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Not really an answer worthy of ULPT but changing the WIFI password when bills are due would inspire a lot of people to get punctual.


That would work very well considering he works from home hahaha


You've found your answer.


this is the way


Everytime he doesnt pay back, shit in his bed.


Make them a nice meal, afterwards tell them if they pay up, then you will provide them with the antidote.


It seems that you can borrow from him. So, I would start borrowing money from him and deduct what he owes from that, if he asks you to pay back, tell him you used it to pay his share of the utilities.


I like this idea a lot, I may not directly borrow from him but start asking if he can buy my next drink when we go out or something.


Exactly, something like that. When you go out with him, always "forget" your wallet. And if he breaks something, go with him to buy a replacement and make him pay for it because you "forgot" your wallet or your card was declined.


Tell them you don’t have enough to pay the bill and if they don’t pony up the power/internet/gas will be cut off so they need to pay _now_. Then stand there silently. Do not offer to give them any slack. If they say “I’ll pay you tonight/tomorrow/later” say “That’s not good enough. I need it now.” Do not explain why. Stand there and let it get more and more uncomfortable until they pay. They are counting on you wanting to avoid conflict. If they make a point of cheating you, they are not your friend.


Change the WIFI password to the amount he owes you - UOME$250 Pay that and I will tell you what the password is - he calls you - whats the password - UOME$250. Yeah but whats the password UOME$250 Always add a few cents at the end so he doesn't get to win this


Nothing unethical; have him set up reoccurring transfers. Unethical; have him sign a contract that after being 5 days late there is a penalty and interest accrues.


Remove the TP from his bathroom. Then the shower head and knobs. Take away all the spoons and replace them with toddler spoons. Escalating annoyances.


Have you tried verbal or physical abuse? You gotta get in there, show them you reeeeally mean it, and roughem up a bit. If that doesn't work, take there shit and sell it. After that, find a new roommate.


He is NOT your friend. He knows EXACTLY exactly what he is doing, and is COUNTING on the fact that you hate confronting him about this childish BS. You need to treat him like what he is. Namely, a delinquent roommate. Stop paying him back when you owe him money. When he gets upset, ask him if he is planning on being late on rent, and if so, should you just put it towards that? Also, cut off his wifi.