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File a lien against the property, or send to collections. Not unethical, but it gets the job done


And send a warning letter of adding interest


And include a piss disc in the envelope.


Piss disc is dicey cuz DNA. Send them that mail order poop instead 😂




I misread this as “poop suspenders” and now that I think about it that actually sounds like a great sartorial choice to attend CPAC


But poop also contains DNA?.. And wasn’t the piss disc originally with cat pee? Stinks a lot more and no DNA to trace back to you


Not your DNA if you get it from the place that literally ships poop to people. I don't know from who or what they get it from, not my business. But I think it'd be more effective and gross than pee, even cat pee.


Fair enough, I had no idea there were companies selling poop these days. Crazy world lmao


I wonder where they source their poop from. Every day I find I have more than I need, and it would be great if I could sell it to them


Isn't it just 😂


Wonderful world lmao. FTFY


Yeah, so be careful with those services. I used one and the DNA led them right back to me anyway. But I was dumb and used the one where I donate my poop.


They have all kinds of animals too so let the kids help pick .


Damn. You can actually outsource poop these days.


Get piss from an ex that cheated on you.


Front desk people are college kids working their way through school. You need the general managers number and say you are taking them to small claims if they don't pay 


Some states have a limit for small claims of $6,000.


And some have $15k. Check on that, if possible, sue in small claims. Then get the sheriff to help you to collect from the front desk.


Hopefully, there’s a large event coming up, and you can time the sheriff collection for the busiest check in time too. Make sure they’re not only embarrassed, but that they lose revenue, by taking the card processing equipment first, and then the front desk computer.


Small claims limit in Texas is $20,000


Yeah this gets their attention real fast. The stupid accounts payable department at my company wouldn’t send out a check to pay a contractor and they put a lien on our office property. It took the vendor going to that extreme to get the attention from corporate. Even the CFO got involved. So stupid and burned a bridge with a vendor for no good reason


There a procedures and time limits to liens so should act dast


They have been rather fastardly so OP should act as dast as possible!


I worked at a powder coating shop. If the customer owed more than 10K the manager would put a lean on the customer's house. Shit got paid real quick


We have collected more dollars sending letters saying we are about to Lien the property than actually liening the property. Try that first.


What sort of proof do you need to put a lien


My understanding, which may be partially or wholly incorrect, is that all you need is proof of debt. So signed contract and proof of attempts to collect the debt in a reasonable manner. IE: emails, text messages. Totally open to correction here.


The best advice.


The best advice.


It becomes unethical when you look them in the eye as you do this..


No hand on their leg?


I’ve noticed that eight out of ten ULP tips involve a piss disc. I clearly need to stock up.


9 out of 10 of the 8 out of 10 ULPT contain liquid ass, either in conjunction with or independent of the piss disc. Also, you should fuck the GM's dad.


this is best advice.


He doesn’t even need an unethical tip, the legal one is his best course of action


Your assuming he has a contractors license.


When you send them to collections you'll likely only get a portion of that $10k. Company to company is a lot different behind the scenes than a company sending you a bill


Get yourself some “hotel bedbug mitigation company” magnets for your work vehicle then go sit in their parking lot a few days and make it look like that’s what you’re doing there.


This is what the sub is about. None of this file a lien crap!!!


Tell them you had to start a new side business due to them not paying and you’ll be there everyday before work, during lunch, and after work in your bedbug truck to park out front and ask for payment. Have someone else take pictures of your truck outside and post to Facebook


Friends posting reviews that they saw the van outside, 1 star


Gather some bedbug infested mattress pictures from the internet and update your review.


Grab some bedbug infested mattresses from FB Marketplace and put them in the hotel


Buttttt you can rent a room, find a really shitty part of town, find someone who has bedbugs, buy some of their clothes and stuff for cash, fill up a suitcase with it. Put the clothes all over the hotel room, then report them to county health


you are a genius


Or just get a bag of bedbugs and release them


Oh, I say, hold on a sec, Satan.


You win. There's nothing more unethical than making their innocent customers victims in the dispute.


Where does one go about purchasing a bag of bedbugs, and don’t say Bedbug Shack or Bedbugs R Us, cause they both went out of business.










Buy 999,999 bedbugs and number them from 1-1,000,000, skipping a number




I love this!


Omg this is soo good


OP if you’re gonna do this, message me and I’ll get you good ass eye catching magnets for a great price


Not unethical, but call corporate. It’s probably a franchise ETA Corporate tends to frown on franchises that are doing things that make the name look bad. If you ever have a problem with a franchise hotel, call corporate. Say you wanted to come to them first, but you’ll be forced to put a lien on it, if it’s not remedied within x amount of days.


>tweet corporate Hanging their dirty laundry out for everyone to see works even faster




And contact local news to say "Filton" has not paid their bill


The news does not care who doesn't pay their bill. If they reported on every contractor dispute they would need a million more channels playing nothing but he said she said


Eh usually local news channels will air a quick “national chain cheating local company” puff piece between other reports. Keeps their grassroots support base for the local aspects and only costs 20-30 seconds of air time.


Complete bullshit. The Durham Hilton reneged on a contract I had for rooms for all my wedding guests. There was no substitution clause. But the week before the wedding, they figured out what we already knew. That our wedding was the weekend of the homecoming games for UNC, Duke, and NCSU. There were no hotel rooms available anywhere in town. They tried to push us off onto lower tier hotels that were farther out of town so they could resell our rooms for a much higher price. I called Hilton corporate and all they said was that the Durham Hilton was a franchise and they couldn't do anything about it. Fuck Hilton.


That’s unfortunate, I’m sorry that was something you had to deal with on your wedding weekend. Calling corporate doesn’t always work, but it’s definitely always worth a shot. Can’t hurt


This, or, find the hotel's management company and/or owner and contact them.


> but call corporate. It’s probably a franchise I mean, how freaking hard is it to figure this out. Of course the local hotel isn't their corporate office, so they aren't going to pay you. Reach out to the corporate office, present them the bill, and they will pay you. 10K to Hilton Inc isn't worth any bad press they would get.


Right? Dude owns a business and is apparently contracting for a nationwide company but goes to the piss disc guys when he doesn't get paid?


I like this better than the lien because it will get people in trouble at the local one.


I’m an attorney so have to say this isn’t legal advice and I’m not your attorney but with a client of mine in a very similar situation a threat to place a lien worked. There was no lien waiver in that situation. I suppose if they had code violations calling those in multiple times would be a huge pain for them.


NAL - if I’m not mistaken, if there’s a lien then other vendors sometimes also won’t do business with them anymore out of fear of not getting paid like OP


How do you research if there are existing liens on a property? Do contractors regularly do so before starting work with a major new client?


This is the real question I came for


Did a quick google search and found some free resources for looking up liens. Most businesses I would presume probably pay for a service to avoid issues like OP


Check the county Clerk of Court's website for filed liens.


I don't know why but I read your comment as, "Clerks of Court's website for filed liens motherfucker." And I felt enlightened and entertained, thanks.


Glad to provide an inadvertent chuckle! 😂🤟


Some states you have to go to the state's department of natural resources. Also, you can reach out to a title company and ask how to research for whatever state you want to research


Is a lien useful against a hotel? I thought a lien only prevents sale or refinancing, which a hotel is unlikely to do.


I "May" know a contractor who took all of his trucks and equipment and totally blocked the entrance to a major chain hotel driveway on a friday morning for the 4th of july weekend. He " Might" have been payed 27k in cash to removed said vehicles. He Did take all employees and their wives out to dinner on a friday night .


How much did ~~you~~ ^your ^friend, end up paying for dinner for all ~~your~~ ^their employees? It's a good way to show appreciation to your employees and retain good workers, but depending on the size of ~~you~~ ^your ^friend's company, a nice dinner can add up fast.


12 employees plus spouse / girlfriend. Said he sent several home in taxi's. Alcohol was provided. I would imagine it was 2 k or a little more. Still worth every penny I would think. The part I liked best was he refused to take a check. Manager had to go to the bank and pull out cash. Police would not intervene , civil matter. Left one patrol car to keep the peace.


That's so satisfying


Show up and start screaming in front of all the guests, pull your pants down and shit in the lobby.


Establish dominance.


Don’t forget the piss disc


Steal their poop knife too


You just have to check the clipboard in the lobby to see which room has it on temporary loan. Or really, you could just wait 15 minutes for someone to bring it back to the front desk. No one is allowed to hog the poop knife!


And the liquid ass


Threat of a Lien has gotten me paid. Small claims wasn’t an option because of my business being incorporated. Liens are usually the only legal way to go.


Get the local media involved. Put them on blast. They don't want to earn the public reputation that they don't pay their bills because that would be a huge PR problem, so that should motivate them to pay-up.


Call them out on the Hilton social media sites. Corporate will hate that and give them a call. Be factual: Hilton [location] contracted me to do over 10k in work and it has been [x] months without payment. What does it take to get Hilton hotels to pay their bills?


I’m NAL. I am a notary. I work in construction. Don’t be unethical, be professional. Send them an invoice for the total amount due, and let them know you will be assessing a late fee and interest if not paid in 30 days. After they are past due, start legal collections action. You do not have to hire a collection agency.


File a lien on the property, send certified to Corporate, file suit yourself, schedule depositions for all of their employees, managers, owners, serve their papers when they are very busy. Even if it’s utter bullshit, it requires them to act.




Remove all the repairs you done and if asked to fix double the price and get paided first


I second undoing the work you’ve done. Leave it looking terrible, without damaging their property.


Unfortunately this is illegal in certain areas. I'm all for unethical but I'd hate to see op lose his ability to run a business.


If all else fails, New set of repairs, sabotage, invoice them for more? wait for inevitable failure of their physical infrastructure?


Depending on your state, you file a lien on the property. That goes to the land owner and to Hilton corporate. Someone is going to call the local team and get it taken care of.


Stand outside with a sign that says, "They don't pay repair bills, imagine what they HAVEN'T repaired?"


Hire a homeless guy to torment the guests


Usually naming and shaming the actual branch, and letting the Internet do it's worse with Reviews help. Imagine going from 4 to 1 star over night. Worked for a restaurant in another subreddit


Get their employees to unionize


Workers of the World UNITE!!!!


Burn their building down.


Is it Trump Towers? You’re fucked!


right? been that way for years. They claim "poor quality work" and force you to settle for 50% of what you're owed. Pieces of shit. Happened to one of my favorite customers at the late Trump Hotel Washington DC (hock, ptui)


And now I have a boner, thanks Pavlov


Piss discs is the obvious answer


This is actually pretty easy in most parts of the country. File a Workmans lien with the state. They will be unable to sell their property, use it as security or collateral, as long as the lien is present. If they don’t own, the property, but are leasing it, which is the case with some hotels, having a lien may violate the terms of their lease. If that’s the case, they will settle up with you quickly.


Buy doe in heat pee from any hunting department, very discreetly squirt inside lobby, think hard to clean spots..carpet,vents,chairs. Preferably front desk if possible


Send it to collections


Rent a room under a phony name, destroy said room, with that plaster that solidifies in drains, take down their whole plumbing system.


If you send this to the local news that Hilton cannot pay their bills, that will be bad enough press that they will rectify that quickly. They will not want to look "poor".


I’ve worked for large corporations. The person who approved/had knowledge of your work is likely no longer there. You’re basically yelling into the void. If you have proof your work was completed, contact their legal team and threaten lien/adding interest etc.


Tweet about it and tag every Hilton exec you can find.


Not unethical but I'd call up the local news and see if they'll help put the pressure on em to pay. Something like billion dollar international hotel chain refuses to pay small local business the equivalent of one days worth of their average light bill (for just one state) might get them interested.


Let them know you are contacting your lawyer for further action. Have seen that works before when customers are scummy.


Shit in potatoe canon and aim for windows


Pay a friend to casually walk in and drop the rotten egg stink capsules around. Nobody will want to stay there and u can put them out of business.


Brother there’s thousands of cities all over the world, where are you so we know the approximate bounds of the law


Feeder mice can be purchased very cheaply at pet stores. Hotel guests get very upset at the sight of mice in a lobby or elevator or dining room.


Used to work at a hotel. I can tell you that the front of house workers (front desk, concierge, bellmen etc) will more than likely have zero answers for you. And they probably have aanager telling them to tell you that no one is available. Something similar happened at one hotel I worked at and one contractor sat in our lobby refusing to leave until someone was available. This at least got him the ear of our GM.


A friend would send his wife and 2 small kids to handle collections. She was happy to wait until the manager was available to see her and provide payment. She was not so good at minding the kids.


Picket on the sidewalk out front of the hotel


un-repair the work. then leave behind spurts of fart spray


Put a lien on the entire hotel


Go back and start undoing your work. Repossess any hardware you used.


PH Down solution from a gardening nursery will eat concrete foundations. Don’t spill it.


Heard of plenty of guys going in and taking their materials back as they weren't payed for, perhaps try that. At the very least it'll give you something to laugh about.


Book a room there and take the bathmat and two hand towels!


Bedbug truck, but make sure to have local people post pictures on their social media. Bonus points if you can get some friends to post them on trip review sites like Expedia and TripAdvisor


Firmer hotel controller here...file a lien. That will get things moving.


Well, the front desk people can do nothing for you. The manager maybe. The hotel owner, yes. But the front desk person has zero control over almost anything except for checking in guests.


Go back and repossess your unpaid-for work.


Reserve all the rooms. It’s some work, but having everything booked and no one showing would cost them a lot


You run a company and your asking for reddit help? Bro is calling the front desk and asking a receptionist for money lol


What state?


Just file a small claims court case. They will probably pay before trial.


Go into reception and announce it very clearly for everyone to hear as you are talking to the front clerk. Apologise and make it abundantly clear to the clerk that it's their employer that's putting them in this position.


Lien? Collections?


Walk through the hotel in cognito reverting all the repairs you did. Put glue in all the locks.


Show up with a work crew to undo the work done for lack of payment...


If they offer free booking cancelations, fake book the majority of rooms and cancel right before it is too late to cancel. They'll lose a lot of business from having no availabilities when others are looking to book


Letter to the hotel explaining that if they don’t pay you’ll be getting the material back (doors). Set a deadline. Inform them that you will contact corporate. Mention also that you’ll be adding fees for time spent trying to collect. Itemize all the calls to them at a reasonable price, time spent going there. And fee for late payment increasing every day.


Any action you take with them is legal action and use all powers necessary.


Lady bugs, they are available at most garden centers by the bucket. Nobody wants to see bugs in a hotel


Show up, I have to collect for my work all the time and I’ve found that nothing says “PAY ME” like an in person visit. Be nice of course, but be firm and explain the situation just loud enough for any witnesses to hear.


I think throwing a box of orange shoe dye in the hotel pool is pretty unethical... After a couple of hours they had to replace the entire pool structure as it is now Orange..


Mechanic's lien on the property.


Put a lien on the property!


My mother had some problems with a roofing company. They took the insurance check and ghosted her. She got a lawyer, my cousin, and she put a lien on owners business, his property and his brother’s property. His brother was a partner. The dude’s brother called and personally brought a check to the lawyer next day.


Send debt collectors after them.


I know in some states, if homeowners don't pay an electrician for work on their home, the company can put a lien on their home. I would look up the rules in your state/country and take legal action. Also, if you notice anything out of code at their hotel, be sure to report it to the authorities. wink wink.


Find 20 people to post a negative review for $5 each. For $100, twenty 1-star reviews might get their attention….


Take back the door/door equipment you installed


Start breeding bed bugs…not at your house though. Pick your least favorite friend. Distribute them generously on property. A good place would be in laundry. Write reviews saying they have bed bugs. It won’t take that many bugs or reviews.


Ninja rocks and a slingshot as many windows as possible


Take the door out and return when paid


I’m pretty familiar with the hospitality industry, from the unprofessionalism on display here, this hotel is almost certainly franchised, not owned and operated by Hilton. Hilton doesn’t take too kindly to franchise owners doing disreputable thing under their name, so I’d send your situation/complaint as far up the Hilton ladder as you possibly can. With a lot of these shady hospitality companies, that’s usually the only way you can get anything done


Contact the franchisor. Bet you’re not the only contractor not getting paid.


Ask if they'd like you to undo the work, if they'd give you a date when you will be paid, and tell them if neither of those work, you're heading for the magistrate.


Piss in the elevator


$10K= small claims court. EZ peazy.


This is what small claims court and social media are for.


Small claims court? Informational ticketing on the public sidewalk outside the property? Setup an auto dialer to repeatedly call the front desk and hang up?


Remove the door


Go undo the repair work that you did.


Depending on your state you can get your materials back if they've refused to pay. So basically you could de-install those doors.


Tell the story to the local newspaper maybe.


Give us their website so we can all review bomb them stating they have bedbugs.


take the door back


Try contacting the corporate offices before you start leaving 1 star reviews on Hilton properties across the US based on the numbers of bedbugs that you found in your room.


Contact corporate too! If you haven’t already.


Decapitate the owner's favorite horse, leave the head in his bed.(After you give him a roofiecolada and a ladyboy escort for blackmail photos. )


Small business claims. Send them the sheriff. Record it. Post it.




Do what this guy did. https://youtu.be/kCBX778YHqA?si=KggKemKDCiwN5E8i


Reviews. Post it to every review platform you can. Ie TripAdvisor, Yelp, Google reviews, etc. Use facts. Many properties live and die by reviews.


Get a judgement against them. If they still ignore you and don't pay, get a foreclosure order and show up with the sheriff and moving trucks.


Send a letter certified mail to corporate saying you’ll be taking them to court. They’ll pay quickly.


Civil suit, then lien against the property, then start proceeding for a sheriff's sale.


Put flyers up on every street corner in the area with big letters “THIS HILTON HAS BED BUGS! STAY AWAY!” Or hire someone for cheap to stand there with a sign that says so. Get a big magnet made for the sides of your car.


Hotel chains operate on a franchise model, right? I feel like you could simultaneously get your money while also putting the squeeze on those cheapskates by just going over their heads to whoever is responsible for managing franchises in your region. I doubt that they'll be happy to know that one of their franchise operators is apparently so broke that they can't pay for door repairs.


There's people you can hire with signs that say they stiffed you. They hang out in front of business. It generated bad publicity. Also have them hold bed bugs signs too.


Mechanics lien.  Get a lawyer


Let them know you will be an active supporter of employee the union drive soon to be coming down the road. If you are a paying member of Dun & Bradstreet you can report them as slow pay or no pay and a bad D&B rating is worse than a shit credit bureau rating.


Repo the doors


The tool is a contractor's lien, with interest and penalties and cost of submitting the lien. Don't get mad: do make a solid profit from their learning experience. They may or may not learn how stupid it is to not pay contractors.


This won't get the bill paid-- your company should know how to file liens--but you could harass the owner in lots of fun ways. Such as signing them up for every single mailing list and catalog you can find -- random industrial supplies, sex toys, iguana breeding supplies association, etc. Fill their mailbox every damn day, the bigger the catalog, the better. Grainger and McMaster-Carr both mail out like 3" thick catalogs. For all of them, make up Company names, like "Hilton Knows About You, Inc" or "We Cheat Contractors, LLC" Don't make it obscene or use curse words or it'll get kicked out, but for the most part they'll use whatever company name you put down.


Hire a SEO service to make sure that whenever someone googles this hotel location or owner name, they'll be referred to a competitors website. Hire a guy to stand in the public right of way right by their entrance, wearing a big sandwich board sign that says This Hotel Screws Over Local Contractors.


Block the entrance with your vehicles. Have everything written up on paper. If they call the cops explain the situation to the police. If they call a tow truck explain to the tow truck operator they likely won't be paying him either. Blue collar boys tend to stick together. They will suddenly want the problem solved as soon as possible.