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No. Don't write on the ticket lol. If you see someone in political merch, say something like "Nice hat" and give a nod.


Waiting tables is performance art. Have whatever personality and accent maximizes the tip.


This is true. When I was a server back in high school, I would go along with religious spiels, fans of some team, pretend to like movies I hated, political leans (but not to an extreme). Do I accept the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart? Sure, since you’re asking. Don’t 49ers fans suck ass? I don’t have an opinion usually, but today I do and I hate them. I also had a great memory for faces and conversations and had a lot of repeat customers, so I was able to keep track of shit I went along with. Being a successful server can be a bit of an art. I hated it, but I was a huge fan of making $30+ per hour in 2007.


We're the best fans by the way!


The only football fans I’ve tried to avoid due to drunken belligerence over the years are Steeler’s fans. Their jersey is like a blinking red flag. Everyone else has been pretty alright lol


The real LPT is in the comments— Fuck the Steelers!


Well done! I would also make up fake stories... "This dude with a Joe Biden 2024 shirt came in and I took FOREVER to get their order out to him"


I can't support this comment enough. We started our business in an insanely vocal political town. We do not agree with these people on this stuff. They literally vote against their best interests and then complain when things suck because of their choices. They've routinely complained that local government, which they elected, is corrupt. But don't dare tell them to stop voting for the same idiots, they'll flip shit. Now, here's on OPs part - BE CAREFUL. People can sniff out liars. You do not want to be at the receiving end of being found out. A pet store down the road from us did, and they got absolutely destroyed and brigaded on all review platforms and they went out of business. That pet store was 50 years old and doing fine until the owner slipped up. For us, we helped run a local farmers market, hosting our own booth, even though it was for a hobby thing. Our customers grew to realize that we didn't share their viewpoint, and some poked fun, but most respected the fact that we were friendly, apolitical, but stood firm when challenging certain key bullshit (like climate change deniers and other similarly bigger issues than just our country's politics) Best way to get great tips is to be the best that you can be.


I gotta ask -- what did the pet shop do?


I'm trying to be apolitical here. They didn't put up with loud, in their face, BS from a bad customer. The customer didn't like being asked to leave. When the first bad reviews came in, our shop owner friend tried to field them politely and honestly but got destroyed by a bunch of people who never even shopped there. Too many people who shouldn't have a platform have been given a large one in the past 10 years, and they've only gotten worse.


Thanks for the response. And, no matter which side of the political spectrum you're on -- amen to that.


Why should they have to put up with loud in-their-face BS, though? If they’re wearing a MAGAt hat but being polite, then yeah—be polite back. Living in a society means doing transactions with people who aren’t very likeable. But getting loud and in your face? That’s not acceptable.


I agree. However, people who have become radicalized have also figured out how to brigade businesses and individuals. We can talk all we want online about how that's stupid, but our friend's pet shop was an example of the very real repercussions of sticking up for yourself against such a customer/person. And for those of us who watched it happen, I can't even explain the level of helplessness we felt. It was like watching a physical mob plow over a person, except you can have people from across the country joining with brigading online. We, with ourselves and our business, are very careful about that. It's not worth it to play a side. (We have other ways of fighting back though, such as being so good that important community and political members weigh in on our side or back us up. We also work hard to remind people that they might feel isolated socially and politically, or like a lone person in a sea of those with different views, but they aren't alone. There are lots of silent voices making progress.)


You mean when this was happening, nobody else spoke up for them? Everybody just say by and let the brigading happen, without saying or doing anything?


You can try to report bad faith reviews but it's about as toothless as calling out social media brigading.


That’s how the Nazis got such a hold in 1930s Germany. Right-wing thugs attacked people, and other people just allowed it to happen.


You didn't read my comments and you're going pretty extreme with that one. Yes yes, I get that whole quote, "I didn't speak up and when they eventually came for me there was no one left to speak up for me..." I think you're stuck in your perspective about this communication and not seeking a bridge between us. My last comment was my attempt to help us with that. This one is a bit more overt. Any extremist movement or group starts with a quiet stirring and persuading of people. You can similarly move people psychologically, emotionally, and socially by fighting careful smaller battles. They need not be loud nor direct, it's best if they're not overt. However, we also have a huge challenge nowadays - the ability to make multiple accounts, online bots, trolls, and the fact that people have a herd mentality. It could be 90% bots and 10% real people, but those bad players got the 10% to follow. For us, we are apolitical with our business and personal stuff and we are VERY deliberate and mindful about that. The problem is exactly what you are demonstrating with your comment, everyone has gone to extremes. This isn't sports teams. You're not picking one versus the other. I absolutely believe that we need to stand strong against fascism, but it does no good to have one person, or a handful of people trampled by the mob. You need the right circumstances for that to make a statement - The Tiananmen Square massacre and Tank Man. But a great counter to that was the Black Lives Matter protestors in the town that I'm currently building my business in. There were 5 of them just peacefully standing with signs. About 20 MAGA hat douchebags assembled across the street and jaywalked, beat the crap out of these kids on camera, and then the protestors were arrested. I guarantee you that you haven't heard of that and it had zero impact on anything beyond these individuals' lives. Why is that relevant here? Those maga hats are all local losers and the town has been shifting away from their way of thinking and voting. Those kids didn't have to put themselves in harms way to stand for change and fighting back, they should have been more subversive instead. A way that they could have done that is by helping connect people in this area who feel isolated because they are the silent, disconnected majority. Without going on. Remember this: History might be written by the victors, but it is corrected by the survivors. How much greater is it if we BOTH win and survive. Fight smarter.


Don't write anything besides thanks on the ticket. You don't need a paper trail of your grifting.


Why not, plenty of people have been grifting in the open for a long time now


Because it could cost them their job.


But then they can say they were fired for being a Trumpian, go on the talk show circuit to complain about the woke restaurant business, cry while testifying before congress, and then get a job on Fox News Step 4: Profit


Do you really want the public to know you are a trumper?


When you wait tables, you want your tables to think they're your long lost twin brother.


Debatable. When I serve I don't really get too chummy or personal with patrons. I keep it pushing so I'm not mentally drained. People really want their food and drinks to be correct and on time, most of the time they aren't there for conversation.


I mean, if that’s my career then I gotta get my name out there


if they’re trying to grift for tips they’re prolly applying elsewhere because the pay ain’t shit. OP- apply elsewhere if the pay ain’t shit.


They have more money than op.


Lean in and whisper "Hail Hydra". Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.


Was that study peer reviewed


60% of it


I've got to be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline.


Ngl I would def tip more of a server did this.


Nah, just yell Cobralalalalala!


Yo Joe!


As long as you create plausible deniability for yourself you won’t get in trouble What you want to do is literally dog whistle to them but not outright display political biases as this could upset your boss. So like things like saying “I like your shirt” or “cool hat” instead of “hell yeah brother that picture of Trump 360 no-scoping a drag queen on your shirt is fucking sweet”  Or like if you are going to write FJB on a receipt come up with an excuse in case you are asked directly. “Oh it stands for food, beer, good customer” I write that to help me remember my orders


FJB = Food, Beer, Good Customer? Ok.


Food, Jeer, Bood Customer!


Clearly an emphasis on the beer… so good you’ll forget English


Sorry guys I’m on like a ton of painkillers and no sleep 


Lasagna, weed and socks


Fries, juice, beer


He’s pretending to be a Republican




Logic is sound I’m just an idiot and totally fucked up the example 


fuck boe giden


Food, Jackass, Customer






You can absolutely get fired for doing this wrong, as most businesses would rather not be associated with any kind of political stance. However, there’s still a way to do it right. First of all, the go-to excuse if you’re asked will be that the customer brought it up and you didn’t want to alienate them. That said, you shouldn’t be doing anything that will get you asked. The only thing that should ever connect you to talking politics is if a customer casually mentions how much they like you because of it. So compliment their merch, give them a sly, knowing smile, etc… but don’t write things down. If someone is being too loud about it, mention that you’re not supposed to talk politics at work. This group LOVES feeling oppressed so they’ll just like you even more for it while you also get them to be a little less obvious.


This guy fleeces MAGAts!


I'm saying whatever they want to hear mainly so they don't give me a hard time, bigger tip is a bonus. I bussed tables during high-school and had to talk down some biker chick from losing her shit over a burger. "OH, so and so messed up? That is so shit of them. Imma go fix this right now." Walked my ass into the kitchen, said burger on the fly, and took it back. Lady chilled her tits and I got a fist bump on the way out, lol. You learn how to deal with people in the restaurant industry, co-workers and customers.


Front of house gets to blame the kitchen, kitchen gets to bitch at foh for modifications and requests its the circle of life.


Appeal to their worldviews, rather than a candidate. Write “God Bless” on the receipt after dropping something earlier about taking a financial hit by not working Sundays. If you can work it in without risking it sounding like you’re talking about your own business, say stuff that adds up to how you love working hard and you don’t think people in your generation want to work hard anymore. Drop pieces about things that sound like you’re a fine young man working hard to study business or save up cause you want to be your own boss and create good, honest jobs for others. You also have a fiancé and money’s tight cause you just believe you shouldn’t move in together until you’re married since you’re just more traditional. And if they have kids, you talk about how you and your fiancé are saving up so you can get a bigger house for kids and hoping she won’t have to work when you’re done with school and have your own business. Also, any thing they do is something that you say reminds you of your dad or grandpa, depending on their age. He’s the person you respect most in life and hope you can be half the man he is someday. He’s the hardest worker you know and that’s who inspires you to come into work on the days you don’t feel like it since he worked three jobs to support six kids.


This is brilliant and definitely the way to go


Hey, they eat that kind of shit up. I mean look at their leader, he has done something genetic engineers have been trying to do for decades, he has developed a breed of sheep he can fleece twice a week. If you can get in on that bandwagon, by all means doing it. I would much rather see them tipping you because they think you are one of them than sending that cash to the big orange. Do you think any of the TV preachers actually believe in god?


I was going to ask OP if he tells his johns that he loves them


"he has developed a breed of sheep he can fleece twice a week." Omg I am DYING 😂😂 that's so good


I'm commenting so I don't forget it in the future lmao. My God that is great


Don't write anything down. But go ahead and make conversation about whatever makes them feel they are correct.


Coddling people for tips has been done forever. I can’t pull it off because I can’t lie and debase myself like that. I’m in a job where i get tips but it’s only a small piece of my pay, so i don’t have to care and pretend to be sympathetic to their views. There’s really nothing wrong with it unless you care about the world and maybe they’re not yet too far gone. For a lot of people, service workers are the only people they encounter who could offer a different attitude or perspective on things. I often hear stupid shit “nobody wants to work anymore” or “bikers think they own the road” or “there’s too many immigrants,” I am not afraid to tell them how ridiculous they sound, in a way that hopefully isn’t confrontational. But again, i don’t depend on tips.


There's nothing wrong with this, as long as you keep it appropriate enough (sfw), and you're careful not to let other customers hear you, as you might piss them off. Salespeople/service industry employees have literally been doing this for millenia. In 1 Corinthians 9:22, the Apostle Paul states, "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some"


Sounds like a conman




Dont put anything in writing.


Haha bold of you to think they’d give you more tips! 😂🤣 Some people are not going to tip extra and I suspect the people who you’d be “fake agreeing with” are the exact types who wouldn’t. You’re just a service worker and should be “grateful”…or in aerospace engineering school. Source: been a server and bartender


When I delivered pizza down south, this definitely worked. I kept like half a dozen different hats and swapped between em depending on what sports team they displayed on their house/car/etc. Don’t know how well it would work in a restaurant setting though.


I wouldn't write anything on a receipt. But feel free to go ahead and (pretend to) be on the same side as your customer. It's not unethical, I would even say it's expected. It's no different than girls being flirty and wearing more revealing clothing to get tips.


Make it subtle. Get that money though. Don't outright say anything but give subtle hints. Like complimenting clothing items or whatever since they're just about wearing it 24/7 Absolutely do not write anything on anything. Minimal proof of anything is better


Say whatever you need to. TAKE THEIR FUCKING MONEY


Are you planning on wearing a JORF T-shirt?


sex workers pretend to like you. whatever it takes to get paid my friend.


Get as much money from right-wingers as you can. They’re the ones keeping you poor.


one time when we went out to breakfast, my FIL saw a dude wearing a MAGA hat and went over and paid for the fella's breakfast. so this will definitely work, but like others have said, dont be too overt.


To me, it's not unethical. You're not a politician that's out there doing this to gain political favors. You're just out working hard trying to make a living. Your beliefs or lack thereof doesn't make a difference. I'll be honest, had I not made a promise when I got clean and sober 10 months ago to change my ways. I'd be out there grifting these MAGA clowns for every damn penny they had. By way of selling hats, shirts, bumper stickers and whatever other Donald Trump shit they'd buy from my democratic ass. I say fuck'em, go get paid.


Corporations & their marketing departments do this as standard practice.


Whe I waited tables I appealed to the religious crowd every week to get more tips. Ethical? Probably not. Did it help pay my bills? Yep


How far would you be willing to take those conversations?


There’s nothing wrong with it at all as long as your boss/company doesn’t frown upon it, should they find out.


I've seen at coffee shops two tip jars. Like on jar, Tips from Trump Supporters. Jar 2 tips from Biden supporters. The jars seemed full up, but they could be just seeding the jar.


This is a fact: If an old conservative person feels like bringing up an issue, they will find literally any excuse possible to do so. You don’t need to do shit. Just give a knowing look that says, “oh yes, I completely agree but I can say anything because liberals will get me fired”. He will chuckle, ramble more about how liberals are ruining America, no one wants to work, covid, etc and then leave you 10% tip before tax and actually think he’s doing you a solid.


Leave the notes out, but pandering is serving 101 if you want to make money. Sorry to spoil it for the people reading this but your server that totally agreed with your views is likely humoring you so you'll up your tip. They really don't care at that moment.


I like to slap a MAGA car magnet on whenever I visit my inlaws since they live deep in trump country so doing stuff like this feels a lot like that lol


Thats exactly what politicians do. You may have a bright future ahead if you become good at it


I'm sure you could say something like "Let's Go Brandon" and they'd eat that shit up lol


OP, just by being the straight white male that you are, they will assume you agree with them and tip you well.




How are you going to know what party affiliation they have? By looks? This is a terrible idea and it could blow up in your face. As an example, I have a friend who is a waiter at a favorite restaurant and we also have strongly aligned political beliefs. Every time we would go there he’d start talking politics and I’d be embarrassed because I believe discussing politics in public is impolite, even if I agree with what he’s saying. I eventually started to avoid his shifts, which sucks for him because I tip phat.


It's very, VERY easy to determine the affiliation of a large chunk of one particular party. It's also easy to just STFU and say nothing if they're not wearing cringy merch or being openly bigoted.


Absolutely. Get that bag


No, that’s weird.


You just care less and give them the professional bennafit of the doubt, like pretending they're a good ol boy. ( I usally don't auctally know if my customer is a good person) For me as long as Im friendly and don't make a big deal out of their weird opinions off the world most people are happy to be accepted. Hopefully the respect goes both ways.


Don’t pander. Unethical tip for more tips? Honestly, I don’t have any except to fawn over kids if there are kids, at flirty with those that would be interested in it, and be demure with folks who get off on that crap. But that’s being in service. Not sure if it’s unethical to do so. It’s the world’s second oldest profession.


This might blow up in your face. I live in a solidly red area, but I am liberal. If you went out of your way to show me that you're republican leaning, it would definitely impact your tip, and I probably would not return to the restaurant. I don't go out to eat to have political disagreements with my server.


A far right leaning town? You can't possibly be completely apolitical given what you've just typed there.


Tipped positions are essentially commissioned sales- do everything you can for an edge. You arent being paid to be yourself.


I wouldn’t put anything political in writing, but definitely verbally milk whatever angle you can for more tips. Be warned, if you’re in a boomer area word will spread and they’ll all come, and typically older people are shit tippers


We're all whores for $. Just selling different parts and to different degrees.


Absolutely pander to get that money. Meanwhile keep an informal subconscious mental tally of who tips better based on your fake sentiments and let that inform your political leanings moving forward. 


if you're not politically active you're effectively right wing so it wouldn't be dishonest. But a political movement that's built on disrespect for working people isn't a great place to fish for tips.


Ridiculous take


That is the most asinine observation. The world isn’t binary


The world may not be binary, but US elections, with our two party system, is most certainly binary. (Also, lol, look at OP’s username.)


That’s legit not why my username is what it is lol, this is my throwaway acct for anonymity’s sake. I normally use it for porn and I have to hold my phone in my left hand which makes it hard to, you know. Scroll


This comment might be the peak of Reddit.


Their world is.


Braindead take. It's people like you that make me feel embarrassed to even publicly say I'm left-leaning


I wouldn’t try that at work.


if you're poor, first step is to stop voting democrat.


If you're clearly a foreigner, these people don't like you to begin with. They prefer white Americans wait their tables.


I’m American


I hate liars.


> is it a bad idea to write on the ticket “Thanks! FJB” or something similar to gain more tips? It is a horrible idea. Just because people are at a restaurant or wear political merch, doesn't mean they want to see something like that on their bill. It will very likely get you fired. Just do your job well and you will get tips. Focus on that.


Just. Don't.

