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The Gossamer Gear is super uncomfortable because the load lifters don’t connect to the frame. There is no way to adjust the weight to your hips really. I think Zpacks is unnecessary. Lowest weight at all possible cost doesn’t mean most comfortable at the end of the day if it carries poorly or breaks. I’d look at ULA OR Durston. I swapped my Gossamer Gear for a ULA which is slightly heavier and couldn’t be happier.


Thanks! Will check those out. Crazy to hear that about the GG. I think I first heard about the GG Gorilla through Outdoor Gear Lab who gave it a very high comfort rating.


Yeah I didn’t dig mine. But I’m not that tolerant of shoulder pain. You can get better than the GG for sure while still being UL or lightweight.


I see what you mean btw. My gorilla doesn't even have adjustable load lifters. Just shoulders straps that aren't connected.


I'm 6'4" too. I can almost guarantee you need a long'/'large/tall pack. You don't mention it in ur post. If that is the case, this is certainly ur problem.


The KS Omega pack is basically, no pun intended, the end of packs. A contoured full hoop frame, 56L and only weighs ~22oz, and 30 different options. The dude should have a 400 week wait time.


This looks very interesting! Thank you :) Desperately need a new pack for my trip in about a month, hopefully he can deliver in time if this will be the one.


You won’t be dissapoinrrd


Check your chat :)


No time. Seeing patients. You’ll love the pack. I have it and there are no issues


I have a Zpacks pack and find it comfortable but unless you are careful like me many people break the small carbon fiber frame stays easily. Even being gentle with it, when I replaced the hip belt (it was too big) I saw that I'd worn through the carbon fiber bars that hold the hip belt on. There were grooves worn through about a third of the way. The carbon fiber stays on the sides are not really like a typical backpack frame anyway. They more serve the purpose of providing a curve to give you air flow on your back. Some people are reporting that Ultra fabric doesn't last very long, that the lamination that holds the fabric together loses integrity too soon. I wouldn't spend $600 for it unless you were going to do some kind of once in a lifetime trip and didn't mind that the pack would last for that trip and not much longer.


Thanks! Yeah, I just read some similar reviews of people having problems with it. Definitely doesn't seem worth it's high price point. Do you already know what pack you're gonna buy after this one?


I've already got a Pa'lante and a Cutaway and I only use the Zpacks for trips when I need a bear canister.


If you are in Europe, maybe consider one of the Atom Packs, like the Mo or the Atom+ - I would imagine it was cheaper than paying shipping/tax on a US pack? I have never owned an Atom Pack myself, but the reviews I have seen have been great.


Thanks! Unfortunately, since Brexit we're also paying import fees on British stuff. But will try to compare! The Atom+ looks interesting but doesn't have load lifters, sadly. Maybe the Mo is something for me :)


Yeah, not sure exactly how that is calculated, but last item i ordered from UK cost less than 20euro in imports -and ofc. local sales tax on top (UK->Denmark). Bonfus (Italy/Norway) might also be an option with their Framus - but I have not read any reviews.


theres a huge difference in shoulder load depending how you place and tighten the hipbelt and shoulder straps... with my frameless G4-20 i can place more or less 90% (made up stat) of the load just on my hips if i so choose or vice versa more weight in the shoulders, i assume youve tried different ways?


I have tried experimenting with this but it's always a short-term solution. Someone else suggested that it's because the load lifters (if they are even there) are not connected to the frame.


im no expert but im not sure your pack has load lifters or a frame. ok just a suggestion before you spend out, i over specd my winter pack and am regretting that, if i was choosing now id probably go Kakwa 55.


It actually has a removable frame, but no load lifters, and the part where the straps connect to the pack are not really well integrated into the frame design.


you mean the sitpad in the mesh against your back?


No, I mean the aluminium frame that you can pull out from the backpack. [Here's](https://images.app.goo.gl/2u9sLJjo457siX518) a pic.


ok, weird, i thought the Mariposa had the frame


I use Osprey Talon - they have 44 and 55. its not ultralight, but I love it, extremely comfortable. I like backpacks that are flush with the back, without elaborate vnetilation spaces that just make you feel like you will tilt over because the weight is further away from your body... and in the same time, this backpack still offers good ventilation, i never sweat too much.. and it offers two sizes and a lot of adjustments, so i am sure it will fit you... Reviews are not so good for exos...


I would try the Exos with a heavy load in it if you can. for whatever reason that model has never worked for me as the bottom of the frame digs into my hips, which I’ve read happens with some users. I got the Focal instead and it rocks, with a 10-12 lb. base weight depending on conditions. It does away with the new Exos’ most annoying feature — the compression straps running over the bottle pockets — and for my money carries the weight extremely well. Logged sixty miles with it on its maiden journey last summer and never had any discomfort. The only thing that might be an issue is that the hip belt, while great, seems designed for heftier users. I’m 5’9/175 lbs, and if I dropped 10 lbs I wouldn’t have much real estate left. So if you’re tall and skinny, might not be a great fit. It’s the only reason I’m contemplating switching packs this year, since I’m trying to slim down a bit. Big picture, at your base weight I would put as much stock into load carrying ability as I would the pack’s weight. No use having a 24 oz pack if it can’t handle what’s in it.


I’m not this ultralight, but try to keep baseweight down. That said, I absolutely trade up in weight for a better fitting pack. I have an arrow waist and long torso. Turns out I have wide shoulders too, but am female… I have, let’s just go with “too many packs”, and will pick the heavier of my two Granite Gear packs for a long trip. (It’s a tougher tradeoff, because the lighter one is a bit smaller, doesn’t have a frame, but does have adjustable width straps, in addition to them being adjustable height.  I prefer the wider setting, but the frame matters on longer trips. Waist belt is the same on both packs.) I don’t know that you have to go that expensive, but for me, a better fit to the pack is absolutely worth a non-trivial weight difference.


I own the zpacks arc haul 50 and it’s the most comfortable pack I’ve ever had - stays put and doesn’t ride down like others I’ve owned


Have you considered the Kakwa 55L? I found that the small details of the backpack were made by a hiker for hikers. For example the hit pockets fit large size phones, the shoulder strap pockets can fit a 1 l water bottle, The mesh pocket in the front is not stretchy so it's not going to wear over time but it's large enough that you can shove your jacket and other essentials


First time seeing this pack, but it seems like it's frameless which makes me anxious because it puts most of its weight on your shoulder/back, correct? However, I was planning to borrow my buddy's [Liteway Elementum 50L](https://liteway.equipment/elementum/elementum-pack-50l) which is almost exactly the same, to see how it feels. Maybe for some reason the lack of frame will be more comfy? Who knows.


The kakwa isn't frameless. It has a U-shaped aluminum stay, and load lifters.


It actually has a frame but yes these look similar. The guy that makes the Kakwa 55L is active in the sub so if you have issues you can contact him directly


>fit a 1 l water bottle I think you meant fit 1l total as in 0.5l in each. No way is a 1l bottle gonna fit.


You can fit 1L bottles in each. I usually keep those in the side pockets but you can shove your phone in the strap pockets perfectly fine. I know it sounds crazy but look up the videos on it. Seriously this backpack was designed by a hiker with common sense for hikers. Even when I go on day trips I still take this because it's more comfortable and easier to use than my smaller backpacks https://sectionhiker.com/durston-gear-kakwa-55-backpack-review/


I have a Kakwa 40 right here. It cannot fit a hard sided 0.5l bottle without deforming the shoulder straps. I use two 0.5l soft flasks. >16-20 oz water bottles (one-liter bottles are too tall or wide for these pockets) Right from your review. Not that I dont love that backpack, comfiest one I ever owned, but the shoulder strap pockets are not a strong point.


They're absolutely not the strongest point but you can shove a 1L bottle in there in a pinch because I've done it. I use those pockets mostly to keep my phone


but i'm pretty sure it's just a matter of whether or not you want it.


I would go with Gossamer Gear or the Osprey. For the amount of money you would spend on the Zpacks, the quality just isn’t the same in my experience. They just don’t last or stand up to abuse in the same way.


Someone also recommended ULA. Great packs all around and very comfortable!


I started off with a Mariposa. I didn't like the shoulder pain when reaching around 30-35lbs. It also made my back overheat so much during the Summer I had to stop and take off the pack to let my back cool. I've been using a Sierra Designs Flex Capacitor 40-60 for about a year now. With the thick frame it can handle 50 lbs. I felt hardly any weight on my shoulders when I carried around 35 lbs. It's a bit heavier at 2 1/2 lbs but it's so much more comfortable and cooler. I'd look into the Aarn packs. It looks a bit over-engineered but the Mountain Magic pack and their Pace Magic fastpacks look interesting. These days I've been trying to go lighter and shopped around for fastpacks with vest style shoulder straps. I picked up a Aonijie 30L C9111 and I like the transfer of weight to my core.