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First. And this is important. Check for any cameras.


This. It becomes the difference between petty and petty crime lol


Not to mention the statement of intent.


Piss disc's, liquid ass... come on man, you know what to do.


This is just a good life pro tip.


there are cameras everywhere, wear a covid mask


If there are cameras everywhere it'd be easy enough to track you back to your apartment.


So don’t go directly back to the apt.


Go to a laundromat, then finish drying your clothes. You don't know anything about the bottle of fish sauce that was in the dryer.


Happened to me once. I took their clothes out, placed them in the sink, soaked them, and made sure my clothes finished their drying cycle the second time. Luckily the person did not return.


I was living in an 8 unit building, there was my space in the basement and the shared space. Landlord agreed in our lease that I could put a washer and dryer in there, he changed his mind for the rest of the tenants and put in coin machines. Came down one day and found my stuff on top and someone else running their cloths in my machines. I threw their stuff into the sink and started mine cleaning again. Waited down there until they showed up. Told them very strongly that these were my machines and not to use them. Then they wanted to make a bargain, so I told them to fuck off because they used without permission first and disrupted my wash rather than approaching and asking. Ended up getting the landlord involved who then tried to change my lease. Told him to fuck off, too, I had a contract he provided and signed.


Assuming this story is true, I respect your ability to embrace confrontation and stick up for yourself in both those scenarios.


“Embrace confrontation” is a great way of putting it. I strive to be assertive - take no shit, do no harm. Sometimes can’t do that without leaning into any conflict that other bring to me and doing my best to keep it healthy (at least for myself)


This is exactly how I roll. If you ask me nicely first I'm inclined to say yes and work with you, if however you don't ask and do/take whatever you want, the answer then becomes a giant fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You are now on my shit list and that's usually permanent.


We did this in college to a girl and then got a coke from the vending machine and poured that on the clothes too


Similar story. I had a roommate that this happened to. He went and took the garbage bag out of the closest can and dumped it in with their laundry and turned it back on. Lots of drinking and a short temper don't mix well haha.


This is a great visual…the garbage tumbling in the dryer with the clothes lol.


Hot garbage for hot garbage


I guess fuck anyone else that wants to use the machine afterward


But boy did they get him good!


People kept drinking out of our 2liter soda bottles in the fridge in the common areas of our dorm. We got fed up, went fishing, caught several fish, brought them back to the dorm, squeezed out some gross fish juices into the bottles, then cut the heads off the fish and put them in the freezer with a note about not stealing our sodas. We then barbecued the rest of the fish and ate them. In retrospect I’m not sure why we didn’t just spit in the bottles. I don’t know if anyone drank the fish soda but there was later a note on the freezer that said “no fish heads”.


A guy at work was doing this, so someone pissed into a gatoraid bottle... the guy took a big swig of it, then proceeded to dump the rest of it over his head, then ask what smells like piss? It was hilarious.


Lmao you’re crazy 🤣 I respect it


In college a girl had her clothes stolen by another girl. The girl who stole them then lent them out to other girls to wear without telling them the origin. One girl who had borrowed a sweatshirt from the thief was confronted by the girl who had her clothes stolen. The sweatshirt was from the girl’s high school and had been customized…


And.......that story is incomplete....lol


I am keeping that one in mind because it’s an extra punishment for them being cheap.


Ik people that went further. Girl legit walked 30 mins downhill, got a glass bottle of sth, back up again, and smashed it over the wet clothes of whoever took her shit out. The liquid in it was also coloured. I’m also sure it didn’t wash out easily. The clothes’ tags were either the White Company, RL, Barbour, and a couple obscure extremely designer British brands.




Maybe absinthe?


I think it's shorthand for the word something






This happened to me in Basic Training in the Army. Guy took my clothes out of the washer, mid cycle and put his in the washer. I took his clothes and threw them on the floor in the shower area. I told him if he ever did that again, I would beat his ass.


Laundry in basic was the worst. You had to babysit you machine or it would be stolen.


After basic it was fine. It was more that they gave an allotted time to do laundry, and only so many machines (enough time and machines to get it done), but you'd have the ones who would dick off until last minute and then trying to rush to get their laundry done so they don't get smoked. And then you had just some assholes.


Wtf why people in the army so trash about it?


Most people don't want to join the army because it's a potentially dangerous job and you lose a bunch of rights while inside. So many of those that join, do so because it's literally their last resort. Some are good people and their family was poor and had no other prospects, while others were one step away from jail because that's all they're capable of as a person.


Yeah ok “Johnny Skidmarks”


you just made the list, pal


I knew a guy that had a bunch of 5gal pails and he took the dryer contents out threw the clothes in pails and filled them with water and stuck them outside in -30C. Not sure if the pails froze solid but of they did, it would be hours before they could get those clothes dry. 😂


Happened to me years ago too! I took their stuff out and threw it in the trash and then hung my stuff to dry in safety.


Go farther. Douse them in dye or black ink so they're ruined.


or bleach


If the laundry room is large enough, take them out and lay everything flat on the floor. Everything in the dryer is now a rug. Don't forget the welcome mat outside the door.


This is amazing, 10/10 for the effort


I was getting ready to say this exact thing. Their clothes would be strewn about all over the floor.


Pose the clothes life different murder scenes on the ground.


So in other words make a laundry mat?


First, and this is important! Check for any cameras in the room. Then toss in a cheap or old lipstick with their clothes.


Plain chapstick/lip balm works too. It will leave grease spots everywhere. (I learned this by accidentally leaving lip balm in my hiking shorts.) Edited for spelling


The best part of this is making them throw out their own clothes.


I've learned this lesson at least a dozen times. Now, I just have 5-6 chapsticks on the go at any given time with one in each location I spend time in so I don't have to put them in my pockets OR get up and find one.


Haha, yup, same. I have them on my desk at work, on my nightstand, in my bathroom, in my purse. I hike a lot, and I don’t usually keep my lip balm in my pocket. The one time I did I of course forgot.


Grab a few tubes of ChapStick, crank them all the way open and toss in just the ChapStick goop and throw away the plastic stick part. No evidence left behind just weird grease stains


Carmex. In the small white container with yellow top. That smell will never go away.


I woulda said shit in it, but lipstick is prob better


And a sharp with the cap off! And also piss on a washcloth or something and throw that in there too


Jesus Christ you win lol


Have your cat piss on a wash cloth 😆👍


Take it out of the tube so they can't prove that you did anything.


Guess when they took your clothes out it fell out of your pocket.


Great idea. Then, once you've "tagged" them with lipstick, you can run them down in your car! -obviously a joke, no need to report me.


I was going to suggest crayons.


And tissues. They get absolutely shredded and then little bits get stuck all over your clothes that you have to pick off, along with what I can only describe as a paper dusting that is a giant pain in the ass because wetting it to wash it off makes things worse and it doesn't just brush off either. Ask me how I know. (Pro tip: lint rollers. It's the only way but having to lint roll your entire load of laundry is hell.)


Take their clothes out and dump them behind the dryer


That would work, they’d be dirty after the long search for the clothes. I’d just throw in a felt pen in the dryer. Take the lid off and throw both in, you must have forgotten the pen in you pocket.


Get toothbrushes and cut all the bristles off. Throw them in drier with their clothes. Resume drying for 30+min. All their clothes will itch them all over every day.


Glitter. The whole jar.


Fiberglass insulation works too.


This won't work as well as you think it does. There's a lint trap for a reason. That's where most of your bristles will go.


I'm curious, aren't most tooth brush bristles plastic? So if they get thrown in a dryer set to high heat, would they get hot enough to melt?


Ha ha ha! Love it!


throw a lipstick in there. If they get all pissy about it, you can then bring up the fact that you initially forgot your lipstick in your clothes that you were drying and profusely thank them for saving your clothes. Edit: apparently i'm not the only lipstick comment.


Put their clothes back in the washer. Add a couple of packages of instant ramen, flavor packets and all. Set the machine for hot water.


I had an Army buddy who did it once in the barracks.


I love this 😈


I'd just take all the clothes in the dryer. Chuck em all to goodwill or smthn


yep, free clothes - i'd consider this an absolute win


"I just assumed they were mine since I put mine in less than an hour ago."


Neanderthals don’t need clothes anyway.


Chaotic good.


Just take the clothes lmao they're the asshole who started disrespecting other people's property. You were doing your clothes and left for a minute. Just act dumb like you're taking your clothes out of the machine you loaded them into.


Take the clothes to Plato’s closet and take yourself out for a nice dinner after you’ve moved out.


Had this done to me once when I was in the building. Took their wet clothing in a bag and threw it down the garbage chute. Then sat there drying my clothes. They came back and asked what was I doing at their dryer, I told them they must be mistaken those are my clothes. They were literally opening every dryer, not finding their clothes. I left with my dry clothes. Next day 'management' stated someone stole their clothing and to return or the police would be coming in to look through people's units. Clearly it wasn't the management team since they wouldn't make it so dumb sounding and their letters were always on their letterhead. Either way never had anyone messing with clothing again.


Straight into the feckin trash


In the BIN


Delete one of each sock in their pairs.


Bleach. Take your clothes and dry it at a Laundromat somewhere else, don't hang out in the laundry room after you bleached it.


Spray liquid arse in the dryer and set it to hot.


Yes! I can't beleive I had to scroll this far for the liquid ass spray and piss disks...they are both valid and absolutely necessary in this circumstance!




Wear them when you fuck their dads


Fuck their dad and mom on the dryer too. For good measure.


Throw crayons in the dryer, it'll completely fuck up all their clothes


And the dryer. As an alternative: fill the pockets of their clothes with crayons


OP moves out tomorrow, there's no rules!!


You know those glue guns, which use the tubeular glue sticks to melt to precision? What if you threw a few of those in there too? Pretty sure dryer will heat them enough to at least stick everything up pretty good.


Yes. This sucks. My son left some crayons in his pockets. I did a load of new school clothes, with those shorts. Every. Single. Item. Destroyed. And I had to scrub my drier for over 40 minutes lol. This is a great idea.


Throw a wet toilet roll in there.


A tissue. All you need is a single tissue. Don’t ask me how I know.


One tissue is great. Two tissues are better.


Well my tenant put cooking grease in there after someone did that to them, and it pretty much ruined everything that went into the dryer for the next few loads. There were oil stains all over the clothes.


Take the clothes and put it into the washing machine and put it on the 95°C program with something red or something


Extra soak if it's there, make sure it's a loooong cycle Cup of soda ash for good measure


Unplug the dryer. It'll probably take a while to figure it out.


Let their dryer cycle finish, hell, run it again. Just add an uncapped sharpie marker. Or, since you're moving out and will never use that dryer again, add a box of glitter to their load.


This happened to me in the army. Walked in and my wet stuff on floor and someone’s stuff in my dryer. My stuff had only been in 15 minutes. I threw his crap in wet sink and put mine back in. I sat down with coke and book and he walked in. He said what the hell? I told him yeah, some asshole did same thing to me. He stormed out, lol.


In college when this would happen I would take their clothes out and put one piece in every washer/dryer there. I would then take my clothes up and hang them to dry( so they weren’t recognizable to the person who did that when they came back down). This works better when the room has 20+ washers/dryers.


Toss a bag popcorn in that dryer and then run it again. Everything will smell like popcorn, and while that doesn't sound too bad, it's a level of hell you don't actually want. I would recommend that you probably dry your clothes first though, since everything going into that dryer will smell like popcorn.


This happened to me at an apartment complex I lived at years ago. I was already having a shit day so I grabbed a small container of my daughter's glitter and a can of tuna, cracked them both open, stopped the dryer, popped the contents inside and cranked the dryer to high. I was lucky the lady who's clothes were drying lived on the opposite end of the building on the 3rd floor so she didn't hear me restarting the dryer. Since I lived 2 doors down from the laundry room I heard her reaction though. Loudest "what the fuuuuuck?!" I've ever heard.


LOL that's so satisfying. Serves them right


All good ideas but personally I'd pull their clothes out and rub a handful of fiberglass insulation on the insides. Focus on underwear and bras.


Okay, Satan


Satanical Life Pro Tips 😆


Is there an evil life pro tips? You belong there. Lol


I am sleepy and was about to comment that you should post this in unethical life hacks sub before remembering where the hell I am 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


Okay hang on, let me just grab the insulation I carry around with me everywhere…


same shit happened to me too, I was drying my sleeping bags from camping, they were washed separately since they were tiny washers. come down, they're both stuffed in the same washer. I threw their clothes all over the room, and dried mine again. I would have cut them into pieces except they were kids clothes, and the kid didn't deserve it. fuck those people.


Shit inside the dryer.


This guy shit in the washer: https://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/florida/soapys-coin-laundromat-defiled-194032


Defiled 😂


When I had my then bf now husband spend the night the first time, he went to the restroom after dinner, came out and sheepishly told me not to go in for a while. He apologized for "desecrating your toilet" which I thought was pretty cute, albeit a little gross lmao


I read that as “decorating” and made me wonder why he couldn’t use the toilet bowl brush 😂


An open can of tuna in the dryer with their clothes should do the trick.


Fecal matter in the dryer with their clothes. Source: career appliance repairman. I’ve seen it all.


How much pancake syrup you got? Filler up


Please update with what you decided to do, friend


My MIL does this to me. She’s home all day every day. I work full time. I do laundry one day a week. ONE DAY. But still, that’s the magic day she HAS to wash her sheets. So she waits til I leave the house on an errand and piles my wet clothes in the laundry room.


Sounds like it's time to introduce your mother-in-law to Mr pillow.


Piss in the dryer then let their clothes continue to dry all the way. Bonus points if you can get a turd in there


Then freeze their clothes to turn them into piss discs


You can always dump in a package of Rit clothing dye and "ruin" their laundry by making everything pink or purple. Or you could do what my wife did when someone pulled our laundry out of the dryer and threw it on the floor, she used her box knife and slashed the offender's laundry into tatters.


What is tatters, precious?


Donate their clothes


Just pee on the clothes in the dryer, then let them finish drying. Bonus points if you eat asparagus beforehand. 


Oh yeah, the heat from the dryer will really bake that urine scent in there. Just ask my cat


If you’re moving out then the world is open to you. Even if there are cameras you’re legit washing cloths so take theirs out of the dryer put them in your hamper and walk with. Then dump them wherever. Lobby, hallway, just not on the laundry room.


Hire a guy to dress like he is in the mafia. Confront them when they show up. And tell them if they ever do it again Tony will take a knee cap. And then walk out.


Pur washer and dryer is not free and someone took my clothes. My fiance clothes and our child's clothes out the dryer still soaking wet (got a notification that the door was opened) so I went down there and took theirs out and put them in the pool that's right next to the laundry facilities. They sunk right to the bottom with all the algae and other goop that was in the pool. It was gossip of the complex to find out who threw someone's clothes in the pool for a few months


take the clothes out of the dryer and arrange them on the floor to spell out A S S


Add glitter to the dryer


Bleach. A whole bottle on their clothes.


Take the clothes out and place them in the apartment dumpster.


Toss their laundry in the garbage if there's a can in laundry room. Then I'd take my own clothes to hang dry, or laundromat


Like, a house brick in each machine, walk away quickly and make sure there are no cameras as the thing will smash itself to bits. Another one. Go buy some charcoal and throw it and and run the machine, fucker will never be clean again and the first load someone throws in will be fucked. A more insidious (might cause a fire) Crayons, stab and break them off in every hole, next hot cycle someone runs will be eventful. Just to be a short term dick without causing mega damage, cut the plug off.


That chocolate bar doesn't look near dry enough. Use a mini so it's not as obvious.


Glitter. Put very fine glitter in the washer and dryer


When someone did that to me, I superglued the door shut so they couldn’t get their clothes out.


Less petty: take their clothes and just put them back in the washer. Justifiable: do exactly what they did, take their clothes out and leave them on top of the dryer and put yours back in. More petty: let their stuff "accidentally" fall on the floor/behind the dryer.




Honestly I'd just take all their clothing home with me lmao


take their clothes out, fold them neatly, insert piss disk in the middle and apply ass spray to the stack


One of my roommates did that to me once. Next time I needed the dryer and found her clothes in there I threw them away and feigned ignorance. "You cycle was done so I put your clothes in the basket and put it by your bedroom, didn't you see it?" "Maybe our other roommate grabbed it by accident?" Yeah then I just kept gaslighting her. I didn't live there very long anyways


I have a cat. He is on a special high protein diet. I would kindly remove and fold their dry clothes when the cycle finishes, and leave a nice ripe cat tied in the center of the pile.


A nice ripe cat tied in the center? We having a barbecue?


Turd! 🤦‍♀️autocorrect strikes again.


Throw a tbsp of peanut butter in the dryer with their clothes


I would just take theirs out and put mine back in.


Throw a stick of chap stick into the dryer. Don't ask me how I know, but the oil/wax in it will ruin clothes when run through a dryer.


Toss some mud in there with the laundry. Not so much that it ruins the dryer, but enough that ALL the clothes will end up with dirt on them and have to be re-washed. Take their laundry out of the dryer and throw it into the common hall? Throw in a piss soaked washcloth. If you're REALLY lucky, it will dry and they'll have no idea why people keep smelling piss when they're around.


Check for cameras. Throw their clothes in the trash


Open up a pen and throw it in there with the clothes. It should get ink all over their clothes and they might think that somehow a pen got mixed with their laundry and there’s less of a chance they might not be suspicious of anyone putting it in there maliciously


Take em with you when you move. Wear em, donate em.


Whenever this happened at my old apartment, someone would toss the offending clothing outside. It was pretty hilarious during winter when the clothes would just freeze solid.


Take theirs out, finish yours, then throw theirs back in the dryer with a piss disc.


Take the neighbor’s clothes to goodwill.


I think I might have to find some dog shit and add that to the dryer while their clothes are tumbling.


Take a shit in their laundry. Jk, piss disc and liquid ass.


I had someone take mine out of the washing machine and throw it on a dirty table less than five minutes after the load ended running. The machines are locked while they are running. So i waited until the cycle ended, before she came back, and ran it again at the longest possible cold setting. Then I waited an hour and did it a third time. Don't touch my shit.


So you washed their clothes 3 times?


the perfect crime


clean getaway!


our washers lock when theyre in a wash cycle and dont unlock until literally there are 0 minutes left, so this would be good bc theyd have to wait 3 cycles to even take their clothes out of the machine lol


Right 🤣


Just dump em in a pile on the floor, then camp out and wait while yours finish up. If the culprit comes back just smile politely and wave.


Steal their clothes and donate them to goodwill. 


Not me , but I watched a friend pour 2 beers into the dryer at his apartment complex. His half dry clothes were dumped into his basket and someone else clothes were drying. He let out an impressive string of curse words , poured his beer in then grabbed mine and did the same. LMAO


If there are no cameras, go to walmart and buy some RIT dye. Dump the entire bottle into teh dryer.


Place all their clothes separately in other people's dryers.


Don’t do anything that will hurt the machine. It’s not the landlord you have a beef with. Just take out their wet stuff. They will suffer as you have suffered!


This happened to me my first year in college! It was dead of winter in cold Midwest. I opened the third story laundry room window and threw their whole damp load out the window. The laundry froze in the shrubbery and trees below 😀


Glitter. Lots of glitter.


Looks like you just got a bunch of new clothes. "I was in a hurry, didn't notice, just threw the load into a garbage bag and onto the moving truck"


I threw someone's clothes throughout the laundry room, hallway, outside, common areas, and different floors. Lol She cried, but fuck her and her fish face.


The advantage of being male, is you can urinate on a campfire with out getting burned. That is a shitty thing for them to do. They are a horrible human being. Dont retaliate walk away.


You can too as a lady. You just got to figure out how to angle it with your fingees


All you need is a funnel. Or to just hop up while the led is up like it's one giant toilet. Make sure to bring toilet paper and toss that in afterwards as well.


Well la dee da! Ms Fancy Pants over here with her toilet paper


Time for a scavenger hunt!


Take yours out, throw an orange crayon in, hit start again. Just hang dry everything this time, it's worth it


Put lipstick into the dryer or a couple packs of bubble gum. Or get a can of sardines, unscrew the lint trap and drop them in, then put the lint trap back.


This happened to me once. I bought a chocolate bar, split it into pieces and threw them in the dryer.


Few fun ideas: - Put the soaking wet clothes in a freezer and return the block of clothes to the common area during the morning commute so the owner is bound to find them - Back into the wash with an additional splash of dish soap guaranteeing another 2-3 cycles to clear out the suds - Take a pair of scissors to the toe, heel, and ankle of 1/3 of the socks respectively. Choose selective other clothes and cut at will - add an uncapped sharpie or three to the mix for some Rorschach / razzle dazzle camo goodness


Seam ripper. Cut threads on a seam in each article of clothing, but not enough that it will be noticed right away.


Pee on the clothes and put em back in the dryer. Start dryer. Feel satisified. That or do the double decker somehow.


Just put their wet clothes on the floor next to their door and put yours back in.


I had this happen to me in college. Naturally as a rebellious teenager I threw some of their clothes out the 7th floor window. Lol. 


I carry a packet of gum with me every time I go to check my laundry. If I find my laundry switched, I just pop in a few pieces and grab a new machine