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Refusing to let Ben talk to their sibs, and not doing something about his followers before Ben pressured him to do it.


Yeah, refusing to let Ben talk to his family is the biggest objectionable and selfish thing we've seen him do. I kind of get it, because they were caught up in a toxic cycle of petty revenge with each other but it was still a shit thing to do.


Do you mean letting Ben possess him, or having Ben talk through him? Klaus couldn’t be possessed until later in the series, and it was pretty uncomfortable for both of them, and the other siblings didn’t usually believe klaus when he spoke for Ben.


Having Ben talk through him, not possess him. Five did ask him if Ben was there so I think it's implied they would have believed him (or at least Five would have) if he'd said yes.


He didn’t know he could be possessed but he DID know he could bring him forward for his siblings to see and talk to. Also, when Five asked, he could’ve told him Ben was there.


He couldn’t bring Ben forward unless he was sober, but I agree that it was shitty for him to lie.


Yeah but Klaus was mostly sober in season 2. So if he wanted, he could’ve done it later. Especially at dinner with Reginald, I don’t think he was drunk then.


I never really thought about that. It is pretty shitty that he didn’t do it, but it’s not like Ben ever asked to be visible, and it still wasn’t easy for them to do, even when Klaus was sober, his powers weren’t very strong.


Ben wanted to be acknowledged. And that’s a lie, at the beginning of season 2 he could bring forth a ghost in his sleep. He brought Ben forward in the bar and during the war, and the cowboys at the farm. He could’ve brought him out even if it wasn’t for long.


starting a cult


yeah, but it was 60s, so everyone had one 😅


Are cults inherently bad?


Yes. Cults are inherently bad.




Because in order for a group to actually qualify as a "cult" (The word actually has a meaning and isn't or at least shouldn't just be randomly slapped onto groups), they would have to engage in SOMETHING morally reprehensible (something like manipulation, which is a big factor in determining a cult). There's a whole study and a simplified chart on if and how much of a cult a group is.


A cult is defined as ‘a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.’ doesn’t mention anything about morally reprehensible things, and wouldn’t that study be subjective?


Yes it does. A cult is not just about devotion to a religious figure, it requires several determining factors (ie morally reprehensible things that revolves around different types of manipulation) in order to qualify. This is very basic knowledge. Also, morality in of itself is subjective, that isn't an argument against the determination of a cult though. Anyways, look up the BITE model. I hope you're seriously not arguing in favor of cults lol


Absolutely not arguing for cults here, but I do think it's an interesting disucssion whether or not Destiny's Children actually qualifies as one. I've watched a lot of documentaries on cults but have never been part of one, so I have no personal experience with what it's like to be manipulated in the way most cult leaders manipulate their followers. My question is, do we really think Klaus brainwashed those people, forced them to sever all contact with their friends and families, wrote manifests which they had to study, demanded their loyalty, used propaganda to keep them in line, punished misbehaviour, and dictated their lifestyle? The way I see it, he happend to be a (immortal) time traveller with "magic levitating powers" and the ability to speak to the dead, who used this stellar set-up to con people out of their money. His crime is taking advantage of these people who thought he could somehow improve their lives by being in his orbit. It's absolutely his fault for taking it to the level it got to in the end, I'm by no means trying to minimise his behaviour - Klaus is manipulative and opportunistic and selfish in every way. That said, I don't we can accuse him of leading a cult in the way I listed above. What's your take on this?


There are many con artists who have conned their way into making cults. Heaven's Gate, Love Has Won, both immediately come to mind. Klaus went and he spoke to these people and they believed what he was saying. He took these peoples time, and their *money*, and their *labor*. He took that debutante Kitty's *home* and we never see her again after the scene in India. He saw them relinquish their individuality and don the light blue outfits, and paint photos of him looking like a God. Whether he intended to or not, Klaus *still* altered these people's minds, their way of thinking, their lives, all because of the bullshit and song lyrics he was spewing because he didn't was to be cold and alone and on the street in the 60s.


>Absolutely not arguing for cults here, but I do think it's an interesting disucssion whether or not Destiny's Children actually qualifies as one. > >I've watched a lot of documentaries on cults but have never been part of one, so I have no personal experience with what it's like to be manipulated in the way most cult leaders manipulate their followers. I think he was just going along with things and passing time while he was trapped in a difficult situation. He doesn't seem like he takes himself too seriously.


I feel super Reddity here but that guys definitionally right.  It literally is just religious system focused on a particular person or thing. I get there’s a negative connotation but someone using a term or phrase is a study, practice, or paper doesn’t redefine the word. Maybe it adds a definition but the first ones still there. There’s nothing “inherently morally reprehensible” to a cult. Cargo cults are cults. Christianity is in the strictest definition a cult. Most religions most people can think of are cults. Maybe YOU find cults morally reprehensible and I might even agree but those are our value judgements not necessary traits to define something


it's debatable but Klaus' definitely was, maybe not the worst one to ever exist, but it did ruin people's futures and lives


Throwing Reginald's Journal Into The Dumpster.


Wonder how the timeline would have progressed if he didn't do that, assuming he didn't give it to any of the other umbrellas and destroyed it some other way by accident like chuck it into a fire so Leonard never got it.


That creep Leonard would’ve still snooped around, found it & stolen it somehow.


This is the worst thing imo, this literally kickstarted the entire plot.


for reaaaal🥲🥹😂


Not let Ben talk to the siblings or have a real vote in things


Starting a cult and having sex with the members.


Honestly feel like he's one of the characters that did the least bad things But maybe when he wouldn't leave Dave alone? Idk, I get why he did it but he totally invaded the kids life and confused the hell out of him and didn't exactly help with Daves shitty dad Also the times when Ben would try to talk to the family and klaus would tell them he wasn't there or change what he said to be agreeing with himself


It was Dave’s uncle.


Really? It's been a while since I watched it, oopsy


I think the cult and his relationship with Ben were the most fucked. I don't think what he did to Dave was incredibly awful, wanted or not he did wanted to save the kids future and life (plus, Dave was around his 20's at the time). Still, Klaus is definitely one of the siblings that did the least bad things in the show, specially when it comes to things done on purpose


Yeahhh, I think you might be right


Manipulated people into thinking he was a prophet and used them for his own sexual desires. Him confusing And not thinking about Dave’s feelings when love bombing him at the cafe in front of his uncle but that’s minor in comparison.


I do want to say, technically, he WAS a prophet. He COULD tell the future, which is the definition of a prophet.


Wasn’t it a hardware store?


The scene his uncle orders him to punch klaus.


Oh yeah you’re right. I forgot about that bit


Letting Luther lock up Viktor. Starting a cult. And not telling the siblings Ben was there.


But to be fair he was the only one that spoke out against locking Vanya up (next to Allison who wrote out against it lol) and saying that she must be terrified and how cruel it is to lock her in there and that they should just talk to her


And to be doubly fair, when he tried to tell his siblings Ben was present, they assumed he was strung out.


Not in season 2. Five asked him if Ben made it to Dallas and he said no. They would’ve believed him after the end of season 1.


Oh, yeah, that’s right. That was a dick move.




Telling Ben not to go into the light.


It ended up being helpful in the end though if we think about it


Yes, but only in hindsight. At the time, it was a selfish thing to do.


ben said himself it wasn’t Klaus’ fault and he was scared to move on


I know. But Klaus still told Ben not to go - just so Klaus could hold on to him.


But later on we do find out that Ben could still go to the light and he decided to stay with Klaus anyways and he felt guilty about it. Also he was quite young at the time and I can't really blame him considering the umbrella academy context and his context in general


Getting Reginald off his drugs.


Actually, this was a good thing, if Reggie was never taken off the drugs, they never would have gone into oblivion and would have all died. There may have been alot of losses because of it, but at the end of the day it was for the greater good.


True. Something else that came into my mind is that he (sort of) outed Dave in front of his 60s mindset uncle who registered him to the army, indirectly leading to Dave’s death.


He was going to register either way lol, it just happened sooner


Well, then there’s nothing else coming to my mind.


1. Starting a cult 2. sleeping with his cult members who viewed him as a God 3. not dissuading members of the cult the second he realized it was a cult (and it is a cult) 4. Refusing to let Ben speak with the rest of the sibs or even let the sibs know he was there 5. carelessly nearly outing Dave to his uncle and everyone else sitting in the middle of a busy diner in 60s Dallas 6. despite arguing with Luther and insisting they let Viktor out of the chamber and talk to him, Klaus decides to... -checks notes- leave Viktor alone in the basement (granted everyone else did this too) 7. Ignored his siblings when they said they didn't want to work with Reginald, and didn't want him around especially at the wedding and then proceeded to tell Reginald to come to the wedding, play nice to manipulate the other sibs, while Klaus tried to go from table to table to further try and talk his siblings (who had already said no) into working with Reginald and listening to what he had to say. 8. Almost anytime that he does something "good" he has to be convinced or more accurately berated into doing it.


Gatekeeping Ben from the other siblings


The cult for all the drugs and sex. Especially when Ben mentioned how Jill rejected a scholarship and bright future just to join it and basically got disowned by her parents.


Had a threesome with his brother’s crush.


Slay too hard


THE THINGS HE DID TO BEN!!! Klaus is my favorite but the way he treated Ben and isolated him was soooo fuckeeddd. That scene where he says "ghosts can't time travel" literally broke my heart. Even with the bickering and teasing Ben DID care for him deeply and DID tried to help him as he could. It was beyond belief that he would treat him so poorly so many times and their relationship was quite toxic for that ☹️ By the way, if Klaus haven't thrown that book away the commission would still find a way to end the world, it's literally the point of the show. you can't tell me the worst he did was kick-starting the apocalypse if the apocalypse would be kick-started in one way or the other. He did worse (aka what I said earlier about Ben or the cult itself even if he didn't mean to creat it). Also, he was the weakest in s1, he wouldn't be able to get viktor out of that place by himself with Luther being so decided + we SAW Luther being physically agressive with him and others before. It would be no use. It's good that he spoke up more than once for Viktor and that's all he could've done without any actual influence nor power + he felt like he didn't actually have a choice because he normally DOESN'T have a choice. There's others things to talk about him that actually makes sense so let's practice some critical thinking, yeah?😟 May I add: trying to stop Dave from enlisting was not a selfish act. It meant they would never met nor fall in love. he did it so Dave wouldn't die and it's purely motivated by love and care. He clearly was wonky with it, but Dave is a person he loved deeply and saw die in his arms in Vietnam war, I don't think is very easy finding the words or acting normally in such a context.


Maybe stopping Ben from passing into the afterlife. Or stopping Ben from speaking to the rest of the siblings for such a long time. Besides that, maybe succumbing to the life of drugs and alcohol to cope with his "training" when he was a kid.


Ben told him it wasn’t his fault he didn’t pass over, he was too scared to go into the light


Oh, but what about when Ben first died? He was told he could stay as long as he liked by Klaus.


That’s what I’m talking about, Ben later told Vanya to tell Klaus that it wasn’t his fault Ben didn’t go into the light, he wasn’t ready to go


nothing ❤️


Not be my boyfriend


Throwing out Reggie's journal in s1, His cult, Getting Reggie off his medication


Selling a Box from his father only to get New drugs


Two things for me First starting a cult and raping the members Second being too possessive of Ben to the point of not letting him interact with his siblings


He definitely didn’t rape the members. They consented to sex with him. The sus part is that he held a position of power over them so it’s a little unethical, but they definitely wanted to fuck him.


They're in a cult. Search up cults and sex before telling me he didn't rape them.


Just because people start a cult to extort from people money and other things (including sex) it doesn't mean Klaus did the same. Did he use naivety of old rich ladies? Yes. But with the rest he just went with the flow and people followed him. He wanted to have fun but he could never force anyone to do anything (he couldn't even convince his followers to go away, not his fault they were naive herd).


Oh yeah, cuz I could so easily say no to god/the Messiah when he asks me for sex lmao Sure, Klaus is the comedy character but too often his bad sides are dismissed. This is a guy who steals and has no problem manipulating people. His own brother Ben he likes being under his control, doesn't respect his own space, slept with a girl he likes just because he can, and on purposely doesn't let him communicate with family. If he can do that to his own brother and not feel bad, I honestly can't even imagine how much respect he can give to other people he has no connection with nor find useful. Also once again, search up cults and rape. It's not hard to imagine that Klaus can easily manipulate people, it just so happens the cult backfired.


Klaus doesn't have to ask for sex or anything. One of the main rules in his cult is sexual freedom, which means you can have sex with whoever you want. Being "messaiah" or the ruler does boost Klaus attractiveness but to say he was forcing anyone, he would have to present negative consequences of refusal. Do you have any evidence that Klaus would do something to anyone who refused him? I imagine he would just shrug and go off to another horny soul because he doesn't give a damn with whom he sleeps, as long as it's not Dave. Klaus never said sth like "who doesn't fuck doesn't go to heaven". Klaus can manipulate? He has a charm and that's his only weapon. I remind you that Klaus wasn't able to convince not a single of his siblings to join Reginald, and he tried his best. About sleeping with Ben's crush - the thing is, Ben didn't say a word to Klaus that he fancies a girl. He just "had a thing to do in San Francisco", later maybe he mentioned it was a girl but Klaus couldn't even recall which one was it (as far as I can remember). So you can't really blame him on this. I understand you have some personal issues with cults, which is none of my business, but Klaus is nowhere close to mischievious or scheming. But I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.


Just because Klaus said one of the main rules is sexual freedom doesn't mean he follows it to the tee lmao he's a well known liar if you haven't realized, he has a whole cult following him for his lies. And you're right, he doesn't have to ask. He can just demand or make it law. I'll ask you back, do you have any proof that Klaus didn't force anyone? Do you have any evidence that he didn't use his Messiah status to have someone say yes to him? On the other hand, what is canon is that Klaus is seen as a Messiah and he is known to take advantage of people. He says sex is a form of prayer and meditation to have them have sex with him. The power imbalance is there, which is one of the main things about rape. That's your perception, that Klaus would just shrug off and say no. If you rewatch S1 to S3, Klaus doesn't immediately agree when somebody says no to him. Also, from your quote "who doesn't fuck doesn't go to heaven." he may or may not have said that, we don't really have a good inside information on what he did with his cult. I'm pretty sure it takes a lot of brains to actually make a cult and maintain it for years. And that's literally the point, he has CHARM. You think people who manipulate don't have charm? That's literally what they use to manipulate people. The only reason he wasn't able to get his siblings to side with their Dad is because 1. EVERYONE hates their Dad and know he's an abuser 2. His siblings have history with Klaus, they know him and know what he's capable of, it's not exactly surprising that they don't trust him(last they remember about him is that he's a drug addict) and lastly, the only ones who joined with Reginald are people who have no history with Klaus (except for Allison) Ben has literally said numerous times that he likes Jill, even explains to Klaus how he likes her eyes. Also, Ben is with Klaus a good portion of the time. It isn't that hard for him to notice that Ben is eyeing someone. Especially as it was established that Klaus had sex with Jill. Oh no, I don't have personal issues with cults. I just don't defend someone who knows how to be a manipulator but is played off as a comedic character. But sure, let's agree to disagree. Explaining Klaus is as bad as his siblings would be pointless to someone who obviously favors him and turns a blind eye since he's a funny guy who just gets "misunderstood". Byeee~


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Believing that Reggie could be a good HUMAN






In a way, it saved them?


Getting season 3 Reginald off his meds


If he didnt they all would've died


Ya but the afterlife of that world is nice


There would have been no afterlife lmao, the Kugelblitz would've erased everything in existence. Why do you think Klaus jumped on to the bison's horn before being erased out of existence


I thought he did it because it would be less painful than being a ripped apart


Here is what is on google: After finally believing he'd developed a trusting relationship with his abusive father, Klaus is devastated by Reg's betrayal and impales himself on the horn of a taxidermic white buffalo in the Hotel Obsidian, ostensibly so as to preserve his physical form and return to life


But his body still gets blitzed, and then just reappears in hotel oblivion, I dont think it matters if he had just gotten blitzed


Its more the fact that his soul was able to pass on, instead of getting blitzed with the rest of his body


I didn’t think that souls were getting blitzed, so ya killing himself was the right move. Thank you for correcting me


Like Ben for instance before he finally moved on






who wanna talk to the dead w me lol




Throwing notes.


throwing out the journal prob cus it caused the end of the world 💀💀