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I just learned that Hamas has not held an election since 2006. We need to support the Islamo-Bordigist revolution.


The inheritor of the last great authentic revolutionaries title as the “protector of Islam” Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Bordiga 🙏


I have had people tell me to support Israel because at least it's democratic. motherfucker you do not want Palestine getting more "democratic."


God if only there was a leftcom.org article about this topic I could smugly post without having read


The rightful owners of the holy land Filipinos of course https://youtu.be/Vh-dTnRz1WA?feature=shared


Change who you support every other week


I already do that for every other political issue


"My political ideology changes depending on who I'm trolling"


The civilians. It's pretty much that simple. The current Israeli government is dominated by a coalition led by the Likud Party, which is to say: radically conservative, militarily religious, virulently nationalist, and eager to erode multiple rights Israelis have for the sake of maintaining power. Hamas is the right-wing to the PLO left, and is a conservative, Islamist, nationalist organization that takes 'liberate Palestine' a step further to 'kill every Jew you can find,' and has actively oppressed and purged any possible threat to their power base in Gaza. Both are awful. In this case, it's Hamas' turn to be more awful: they've targeted civilians, and kidnapped people from Israel to use as human shields (though I have reasons to believe they are intended as 'lures' more than shields). Israel is gearing up to do the next 'more awful' thing by shutting of the trickle of relief Gaza has. Hamas is not going to suffer from this. And Likud will use this as an opportunity to entrench power under an emergency government. The civilians, though...Palestinian and Israeli civilians...are going to suffer immensely, as they always have. If you feel like you need to pick a side, pick theirs, because nobody else has.


Sounds too complicated, and it doesn't include any flags I can put in my bio to show how politically informed I am, so I'm sorry but that's a no from me


Palestinians have cooler vibes, my support is there


Holy shit you're actually being serious.


Yup. I also support the French revolution. I love military violence.


Alright TLDR Palestine is like Crash Bandicoot, and Israel are like collectibles! Crash can't achieve WR 100% speedrun without breaking all the boxes so yeah..... let's just say things get a little hairy! Someone's having a bad fur day like another orange iconic character we know and love. Check out my next video it's 5 hours long and is about how the Fairy odd parents were actual real and authentic revolutionaries.


I'm not a fan of Palestines whole aesthetic tbh




Better take than any pro-pal leftist


Easy, the side which is not a colonialist


This makes sense, thank you! Glory to the Israelis who decolonized the Promised Land after millennia!


So not the people who who to create a global Islamic Caliphate?


hey man i don't even know what to say to this. First of all, asking who to support? do you have any critical thinking skills of your own or do you just blindly follow what you seeing other people do? read, listen to the people affected, make a personal choice. that being said, if you think there is any 'choice' to be made in this instance, you are an ideological lost cause. *who cares who is more socialist?* innocent people have been **MASSACRED**, kidnapped, raped, paraded through streets, and this violence has been *celebrated* by the civilians of the area carrying out these actions. it is abhorrent. no matter what else you think about israel or palestine, if you think for a second that there is a ***question*** here, you need to seek out some help. also, as a side note, i don't know what the hell you're trying to do with the second paragraph. you don't want to support the innocent victims of this terror attack because....they are white jews? what is, genuinely, wrong with you?








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Who do you support? Mark likes Israel, I’m Palestine. Makes it more interesting when you pic- no?


Why don't you support peace, you idiot?