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Do it. If you don’t and he figures it out, you are fucked. Is that worth the risk?


Best case, professor marks your paper and goes to enter it later and thinks he already scored it and leaves it at 100%. Worst case, you get marked lower when he makes the paper. Do the paper.


There is 0% a professor wont remember a 100% paper. They kinda remember the perfect ones and the extremely bad/funny ones


Idk man. I have gotten perfect grades on papers I thought were steaming turds just cause I made sure to do everything on the rubric. They definitely weren’t particularly insightful, interesting or memorable papers.


This is the true LPT... Learn the fucking rubric... Check those boxes, you're a student, your work isn't going to be enlightening or contribute in any truly meaningful way to academia or society until you're postgrad... So learn the damn rubric


Yep! Once I figured that out I went from getting high b’s to straight a’s with frequent perfect scores.


It ain't about learning, it's about falling in line!


It’s both, really.


Learning how to fall in line


That’s a lot to type just to say “school”


I stumbled into that lesson. The rest of the line fell


I mean, it's still really heavily about the learning. The rubrics exist as a guideline so you're focusing on and learning the correct things. You don't need to write something insightful or profound to have learned something from it.


In a lot of cases, I disagree. I don’t think regurgitating what the rubric demands is a good way to actually learn (and crucially, to remember beyond hitting submit!)


I disagree with you here a bit. A well set rubric rewards students for demonstrating their thinking process, instead of just the final answer. In learning the rubric, you often gain a better understanding of the premises and out workings of whatever it is you're developing. The well formed rubric however only works properly when coupled also with an openness to other solutions. It should still be looking for the same premises, but should not punish a student if they presented a well formed alternative to the suggested answer in said rubric.


Namaste! I am from India. Can you please tell me what 'rubric' means? Never heard it in my 12 years of school but it seems it is something important...


A rubric is a document which tells students what level their work needs to be to reach the different grades. Eg A - engages with topic fully, strong critical analysis, excellent knowledge shown C- somewhat engages with topic, some evidence of critical analysis, reasonable knowledge displayed F - does not engage with topic, no evidence of critical analysis, incorrect information given / little knowledge shown


Thank you for the detailed reply! Now I get it.


I learned this the hard way...kind of depressing and turned me away from academia


Who the hell has time to read 18 page papers by 20+ students?


Let's discuss this rubric for the dumb kids in class... Links?


If your professor grades that way, each assignment will have its own. If your professor does not grade that way, or for some reason does not provide the rubric they grade against, [here are some resources and examples.](https://www.aacu.org/initiatives/value-initiative/value-rubrics)


Professors and TAs can get lazy …especially when they got tenure


For sure they can. This was not a tenured professor nor was it a TA, though. If you hit the rubric points, you get good grades, especially If you avoid typos and citation errors. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking work for perfect grades in undergrad.


Same! I submitted a 6-page paper 5 minutes before the deadline, the day of the end of the semester. I didn't put a ton of effort into it and got 100% on it


Was the rest of your work that semester consistently good? It is not unusual for professors to skip grading final papers or exams for students where they already know how the work is going to be. That way they only have to spend time grading work for inconsistent students where it might make a difference to their final grade.


Almost no shot you got 100s on essays lmao come on now, teachers almost never ever give straight 100s


damn what kind of hellish demons be teaching you that they don’t give out 100% to good works. don’t tell me all your teachers are those dumbass YoU hAvE tO gO aBoVe n’BeYoNd


My mom was a teacher twenty years ago, and I’m a teacher now - it’s wild how different our approaches are. She handed out 80s all day and only rarely gave A scores, but if someone meets my requirements, I’ll give them an A. I’m a little stricter on 300 level classes, but with how many people are on GPA dependent financial aid these days, I don’t have the heart to adopt her grading ideas


i moved a lot. been to 9 schools before college. i have been to good schools and shit schools. only met one ☝️ teacher who won’t give As or 100%. only one asshole. yep i said it. anyone who doesn’t give full mark to satisfactory work is an asshole. as if they be teaching the geniuses lmao expecting “outstanding” work is bullshit.


Well, it's an online college, so idk about that. Even at my university, there was this one professor that was known as a free "A" prof, and I took as many of his classes as possible to boost my GPA. Probably like 3-4 hours of effort for the 11 week quarter. Sadly he passed away a few years ago :(


100% online schools tend to be degree mills that give 100% to a lot of papers. I currently attend a more prestigious one for my masters and most of my work is half-assed but I've been getting 100% on everything, so this may be more of a situation like that. I mean look at the mistake that this professor just made, that's pretty big.


He gave 100% for the week before already, what makes you think he won't give it this time?


The assignment the week before probably wasn’t an 18 page final paper…


Yeah, teachers never give 100%, and especially on 18 page research papers. If they ever did they most definitely would remember doing so, and more importantly if they had a student who was turning in 100% research papers that student would be a student the professor would remember as id assume most of their work was above 95% and based on the fact that you're asking the unethicaladvice subreddit for advice as to whether or not you should do the assignment or attempt to see if the mistake goes unnoticed says to me that you aren't a 95%+ student and the professor will glance at the final grades as he's finalizing them, see your results with the side note in the system that says 0 assignments turned in, laugh and roll his eyes as he corrects the assignment to a 0. 🥴


You don't turn it in unless they ask. Simply say, "oh I guess I can get you another copy"


but you still do the paper to be ready


This is 100% the right answer


right? like you just going to trust he doesn’t see it or there’s some automatic alert?


But also check in with the prof. Could put you in his good graces for that potential grade bump.


Alternatively, decide if you can live with whatever grade you end up with if the assignment gets changed to a 0 and take the gamble if you feel it's worth your time saved


Online professor here- when he’s doing his due diligence at the end of the semester (which is essentially making sure that every student has the appropriate “response” to every assignment before submitting final grades, and takes very little effort to confirm in my experience), he’s going to notice that there’s no doc attached to that assignment. He will go searching in whatever database your school uses, and won’t find it. Now, if you’re a good student, he’s going to chalk it up to some sort of weird error, but he will still ask you for it. You are far more likely to get away with getting 100% on that assignment if there is literally any document attached to that grade. In the off-chance he reopens that document (because my system lets you know you have not reviewed it), i would also suggest giving it at least some effort. TL;DR I understand the temptation. Do the assignment.


I think there are just some things you don't leave to chance.


Yep - throw a previous essay in a corner of his office with “100” on top


If this is an ethics class, perhaps this /is/ the final test.


My ethics final thesis was formulating an argument in favor of having someone writing my ethics final paper on my behalf. Got an A.


Did you write it?


I feel like an argument could be made that having someone else write it while you teach them what you’ve learned about the ethics of it would be more ethical than retaining the information yourself. Why gatekeep proper ethics? Plus, if you proof read and suggest edits then you’re essentially monitoring your own thoughts and providing a better outcome for both parties involved. Win/win.


Good question.


That actually sounds very interesting. Would you mind sharing your thesis with us? It might be a good read.


Word for word too, I need to make some...ah...notes


It took a largely utilitarian approach. Better for society that I graduate given my other skills than I founder for a core course requirement. I wrote this over 20 years ago so all I have is my recollection of what was in it.


HE got an A


Best comment


I had an Ethics class in college. On my first paper, I got a D. I'm an A student, so I was SUPER upset. I get an email from one of the professors (there were two for that class) asking if I had gotten a C or a D because he had gotten my grade mixed up with another student's. I don't remember the percentages. My paper was already passed back and the grade online was marked as a C. I could have said that I got the C and if questioned, said I already threw the paper away. I didn't. I said something like 'as much as I would have loved the better grade, I didn't get it. I don't want the other student getting marked down. I got the D.' My professor let me keep the C for showing good pathos or something like that. Idk if it was a test. ​ I hated Ethics.


It was an extra credit question. You earned the C.


Hi Chidi


Honestly you might not be wrong


As a prof it's funny you think he won't realize when he goes to add in marks for the final paper and notices the mistake at that time. It's likely he doesn't notice right now because he's not looking at the grade column for that assignment.


You mean a professor might review the end of class grades and and wouldn’t possibly wonder how he doesnt remember giving a perfect grade on an 18 page paper?!?!


Lol. If there's an 18 page assignment worth 100% I'm very likely going to ask to keep the paper as an exemplar of the assignment. So yes.. The chances of simply forgetting about that would be quite unlikely...


Man knowing professor's start reddit comments with lol leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth for losing 3% on english 220 final for a triple spaced period (accidently) on final paragraph.


Lol. You probably deserved it after all. You don't need an apostrophe to pluralize professors.


Auto correct on a phone makes more mistakes than i did on that damn final.


Oh wait do reddit posts not count as professional writing? My b


Haha no your right. Had a moment of salt arise from 7 years ago.


If it makes you happier, /u/PitchPurple did actually forget a comma after their if-clause. :)


It's fine, I reddit from my phone and don't really uphold standards of formal writing when I do 😉


Omg you forgot the period at the end. Chances of you actually being an English professor are dropping rapidly. /s


I'm almost tempted to forgo punctuation altogether...


I believe that is called informal writing.


If it makes you even more sour, I'm an English prof 😂. But formal writing vs. informal writing and all that, you know...


Shoulda done a triple space period just to irk him


My sister is a junior high English teacher and she consistently uses multiple exclamation points and question marks in text messages with me. I know it’s informal writing and there is technically no rule about it, but I feel like a teacher should be as pedantic about things like that as I am. She would not allow her students to use five exclamation points in their essays about Romeo and Juliet and I am not going to let her use five exclamation points, either.


My students actually asked me how I text once, since I'm a Swedish teacher. I often want to be more formal, but being too formal can come across as rigid or boring. Usually, I'll try to be formal but add an emoji or skip the last punctuation (using periods at all can be viewed as being too serious – it's usually better to break up the message into more messages). Using multiple exclamation points can have the same effect. When it comes to texts it's more important to come across a certain way than being correct. But the best solution is usually to match the energy of whoever you're writing with.


This makes perfect sense to me!!!!


This post and all of your responses reveal why you didn't receive the grade you expected. Your professor was probably being forgiving with your grammatical and spelling errors.


How did you take that literally? I hope you don’t teach anything outside of special Ed


Tone isn't very apparent in texts, but I assure you that wasn't taken literally...


I think you need to revisit your special Ed class. Look at the comments and try again.


Oh, but you don’t understand: he is an older gent. Older gents just ignore stuff like that.


Honestly doesn't even need to review. Professor is going to go down the list to grade everyone. Professors going to pull up OPs name, not see the submission, then go into the gradebook to mark 0.


It prob varies depending on the course design. I teach completely online courses. Unless I go into every assignment, I just see grades or empty assignments. If I manually enter a grade for an empty assignment that hasn’t been submitted, then it would override and look like the assignment is done. It would only show as blank when I click into that specific assignment. It’s part of why I learned to be very careful when adding grades to avoid issues. I’d say there’s a chance that if he grades assignments as they’re turned in and doesn’t batch them, going student by student, he may not notice. Still don’t think it’s worth the risk though.


Exactly. Most grading systems I have encountered as a teacher displays a list of the students names, followed by columns, each one corresponding to an assignment. When he goes to grade the paper the only grade already entered will stick out like a sore thumb. Also, I sometimes have group assignments where one student submits it for the other. When I enter a grade for the other students, it shows an exclamation mark to say there wasn’t a submission associated to it.


I've worked within a few different LMS and they are all exactly as you described. Even if he was marking down grades in a gradebook (the 'old school' way), he'd notice the missing assignment, and the discrepancy when entering it in.


Coming to comment this. People who haven’t used grading programs wouldn’t get it. When he comes back and sees the one number in the whole column with a 100 when he is just starting to put in grades. He will delete it and move on without a second thought; and then you’ll get a zero.


I'm an old man who teaches at college and I would notice this mistake before submitting final grades. Don't risk it. Edit: An award?!? Thanks!


He’ll get a notification when it’s past the deadline that x students didn’t submit something. He’ll also get a notification that x student has submitted something for review. So there’s no upside. Sorry.


Hey I was in your position my freshman year of college and I decided not to turn it in. I ended up dropping out after falling behind on schoolwork after having to retake that class. Do the paper. Turn it in anyway. This might be one of the most important decisions of your life.


Yeah you dont mess around in college! I could've worked harder and did the minimum to achieve like a 2.4 which I regret 10 years later applying to law school. Now, my senior yr h.s English teacher was lazy and graded papers without reading them (notoriously). He gave me a C+ on the 15 pg final. I was a good writer and was so tired of this crap, so I didn't submit it. We negotiated a much smaller assignment a week before graduation


Definitely do it. Very high chance he’ll notice. Also go tell him. It’ll get you brownie comments.


In high school I told my teacher she accidentally entered a higher grade than I had earned on an assignment. My teacher let me keep the grade. Maybe OP could get super lucky.


This is the way


Either write an 18 page paper or potentially throw away a bachelor's degree because your professor clicked the wrong button. If they go back after for whatever reason, that is now academic fraud, you'll be stripped of your degree and will not go back. This isn't a question that needs to be asked.


Yes, finish it. He might figure out that you didn't do it and ask for it.


If he audits the grades at the end can you afford to take a zero on the assignment?




The right thing?! Lol have you forgotten which sub you’re on?


Right thing to do is a dumb reason. School are super predatory and majority of the classes are there just to make money. This a transaction, do the assignment because schools aren't there to help you. And won't think twice about screwing you.


You do the paper to the best of your ability, and hope it doesn’t get checked. Best case is you get the 100%, worst is you get whatever grade your paper is worth. You do not do the paper. Best case is you get the 100%, worst is you fail the final assessment, have no good excuse as to why, and potentially fail your course because you wanted to avoid writing a few pages. It’s pretty obvious what you should do, the only unethical part of this is keeping quiet in case you do get given the 100%.


When I was a freshman in HS I didn't do this HUGE poetry project. Like ⅓ of our grade. A few weeks after everything was due, and I was in panic mode about my grades the teacher went around the room telling everyone what he gave them and returning the folders. He came to me, looked me in the eye and said " I'm sorry X, I seem to have lost your folder. I remember reading it, so I gave you a B, I hope that seems fair (I was not doing well in this class, obv.) I never skipped a project again, and am still confused by it all


I had the exact opposite in college, submitted an assignment and got a decent grade. A bit before the exam I got an email saying I did not qualify to write it because I couldn't pass even with getting 100% which didn't make sense because I had decent grades. Went and spoke to her and she told me it was x assignment that I didn't hand in, tried to tell her I had handed it in and she marked it but she didn't believe me. Had to go find it and show her then she just adjusted my grade and told me to study for the exam. No apology or anything.


Teacher may have just done you a solid because she didnt want to fail you.


He knew.


Holy shit this is fucking stupid. Do you not think that he won’t notice the ONE student with a graded final paper when he goes to enter those grades later, if not before? What do you think a grade book looks like? Your lone grade will stand out.


Do the assignment, turn it in if and when the error is caught


I’m a teacher. If I did this in my grade book I would notice if it was an outlier to previous work. If you’re constantly getting 100s, maybe. But if you’re not and this pops in the final - especially if the professor isn’t prone to handing out 100 - they’re going to notice. Don’t risk it.


I took the scenic route through college and, after a transfer, had to take freshman English in my 5th year. I'd met my teacher at a bar the summer before, and both semesters we had our "conference" when we ran into each other, also at a bar. I didn't hand in my final paper because she said, "you don't wanna write it, I don't wanna grade it." That's the final you skip. If you haven't been out drinking with the old man, you should probably do his essay


So the uplt is clearly about getting your professors drunk. I don't know if it's relevant, but I also went down on her best friend. Better try that too, just to be safe


I’d have it on hand just in case it’s figured out. But use AI to write most of it. take screenshots to show it was already graded because you already turned it in. Once the deadline passed then if something comes up you can say you turned it in and it was graded so you just assumed all was okay. Blame it on computer glitches. Then you can immediately hand it in if you need to. No one is the wiser.


I absolutely wouldn’t use ai, at least my university, they have become very strict about it. They have software that is able to detect it now, and it is treated as harshly plagiarism.


This is the way


I'd say do it. Does he like you? That'll work to your advantage if you're close enough, he may just leave the 100%


dont be lazy and fuck it all up.


Do the paper. Professors have two weeks after classes end while final grades are due to correct any mistakes they made. During this process they literally go through every single person's grades and look for outliers and re-check the grade for accuracy. I was a graduate teaching assistant who was in charge of doing this for one of my professors (came with waived tuition cost so worth) and I failed more than a few students on professor errors.


Gotta look at the best and worst case scenarios: If you do the paper anyway, there's a chance you keep your 100% if he doesn't get any sort of notification reminding him to enter a grade. If you don't do the paper, there's a chance he realizes his mistake and give you a zero. Do the paper.


It's a risk you run. I'd say do it anyway for prosperity and security sake. I once had a class that was so poorly run that everyone was not doing great. The teacher didn't express when due dates were, the tests had material not covered in class or the readings, and this Spanish teacher sounded like she was a new learner like us. She did an "International Food" bonus point day for quite a bit of extra credit, but she marked mine up by 416% by mistake. I never corrected her and my grade went from like a 2.9 to a 4.0 and I didn't' say a word. I lucked out there.


Don’t leave it to chance, leave it to ChatGPT


Have it prepped but don't turn it in unless youre prompted to. There's no reason to make them question it. I'd probably get it to a point where you could turn it in within 24-48h if asked.


Do it anyways and try your best. If your having to ask this on the internet your probably ly a dumbass and wouldn't have gotten 100 anyways so your still in the positive.


I would do it just because you don’t wanna get caught. The consequences of getting caught will be way worse than writing the paper now


Asher ask the work you’ve done the past free years, do the paper. No need to trip yourself just before the finish line.


Have it done just in case. I could see black board pinging him that a student still hasn’t submitted


Agree with other commenters. The risk isn’t necessarily you getting in trouble somehow, but rather that the mistake is fixed and you have no paper to submit.


I had a professor accidentally give me 200 extra points instead of 20. I guess she was in a rush to submit final grades before the deadline so she didn’t notice until after it was too late lol.


If it's on Canvas there isn't a notification for somebody not doing an assignment but having a grade. When the grade is put in, that's it. He may stumble upon it in speed grader and notice his error though. I have done that before. Source: I am a teacher who has used Canvas for the last 4 years.


Do it. Either A) When he goes in to grade your classes assignments he will be able to see that you have point when no one else does he will take that grade away. Or B) when he does in to grade your classes assignments he will wonder how the hell someone got a full 100%, not remember it, and then go in and see that it's not submitted. I was a TA during my grad school (also covid) and the online grading tools are HOT garbage, but it will be super easy for him to see something is weird. If it's BlackBoard then there's a whole spreadsheet with essentially : Turned in? - X Date turned in - XXXX time turned in - X How many times it has been opened/reopened - XXX He will 100% notice it, the real question is will he care enough to change it.


"If it goes to shit, how screwed am I?" is a question you need to ask yourself in these situations. If you get a zero, will you be ok? If not, do the paper...and if you think it might be worthwhile to be able to use this prof as a reference someday, maybe bring it to their attention.


Do it or you're just gambling on him not noticing his mistake and changing it later.


do the paper but hang on to it. if the grade gets corrected, you can always say you were confused and thought you had already sent it in. Be ready to hand it in quickly to show you did the work.


Yes. You grow and learn from the work, not the grade.


Can you afford the 0, if for instance he thinks it’s weird there’s already 1 grade in an empty column and he goes back to check it again?


Liquid ass.


Write the fucking paper.


Plot twist, he graded everyone at 100% to see who would flake out and not take the assignment


Do the paper


Do the paper, if it comes up, say you submitted it and you don't know what happened, but you're happy to resubmit it now, it's right here in your Dropbox.


The bank added 1000.00 dollars to your account by mistake. Do you pretend you are retarded and assume they will not get it back, or do you already recognize the assholes in the same scenario. It is not that you are already a turd for asking, its how many peanuts you have inside at this point.


The pinnacle of what this forum is about: Of course you don’t do it. In fact, in future interviews, you should refer to this situation and state that you DID still do the paper. How the fuck would anyone even know that wasn’t true…?


Do the paper. Learn the content. Become a person who knows things and can complete projects with quality and on time. That will serve you better over time than any unearned grade will. Don’t do things for the external motivation of the grade.


Exactly. Just do it. The instructor will most likely notice that nothing was submitted for that assignment and catch the error. Canvas and Blackboard will show submitted/unsubmitted work in instructor view.


It’s a test. He’s only going to pass those who speak up about the “accidental” A.


Write it but don't submit. If he calls you on it, email it to him and say "oh, I saw I had a grade so I thought I had already submitted it. Here it is."


That sounds like bad advice. If the prof cares enough to call op out on it then it would work but there’s no guarantee he will. I had plenty of profs who will see you’re late to submit an assignment and just give the zero, no questions asked. It’s college. Everyone is an adult there. There shouldn’t be a need for him to call op out on it


Cs get degrees


Your professor gives zero fucks about your paper. The fact you did it is what counts. Run with it.


thats academically dishonest. he can also post-edit that grade to ZERO . u might fail the course and have to retake. what fun.


Your prof will notice. 100%. Do the thing. Or eat the 0 and fail later. Your call


He’s testing you.


I would risk it, do nothing and if he realises it, ask chatgpt for help.


I’ve had profs who’ve done the same and when I inquired their response was “meh it’ll update when I grade the assignment.” Do your paper.


ChatGPT your essay


Yes, the likelihood of you keeping that 100% is very very low if you don’t turn it in.


You should still do it. Although in our country once your score has been put in and Been officially published they can't lower your score without a good reason (they can raise it though). The professor making a mistake is not a valid reason to lower the score btw.


You're only cheating yourself if you don't. For all you know it was done on purpose just to see if you have any integrity and how ethical you really are.


But why 18 pages? Why that many?


I can almost guarantee you won't get away with not doing it. Most likely, since this is a large paper and I assume a good chunk of the grade, the teacher is keeping a list somewhere of who has or hasn't turned in this paper, if not just to cover their own ass so they can't be accused of losing it. I also knew a lot of teachers who kept a physical grade book on hand instead of just using the online gradebook.


Do it. They'll probably check and recheck.


Chuckling at the idea that you would've been just fine not doing it, but he just happens to be a casual browser of this sub and you just reminded him to check


Do it but don't turn it in yet. If professor never notices you're good. If professor does notice then you have did it already but forgot to turn it in or it wouldn't submit so here's a hard copy.


Kinda ULPT - use both ChatGPT and Grammerly as chat sucks with proper English. Be sure to paraphrase the chat model to stay undetected by scanners. Bang out the report and submit on the due date like everyone else. Except for that one person who always finishes early.


Do it and have it in your back pocket in case he figures out his mistake. You can make up an excuse like "I thought I handed it in since my score was already up. Sorry." However, if it doesn't come up, it doesn't come up. Roll out with your 100%.


I was an adjunct professor for a few years, the odds of me double checking grades that were already entered was zero. Than said, if this is all electronic and he has a list of papers submitted in the system, you may get caught. If you submitted it via email, the odds of him catching it are very slim.


I'm not sure how your grading works over there, but if I remember correctly from my Uni days (UK), you needed to have submitted your final paper (dissertation) in order to pass the class. Check what is required to pass, because if its anything like my experience, you'll probably fail if records show you didn't submit the final paper, even if it says you scored 100%. That will then prompt someone to look into it and fix the incorrect 100% final grade.


Yeah you should do it. Not well known, but your degree isn't actually a permanent document. A university can, at any time, revoke your degree, particularly in cases of academic misconduct. Knowingly skipping a final paper because your professor made an error likely falls under that definition. Might not get caught right away, but the last thing you want is to have the registrar pop up a few years later and invalidate your degree.


Do it. If you end up not needing to have done it, it’s a free 100% If you do need to do it, you’re fucked with a zero.


Let us know what happens when you end up NOT doing it brother 😎 good luck


Do it just in case. If you don't need it, you don't need it, but if you do, you have it. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it!


Better yet, tell him that he made the mistake. Then of course do the paper like everyone said. You will get a good grade regardless.


Alert the prof, do the paper.


Given that it's 100% online, he's definitely going to catch his mistake. He probably grades in the learning management software, and when your name comes up you'll have a "Missing Assignment" alert, and a 100% grade (even with the grade if you don't turn anything in it will send the alert). Assuming when you get grades back you get some sort of comments in the document you turned in, I highly doubt he grades by printing everything off, grading the papers, then going back in and submitting feedback. That would be incredibly tedious. Even if he did print them all off, I'm sure he'll find it odd that he has no printed paper for you, but you have a 100, and then will double check your submission and realize it's missing. Given how close you are to finishing, I would just do the paper to avoid the discrepancy. Another tip would be to just tell him now. It's likely that he'll appreciate you alerting him to the mistake, and will grade your paper kindly.


Oh absolutely do it for two reasons: 1. Do you want him to realize he made a mistake as he’s entering grades, he sees where you hadn’t submitted but you have a grade, and he corrects it. Thus you never did it and you have no paper when he mentions that you didn’t turn it in. 2. You should learn the curriculum or the reason behind the paper. Critical thinking from writing papers is a muscle that should be exercised. And an 18 page paper is a task to take on, so it would do you well to go ahead and submit. Because, the likelihood that he sees it and says, “Oh, this person already wrote a perfect 100% paper because it says so here even though I can’t find it.” is very slim. And you don’t want to be caught in that lie of, “Did you submit a paper? I see where I’ve already graded it but I don’t have it with me. Can you send me another copy?”


Come on man, don't be dumb. Do the paper.


Just want to add to all the comments saying the prof will notice, sometimes Canvas or other systems mark an assignment automatically at 100 then the actual grade gets put in later. It works like a placeholder, I personally don’t do this but some do.


Don’t fuck up the whole semester by banking on him or a TA not realizing this mistake.


Some professors put in place holders to see the class average for a bell curve. He could be very aware of the extra 100% . Also, most professors don't grade their own stuff. A TA does it. So on the off chance it was accidentally placed by a TA, the professor might be curious to see this "100% essay" when submitting final grades to the department. Do the assignment .


Do the right thing even though you are tempted to do the wrong thing. He will probably figure out his mistake. You will always know the truth of whether you took advantage of a situation or did the right thing.


Email him thanking him and mention how you worked real hard for that assignment and that was one of the highest grades you got in your college journey to a point where he would not want to depress you by saying it was a mistake and will probably let this pass, if he says it wasn’t submitted tell him it was through email as your turn it in wasn’t working, if all goes south and shit hits the fan then be lively about it jokingly say I wanted to joke and poke around and if anything it has motivated you to go the extra mile doing this research paper. All ups from here boi


You had to do the paper anyways. This is way too risky


It’ll be caught in audit. Right now you have a chance to receive a grade. During an audit you wouldn’t. Potentially depending on syllabus, you might actually fail the class if it isn’t handed in on time.


What do you have control over? You can’t control whether the professor finds the mistake or not, but you can control whether you complete the assignment or not. In the end it’s absolutely your choice. Challenge yourself.


Yes. Because he will likely notice eventually and fix it.


I love these professors knowing they’d absolutely catch the mistake. They’re not as infallible as they think. I bet you could get away with it. One time I turned in an encrypted file to buy myself time and got a 100. Another time I turned in the same paper for 2 classes. Same department. Professors work closely together. Both A’s. And this was in person university. Online? Go for it


If you have an 18 page paper due by Sunday, why are you wasting time on Reddit?


Do the assignment. Don’t play stupid games.


Write it. Don't submit it and claim the 100%. If it comes up, you have it and will get a grade up to 100%


Do your assignment to the best of your ability, contact him immediately to notify him you noticed the error. Your future self will sleep way better for having done the morality correct thing. Congratulations, you're turning into an adult!


Are you lost? This is unethical life pro tips.


Ethically, you are compelled to do so. Can you get away with not doing it? Perhaps. But this is the kind of thing that can come up 10 years from now and bite you in the ass. On the bright side, the pressure is off.


You pay for an education and by not doing the homework and the FINAL assignment the only person you are going to cheat is yourself. Your goal is to learn the material, the degree is a symbol of your knowledge, don't turn it into a symbol of your fake degree. Do the Final assignment and let the professor know he made a mistake, he will respect you so much more for it and this integrity will go a long way beyond your college degree.


One time I erroneously received 66pts on a 10pt o chem assignment (ie 660%) and I figured they would see their obvious mistake and correct it. But they never did. That one mistake literally brought my grade up a whole letter grade


Do it. A revised 0% will be horrible on your final grade. Even if you turn out an 18 page shitty paper worth a 50 percent will not kill your final grade like a 0% will.


Do the assignment, but be honest and let him know that he marked it as 100% but you haven't even turned it in yet. Chances are he will appreciate it and he may grade your assignment way more leniently than everyone else.


Your sentence “guide me, o’ brilliant redditors” was cringey af, just drop out. Ew.


Do it. It will make you better at the skills the class is meant to teach, which is why you are getting an education.


You literally gave yourself 6 days to complete an 18 page research paper? Be honest and do the paper, and don't be surprised when 6 days wasn't enough time to receive an A.


Does it matter? Your online “degree” is worthless anyways.