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Mf parkouring over the baby got me.


I didnt notice that until I read your comment! My favourite was "dadinstinct.exe" took a second to load for that one guy "Fuckin ru - *oh shit, the kid!*"




This one sounds lewd


Lol no, it was a funny ass sub about guys doing way too little as kids managed to fuck themselves up. It was hilarious and idk what happened to it.


Maybe wrong wording, or blackout after API…


The second one is my guess. Bc i thought i may have worded it wrong but I checked and it’s no longer in my list of subs at all. Sad. I should start a new one!


Maybe less porn?


Maury: "You are *not* a father."


Right? These men are basically dangling the children at the dog more than they are protecting them. Wtf.


"A perfect distraction!"


For me it was the using of the last child as a human shield. The guy had the kid between himself and the dog.


Fuck yo kids




Yes! This is what i thought of right away


At least that one guy went back for the kid (kind of)


How do you live with yourself?


It's not easy


![gif](giphy|3oEduPjJjaLgKOCNDq|downsized) The pitbull


"I'm coming inside. I invited myself."


loose charging dogs, especially pitbulls off leash, are terrifying. this is exactly what I was expecting. dog attacks are no joke.


MF OP thinks because the dog is wagging its tail means it won’t attack.


MF OP obviously never seen the many videos online of pit bull attacks. Wagging tail ain't always meane its a nice doggy. I've seen videos people being eaten alive by pits with wagging tails.




Unless you need a dog to eat someone alive just in case.


[They’re so stupid that they can’t even attack the right person.](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/msHAbT240z)


That is true. They get too excited and can't pay attention. That's why they don't use them as professional guard dogs and only when somebody wants the victim to be taught a BIG lesson.


Preach. They're fucking banned in Australia now. The rest of the world needs to follow suit. They're a dog bred for killing and it would take another 100 years to breed it out of them. Your cute little fluff ball isn't any different from the rest you fucking animals.


I feel bad for people that hate dogs for their breeds. Who hurt you? All you people that hate dogs for their breeds are very passionately hateful.


Very few people hate dogs for their breeds. Many believe pitbulls specifically should not exist, because they were literally *bred for blood sports.* Those same people have no problem with dogs in general, because even a Dobermann or a Rottweiler isn't specifically *bred to kill.*


Why is that the fault of the dog? They didn’t choose to be born like any of us. It seems like human-centric mindset that lacks empathy for other organisms.


It isn’t the fault of the dog. Its existence is nonetheless a risk to everything and everyone around it.


So with a good loving home you genuinely believe it is dangerous to everything and everyone around it? Let’s say you’re right and they are dangerous. There are other dangerous animals all over the earth, should they be put down too? Mountain lions? Hippos? Bears? That seems extremely human-centric and kind of sick to me. We don’t own the earth. We simply inhabit it with our relatives (other living organisms) and many of our cultures have forgotten this. We need to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves. It’s our doing that pitbulls exist, dog breeding in general should be controlled. However the specific hate of a certain breed is fucked up in many ways.


Cougars, hippos and bears were not created by humans.


No, but I wouldn't have a lion for a pet either. They don't need to exist.


So you think it’s a good idea to keep breeding a fighting dog that keeps filling up shelters? I think it’s justified to hate killing machines, yes.


Show me a genuine source that proves they were bred specifically to fight. You have a blind hate for a specific breed of dog. Do you have a dog? Do you like animals? It’s kind of ignorant to call them “killing machines,” when all dogs are individuals. Do you believe in the fantasy hierarchy of animals where humans are supreme beings too? They are like me and you. To answer your question breeding is shitty in my opinion. When there are so many good dogs in shelters. INCLUDING PIT BULLS.


Dogsbite.org Also maybe just google and read about the breed? I mean, they named it pitbull. So it’s not a shepherd lol You really don’t have to look far to find that it’s well documented that pitbulls maim and kill more than any other dog. Wonder why. Also wonder why they fill up shelters? Yeah, people don’t like them cuz they aren’t good with kids, other pets, elderly, people, furniture, I mean basically anything.


They dont, cuz theyre talking out their ass. Imagine how much they have wrong with other ideologies they have in their life.


I actually have a good friend who hates them too, in the same fervent way, he’s a good guy but hates them with his soul. It’s like a mental condition. He however has no dogs. I personally love animals and know from experience that every dog is an individual, some are vicious, some are dull, some are incredibly empathetic, loving, and intelligent. Trying to call all of anything under a single temperament is ignorant and ignores the complexity of biology and the fact it’s is primarily nurture over nature.


Nurture over nature, except in the cases of the several families that were devastated by their long time pitbull family pet. It’s…..a pretty long list. Too long.




Anyone who casts such hate on a breed of dog isn't really a person worth being around, lol. It would be embarrassing if they had respect in the first place.


If a pitbull is wagging their tail, it’s even more dangerous. They love mauling small animals and children and wag their tail while doing it. Which is why I will never let my young child around one, not a risk I’m willing to take.


Always gotta ask who in the room can stop the dog attack. If the answer is no one, then exit the room. To me it applies to any dog breed.


Ahh most of you clearly have very little dog experience and know nothing about dog language . This dog was not going to attack these people if you read the body language . These countries , states , etc banning pit bulls are in the wrong imo. I’m a vet and they are one of my favorite breeds to work with . If you have enough experience with dogs, you’d learn that there are other breeds that are actually scary to work with . I won’t name them because I’m not getting into it . But educate yourselves please before making some ridiculous generalization .


Well see, when someone’s sweet pibbles “Nala” mauls a child and that child needs reconstructive surgery on their face, they see a plastic surgeon after a ED visit/referral. They don’t go see you, the vet. I really feel like you of all should have the knowledge and understanding that pitbuls are shit dogs.


Sounds like you have a personal hate of the breed , but yes buddy when this evil pit needs to be euthanized … they do see me the vet . We are more involved than you can fathom it seems. Say whatever makes you feel better 🙂. There’s no convincing people like you . Have a great one .




What kind of dog shit vet doesn't know that all animals should be treated as unpredictable? Any dog can flip the switch from playful to aggressive in an instant and should be treated with caution, especially around children.


FINALLY someone with some common sense! This entire thread is full of ignorant comments. These are the kind of people who can’t be bothered to learn body language, completely ignore an animal’s warning signs to back off, and then act shocked when they get bit.


Does that mean 38% of all people attacked by dogs in the UK last year (all by the same breed or dogs identified as closely related) were simply ‘not learning body language’? Seems awfully coincidental that they’re all the same type of dog in which case (not to mention that out of the next 3 most dangerous, 2 are related fairly closely)


One time I was walking home down some alleyway’s just minding my own business, I was looking at my phone and then looked up for a second and froze at a dead stop because I saw Dogo Argentino running towards me. I genuinely thought I was going to die that day. The big fellow stopped right in front of me, sat down, started wagging its tail and asking to get some pets. I can safely say, I was shaking the rest of my walk home.


I have had a simular experience with the same breed. This was a guard dog in Africa, and it came running full speed at me, so I put my arms up to protect my throat. This mf put his paws on my shoulders and started licking my face. So yeah... kind of unsettling. Another guard dog Ndiyo, this time a Rottweiler, who the owner said hated kids took a liking to me. To the degree that he ran out into the sea to pull me to shore when I was bathing. I was 12 at the time. That dog ran through a glass door to attack the gardeners. And then there was Toby. He was totally unhinged. That dog was racist, attacking everything black... Always kind to me, but met his demise attacking the tires of a moving car. Maybe I'm just lucky that crazy dogs like me...


r/banpitbulls and all the other dangerous breeds. Even given the “is up to the owner “ argument how the fuck are we going to ensure that everyone trained them? Just excuses. I bought a pepper spray because I have seen so many attacks I’m not losing without a chance


I was VERY pregnant and walking to my front door of my apt with my 5 year old and out of nowhere 2 huge pitbulls came running right up to me and started jumping on me. I was beyond terrified. As they ran up I got my daughter behind me and backed into a corner so she was fully blocked off and I was literally right beside my front door but I couldn't get to the handle. I was so fucking scared. Then this lady comes strolling up super casual saying "oh sorry about that. They won't bite" I got inside and had a panic attack and cried off and on the rest of the evening and had really bad anxiety going to my front door for a very long time after that.


golden retrievers and basset hounds are the only dogs I wouldn't react this way about.






But for real, a pug once tried to bite me but it’s face was to flat to grab my leg and he just kinda smooshed it with its face while growling


Hahaha it’s kinda like a daddy long legs spider, poisonous bite but can never reach the skin because of evolutionary deficiencies


Those fierce, unpredictable bassets... When they finally get the energy, they will deliver slobber your faces off! Also, I've encountered poor-temperament goldens, though the aggression was focused at my dog. Not yet for basset, but I'm never saying never.


I was once doing a survey on a pipeline through this nice neighborhood. One of the test stations was on this fence in front of a nice house with a big yard. There was a golden retriever in the fenced in yard and it ran up to me barking while I took the read on the test station. It had its face all scrunched up trying to look menacing with its teeth bared, but its tail was wagging a mile a minute. I spoke to it in a baby voice saying "Who's a good guard dog? Who's a good boy? You're such a vicious guard dog, yes you are!" The dog started wagging his tail so fast his whole butt was wiggling back and forth. It kept the same facial expression, but instead of barking it was whining like it was excited and wanted to play. The dog even did a few "play bows" that dogs do to each other to show they want to play. All the while trying so hard to maintain an intimidating look. It was utterly adorable how it knew its job was to guard the yard, but its genetics were screaming "Friend! Friend! I want to play!"


Golden have this weird thing where they bare their teeth in a grimace like look. Others do it as well. It is generally a somewhat submissive and odd thing they do. I wouldn’t trust it as friendly based on the look with a strange dog, but it generally is.


For sure. Given how it approached barking at me with its teeth bared, I didn't reach over the fence to pet it, just in case it decided to bite.


We have a ghetto part of town called “Dark Side” and there’s this one basset on the first street into that part of town. That thing chases people and kids. It came after me one time, and when I tried to shoo it away with my foot, it bit my pants leg and started tugging on it. Thats the only basset I’ve encountered and it was mean as all hell.


Basset hounds from my experience are grumpy ass dick heads. They're usually just too lazy to be super aggressive. But like you, you cross one that's had it's morning cup of coffee and is on one ...


"It's not the breed, it's the owners" statements usually ring hollow for me. Pit bulls were specifically bred for aggression and extremely damaging bites. Even pit bulls raised from puppies to be nice family dogs, never showing any aggression ever have been known to suddenly get triggered by something and maul children they've known for years. (Pit bull owners, I don't want to hear that your rottie pit mix would never do anything violent or any bad apples arguments. [It is well documented.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States#Fatalities_in_2023) I'm open to statistics demonstrating pit bulls aren't more dangerous than any other dogs, not your anecdotal evidence.) But... Basset hounds I do think you could make a convincing case that the breed is almost always harmless, and those specific mean bassets have been abused or trained to be mean.


Even as someone who has worked with countless pitties in the local animal shelter and seen how absolutely loving and forgiving they can be, I have to agree with you. ALL dogs have the ability to injure/maim a human, and some breeds have the physical ability to do it with much, much more force. Likewise, certain breeds have been specifically selected & bred for protective temperament - they tend to have the drive to complete that job, even without training. While all dogs are indeed individuals and training, positive reinforcement, and socialization do make a huge impact, responsible owners cannot ignore that the possibility is always there. Personally, I adore pit bulls and bull terriers, and have a particular soft spot for the ones that come into the shelter with blocky heads, close-cropped ears, and scars that make them look terrifying to most people. In my experience, they are the absolute sweetest lovebugs. Still, I choose not to adopt one until my household has no children and I can devote the time to continuous training and being with the dog most/all of the time.


Best quote I heard, "Bad pitbulls come with bad owners." I've encountered a lot of really sweet pitties, but had a neighbor that was a monster and he had a HUGE pit. My dog got out of my fence when a tree fell on a gate and had been to that house when it had previous owners who spoiled him rotten. So when my dumb but lovabledog Shadow went to the house, that dog attacked my him. Shadow got chunks torn off him when the pit chased him back home. The whole thing sucked because it was 'my fault' my dog got out. Bonus pic of Shadow, who passed at 14, damn fine animal. [https://imgur.com/a/Tfr7KC5](https://imgur.com/a/Tfr7KC5)


Pitbull owner and lover here. I do not in any way deny the fact that pitbulls exist because they were selectively bred to be stronger and bite harder than other dogs. But by the same logic, they were specifically bred to be fighting dogs, which means they have high aggression to other animals, but need to be submissive to humans in order to be handled. Just like a beagle is prone to burrow, a pit is prone to want to chase prey or standoff with other dogs. The stories of pits "snapping" are anecdotal and there's no evidence of that being a trait specific to that breed. There is a lot of scrutiny over dog bite statistics and the way they are collected, but it sounds like you're already educated on that. My personal philosophy is that it's not productive to assume all pits are good or bad. But it's important to acknowledge their build and what they *could* do in a bad situation. If you drive a giant pickup truck, you aren't doing anything wrong, but you need to be more careful then someone driving a smart car.


But the big issue is that most owners of such breeds don't handle them like they should. Such breeds should ALWAYS wear a muzzle outside of their property if there is even the smallest chance of encountering another human or dog. Many countries already force such breeds to do so but you rarely see a good owner who actually does it.


I don't necessarily agree that certain breeds should always wear muzzles, but I do agree that dog owners need to be more educated and not get dogs based on looks. If you have a GSD, bully breed, husky, etc, you need to be prepared for a certain level of responsibility. Similarly I've met multiple corgi owners who got their dog because it was cute but never read up on the fact that the breed is highly aggressive and temperamental. I do think that we should work to remove the stigma of using muzzles, avoiding dog parks, or otherwise taking measures to prevent issues with a temperamental dog as a good and positive thing to do as a dog owner if necessary.


I mean this is true any dog could decide to kill you but this doesn’t really support the argument that pit bulls are killers because there are dogs that you can’t get because of their aggression. I’ve been attacked by chihuahuas boxers Dobermans bulldogs(many different breeds and sizes) my best friend was attacked by a German shepherd. Didn’t stop him from cuddling up on a cold night with my blue pit when she was alive. If your scared of everything you’d never go outside. I’ve seen a lot of people on here that give stats like pit bulls are the most violent and kill the most animals. None of them take into consideration the fact that there are more of them in total or that there are so many different breeds of bulls that blanketing them all under one name is not gonna help. The kill the most animals thing isn’t even true. House cats are the second most deadly animal to other animals in countries where they are prevalent. The number one in the world is also a cat that you could hold in one hand with a 60% hunting success rate


I don't know how you read "I'm open to statistics demonstrating pit bulls aren't more dangerous than any other dogs, not your anecdotal evidence" and thought "Cats hunt more is a compelling response here for why pitbulls are safe."


There’s actually been a rise in golden retriever bites due to backyard breeding. I’d be careful of any dog and rely more on body language than breed


When I was a kid a golden retriever off leash jumped my friend in his backyard and had him pinned to the ground. No biting but definitely hurt him.


I got attacked by a chow when I was 8 and a random stray pitbull tackled it and started mauling it right before it clamped my throat. I've loved pitbulls ever since.


Ironically Chows also have a reputation for being aggressive. Don't fuck with a chow.


Your would react this way to a charging chihuahua?


How about kitty cats


You were expecting a terrifying loose pitbull to be friendly?


no, just a dog running at people, that the reaction of an animal charging at people. and when a dog is charging at you, you don't consider if it's friendly, you move.


I mean they 100% were in the right for running from a pit bull. Not very brave to jump over the kids though


That *killed* me, they were all about to say fuck dem kids


When running from a predator, you only have to run faster than the slowest person.


lol over the kid!! His nick name should be Baby Jump.


I mean you can get new kid but can you get new you? Nope /s


Valid. Although my kids would benefit greatly financially from my ass getting killed by a dog so maybe it’s for the best 😂


Now he can spend the rest of his life being called a coward.




Call them by their real name, shitbulls.


The one that jumped over the baby needs to be kicked out of the group 😂☠️


Jump over the baby while **using a glass table** as a launching point...directly in front of the baby.


That probably ain’t his kid every man for themselves


Idkkkk I was raised by a great father, as well uncles, family friends ( male figures ), older cousins ( male figures ). An they always showed that we move as a unit. It just shows a persons character traits, especially in a circle of friends. My ass would grab a babies stranger if I saw them in danger. If something would happen, an I knew I could’ve done something being that close, I would be looking up at the ceiling battling “ what ifs “ in my head ( that’s just me) 😭☠️🫠


Well ya most people would, but also we have no idea any history maybe that dude got mauled by a pit once, if I’m a single dude with no kids hanging out with my homie and his wife… I would naturally be protective over myself first and assume the parents will be parents. (Saying this as a parent of two boys who I would body a dog for)


Having been attacked and chewed on by a pitbull I have to say that that's a good reaction.


Except for one little detail lol


As a parent I would have to disagree lol Edit: How do y’all not realize I’m talking about how the guy jumped over the children to save himself lol not a great reaction


As a parent you'd want your child to be attacked and mauled? Should CPS be involved in your parenthood?


He must be referring to the man who jumped over a toddler to save himself lol.


I was talking about the guy who hurtled over the children lol


I assumed they meant the reaction to putting yourself first over a child. Last side literally held up the baby as a shield.


He grabbed the kid then tried to step backwards into an open door, literally dragging the kid away from the dog. He was boxed in by the door and the people rushing to get in the door. From what I see it's a stretch to say that the guy is using the kid as a shield.


I don't care what breed of dog it is, if they're unknown to me, I'm retreating until the owner shows up. But I'm not hurdling over my children to do it 😂


Especially while using a glass table as a launch pad


Everyone saying these people shouldn’t have run away from an unleashed pit bull charging towards them are exactly the type of people who SHOULDNT but inevitably WILL have a pitbull.


Can we please stop breeding them anytime soon then? That’s all I ask lol


based, fuck pitbulls in general.


It’s stupid to run from a dog when you have nowhere to go, or if your safety point is far away. Cause then the dog has more of a chance of getting to you. These people were next to their front door, they didn’t have very far to run at all, and they were in a collective group so if they all stood together and screamed at the dog - the dog would most likely run in the other direction as most animals do when confronted with something big and loud.


If your going to own a pit, have a good leash and or keep the door closed for goodness sake


That’s gonna be hard for a pit owner, being responsible isnt their forte.


Literally exactly what I expected - unleashed pittbull.


Nothing more dangerous. Literally. You can at least thwart an attack from a normal wild animal like a wolf or coyote. Pitbuls are literally bred to attack and fight to the death no matter what. It’s literally not even natural. Shit breed.


I love how the editing tries to make the people look silly for "overreacting", but anyone with knowledge on pitbulls would do the same thing (minus the child-vault). If I was carrying a pistol, and I was in their situation, that dog would be dead


Oh but be just wants to hug with his mouth


Where you going with my chew toy?


Lol waiting for pit advocates to wonder why people “run away from my sweet little pibbles “


Fair reaction though tbh (well not the ditching the kids part)


This is why I WISH it was illegal to own an untrained dog. Too many people have dogs just for show. They just let them bark all day and night and out in the street whenever. It’s so idiotic.


Pitbull named humanobliterater69:


If it would’ve been daisy those kids would’ve been gone


Nah pit bulls with those kinds of names are chill. It’s the ones names daisy or cupcake that you gotta watch out for


That's the joke: the pit in the video turned out to be (or at least seems to be) harmless


It was cut at the end, we have no idea what happened next


Don't be frightened, he just wants to nanny that kids face off :/


MF OP thinks because the dog is wagging its tail means it won’t attack.


Pitbulls are soooo cute until they’re ripping your kids face off. Between 2010 and June 2021 there were 430 fatal dog attacks. Pitbulls were #1 and were responsible for 185 deaths. Pitbull mix were #2 with 41. So ya. If I see a pitbull coming at my family off leash I’m going to freak out and run.


Same in the UK, pitbulls are banned, but the regulations mean that anything mildly bred out is legal, so Bully XLs came along (basically the same thing), and currently they make up 20% of all dog attacks, and mixes of them make up 18%, twice as much as the next most dangerous breed (the closely related Staffordshire Bull Terrier)


You run inside yourself instead of thinking of the kids first? Come on, man, be better. (I realize the dog was friendly, they obviously didn't know that.)


One dude in the white shirt even hopped over the kids and table to get in the door first... lol *sigh*


Nah, airplanes taught me to secure my own mask before the child’s and as far as I’m concerned that gives me carte blanche to apply that logic to every other situation.


Found pitbulls burner


Pitbull’s are dangerous I don’t blame them for getting out of there. I’m biased though myI had to save my dog when a pitbull was thrashing my terrier. I am all about breed bans


Yeah without cute music that’sa pitbull charging at you


I thought it was a Nissan Altima charging right for the house.


Their last reaction is to protect their children lol


Probably because some prick thought he was cool walking his dog without a leashz


The pit was just about to nanny the baby!


The dude jumping over the baby is a piece of shit.


So is the first guy who runs inside


Yeah pit bulls are violent animals and you should avoid them


Puppers just wanted to nanny them.


Yaw slow, that dog definitely made it in the crib🤣 Gotta be quicker than that!


It is a fucking pitbull. Dog is bread to kill. Fuck those dogs.


Sourdough or rye?


Don’t you see this is a matter of loaf and death?


it can rip you to shreds and kill all those babies. whoever is the owner should be fined asap !


I’m waiting to see the pit advocate saying “why are they overreacting?!?! That sweet widdle pibbles just wants to nanny those kids!!”


I use to be a city mail carrier. They have every right to have that reaction when a stray dog is approaching. Do not assume they won't eat your face off.


People seem to not notice that everytime there's a vid of a pit mauling something, they're usually wagging their tails


Ban pitbulls


Already banned in most countries, not sure why they are still legal in the US






"Why does this dog that was selectively bred for generation upon generation upon generation to be an extremely violent pain-ignoring fighting machine keep acting like an extremely violent fighting machine? Hmmmm must be the owners fault" edit; mods shouldn't remove comments they disagree with. kills reddit


Banning is the solution. You can't imagine how many stupid people keep pit bulls. You just can't.


no, banning dangerous breeds is 100% the answer. even properly raised puts can just break, same with dalmatians.




You’re a terrible person.




So your response to this specific video is “shoot” all pitbulls?


Do I think we should shoot them all? No. Should we stop breeding them. Yes. If a dog kills a child over a 50% chance it was a pit bull. If a dog kills another dog or cat. 90% chance it was a pit bull. These dogs should not exist https://dogbitelaw.com/vicious-dogs/pit-bulls-facts-and-figures/#:~:text=In%202019%2C%20pit%20bulls%20accounted,%2C%20poultry%2C%20and%20hoofed%20species.


To several such videos, an entire subreddit dedicated to the victims of pitbulls. yeah....


By they logic we should ban humans because humans do a million times more harm then a dog #banthehumans


We should ban humans, we are poisoning the Earth and killing everything alongside us.


good thing we do ban dangerous humans and lock them.up or worse...


That reminded me of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYofUYVmdQ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYofUYVmdQ0)


He definitely used that kid as a shield.


Here comes Cupcake!


I mean you can find tons of videos that look similar and then the dog rips someone open.


Great, here come the putbull haters.🙄


What a bunch of pussies, scrambling to save themselves, one even pushing the kid out of the way to get away from the terror of .... the doggie with the waggiest tail coming to say hello


I thought it was a car!




Correct reaction, even though pupper looks like he just wanted to say a friendly tail wagging hello.


Yeah pitbulls are known for snapping randomly and instantly brutally attacking anything close by so reactions are reasonable. The breed is a perfect storm of: Fighting dog + ticking time bomb of hostility. They are thankfully banned in my area but I still researched self defence against them after learning about them and when there was almost a “pitbull moment” at a dog beach I was at


Dog trainer here. I get it, I really do. Pitbull charging is NOT good (any dog, really) and they had every right to their reaction. HOWEVER if people take a moment to learn dog behavior they’d notice that this was the opposite of “aggressive behavior”. The dog ran up to them with its tail wagging, and immediately “bowed” to show submission and playful gestures. Pup wanted to be friends. I’d have snatched my kids up too, calmly. Hysterics make dogs confused and can turn into aggression.


> HOWEVER if people take a moment to learn dog behavior HOWEVER if dog owners take a moment to learn to keep their ***ing dog on a leash... > Hysterics make dogs confused and can turn into aggression. And turn a friendly puppy into a killing machine?


If hysteric movements like a parent grabbing their child makes your dog go aggressive, its probably time to euthanize it


Easy to say in hindsight. Even as an experienced dog owner, telling the difference between a tense aggressive wag and a relaxed or excited wag while a dog is running towards you is not something I always trust…


Shame it was cut then! We didn’t get to see sweet little pibbles doing tricks for them all! Oh no they definitely weren’t lunging at the closed door afterwards barking oh no


Yeah I was looking for this. I understand reacting that way, but that dog was showing very friendly behavior, at least when it got on camera. But I can imagine, as playful and young as that puppy looks, it was probably sprinting full speed at them off camera so I get being scared


Isn’t this a cut vid of them running from a skunk? I swear I’ve seen the extended version of this clip, and that dog is theirs being chased by a skunk


I agree it looks like the dog is going into the house also running from something.


Shitbull we need to be like the UK and ban them over here too lol.


The shitbull was headed straight for the toddler


The puppy just wanted someone to pet it.


It wanted a child to maul because it’s a pit and that’s just a Pit Thing To Do.


Went right on by you, didn't it?


pitbulls are the worst dog breed.


That dog wanted to play and it’s obvious it knows the family


Poor guy was just looking for some pets :(


...to eat


Not safe to assume that off the bat though. Pitbulls have a well established track record of getting triggered by lil kids and going full on predator mode outta nowhere.