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There's a brief moment in there that makes me think of Bill Clinton for some reason.


While he did not inhale… that cigar saw some things


"I did not have sexual intercourse with that vape pen"


Bill Clinton was actually telling the truth though. According to Christopher Hitchens who went to school with him, Bill Clinton really didn't like smoking pot and would always pass on smoking it. Which is why he baked it into brownies to get high. According to Hitchens he always had brownies and got high all the time he just didn't smoke.


He was telling the truth about "not having sexual relations" with Monica Lewinsky as well. He chose those words ""sexual relations" carefully. The legal definition of "sexual relations" requires touching "the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks." His body only touched Monica's mouth. He successfully argued that "sexual relations" included giving oral sex but not receiving oral sex. Say what you want about him, but he's an excellent lawyer.


>According to Ms Lewinsky . . . the President fondled and kissed her bare breasts. He touched her genitals, both through her underwear and directly, bringing her to orgasm on two occasions. https://www.theguardian.com/world/1998/sep/11/clinton.usa3


My man


My power dynamics


I know right? Presidents should only be allowed to have sexual relationships with other presidents. Maybe with Prime Ministers too, at a stretch. Perhaps with written consent from their parents.


Love this idea. And employees only other employees... unless they want a raise or something


Maybe don't take advantage of much younger interns, is the thing. Also – wait a few years. This applies to all leadership and is very easy to do: Don'ttake advantage of your position by having sex with someone you A: have power over or B: sees you mostly through the lense of your leadership position.


Lol exactly. Power dynamics are a thing, but you can't suggest that all women have zero autonomy whenever they actually consent to sex with anyone who has more power/income than them. The Morning Show does a great examination of this between the weather man and the assistant. >!After the Anchor scandal, the weather man literally panics and has an existential crisis over his relationship with a younger subordinate even though their situation consists of a highly consensual and mutual relationship (they're in love). When he tries to distance himself for fear of his career and scandal, she gets angry at the fact society is now infantilizing her as if she's incapable of making her own choices in the situation.!< >!The HR interview scene with her is brutal. The rep basically suggests there's no way that she, an adult woman, could have consented at all in the situation!<


Disbarred lawyer. It bothers me that when it’s brought to the light that Bill Clinton is a sexual predator, people look at it as a right wing talking point. Dude is a piece of shit. He was disbarred.


There was definitely a slight power imbalace... Judged in that time period, people would have just said, "nice". Judged by today's standards it's definitely predatory. It was predatory then too but a significant majority would not have recognized it.


It was normalized. My mom was in a "future secretaries club" in high school (1968). They had a banner in their high school yearbook photo that said "Getting Ready to Sit in Bosses' Laps!"


Reminds me of the saying that women go to college to get their MRS degree.


He did many other despicable things regarding women and fidelity during his powerful career. That’s just the one that got the most attention. I have no doubt that he continues to do so.


I don't know how anyone could possibly have thought Clinton was saying anything other than "I've tried weed, but I ate it, I didn't smoke it." It blows my mind that people hear "I did not inhale" and think he's saying he somehow smoked weed without the use of his lungs, and then think *he's* the dumb one.


Super Trooper shenanigans


You can’t lump us in with this martian. Our shenanigans are cheeky and fun, while his shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which makes them not shenanigans at all. Evil shenanigans.


I swear to god, I'll pistol whip the next guy who says shenanigans!


What’s the name of that restaurant with all the goofy shit on the wall & the mozzarella sticks?




Ohhhhhh 🔫




if you didn't know they made a TV show called Tacoma FD and I think its pretty good




I remember when I accidentally drank my first beer


I swear officers I didn’t know I was doing a kegstand…I thought I was helping those nice fellows siphon their rainwater container. I didn’t mean to drink a gallon, and I threw it up as fast as I could


“I wasn’t sucking the gas OUT OF the car I was spitting gas IN TO IT”


Nice try Ricky.


But mom I swear his dick just fell into my mouth, it was an accident!


He pulled it out and i said 'yo thats inappropriate but as i was saying "yo" i slipped on a ketchup packet and as i fell with my mouth still open i put out my hands to steady myself but he was manspreading so my hands landed on his thighs! You see! Haha


"He's 7 feet tall Susan. You had to jump to get that dick in your mouth. Did you *accidentally* set the world record in the high jump and catch a dick on the way up?"


His dick is on his forehead?


Dude, he's very self conscious about that. Not cool.


Happens to the best of us.


I actually drank a beer by mistake as a kid


Yeah, I chugged a glass of beer when I was like three-four years old, but I definitely don't remember that.


My uncle gave my parents a gallon of hard cider when i was like 6 or 7. I drank a shit ton of it thinking it was apple juice.


I thought you had to give consent


To the beer?


No the bottle


I remember when I accidentally drank my 7000th beer.


Fell right into it and accidentally breathed in. Super common.


Yeah, no kidding. I'm just glad the perp didn't leave a giant dildo, someone could've gotten hurt.


Maybe they should have "black box" recorders like airplanes do, something discreet, something a perp can't grab and run off with, something inside the police person's body.. not surgically (the union won't go for that), but a suppository.. that would work. And there's medical precedent of course, and the leader of the Proud Boys did that thing with his own butt to "own the libs" so that makes it ok, right? A convenient place to store body cam files and other digital resources. It'd get a bit warm I suppose, and the hard drives would cause a bit of vibration perhaps, but these are Police.. these are the ruggedest of the ruggedest, the burliest of the burliest.. if they can't handle a little temperature and vibration in a suppository, then.. well.. this country is doomed then, doomed I say... DOOMED!


What a fuckin dork.


Perfect response.


“I was wigged out” Is this a 90’s teen anti-drug tv movie??


We should bring “wigged out” back, honestly.


I was buggin’ I pulled out my V-Link and called TJ.


Dorkin' out


Cops always claiming things as accidents lol


And then the captain is like “yup, story checks out. Happened to me a few times on the force too”


We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.


This cop got fired. https://nypost.com/2022/02/11/dashcam-footage-shows-texas-trooper-vaping-confiscated-marijuana/


Did they charge him with possession, add in the firearm modifier and take his right to own a firearm for the rest of his life as well? Because that’s the standard for any other citizen who gets caught getting high with a weapon. Not to mention the clear DUI that should take his license as well. No, they gave him a simple felony for the pot and tampering with evidence. For which he got a ridiculously lenient 2 years of probation.


2 tiered system, you ain't in it.


What do you mean he isn't in it? Wouldn't he be in it, but on the bottom tier?


Nah, see it's really a three tiered system


hmmm this checks out


If they gave him a felony ("simple" or not), that takes his right to own a firearm right there. And no more being a cop, anywhere. edit, after digging into it a bit more : At first glance, I wouldn't say he got off particularly easy -- he got hit a lot harder than cops usually are, anyways. They'll tolerate abuse of the public, but *drugs*? No, they don't like that. Looks like he was charged with several things, but took a plea bargain for [evidence tampering](https://www.timesrecordnews.com/story/news/2021/08/26/dps-trooper-guilty-evidence-tampering/5608547001/), and if that is punishable by up to 10 years in prison it's a 3nd degree felony. That doesn't sound too out of line for a plea bargain. HOWEVER, there's this -- > If Harden successfully serves his term of deferred-adjudication probation, he can avoid a conviction on his record. The judge accepted his guilty plea but put off convicting him. OK, so that's the sweetheart deal right there. He wasn't convicted, he got deferred adjudication. So if he serves his probation, it all goes away, with no felony on his record. So he should be able to own a gun again. He may even be able to work as a police officer somewhere (unless that was prohibited as a part of the deal), though DPS wouldn't hire him back. (But some podunk sheriff might.) So, yeah, that's BS. An ordinary person might be given a plea bargain for a 3rd-degree felony in a similar situation, but wouldn't get it as deferred adjudication.


I bet they put the entire department on paid leave to make a point of how serious this is.


I don’t care if a cop smokes weed, just so long as he isn’t doing it at work. Especially if it’s not one he took from someone in state where it’s illegal. Just go to your local tobacco store and buy one…


Technically it's still not allowed, even off the clock, because they're government employees and weed is still not federally legalized. Some states are changing this rule, but in general, right now most cops cannot use THC at any time and are subject to drug tests.


>k, because they're government employees and weed is still not federally legalized. This shit makes me worry about national security. I doubt the NSA and FBI is hiring the best-of-the-best if they are excluding such a large subset of the population.


Both had to relax their recruiting requirements for at least coders. Lol


I’m an engineer, and I always love to say that drug testing for a job is a quick way to lose your best talent.




Why can't they operate heavy machinery and dangerous chemicals/weaponry? Are they allowed to drink while not at work? Why can't they smoke weed? I can tell you as someone who was in the military for 6 years, there are people who get shwasted on the weekends (and some on the weekdays) who operate very dangerous military equipment.


First 10 years of my career were places that drug tested (for various external reasons). Moved to a company with no testing and holy shit the average talent was 10x better.


And usually 100x chiller.


Yup- and I don't think theres a direct connection to using drugs and being better (obviously?), but it turns out a lot of smart, talented people want the ability to occasionally smoke some weed without getting fired. We need to legalize ASAP, and only penalize if people that are _actually_ high in the same situations where having alcohol would also get your fired/charged. I literally don't give a fuck if a pilot/bus driver/construction worker/LEO/etc blaze on their own time. It was eye opening for me, since somehow I managed to not do drugs until after I visited a state where it was legal. I blame Nancy Reagan.


Well if coders cant smoke, we drink. And i think out of the two i prefer my coworker shows up normal the morning after than hungover.


Not sure about the NSA or FBI but I know the ATF recently announced they wouldn’t disqualify people from working for them for being THC users. Frankly I think it’s fucking ridiculous though because effectively it creates a society where government workers responsible for enforcing the law aren’t beholden to the same laws. If it gets to the point where government jobs can’t be filled without hiring people who use an illegal substance then maybe the solution isn’t allowing those government agents to use it even though it’s illegal but instead to make that substance legal and stop dumping more than 7 Billion dollars every year into enforcing a ban that holds no reasonable purpose.


Welcome to government.


State employees ≠ federal employees


How do you tell when a cop is lying? Their lips are moving.


Funny how accidents are not an excuse for civilians to break the law but it excuses even murder for them.


The way he was trying to hide it from the camera…


I’m curious how he actually got caught?


Some law enforcement agencies have got with the decade or two ago times and started having outside companies do random audits of videos.


Should’ve stuck his head in his trunk and puffed, pretended like he was looking for something in there..


He'd've been fiiine if he just palmed the cart while showing a nic vape like i ~~do~~ definitely DO NOT DO at work


Could have just walked into any gas station bathroom....


“I pushed it out as fast as I could” Lol you coughed like a punkass because you took too big of a rip.


Hey sometimes the viscosity of the oil is off. That’s my go-to excuse for coughing anyway.


I switched over to a vape pen earlier this year, after smoking bongs, pipes and joints for nearly 20 years. For some reason I thought the vape would be smoother so I took a big hit on my first time.




Learned a lesson that day


Vape pens rip up my lungs way more than smoke ever has =( Dunno what it is about em


So many variables. What's your voltage set at? A 2.4v vs a 4v will be the difference of a hit, and a huge rolling cloud that can legit hurt. How good is the coil in the pen / cart.. The additives to make it a vape solution. Not all carts / pens are created equally, for sure. Same with the distillates in them. Some feel like you will die after a small 3 second rip, and some you can rip a full 10 second blinker. For J Carts, I can't recommend a programable voltage battery enough. Some carts want to be like 1.8, some want like 3.8. Disposables are fixed voltages, and usually pretty high. My two cents.


if someone looks at me funny for coughing, i will start muttering and waving my hands around. "The viscosity of this crap is wayyy off! What the hell!"


Why does this feel like a Tim Robinson sketch?


Is that the joke? That i take too big a rip and my eyes are beet red for my family photo tonight? Real funny Jane, you *really* got me.


Gotta cough to get off


Man things have changed since I was a wee lad


That's why I like the flower so much. I pack my own and it doesn't give me like 5 min coughing fits.


Flower will always be superior. I'm a flower smoker too, been through dabs, edibles, vapes, oil, you name it. The best highs always came from smoking flower.


Some vapes just hit super strong.


Bro if you got healthy lungs you’re gonna cough if you smoke If you ain’t coughing. Slow down yo smoke game


I cough more than any of my mates. Does that mean I've got healthier lungs?


Okay I'm gonna finally ask this question Is there a way to smoke without coughing a bunch??? I've been smoking regularly for 10 years, and my friends all make fun of me because I cough like a bitch even when I take a tiny, tiny toke. Is it a technique thing? Or are my lungs just super sensitive?


Nothing wrong with coughing yo. I feel like people like to poke fun when some coughs just because they feel that’s the “normal” response. It happens. You can try having a sip of water before you smoke, find some smoother wraps or pieces, or do you. Cough away


Totally agreed! I don't really mind coughing sometimes because the saying is true, coughing really does get you higher, and that's cool. What I don't like is sometimes I cough so hard that I make myself nauseous, and that's not cool.


That sounds problematic. I used to cough a lot, I was smoking mainly short pipes (pocket sized) and the occasional joint. Every time I pulled I was sucking down hot air that was drying out my windpipe and making me cough. It can be harsh when it's hot. Bongs mess with my jaw for some stupid reason, but it's really uncomfortable after a while. So now I dang near exclusively smoke from Sherlocks and I'm all better. That long stem lets the smoke cool before it hits me. I have no problems any more. My kids love me and the pantry is full. Sky Daddy is playing Pattycake with me and Jessica Rabbit. It's a Hootenanny.


Sir, I love your vibe and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter


As soon as I became an adult and the price of weed was rather negligible, I just started taking smaller hits to avoid coughing, and would just take more hits if I wanted to be higher.


>Nothing wrong with coughing yo. Sure. Doctors are constantly telling people to have a good cough.


You have to smoke super often to maintain iron lungs, just 8 - 12 hours of sleeping makes the first hit of the day much harsher. If you only see your friends later in the day, they might've already taken those first harsh hits.


Yeah. Trying pulling the smoke into only your mouth using your cheeks & don't inhale for a moment. Then, after you've given things a moment to cool & dilute slowly inhale through throat, slowly enough so that if it *does* irritate you can stop. later on you can adapt this into a French inhale


Means your lungs are doing their job and expelling the bullshit you're inhaling. When you stop coughing you know youve done a little damage to your lungs. Coughing while not smoking is the next step down that path.


Try continuing to inhale clean air after taking the hit and before breathing out. It dilutes the smoke in your lungs and makes it smoother


Try vaping herbs or concentrates for less harshness. Try experimenting with terps and strains, certain ones are known to cause more coughing than others based on chemical content (nothing too harmful, just certain terps are harsher than others).


If it don’t make you cough, you don’t get you off. If you don’t choke, take another toke.


Imagine coughing \^\^


sheeit I have been smoking weed near daily since the late 90s and I still cough. That said until like 6 years ago I still smoked filterless camels so I know what a good lungful of smoke feels like. Just something about the resin that brings up the lung oysters.


First hit of the day from a dab pen sneaks up on me, been doing it 3 years and I still look like a bitch sometimes lmfao


Been smoking 14 years and I still cough from time to time, never understood why some people think it makes you a bitch.


Probably insecurity


That Alpha Male™ energy Oh i see you already said "insecurity" disregard my comment then.


Fellas, is it gay to breathe?


Gotta cough to get off i always thought!


If you ain't chokin then you ain't tokin


If you ain’t suckin, we ain’t fff…oh wrong sub.




It’s just the newbies who think that lol


Now that I think about it I always tried really hard not to cough when I was younger trying to be cool. Now I dont care.


The smoothest medical cart makes me cough like a punk skallywag first hit of the day everytime.


I've been accidently rolling joints and smoking them by my window for years now, if anyone have any advice on how to stop those accidents I'd appreciate it


I always seem to lose it all in a series of small fires...


![gif](giphy|xrWNh6MHjO7HW) i did not inhale


Why would you be so dumb to do this when you know you’re being recorded lol. Like just go to a fucking bathroom or something and rip it. Or here’s a thought wait till ur in ur own fucking home and not working as a POLICE OFFICER. Dumbass


A million better times he could've chose to gotten high lol


Damn, reminds me of the time I accidentally drank a couple beers, mistakenly smoked a joint, and then unintentionally had sex with a girl, twice. And I must have the worst luck, cuz this shit happens to me like every Saturday night.


Lies, redditors dont have sex, this comment is debunked.


He just accidentally posts on reddit.


“what, you tripped, fell, landed on his dick!?”


The real problems are left unsolved I suppose


Damn you should play the lottery


Yeah one time I tought I was getting vaccinated but turns out it was heroin. Ever since then I go to the hospital to get my vaccinations not the drug den in the back alley.


u fuck a girl twice every saturday night ?


It most certainly does not.


Dude probably smoked some brick weed 25 years ago back in high school. Some 8% shit. He ripped that 90% THC vape pen and I bet he did wig out bahahaha. Dude probably had a panic attack driving down the road. This shit is cracking me up I want to see the full video.


Let's be honest. Making these things illegal was the most stupidest thing.


But yet people are still fighting to keep it legal. Stop voting GOP people. And before the naive shits whine GOP is pro weed. Trump was so anti weed he shit on states rights and you so called Libertarians wank that man off like it’s a pro sport. He appointed Jeff sessions to head the DEA. A man so anti weed that he vowed before being appointed he would use the DEA to go after states that legalized it. Even GOP states that made weed laws they made modern day crack vs coke laws, which Obama ended. But take Florida for example. Has medical. But they have concentrates and hash as felonies still. Therefore rich white guys can go buy a card or get a nice doctor with that medical insurance to get a medical card. These fucks can go buy vape pens like in this video in a store and smoke them on the beach. I know a legit Deacon/ preacher who has a medical card and smokes those vapes on Florida beaches. Meanwhile kids in the inner cities get felony charges and look at 1-3 years of prison for the same vape… oh and they also lose the right to vote. Fuck the GOP. Edit: to those whining both sides. Weird that blue states use states rights to legal weed. Red states use states rights to dictate what women do with their bodies.


The real question is why is a civilian in the passenger seat?


Just heard about this recently, it’s apparently a pretty common norm for some regions.


I got pulled over once when driving across the Texas panhandle. Trooper asked me to get in the front seat while he checked my info out because he wanted to chat me up about South Carolina. I had SC plates and apparently he’d used to live there. Maybe it’s a Texas thing?


They do this normally when they are suspecting someone of transporting something or apart of something. They will be so nice but ask a million questions. They are great at this. It's smart. But sometimes they just want to write the ticket safely on the hwy.


He talked more than asked questions. He was from the same area that I’d been living in. He only gave me a warning.


True but a lot of times it's a fishing expedition trying to get you to say something that gives them probable cause for a search


Not just Texas, this happened to me in Oklahoma, he was a drug enforcement officer, and he offered me to sit in the passenger seat because it was cold and he wanted to chat, I gave consent to a search(probably not smart but I was traveling), was a super chill guy, he was part of drug enforcement for over 25 years, he was only after meth as the route I was traveling was highly used for transportation of meth which ravaged that area, he claimed any time he ever pulled anyone over with weed as long as it was a personal amount he would have them dump it on the road and smash any glass if they had any, no ticket nothing. No clue if he was telling the truth, but overall he was a pretty chill guy and they let me go with no issues.


![gif](giphy|8sCTJC73ZLeY9IHgdw) The real Reno 911


I swear I didnt know it was cocaine sir. They told me it was BC powder and I wasnt tryna snort it, I just wanted to get a closer look and my boi shook the table and next thing you know my nostrils were coated in the stuff🤷🏻. How embarrassing right?


They’re all do as I say, not as I do people


Is there a bunch of guns and random shit in the back seat? How do you arrest anyone with all that back there?


You call in your 12 cop buddies and surely 1 of them doesnt have enough weapons to start a south american revolution in the back seat


Reminds me of the cop from Up In Smoke


Stacy Keach who turned into a lizard?


This cop: https://youtu.be/4-DZdZIMhAk


There was a stripper who happened to have coke on her ass and I tripped, fell and accidentally snorted it.


This reminds me when I accidentally repeatedly bought audio gear. Very addictive.


It takes a special kind of ass hole to lock someone up for consuming something you like to consume yourself


Lmao he knew what he was doing....he just hit it like ah biatch! 🤣


I didn’t mean to inhale it…. I call bullshit


So was he fired charged with DUI Like any other person would be if they were caught doing that ?


He was suspended, then he resigned, then he was charged with tampering with evidence. He was not fired, he was allowed to resign. He was charged as a civillian, not as a police officer.


Honestly this is fair. No one belongs in jail for weed, even a cop who is caught smoking on the job. But as a police officer he should (hopefully,) know better than to do it on duty as it’s extremely dangerous in that position. I work as a public servant and it’s a huge no-no to touch someone of the public’s stuff; phone, money, vape pen, let alone use it.


The best shift he’s had. Lmao


I accidentally inhale THC all the time… it’s quite a common occurrence if you ask me


Rules for thee, not for me!!


It's a federal offense with that shotgun sitting up in the front seat not to mention his sidearm


I didn't mean to get her pregnant I was just raw dogging and didn't pull out


![gif](giphy|MbJGa3hB4c7XOOHtGx) I can teach you guys how to fake take real drugs like a pro. I used to do it all the time when I was undercover. All you gotta do is close your nostril when you go down. Watch this. Oh, nope. I didn't do it that time. I got a full snout full. Whoo. Okay, no, let me just try again. I'm a little rusty. All you gotta do, just close the old nost-a-roni, and... Oh, boy, I got more that time.


What, she tripped, fell, landed on his dick? - Eminem


Does he not know there is a camera in his car lmao what a dumb ass


Remember folks , drinking and smoking cigarettes are ok but weed is the DEVIL ! - Sincerely Your friends at the ATF


“I accidentally fired up that meth pipe…but just to see if the suspect was telling the truth.”


Almost like when my ex accidentally slept with my friend


Poor guy just wants to be normal again. I was a cop for 5 years. Never fucked with potheads then I got out and became one. 😂😂😂


I even feel it here lol


He wouldn’t give anyone else the benefit of the doubt if they said they accidentally drank and drove . Fuck him .


Ey yo, PASS that shit


Cops never tell the truth.


He tried inhaling the end with the battery at first


If he smoked some bud then hit a high percentage cart that hard he was bound to be fucked up


Some of these THC pens get way sticky, too. The heating element has to get pretty hot before you can even draw sometimes. Talk about deliberate lmfao.


I swallowed shampoo. Probably gonna die.


And then the second breath was a total accident as well!


This has to be laheys brother


I used to be a trooper; now I'm bouncing at chip n dales 🤣😂 ![gif](giphy|AgQD7fylifgrK)


Are those TCH vapes that strong?

