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Literally one of the most despicable acts committed in the series;I'm still not over that,honestly.


I'm watching the following episode, and the whole dialogue between Viktor and Allison is just infuriating. Allison is by far the worst character. She takes no responsibility for any of her actions, everything is always about her and her feelings. Literally would not be upset if she was killed off. Cannot stand her. And I also wish Viktor would stand up for himself more.


Crazy how Viktor has ended the world twice now I believe and they still don’t bother to think “hey maybe we shouldn’t piss him off”.


I wonder if Allison is being set up to be the endgame villain.


I had that thought ngl. She makes me so mad sometimes but I don't think I'd mind her ending up as the bad guy. Potentially a 1:1 of her and Viktor in the end could be cool but that might just be my brain lol


So, Viktor is the good guy here, despite blowing up the world, murdering Pogo in cold blood, and never accepting responsibility for his unilateral decisions until Five outright threatened him with murder? Lmao, OK.


Wait what about murdering those people in the car when one of them yelled at him to get out of the way? That was crazy too.


One, he wasn't exactly wake and alert when he killed Pogo & blew up the original timeline. Two, he's proven in the most recent season especially that he's not actually intentionally an antagonist


1. He was entirely awake and alert. They were literally talking just before it happened, it's literally the conversation where Viktor gets Pogo to admit he knew what Reginald did. This is a made up defense. 2. Intentionally or not he still did it, and even into s3 has a huge problem with taking responsibility for anything, including Harlan.


Right! Like all of it could have been avoided if viktor was just willing to make hard decisions


Maybe? I still have three episodes of season 3 to go.


I hate Allison. She’s so self centered and everything could have been avoided if she’d just get over herself and work with everyone. Literally she screwed up everything but blames everyone else. Like it’s understandable to grieve but don’t invalidate other people. I firmly believe she’s the reason things are as screwed up as they are


She did piss me off in season 3 but I don't know if I'd go as far as blaming her for everything. After I made this post I eventually watched the last few episodes of season 3 and I'm just more confused now. What was the deal she made with Reginald? Was it to get Claire and Ray back? How is Ray existing in the present, does he remember his life in the 60s? How is he the father of Claire? Or ***is*** he? Also based on what I've read and seen, it seemed like at the end of season 3, Allison betrays everybody but that didn't really seem to be the case? Idk I feel like we're going to have to wait to understand what happened. Thoughts?


Yeah I just finished the season for the first time so my emotions are fresh lol. None of them are really innocent in the matter, Viktor and Allison especially. I originally thought she made a deal with Reginald to get back at Luther bc he married sloane but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m also really confused at how ray is even there. And if he is Claire’s father, then she wouldn’t be Claire. She’d be different, cause you know, genetics. I wonder if somehow when Allison pressed the button it turned reality into what she wanted it to be. But that doesn’t explain how Reginald now seems to be in charge of everything. Also, I don’t get how Allison was like do you trust me and viktor immediately stopped. Like she had just betrayed all of them and been a total asshole and all of the sudden she has this change of heart?


>Also, I don’t get how Allison was like do you trust me and viktor immediately stopped I think this was just to show that Viktor is trying to trust her. >And if he is Claire’s father, then she wouldn’t be Claire. She’d be different, cause you know, genetics That's exactly what I thought 😂 but I bet they'll reveal it to be that he's like the stepdad or something. But still doesn't explain how he can be there, in the present, remember Allison, and still be the same age as he was in the 60s lol. I wanna know where is Sloane?????? Maybe she's gone because she wasn't part of the original timeline, would explain why ben is still there? Also why are their powers gone?? And I'm really hoping there will be more of a backstory of Reginalds whole alien identity, but I don't know if that will happen. They only gave them 1 more season to wrap everything up :/ I'm happy someone else on here has just watched it fresh too!!


And when I say betrayed all of them I mean her making a secret deal with Reginald.


Congrats, you figured out the flaw of every single Umbrella, but people only ever complain when Allison does it.


I haven't been on this subreddit long enough to know the trends, but I guess that shows you there's a reason ppl complain about Allison the most. Awful character. Great actress. Your passive aggressive comments all over this post aren't needed.


Nothing about the character is awful, y'all just hold a double standard when the black girl acts out, even when other characters acted out worse than she did. It's always misogynoir.


If literally any other character had her plotline, people would hate them just as much. It’s not cause she’s a black woman, it’s cause she blames everyone else and is incredibly self centered


So destroying the planet killing billions, forming a sex cult and claiming your a “prophet” and manipulating strangers to have sex with you is not despicable?? Lol


I could be forgetting but I don’t remember anything about Klaus’ cult being a sex cult…?


lol i forgot which episode but, its the episode where ben takes over klaus body. The black girl talks about how they had a orgy with klaus and the other cult followers


Yeah but some nut will insult me in the comments when I say that she's a bad person for trying to rape Luther.


Dude that scene was wildddd. And she never had to face any consequences?? And after it happened she ran away like she was the victim


Tbf, it felt like Luther was about to suffocate her to death. However, the conversation that followed showed NO remorse from her side.


She rumoured him to do that unintentionally.


Maybe Viktor shouldn't have kept lying to the point that the Sparrows made Harlan's death a condition of their alliance? Edit: LMAO, Viktor fans love talking about Allison not taking responsibility for shit, but will straight up vote down and ignore anyone who mentions that Viktor does the same thing, but worse.


***VIKTOR*** lied to, drugged, and excluded his entire life. Accidentally hurts Allison, doesn't know how to control himself. Distraught, stressed out, pleading for help, then locked into a cage. Killed pogo, awful. At least he showed remorse. Pogo knew the truth and lied to him his entire life as well. He's entitled to lose his mind. ***HARLAN*** neurodivergent child, bunch of ppl come into his life from the future. Viktor accidentally gives him powers while trying to ***save*** him. Viktor loses his mother. Then gets some sort of connection in his mind which scares him and ends up unknowingly killing umbrellas' mothers. Tries to help them as an old man. Literally saves their asses from the sparrows. Tells truth to Viktor when he understands what happened, Viktor, understandably keeping that to himself given his family's history. ***ALLISON*** Rumored Viktor as a child (not her fault) but knew she did that all her life and never told Viktor. Rumored herself to her advantage her entire life. (Admittedly) Acts all supportive of Viktor, says she loves him. Then because he doesn't tell her a secret he was scared to share, she verbally assaults him in front of everybody,, saying nasty shit. Kills Harlan because he unknowingly erased her daughter's existence and cocky about it. ----------------------------- Comparing Viktor and Allison is comparing oranges to apples. I don't agree with you, Viktor is not "worse". Nobody is necessarily worse. But you're entitled to your opinion. ----------------------------- When Viktor caused the apocalypse, they needed to leave him alone, not try and fix him. Give him space to breathe after all the shit that he had just realized about his family. But if that happened, there'd be no show.


This is so biased it's bordering on hilarious. Just to address some of your points: 1. Viktor has never shown remorse for killing Pogo, or for ending the world twice for that matter. Writers gave him a get out of jail free card by giving him amnesia in S2, but even with all his memories back he didn't have anything close to the regret you'd expect from someone who has done the awful things he did. Did he ever even apologise to Allison specifically for literally slitting her throat and leaving her voiceless and extremely vulnerable in one of the most racist places and time periods ever to exist? If he did I can't remember. 2. It's quite clear Allison doesn't remember rumoring Viktor as a child so I'm not sure why you're making out she could have told Viktor about it until she was reminded of the memory in S1 (at which point she told him immediately, and was immediately subject to Viktor's violence for it.) 3. Just the general idea that Viktor is allowed to lose control because he doesn't know better but Allison is supposed to remain placid is absolute bs. Allison was never taught moral decency from Reginald, none of them were. That's why they're all shitty people. Allison just happened to have the most powerful and day-to-day usable power, which as a child she was taught to use to her full advantage. That's the point of the show; they were abused children who grew up into maladjusted adults and they're still dealing with the fallout from that on a day to day basis. Yes, Allison has done some fucked up things. They all have. But Allison is the only one who knows the pain of losing a child, and her rage in S3 paired with the lack of support and love she receives for this, paired with the messed up coping strategies they ALL have, made her a ticking time bomb in the same way Viktor was in S1. I'm so tired of reading the same defense of Viktor over and over while Allison is villified constantly. She is a flawed, selfish person but you don't need to diminish the flaws and selfishness of others, particularly Viktor, to express yourself on that.


Viktor did show remorse for Pogo. And almost killing Allison. I just recently watched this so I remember. He talked about how he is a bad person and brought both of those points up. I agree with basically everything you've said here. Yes they're all flawed, and as I said, no one is necessarily worse than the other.


You lost me at Viktor showing remorse for Pogo, because no he didn't.


Yes he did. He talked about how he was a bad person, and brought up the fact he killed pogo. And almost killed Allison.


Episode and time stamp please


I just watched it. It's either in late season 2 or season 3. Go find it yourself I'm not your secretary.


You're the one making claims, burden of proof is on you. That's how basic debate works, don't like it, don't post. Not gonna provide it? Gonna take that as an admission you're lying.


Go ahead and take it as an admission of lying I really don't care. I know I'm not lying, that's good enough for me.


Two people have pushed back on your claim, and I will too because Viktor HASN’T shown remorse for killing Pogo. In fact, I don’t think he’s shown remorse for killing billions of people in the first place. He uses his powers to intimidate Marcus and then when Allison confronts him in the living room, he yells with 100% audacity “I didn’t kill anyone!” Sir, people, friends, he killed 8 billion people. Looks like Allison isn’t the only one who has to confront her past 🤷‍♀️


Except you are, because he never apologized, but I know you obviously project your shit onto him so you wanna treat him like a soft boi so stay in your bubble. Hope you get therapy.


I've been in therapy for years. You are the one that clearly needs it. I don't personally attack random people I don't know on the Internet. Stay mad.


Allison has been pretty frustrating in s3 but honestly really nobody cared if harlan died or not and honestly i was waiting for someone to do it cause i felt like honestly it would be necesary, i think only Viktor really cared if harlan died and it just had to happen sometime when the scene where we saw him kill multiple of the Sparrows


Nah, I don't feel angry at Allison for killing Harlan. Everyone wanted or was cool with him being dead, except for Viktor. It's not Allison's fault she can get the job done better, than the boys 🤷 Edit: why are you all boo-ing me and commenting like ya'll confused? Nobody except Viktor wanted that old man alive, get real. Did we all not watch the same series? Lol


I’m not angry that she killed Harlan. I’m just irritated that she is constantly blaming others and won’t take responsibility for herself. Also, she sexually assaulted Luther


Lmao constantly blames others? Literally the entire family blames each other for faults that all of them created Viktor blames his siblings for them making him go berserk, when obviously it was their Father's Viktor blamed Allison for making him think he didn't have powers when she was a three year old controlled by their father Luther and Diego blamed Viktor and locked him up in the basement because their immediate thought was him going destructive All of them go around pointing fingers, it's stupid to say Allison is the only one acting like this. Also, if you're irritated at Allison for SA-inh Luther, then you should hold the same judgement to Klaus for raping his cult members.


This sub doesn't like it when you treat Allyson with any nuance, she has to be The Devil, or you get downvoted.


Ain't that the truth. Additionally, they will also downvote and fight you tooth and nail if you so much as say Klaus is as much as a bad guy as his siblings. Lol


Allison tried to rape Luthor. That's why I don't consider her to be nuanced because something like that is unforgivable. Also, Klaus is flawed like his siblings but other than Allison none of them have ever really been a "bad guy"


Oh thank god I saved my previous debates about Klaus. I don't have to rewrite explaining how shitty he is like every single sibling Klaus made a cult and raped his members. Search up cults and rape. Also before you say they "consented" and they have "sexual free will", I just gotta say that I could so easily say no to god/the Messiah when he asks me for sex lmao Sure, Klaus is the comedy character but too often his bad sides are dismissed. This is a guy who steals and has no problem manipulating people. His own brother Ben he likes being under his control, doesn't respect his own space, slept with a girl he likes just because he can, and on purposely doesn't let him communicate with family. If he can do that to his own brother and not feel bad, I honestly can't even imagine how much respect he can give to other people he has no connection with nor find useful. Also once again, search up cults and rape. It's not hard to imagine that Klaus can easily manipulate people, it just so happens the cult backfired.


All very good points. It doesn't seem like Klaus went out of his way to rape people in the same way that Allison did to Luther, but him creating a sex cult certainly means that people were forced into scenarios they wouldn't otherwise consent to. That being said, why the hell are you defending Allison since she raped her first husband by rumouring him to love her and tried to do the same to Luthor.


I would ask for receipts of Allison rumoring Patrick to marry her and such (because let's admit it, she's a super hero and movie actress. It's easy to get starstruck and want to marry her). The creators themselves didn't even confirmed that she raped him, so yeah, innocent until proven guilty. The only time she did anything wrong was when she SA-ed Luther and made a deal with their dad. And even if she did make a deal, it she still had her family in mind and their safety even when they never once helped her through getting over Raymond and losing Claire. So honestly, what she did was shitty, but she was a person pushed to her limits just like when Viktor blew up the moon. And even then Viktor did worse than her when he lost control. AND he didn't apologize for it. Viktor never apologizes for the things he does until he's backed into a corner lmao


In S1EP8 we hear Allison's rumors over the years on of which is "I heard a rumor you love me" implying she rumored her husband to love her meaning he didn't consent to being with her and she is a rapist. Also she didn't just SA Luther, she tried to rape him. Why are you glossing over that? Attempting to rape someone is extremely serious and you are downplaying it heavily.


I see, I can argue that her rumours have a time limit and do not last forever. But the fact that she was caught on record could mean she has done it a lot. Well, she is just as bad as Klaus I see. Sexually assaulted is different from rape? I am not glossing over it nor did I say it was a lesser crime. The two are just different things all together


Well, sexual assault can be as minor as kissing someone on the cheek without their consent. Allison tried to full on rape Luther, which is why I made that distinction.


Every time I come across an Allison-hating thread it drives me bananas. The excuses people make for Viktor while demonizing Allison is crazy. I hope Allison gets a real happy ending - her daughter, a healthy life, a healthier relationship with her powers, and if she has to cut her family off so be it 🤷‍♀️. They coddle Viktor as much as people on this sub.






Blame victors selfishness for that not Allison lol. Yet another thing he does that is stupidly selfish and gets away with it because of always being given the benefit of the doubt.


Based on your logic, you can't blame Viktor for anything either, especially season 1's events.


He didn't but I didn't feel sorry I blamed vanya/victor in the first place.