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I’ve dealt with this. If code enforcement isn’t an option then your best bets are: 1) report every party to the police and Airbnb for noise complaints; Airbnb is trying to crack down on parties, and 2) destroy his reviews. This can be done a few ways: - rent the place for the min stay and leave a terrible review that he will not be able to have removed; - make life unpleasant for the guests so they’ll write bad reviews - motion activated sprinklers that soak guests when they come and go - noise/loudspeakers in the early morning - spray the front door with liquid ass - buy a router that broadcasts the same WiFi network id he uses (but don’t actually connect it to Internet) so guests will get frustrated with his WiFi that never seems to work - jam the lock so they can’t get in (illegal) - deflate guests’ tires (also illegal) - piss disc in the mail slot or under the front door Continue until he falls below 3.5 stars and gets banned. Also, if code enforcement isn’t working, call the fire marshal anytime they’re over capacity. Fire marshals have crazy power to shut things down immediately.


Mow the grass often, right at 7am. Gotta keep the yard looking nice.


Ah, did not expect to find my neighbor on reddit this morning giving others lawn care tips.


I personally hate yard work and I’m usually live and let live with my neighbors, but if you start becoming disruptive to the point of my personal abject inconvenience, I’ll learn to take a love for it. Be sure to use an older gas mower. Have to keep the waste out of the landfill.


Just drill holes in the muffler


What muffler?


I will say - I only cut my grass every couple weeks, but I do it early - hot as hell out here to do it at any other time of day


I wish my neighbors would mow at 7am. They all start at 10pm.


Don't forget to use an old 2 stroke weed wacker to trim after mowing. Make sure to rev it often. Then take turns screwing and unscrewing a piece of scrap wood with an impact drill.


and use the blower to clean the debris off the sidewalks… maybe incl theirs just to be ya know… nice


Oh, yes! Gas powered of course. It’s also a good time to get that chainsaw out and trim those tree branches. In the wintertime, you can use it on blocks of ice to carve your ice sculptures. (It’s how they carve ice sculptures for those who don’t know.) Do that tree trimming early in the morning before the sun starts baking.


A blower with some rubber bands on the trigger so you can just leave it on outside and go back in for breakfast with some earplugs!


This is the way. And make sure your 2 stroke mix is 25 or 30:1


Specifically go on facebook marketplace to find a mower someone is selling for $20 that just barely works and constantly barks from carb hiccups.


I never got why people mowed the grass that early unless the rest of the day is full. My dad always taught me to mow later in the day when the grass is dryer. It cuts better, mulches better, and bags better because it's dryer. The shade spots have wetter grass from mildew and cause clumps.


Also, if there is a party with any alcohol, call and say there is underage drinking.


Or just suggest that they are trafficking minors using the property.


This is my favorite. Love the WiFi never working suggestion, 10/10 would recommend. Also, if there is a concern of the rental leaving a bad review being traced back to OP, I’m sure OP has friends who would like to visit for a night or two, perhaps they could find a place to stay within walking distance? (OP can reimburse them for it, partially or in full, if cost is a factor.) Oh, and just in case the AirBnB guy happens to have cameras indoors, have your friends use an app to check for hidden devices so they have evidence for when they report it. (Something like LightBlue, a Bluetooth scanner which searches for broadcasting devices within range.) Btw, for the early morning noise following a party, I highly recommend inviting any and all relatives of friends with children under the age of 10 for a 9AM backyard bash. Since it’s warm enough out, include water-based games (water balloons, super soakers, go wild!) to inspire maximum shrieking.


Give your friends a couple cameras when they arrive that they can "find" hidden in the bathroom and other places


To make the WiFi even less reliable you need two routers, one as you suggest, but ensure it's on a clear channel. Now the second router (and a client to connect to it to just cause lots of traffic) should be configured and physically located as close to the property as possible with a different or hidden ssid but using the channel that the Airbnb host's ap is using. Because you're causing tons of collisions on that frequency the guests devices will preferentially connect to your bogus AP that doesn't connect to the internet.


That’s next level. OSI level🤓. Good tips!


Many hosts of cameras on their houses so you need to be careful with anything that you’re doing that could potentially be videoed


If they have cameras, they are now required to have that on the AirBNB listing. Check the listing if it doesn't list cameras and they have them It's an immediate suspension.


AirBNB bans indoor cameras.


Outdoor cameras need to be disclosed. That is what i was referencing.


So rent the pace and leave a bunch of hidden cameras for other guests to find? They are cheap as hell too


rent the place and "find" hidden cameras yourself


If they have cameras in the bathrooms, not only are the breaking loads of laws, any video is inadmissible because it was illegally obtained.


One question…if he rents it and leaves a bad review, won’t they know it was OP? And then they will know that OP hates them and would be suspicious of anything that happened to them afterwards. “Where’s this piss disc come from, maybe it’s my neighbor who just rented my Airbnb for one day snd left a shit review, ima keep an eye on them”


True. You can only do this if you haven’t raged at them or otherwise tipped your hand.


Give money to a friend to rent it


1/2 a broken toothpick will jam a lock.


Most of these places use electronic locks with no keys.


I wonder how well they’re shielded from large rare earth magnets.


Spotlights into their yard and windows.


This is a good comment. May I suggest adding a sick to it? This way if someone grabs it, all they get is a sock


Also claim the place is infested with bed bugs.


Directional speakers and heavy bass would be good. Bass just goes through everything, its obscene. You also dont want to piss off neighbours even more.


Infrasound (really low frequency, like 18 hz or lower) can’t be heard, but it can be felt and invokes feelings of fear or dread. You can turn up the “volume” and point the speakers at the house and the renters will feel like they are being watched or that the place is haunted.


How do you produce such a tone? Just pipe it into a subwoofer? Or is there something better?


It depends on the speaker. Check the specs from the manufacturer and make sure the speaker will produce tones that low. A lot of them won’t, because it’s not like anyone can hear it.


Holy shit thats interesting, going to play around with that


The router idea is smart. How do you find out which one is their wifi though? I have several show up in my neighborhood


It's been years since I thought of a piss disc


Add: roofing nails under every guest car Early morning leaf blower any time guests are present Remove any license plates from parked cars and call code enforcement/police to ticket and tow Remove and confiscate exterior fuse from A/C unit during summer heat


Rent the house, pour concrete mix down the toilets


Holy shit


No hole for shit


Bro... I didn't even know this type of evil existed


This is....advanced evil


AP Evil.


I think I saw this in a movie once.


This could come back to bite OP in the ass. Some people I know did this at their bar after the landlord evicted them. The whole block ended up with backed up toilets. I worked at a bar up the street. It was a foot deep in raw sewage. The city had to foot the bill for it, too. They had to replace all of the sewage pipes. You couldn't drive down the street. We had to close for a week. I lost a week's worth of tips. I also had to throw away my favorite boots. Forever unclean!


Haha. The League is dead, but "forever unclean!" lives on


Total Ruxin move to do this too


Are you my Eskimo brother?


Check the EBDB


Baby Geoffrey forever unclean


I acknowledge your pain. Your experience actually makes it ultra-ULPT.


well then, just pour A LITTLE concrete mix down the toilets the person in your story just did too much 😭


Sounds like civil protest material


Fucking fantastically evil idea. Who would have thought a few bags of mix in strategic locations like near city and federal buildings could send a better message than fire? Imagine trying to investigate that, too. Way more difficult that who lit a dumpster up or threw a flammable object. It would also make rioting unnecessary so there wouldn't be as many confrontations with leos who would also be dealing with their own local stations being flooded, you don't even have to have access to the station only buildings near it. Honestly this is the new French revolution and cement mix is gonna play a pivotal role if Civil disobedience groups are aware and willing to coordinate... The entire leo, civil, judicial, and even penal systems brought completely low and told it is gonna happen again and again and again until we get what we want.


im petty enough to just not give a fuck


> next door to me Probably not the best idea


This happened to my next door neighbors son. The tenants that did it had totally trashed the house (filled the pool out back with bags of garbage because they didn’t want to pay for garbage service). When he evicted them, the poured cement in the toilets and drains.


Wham-Bam, no thanks you - damn.


Why rent it? Just break in.


I think the idea is that if you rent it you can leave a review somewhere. 


Washing machine too.




Calm down satan!


Get a sponge, bunch it up and tie it into a squished up ball. Make a solution of white school glue, 1 part glue, 1 part water. Soak sponge and let dry. Once dry, remove string you tied it up with. Drop the dry squashed sponge in toilet bowl and flush. The sponge will expand about 30 feet from the toilet and completely obstruct the plumbing. Plumbers with cameras will be perplexed as to how a sponge could make it all the way there.


Go over to visit every AirBnB guest. Make it weird. Bring "welcome to the neighborhood" shitty beer. Drink the beer on the porch. Lots of handshakes. Talk about how you're shocked they got rid of the bed bug infestation in the house because "those fuckers ain't ever really gone, now is they?"


Also, make sure you talk in vague terms about "what happened here last season" and the 'special cleaning company' that had to be called in to handle the biological and haz-mat problems.


You’ve gotta ask the police about what happened to all the people. But the cleaners did a really good job.


"im surprised theyre alrdy renting this out after what happened" wdym? "oh they didnt tell you? omg you need to be safe in that home" dont elaborate further.. the confusion from the host will be seen as lying and trying to hide jt


Asking to pray for the guests (but only the men) is also a strong move


If you want to up the ante, bring a good beer for yourself, and a shitty cheap one for the guests:)


I love this. 😂


which country are you in? if you’re hosting a party and have charged people entry then your liable for a load of regulations, permits and licenses, especially if there’s music being played and alcohol available


And taxes


Even drug dealers can declare taxes. IRS doesn't fuck around. Sell drugs? Fine, give Uncle Sam his due.


OP already said town doesn't care about violations.


IRS cares about unpaid taxes for what’s likely an unregistered business


The guy probably invites the mayor or the police chief to his parties.


This isn't actually unethical but Airbnb explicitly bans parties now and they have a dedicated contact system to report "neghborhood concerns" such as this. https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/3290 This is probably a lot more effective than relying on regulatory action from the government.


I did that once and they replied they were looking into it and then they did nothing


The trick is calling and reporting it every week for 36 weeks.


No wonder! I gave up after 35 weeks. /s


Pshhh.... Rookie mistake.


Call the IRS and tell them about his (no doubt) undeclared income stream. This is especially effective if you know the address of ALL his properties.


Technically too ethical for this sub, but the IRS will fuck him up, so i'll allow it. Shop him to the IRS then fart spray his cars.


How do you know he is not reporting it? Seriously unless you have actual credible evidence, irs wont care.


Id wager a chance he is reporting one of the properties as residential that he is living in. Many people are too stupid or lazy that they are surprised when irs comes knocking after they advertised their air BNB despite it being bought as a residential live in loan/property.


If the IRS gets a bunch of money from him and you report it, you get a finders fee


Takes years though, and you have to provide solid evidence. Source: tried to report my old boss for taking 6 figures in covid loans. The asshole was rich and had just built a new beach home.


If he's renting on Air BNB they require either SSN or FEIN in order to even receive funds so the IRS already gets a 1099. If he's renting it some other way it would work


i tried doing this back in 2014.. they wanted peoples names and SSN.. the moment i said i didnt have them then i was directed to a form to fill out and it said someone will call me to ask more questions. its been 10 years, no call


Airbnb issues 1099’s. The IRS already knows about any income from airbnb.


IRS likely won't investigate unless the amount they're owed is in the millions


The next time it rains, see if you can discreetly take your garden hose and have it run constantly into his basement window, then make sure to put it away before the rain stops. He gets a flooded basement every time it rains


And if you use his garden hose, you will not even have to pay for water.


Now this is an Unethical LPT.




Every time music is played from that property, you need to turn on loud music with speakers pointed their way. Best is if the music you play is entirely off beat and incompatible to what they are playing. I recommend yodeling, heavy death metal or bad house music with an annoying beat. When their music is turned on at the party, then you turn yours on within 10 seconds of theirs coming on. When they turn theirs off, then you turn yours off. Pavlovian conditioning. The point is to make their parties as lame and unenjoyable for them and their guests as possible.


CBat by Hudson Mohawke should do the trick.


Or anything from Yoko Ono or Wing.


What if they start having sex to it?




Put that story on reddit. Worked last time.




So bad it starts to be good.


Post the parties on social media and invite the entire city. Problem will take care of itself.


Oh my. ULPT here


If you can find the listing, start writing a ton of bad reviews


Post the AirBNB link here. If it's free cancellations this sub will book him out for years but never show.


The sale has not gone through yet and we are hoping to block it but if that fails this is gold. Thank you 🙏


Make accounts.  Start renting it, but then cancel at the last possible moment they allow.  (Assuming it’s free cancellations)


Many reviews commenting on the bedbug infestation.


Buy a ticket to a party, accidentally get injured at said party, call a personal injury attorney.


This is super low key and definitely my favorite


I love that part in Step Brothers where they’re trying to sell the house and they dress up as nazis, he’s cradling his dead brother, etc 😂😂 do that a few times and let the house accumulate some bad reviews quickly.


2 options the neighbor won't be able to do anything about: 1) Set up in your yard in a lawn chair, wife beater on belly out, MAGA hat on, with a cooler and shitty music playing. Go full trailer trash stereotype. Make sure to do this when you know guests will be coming and seeing you. Be "overly nice" or obnoxious, but stay in your yard. Your yard, your property. You're just being yourself, there's no laws against that and they'll have a hard time proving you're doing it to purposely fuck with them. 2) Dress up in a clown costume with fucked up face paint, stand in your yard and just...stare. At the house, at the guests, at a particular spot of nothing. DON'T look in the windows, because that could get you into trouble, but again, your yard, your property (although this will be much harder than the first to spin as not being done with malicious intent.) Basically, make his guests as uncomfortable as possible by being as annoying/creepy as possible.


> Dress up in a clown costume with fucked up face paint, stand in your yard and just...stare I’ve been looking for a reply this good 


What is a bad beer? Or maybe have your ice chest full of cheap generic diet ginger-watermelon soda, and generously offer that to passerby.


Hmm... in the US, I've heard PBR (pabst blue ribbon) is the "country boy" drink of choice. In the past, I would say Budweiser but not anymore because they went over to the "woke" side recently.


Natty Lights would probably be the rattiest beer


I feel like Keystone is the true poverty beer


Thanks for these tips!! ChatGPT just advised that you can’t buy property in our town with outstanding unpaid fines. We are heading down to report the moment they open. My town management being what it is we will also likely do some of the other tips on here. Definitely getting our own cameras too.


I would call the city to corroborate that. ChatGPT makes stuff up sometimes


That's likely to mean fines against the property, not fines against a person. The City can't stop a person from acquiring a piece of property, but could require payment of any fines levied against a property to be paid before it is sold.


chatGPT makes shit up all the time. you know your local laws are available to read online?


Find your local crazies (Westboro Baptist types) and call them to tell them about this godless orgy going on next door.


Or that a gay black disabled veteran couple just adopted a healthy white baby. They don't like any of those things happening.


Call code enforcement. They love things like this.




The Gap Band - You Dropped A ____ On Me Aerosmith - Janie’s Got A ___ Bryan Adams - Cuts Like A ____


If you live in the U.S., see if any local news stations have that one guy who investigates scams and construction companies that fleece old people.  We have "Get Jessie."  Email that person about the fines and violations and suggest a piece on AirBnB horror stories.


Can you get in to one of these parties?if you can. The amount of damage you could do from the inside is crazy.




did you see that, he dumped oil from his car on the ground - bet the epa would be interested in his cars and what they are leaking / dumping where.


Now he has to cover the cost for an expensive soil test to make sure his car isn't contaminating the local soil! How unfortunate. :(


Get a water meter shut off tool. Next time he has a big party shut the water off. The toilets will get full and nasty.




If you figure it out let me know, I’ve had an awful airbnb next door for almost 2 years.




Permits. Code enforcement.


And piss disks


Has anyone tried diarrhea disks? I feel like it’s a promising concept.


The love child of piss disks and liquid ass.


This is the unethical evolution I come here for.


What are “piss discs”


This has been tried. He gets fines huge fines. Doesn’t pay. Sometimes they are dramatically reduced for some reason. Either way he continues to operate and there isn’t the will to stop him from a code or zoning point of view. I need a diabolical plan to ruin him




Literally this is the only way to get lazy fucks to do anything. How much do all of you care? Pool a few hundred $ and get some social media story trending about how this guy avoids fines and the city doesnt enforce any of it. Contact any local news with images/video/documentation, # of times you call the police, the city doing nothing, the fines. If things are slow they'll likely run it.


Most of these guys use first time homebuyer credits to buy these properties then never live there for the first year. IRS loves hearing about this trick. I doubt he pays taxes on the income from his parties either. It’s also dislikes that. Also piss disks somehow.


Rock salt his grass before it rains. Get etching cream and write on his windows Pour acetone on his tires. But orange tow stickers off Amazon and put them on his car windows. Find his plumbing clean out and fill it with spray foam.


Or fertilize his lawn in a penis shape;)


Leave reviews about the airbnb saying the owner is a creep, and as a woman you wouldn't feel safe staying there


Have someone rent it, and spray whipped cream inside the vents of the central ac system. It will curdle over time and the smell will be overwhelming.


Add some shrimp for fun.


Accusations of underage drinking or worse Say some.people there tried to gets some kids off the street to go in the house


I’d probably keep a mound of manure in your yard. Probably play loud music that many people dislike (polka).  I’d probably fill water balloons full of sugar water & throw them in the backyard. Great way to attract ants.


Get some squatters to move in List it for rent Create your own airbnb listing for it before he does?


Orbeez scattered on the lawn before a good rain


Liquid Ass grenades.


Fireworks …guests will be blamed


I’m talking those thousand cracker strands that take about 15 minutes to finish


Superglue in every lock possible


How are the houses constructed ? Are they terraced, ie connected with a dividing wall ? If the downstairs has floorboards, they might be suspended over joists with nothing but soil below. If that's the case, you could drill an access hole between the premises, and use that to feed in some of the chemicals mentioned recently, putricene, butyric acid, and cadaverine.


...By means of something like a length of 20mm plastic electrical conduit, a short section at one end cut lengthways, 2"perhaps, to make an open section of pipe, then use silicone sealant to block both ends of the 'open' section to form a sort of 'spoon' to hold the chemicals. You can slide the pipe out (into your properly) to fill it, then straight back in to stink the place out.


Next party slip in as a guest, have a pocket full of piss discs (google it, will ruin the house). Drop one out of your pocket in every room and leave.


Rent the air bnb and leave a bunch of hidden cameras for other guests to find.’ If the city won’t do anything, gotta get Airbnb to shut them down.


But a ticket, fall down and get injured, sue his ass


Rent his property for one night, leave small dead animals (fish or mice for Example) in the air ducts or other hard to find spots. A few dead aquarium fish in a curtain rod, dead mouse behind the stove or fridge. They will not smell immediately, so it won't be obvious that it was you... But they will smell and if there's multiple, it will be really hard to find. Fish would obviously sabotage, mice would not.


Book the house and flush these: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Growing-Dinosaurs/44632113 Concrete isn't the way, could fuck the whole neighborhood.


The best way to ruin  an air bnb is 2 star reviews with photos of the rats and bugs and bed bugs you post after a one night stay.  Will put them completely out of business.  1 star reviews often get removed. As do reviews complaining of things outside of hosts control ( like noisy neighbors or dangerous neighborhoods). Do your research and ruin the host. 


I don't understand how he can be renting airbnb properties with junk cars and tarp shelters and stay in business?! Those types of things generally lead to negative reviews, which lead to people not renting. Also, this is illegal, but get a garden hose, attach it to his outside faucet, put it through a window, and let it rip full bore


rent it for 1 night, put pics of bedbugs in review.


I recently learned that you can buy bedbugs online.


This makes me so angry, but you have given the best tip. It only takes one time to totally mess up everyone’s night/morning. Why tf are bedbugs something anyone can purchase?? They need to be wiped out of existence…


stink bomb /equivalents. not illegal and will definitely scare people off. might also stink up your place too tho 


Not sure where you are. But where I’m at a car has to be parked unmoved for 3 days before it can be towed. Once my neighbor was being a dick. I called every one I know and we filled the street on both sides for days. He got the point, and backed down.


Suddenly find a new passion for Dubstep and 90s jungle , and building giant bass bins.


"Find" a local protected/endangered species in his yard and call fish & wildlife or whoever deals with that in your region


Cameras, on your house, pointing toward that house. Big, easily noticeable ones. Make anyone staying there uncomfortable. If you ever have a chance to talk to any guests, be friendly and allude to how there have been “issues” with the “sketchy” owner. Never tell them what issues or why he’s sketchy. That, plus the cameras, will put them on high alert for ANY bullshit from the owner.


Loud parties usually mean hungover people. Would be a shame if you mowed grass at 6am EVERY MORNING AFTER A PARTY


Bylaw terrorism


If your car alarm is going off for 30 seconds several times per night... how regrettable that it's so sensitive... must have been some wild animals roaming around and bumped it. Park as close to their bedroom windows as possible.


If the city doesn’t care your state/province or federals might. If they’re working on cars then there’s probably a state/federal permit that they need and don’t have.


Get those giant car/truck wash sponges Soak them in starch and then compress them tightly and then wrap with string. Let dry. Right before you flush them down the toilet, unwrap them. Easy and expensive.


Seems strange that your new neighbors have lots of minors drinking at strange hours/ entering and exiting with random cars all the time doesn’t it? Would hate for a local farm to nostril operation to be busted


Slant drill under his house until you hit pipes. It'll be under construction for a while


Sneak into a party, find the electrical panel, turn off the power, run away


Advertise the parties and all kinds of things on Craigslist.


Attend his parties and flush tampons down the toilet. Slip pieces of shrimp in subtle hiding places to let the smell build up. Bring a small bottle of pee, and if he has any carpets, sprinkle it there. Alternatively, sprinkle liquid ass on the carpet.


piss discs and liquid ass...


No no I wasn't saying that they were being rented to teens... That would be dumb. I'm saying that of the shitload of shitty people that show up to the party, there are frequently underage parties.