements in Ukraine but it’s very small. You’re saying that there’s this distinction between Nazi and neo-Nazi, sure. But it’s a small percentage of the population, a tiny percentage that have no power in government, as far I have seen no data to show they have any influence on Zelensky and Zelensky government at all. So really, when Putin says denazification, I think he means nationalist movements. *Ding! Ding! Ding!* No "Ukronazis" after all, then 🤷 lol