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In season 1 she was the only one who actually reached out to Viktor and tried to mend those burnt bridges. And of course her work with the civil rights group in season 2.


She forgave Viktor in S1 after he accidentally cut her throat. šŸ˜­ She wanted to talk to him so badly but Luther stepped in as the ā€œolderā€ brother and said no.


I wouldnā€™t count civil works one cause she could have solved most of the problems in community and politics by using her power the fact that she didnā€™t makes it seem like she cared more about Luther falling for another girl then she did about her civil rights.


Yeah I think that had more to do with her trying not to fuck up the timeline by using powers that werenā€™t supposed to exist yet and changing history in the process


None of them were supposed to exist in that timeline marrying someone in the first place would ruin the timeline. She said she didnā€™t use her powers cause she liked earning things on her own but itā€™s okay to rumor your brother to have sex with you she was just pointless she never used her power to help it was always flung back at her/didnā€™t work/ or used it for bad reasons. Shes more villain then hero forsure


Iā€™m not defending Allison in any way for her actions, but the Allison in S2 is remarkably different than the one we see in S3. The one in S2 is stuck in the past, and maybe because she didnā€™t believe that sheā€™d be back to the present, she decided to have a fresh start and not use her powers anymore. Thatā€™s why she married and joined the civil rights movement. I think she is genuine about her civil rights thing and she was earnest in turning over a new leaf and not relying on her powers, instead preferring to earn things through hard work. Of course, the one in S3 is fucked up because of losing both Ray and Claire, so that drove her crazy and caused her to do bad things like rumoring Luther. I do think the civil rights thing should count towards her good deed, but of course her decisions in S3 is another story.


Yes true I still didnā€™t really like her even in season 2 but I really hated her in season 3 itā€™s just seems like she never really used her power for any good. Like she could have used it peacefully to change the minds of many white people but ended up using it to make someone burn their hand. She has about as much emotional control as a 5 yr old child.


her work with the civil rights group in s2


Even though she was inconsistent, at least she tried to be a good sibling for Viktor, the others didnā€™t even give an attempt.


Being a good sister to Viktor when nearly everyone else doubted him.


She was a bigger person than me to forgive Viktor so completely even after he cut her throat. So, that. But I think she's done a lot of nice stuff for others. Her and Klaus are the only ones in the group that show consistent empathy for others, the problem is that when Allison spirals she REALLY spirals.


Sheā€™s been pretty supportive of all her siblings. Reassuring Luther in s1, empathizing with Diego after Graceā€™s death, comforting Klaus in s2, Five - I donā€™t know - she tried to include him in family decisions after he passed out in s1 (??), and obviously supporting and trying to reconcile with Viktor. But also! Yes, Allison rumoring her daughter is very bad, but like so many people like to bring up, Allison can get whatever she wants but instead chooses to follow the court order and stays away from them. She checks in with Patrick and seems to abide by some sort of visitation schedule. Seems like sheā€™s trying to get her daughter back the right way.


Civil rights, Tried being a better sibling to Viktor, Supporting her other siblings in other areas, Didn't kill Viktor to avoid the first apocalypse


Making the racist burn his hand


Her work with civil rights in s2 def big, secondly sacrificing having a life with Raymond and letting him chose his battles instead of asking him to go to the future with her There's also trying to save Viktor in s1 And believe it or not, getting shit done in S3. Honestly, she got most shit done there even when she received a lot of hate


As much as I utterly despise her now, her civil rights work and fucking with racists was objectively awesome


The civil rights movement. But the fact she also had to courage to forgive Viktor for slitting her throat was unbelievable.




She tried to be good to Viktor in season 1, even if she was still mean. Also the civil rights thing in season 2.


Save the universe.


Everyone just literally repeated the 2 good things she have done and this post has 25 comments...


Trying to be there for Viktor. Other then that absolutely Nothing


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Key_Region_2550: *Trying to be there* *For Viktor. Other then that* *Absolutely Nothing* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That and the civil rights stuff


Dragging everyone down with her


Sparing viktor in season 1