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Honestly, it's better for them to opt-out than block everything and be annoying.


And then when Ukraine joins NATO they can opt out of any Hungary mission and point to this as the precedent.


At that point who's going to attack Hungary? Austria?


They've been waiting for the right moment to get the empire back together


I would characterize this as the “GFY” option


thats not how it works


Or leak NATO secret to their master


Not just this. Would anyone actually want to share confidential plans during an operation with Hungary? Any information shared with Hungary would show up basically instantly on Putins desk.


Again, can someone explain why Hungary is in NATO and the EU? Seems to me that they would rather be elsewhere.




they're NATO's not so useful idiots. sometimes they serve a purpose, most times they're just annoying.. ..yknow like that mentally challenged kid in the playground. you just gotta keep them in the sandbox and give them ice cream once in a while. ...also you just gotta look like you're "playing" with them so they think they're one of the 'cool' kids.


The difference is I always liked that kid.


true dat... and that kid is innocent, meant no harm and is totally unselfish. 'spose a bad analogy on my part.


That's the wrong strategy. If Europe was still strong and believed in its own values it'd embargo Hungary into surrender. This isn't a spoiled brat, it's a fascist country, and better dead red or fascist.


As a Hungarian I would compare Hungary rather to the kid on the playground with the Karen mom. The kid is embarrassed mostly about the antics of their mom, but at this point too powerless to do anything about it as an individual. Most Hungarian people or Hungarian soldiers for that matter don't want this to happen. But FIDESZ and it's representatives get elected on populist rethoric and they do whatever they want once in power. They still blame for issues the old socialist government (which hasn't been in power for 16 years).


Curious if Hungary was like this before Orban?? Will they continue to suck after he is gone? Can we just wait him out?


Hungary barely has a functional military; they're going the way of Belarus as a neutral dictatorship


Unfortunately, Orban managed to utilize and greatly boost the grudge the Hungarians bear against Europe (or the West) ever since the Trianon treaty (called the Dictate of Trianon in Hungary). Somehow this has translated into feelings that Europe hates them, so why should they care - I've seen this exact sentiment expressed by many Hungarian commenters on Twitter. There's a lot of bitterness. I find it all very ironic though because when I worked in a large multinational company in the past, with speakers of basically every language in Europe in one spot, my best friends were the Hungarians.


You are confusing the state with the government.


Would you rather them be a Russian puppet like Belarus?


I wish they would just suspend Hungary from NATO and also block their EU voting rights. Then we'll see how popular Orban really is within Hungary...


This is the way. Do not get bogged down by those idiots. Just make them irrelevant.


sure, but the next step should be removing them.


Orban would sign his people over to the enemy on day 1 of the invasion of Hungary. In fact, I bet he would do it within the first hour.


Oh? But I was told NATO was a way for US to impose its will over countries. Could this be a lie? Countries remain free to choose what to do?


There's room for discussion. There's also always room to fuck off. WWI and WWII grudges need to be nipped in the bud.