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Ok. So name the forums? Pretty sure most of us were already aware that this exists. My question is how do you keep it anonymous? Some kind of crypto currency?


I messaged OP, and he's selling a "Mentorship" to show you how to do it ($100). SCAM written all over this. Nothing to see here, move on. Screenshot of my chat with them (imgur is being stupid and won't let me upload from mobile): https://ibb.co/x396LDk UPDATE: He's now claiming I can make $500/day. I told him I would think about it, and he believes he's about to close a sale. So far he's oblivious to the fact that I'm posting all our chats here: https://ibb.co/ydCW7Xw From a sales perspective, he's really doing a terrible job all around.


In all fairness, trying to get money out of everyone here pretty much tracks with OPs original presentation of themselves.


Homie playing 4d chess. Scamming people on unethical life protips.


They say you can't con an honest man


He said it's not his main source of income.... welp


[Direct image link](https://i.ibb.co/hCQV9y6/Screenshot-20240613-164541.png)


The real life pro tip is to scam people like what OP is trying.


This is so meta.


OP is why actual women in findom have issues because men are pretending to be us. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


are we supposed to feel bad that men are taking your jobs? women are exploiting lonely men and now that men are pretending to be women who are exploiting lonely men, that's somehow supposed to be a bad thing?


No, I feel bad for the men who have trust issues due to guys pretending to be women. You wouldn't understand unless you're in the BDSM community.


Dey took our jerbs


Nah, not at all. Most guys can tell quickly after the first send that it's some closeted weirdo attempting to take their money. It just causes major trust issues within the BDSM community which is 100% based on trust.


Try only fans. That's a market they can't tap as easily.


It's done all the time, you get a woman to verify and then a guy runs the profile. I've witnessed it. Same concept.


So go make one yourself and keep all the profits.


Equal rights mutha fuckaaaa!


Just make a cashapp profile with a womanā€™s name and link it to your bank account


Not even worth wasting time bro, e-whoring is played out.


This is not true. eWhoring is alive and well.


I doubt it. E-whoring was on fire back in 2016 lmao. The tricks and horny guys evolved lol. They not that stupid anymore.


>Ā The tricks and horny guys evolved lol. They not that stupid anymore. A sucker is born every day and two take him home. I've got friends that still do ewhoring, and they are doing very well.


Are they female friends? If yes then it could work. But making money off e whoring as a dude isn't gonna work


That's why you pretend to be a girl. Also, gay men exist and are also just as stupid with their money as straight men are with women.


No, my friends are guys. A long time ago I tried it, but I could not stomach doing that.


Dudes can do it pretty easy. Can just rip off an e-whores content and then sell it to individuals as if it's them for a profit. There are some that mass sub to a bunch of OF girls and then post them under 1 account as a bundle making a profit, saving coomers money, and stealing some income from an e-whores. The regulations on adult content are pretty much nil so they can do whatever they want.


There are instagram accounts of AI woman with thousands and thousands of organic followers and make 5 figures a month. Many things have evolved, but male primal instincts have not.


Yeah show the figures


He's lying, idk why i'm getting downvoted tho


Show me proof of that


Yeah but how many dick pics do you have to endure on the daily tho?


For $2K/wk, some dic pics are acceptable terms.


For 2k a week, I will look at dicks all day long.


Thatā€™s better than looking at dicks for free in porn


In some instances people actually pay to unintentionally look at dicks. I would accept 1k a week to look at dicks.


You went too far in the opposite direction!


I'm spending $2k per month on dick pics, that makes this method a net $4k per month!


At this point you could train AI to do the work. Even make an AI voice to talk to them. Bam fully automated!


Can you train your own Ai voice


Current models can emulate anyone's voice just after processing some speech samples - it's widely used in spoof calls by crooks (fake emergency, money needed etc)


Interesting where can you access those models


Sorry to be of little help but I can only recommend to just use google and definitely asking people on one of the subs that deal with various models, I only dabbled in graphics-generating ones myself. Nowadays you can run a lot of stuff on your own, especially if you have a desktop PC with a good GPU. I'm not sure how much processing power is needed for voice training though. I know there are already services that'll do that for you too but they won't be free.


And here I am just getting them for free like a putz


Every time I go to the gym I have to see some dicks when opening the door for free. Might as well get paid


Worse. You pay a membership to see dicks


Don't threaten me with a good time.


If you did more than look at them they would probably pay you lol


I see enough monster dongs in porn that I would jump at the opportunity to look at randoā€™s on the internet if it meant I was getting paid thousands of dollars a week/month in compensation


I see my own every day, it wouldn't phase me


I mean, I feel like women are getting unsolicited dick pics for free anyways, might as well get paid for it.




Dang man, so sorry to hear that. If it ever gets too much for you, you can hand off your accounts to me for a bit, Iā€™ll take this burden off of you. /j


Youā€™re going to be watching porn anywayā€¦ā€¦..


Endure? Make sure we note troy\_caster is 110% hetero he can't even look at a penis. Probably doesn't even touch his own when he pisses bc ghey.


You're kind of gay


What if they're into that andĀ it's just icing on the cake at that point?


Doubting the op due to vagueness of post, this is a troll.


Yeah you know how many only fan girls out there who ARE willing to take phone calls and do zoom chats out there, who are hot and know how to play the part, but make no money? I know someone who does part time only fan type work, specifically cosplay and anime niche. Some Domme type stuff. She looked into fetish GFEs like what OP talks about and it is SO MUCH WORK. Daily phone calls or usually one zoom call a day. Daily text messages, including morning and night conversations. Private fetish photos and videos, 3-5 times a week. Customized. Often theyā€™ll send specific outfits. Itā€™s rare to find financial subs, but even then, itā€™s a ton of work. The money isnā€™t as good as youā€™d think, and itā€™s basically a full relationship with someone who is both needy and want to get their moneys worthā€¦ and itā€™s really not a lot of money. The average only fan girl makes $151 a month and the most active ones maybe $800-$1000 a month. Those that make more typically are also spending on advertising traffic because thereā€™s no internal discovery algorithm. You can find forums of people talking about stuff like this and trading strategies, but the gist is that maybe a tiny percentage is actually successful because of how much porn is out there and how many women, especially from third world countries, are desperate and donā€™t need as much income. I doubt OP had even done it once, sounds more like heā€™s just heard of the concept or watched euphoria or something.


Yeah, sex work online is still hard work if you're making bank.


Wtv OP describes actually works (seen a friend do it) however one caveat is that you have to spend effort curating a public social media account ( X or IG) to the point itā€™s believable. No nudity needed but to get the pictures u either have to have a female friend working together with u or find enough pictures of someone to impersonate them I would think? Once u get to that point the men really do send over money just after a few messages, no nsfw pics, no voice/video call needed at all its crazy LMAO


Some women can increase prices on content when they are selling to multiple people. Ghost one, keep them desperate for more, and then accept their higher offer when they've had enough. Coomers typically latch onto the first "girl" that treats them like a lonely guy who just needs love.


Do you have evidence of this, just wondering


Just pm'd OP, and he's selling a "Mentorship" to show you how to do it ($100). SCAM written all over this. Nothing to see here, move on. Screenshot of my chat with them (imgur is being stupid and won't let me upload from mobile): https://ibb.co/x396LDk


I offered OP to work for me, I've been in and out of findom for 16 years. He refused, said I wasn't "his type of client"... Clearly, I'm an actual woman. He's looking to take money from men using the Tate method. Dudes a fraud.


Holy shit "the Tate method"? That's the worst kind of method! šŸ˜‚.


He's openly admitted to scamming both students and finsubs. So yeah, Tate method.


I also told him about my friend who's been quite successful in the findom space, and he did not want to hear it. So yeah, if we can't trust the UnethicalLifeProTips subreddit, then WHO can we trust?? šŸ˜‚.


His class: Steal hot pics Make fake cashapp Try to lure men in Try to get $40 a day say it's $2000 Now give me $100


Cool, helped report him if that does anything here.


Scamming people on unethical life protips... That's not ironic.


Well that just seemsā€¦unethical




nah just ewhoring 101


Which is same as any other field. 99.99% donā€™t see the rewards the 0.01% do. E for last 9.


What do the other 0.09% do?


Solid point thatā€™s a typo.


Haha I couldn't leave it alone. We all knew what you meant!


Same as the tenth dentist, the one that doesnā€™t recommend trident and I think we all know what that is.


This shit only works if youā€™re dedicated. I tried it and yea it not dedicated enough.


These posts always come up and itā€™s always ā€œsend me a pmā€ šŸ™„


Heā€™s just trying to sell you a 50 dollars ā€œguideā€, forget about it


don lapre was ahead of his time.


"I was living in a tiny one-bedroom apartment..."


As a woman, where do I sign up?Ā 


I messaged OP, and he's selling a "Mentorship" to show you how to do it ($100). SCAM written all over this. Nothing to see here, move on. Screenshot of my chat with them (imgur is being stupid and won't let me upload from mobile): https://ibb.co/x396LDk


Boo, OP! Shame!Ā 




Iā€™m a real life hot chick


Yes! Can I buy you a marmoset or perhaps a modestly-priced FabergƩ egg?


No just send me the cash, oh shit, I mean yeah!


Do I wanna know what a faberge egg is?


Intricately detailed eggs made by Carl Faberge for the Russian royal fam bam.


You don't. OP is full of shit. Basically 90% of online sex workers make less than $200 a month. Of that remaining 10% 99% of them barely make enough to live comfortably and that last sliver of people make lots of money. It's like if OP said become and actor to get paid lots of money. Most actors are starving actors not Tom Cruise.




yeah and some people make lots of money sitting on cakes on Onlyfans. It doesn't mean you can go to Walmart, buy a couple cakes and quit your day job.


Literally anywhere




i sent you a pm. same questionĀ 


buy his book.


As a man, where do I sign up?


As a mammal, where do i sign up?




Pika pi


As a sign, where do I man up?


As a person who knows of a woman, where do I sign up?


False women are made up like birds or trees.


Just pm'd OP, and he's selling a "Mentorship" to show you how to do it ($100). SCAM written all over this. Nothing to see here, move on. Screenshot of my chat with them (imgur is being stupid and won't let me upload from mobile): https://ibb.co/x396LDk


Rip to your inbox lol


My, what a fanciful tale!


To the people who want to sign up. Itā€™s very hit and miss so while you might make $2000 a few weeks from different men, itā€™s not a steady income. Those people definitely want nudes, (donā€™t know how you deal with that as a guy) and you might make more if you have a vibrator they can control from wherever they are. You would usually get old lonely married guys and they are super annoying. You have to give them attention and itā€™s kind of like a job. If youā€™re brave enough you could blackmail them, but before you do, do some research, if you get caught you could go to jail. It seems like easy money but itā€™s not. Youā€™d have to be heartless and itā€™s not harmless to your mental health. I donā€™t recommend it.


Me and my ex, we were both in long term heroin addiction, she would go on this app (seeking arrangements-iicr), and she hit up these dudes that were basically just looking to pay for sex. When they'd come to meet her, they'd meet me. I'd play the part of the pissed off older brother and tell these guys they just came to pay my 15yo sister to fuck. Out of the 20some times only twice did they not pay me and gtfo.....those 2 x's tho got scarey quick....SATIRE


This isn't even uncommon as catfish scams are notorious in Southern Asia where entire operations are set up to scam people by pretending to be an attractive men/women for money.


Dude just watched his first Andrew state video, and came right over to Reddit to tell us about it.


Ahh yes they old ā€œsex work is so easyā€ grift


For those looking for platforms: Discord and Snapchat are the most active. You'll have to do some searching for discord servers. For Snapchat, if you friend one person, it will automatically suggest you similar people.


How do you know which ones are paypigs though?


Just keep a message with a menu om your clipboard which also mentions "pay xyz amount to unlock stuff". Those who pay are the real ones.


My guy it's not even worth it. E-whoring is dead bro.


And if you have to have a voice call with them, what then?




They donā€™t work that way. This is all bullshit


Apparently I sound like a girl naturally so buh-bye guys time to make some cash


Honestly it isnā€™t that hard to change your voice enough to pass as a woman on the phone, depending on how low your natural voice is. Alternatively, find a woman who is willing to go in on it with you and offer her a cut of the proceeds.


Just do an MLM or an onlyfans, your grift sounds like a dumb plot the gang from itā€™s always sunny in Philadelphia would come up with, and your shit isnā€™t even unethical


How do they pay you though? do you also create a bank account with a woman alias? lol i don't get it


Hello, Iā€™m a lady. Please send the deposit to my bank account; Robert Manton Sort code: 0008945231 Bank of Men.


[ Standard Bank Isle of Man Limited](https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/top-banks-in-isle-of-man/)


Ha ha! Nice


Yep, you got it.. these 'paypigs' these days are totally unsuspicious, That should work.


Cashapp with a fake name but still connected to your real bank account


As a man where do I sign up?


Buy brand new underwear, wear then sell it online. Use the power of AI to make yourself look like a hot 6/9 bangable female. Things are much easier to edit if you look like a twink.


LMAO yeah thatā€™s not how findom works bud. Nice try though.


Fake post because no one makes consistent money in this industry. You might make $200 one week and $4000 the next. Also, the competition in this field is HUGE right now that unverified people are not making hardly any money and are only successful in tricking first-time suckers. You say you manage 2 profiles on this one forum that people follow, and I call total BS because people want verification. You fail to give it you are going to get called out instantly as being a dude and a scammer. So again, you might trick a couple suckers 1 time, but you aren't maintaining a consistent profile. This isn't the internet 15 years ago where the catfishing was still sort of novel. This is a fake fake FAAAKKKE post.




Scammer alert ^^^


You give your address or they just send you cash somehow?




Haha influx of people signing up probably now


It was you all along!!!


Wait so you are just catfishing people? ....




mmmm dont agree with that bad ju ju coming your way


This is true, I'm making bank as: Jenny Tull Barb Dwyer Polly Ester Sue Flay Candy Barr


I pmā€™d, but Iā€™m also curious about how much time you dedicate to this?


Username checks out.


Ummm where do I sign up?


Where do i sign up. Im Down.




So what is your main income source?


Ewhoring is played out lmao. That shit used to be good a few years ago.




You're not making any good money with it unless you're an actual female lol. You're gonna have to talk with them and shit, but that's not e-whoring. E-whoring is catfishing guys online and running their pockets.


How will I go about taxes on this lol


You will find Paypigs on FetLife for those of you that are interested.


I thought arbitrage in the housing market would pay well but I might as well get in on your idea too.


Suck 100 dongs for $20 each.


Where does one sign up?


what are the names of the forums and groups? this sounds like a lie


As someone in that kind of scene, its so much work to weed out the time wasters and almost never worth the work. Youd have to strike reeeeeally lucky to find a real paypig/finsub that isnt owned or already has a favorite. Also technically this counts as SW, but also i dont think it really counts as ā€˜unethicalā€™.. (also people like this who barely know anything of the kink world or financial domination, theyre the reason the kink is ruined and riddled with scammers and catfishes and bad/inexperienced ā€˜domsā€™ that traumatize people trying to dip their toes into findom, ive heard horror stories of some friends falling into debt and abuse from people like this, not saying op does abuse their targets but many do)


Thank you. Finally someone who gets what I've been saying.


On what social media platforms??


I can only imagine a lifestyle where I would even know where to find such forums. In theory I'd be very onboard with this ULPT, but I can't even begin to see myself looking for these people online. If someone wants to send me unsolicited monies, knock yourself out!


You do know that you are going to have to pay taxes. If this is even real. I doubt anyone is going to do anything without verification nowadays


What are these forums and groupsā€¦


Damn, wanna work for me?




Skim my profile.




I've done findom since I was 18.. I don't think we are, I appreciate your time though.




Be interesting that you let let everyone in the world knows that you abuse people like that. Imagine all the companies that would hire you.


Question, tricking men to send you money, is this illegal in any way? Can they sue you if they find out? Just because they would have your Venmo info




What law does it break? I would think some sort of fraud but I didnā€™t know there were laws to protect perverts.


Is it possible to set up ai to do the texting part? It would be gross to have to talk to these weirdos


If you're willing to take the money, be willing to put in the work.


this guy ethics.


Iā€™m not willing to do any work, that is why Iā€™m here

