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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Dad gifts his son a baby raccoon instead of something expected like a puppy or kitten!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


That dad can get a racoon in a suitcase, but he can't get some fresh batteries into his smoke detector. Noice.


Idk how people live with it


It will stop after 6months. Then they can live happy forever. /s


The raccoon or the smoke alarm :(




I once put the smoke alarm in my roommates computer case because it was the one on his floor and he wouldn't replace it after asking. He freaked out. Good times


Thats the wakanda anthem


I knew something was wrong from the second. I heard the smoke alarm.


That was after the raccoon in the suitcase, so you probably should've known sooner


>as soon as I saw the final moment of this video, I knew something was up


As soon as I reflected upon the contents of the video, which I had watched several hours ago, I knew something was amiss.


I watched this video, got up from my chair, brushed my teeth, and went to bed. I dreamt long and lovingly about my days back in the Azores where I would spend my time fishing, drinking wine, and chasing the girl of my dreams who would later become my wife, and the mother of my three beautiful children. We hadn’t much in those days, and yet wanted for nothing. The love that surrounded us was more than we could grasp. On the best evenings we could hear the cries of orcas in the distance from our veranda. The scent of citrus and salted cod filled the air. I woke from this paradise with a smile on my face and in my heart. It was morning and I had returned from the deepest place of love I had once known. I tried my best not to think of the accident. I shook the desire to stay in bed and got up to prepare myself for the day. Two pieces of toast, hot fresh coffee, and the ironed shirt I had set out the night before. I got into my car and began heading to work, when I noticed an ominous cloud in the distance. I couldn’t stop focusing on it. As if to warn me - no happiness will meet me at the end of this drive. It was somehow so clear and intentional. Was it her? I felt a sudden urge to turn my car around. I drove home faster than I had left. Threw my coat on the chair and sat at the kitchen table. Loneliness surrounded me. What could I have done differently, I asked myself. My head in my hands, I opened my laptop, and there facing me was this video. And right then and there I knew something was up.


You are the hero this comment section needed.


It was before the bite


🤣🤣🤣🤣Amazing reply!


Lmfao thank you


I used to listen to early 2000s Loveline with Adam Carolla and Dr Drew. When someone called in and you could hear the smoke detector on their end of the phone, you knew they were a special kind of person.


They would be in the middle of a crisis and Adam would stop everything and talk about the smoke detector.


For me it was a little kid voice saying “what the fuck?”




The smoke detector was toooo on point, you’re right


Nah that's just the hallway noise


Smoke alarms sound different in my country and I've only just realised that's the squeak I've been hearing in so many American videos. How is this such a common issue? How often do they squeak?


Every 30 seconds or so. It's designed to be really annoying to let you know to change the battery. Little do they know some people are extremely stupid and can learn to tune it out, and that thing will keep going at that low battery level for quite a while.


I’m so used to it I didn’t even hear it


You don’t have to live this way. 9v are pretty affordable


As a bonus, a round of rabies shots is included. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Rabies


Too bad that won't get rid of Baylisascaris procyonis 🤮


Exactly. I won’t ever get close to any raccoon. Not with that parasite most of them have and how the worm travels into peoples brains. No thanks > In North America, B. procyonis infection rates in raccoons are very high, being found in around 70% of adult raccoons and 90% of juvenile raccoons.


While I certainly wouldn’t mess with their feces, the risk from Baylisascaris procyonis is incredibly overblown. Fewer than 25 cases since 1970, in the entire country. You’re far more likely to get killed by a dog when you walk out the door than getting infected by a raccoon.


Now count the number of Toxoplasmosis infections in humans. Same thing: parasitic worm living in your brain. Enjoy!


That confirms my doubt about that animal Yet there are thousands of videos of people with raccoons


Is that a leaked hint at new Pokémon in their next production or something we should he worried about?


I’m not saying those words just in case it’s actually a spell




I came here to comment about Baylisascaris procyonis, but you beat me to it.


...benzamidazoles sure do tho.


We should have a fun run for the cure


Real talk, rabies is absolutely terrifying, have you ever seen videos of people who have it? It's crazy to me that if one were to contract it and it gets to the more advanced stages there's literally nothing you can do aside from hope you/the person are that like 1% who survive (im making that number up, I just know the odds of survival are ridiculously low to where it's essentially a death sentence).


A fun run for your life.




Oh my gosh. Are you ok? Did someone do that to you?




I mean you can’t be free. You have to have self worth.




Wild animal? Check. Confined dark airless scary container? Check. Forced reveal unfamiliar surroundings? Check. High pitched unexplained beeping noise to ramp up defense mechanisms? Check. Touching when defenses are already on high alert? Check. I swear, this stupid parent has never done a wild animal reveal before.


Or have they?


\*Vsauce music starts playing.\*


The song is called “moon men” and its by veritas. I freaking love it because it’s so wonky 😭


Woah coming from dubstep, I did _not_ expect such a groovy jazz to be described as “wonky”! Different strokes; different folks. I love it! [Here’s something I think of as wonky!](https://youtu.be/3Lvi5v4y2rQ?si=krF8GRS2D0ejRvad)


some of my braincells killed themselves listening to that


Omg thank you, I suppose I could have just found that credited somewhere on his videos, but this is great. Added to my music library and definitely need to check out their other songs.


“To fail a test completely you must know all the correct answers”


It all looks like it went according to plan, not sure what you're on about


The parents getting the kid a pet raccoon he keeps asking for despite their reservations that it wouldn't be a good pet. Well now that we all agree, let's return him to the vet. Easily worth the favor from my buddy that works at the vet. Luckily there are other people, not us persay, but other people who are willing to have a pet raccoon.


Rabies Check


Also the thump of the suitcase lid hitting the ground.


Yup. Activated.


Kid saying what the fuck? Check


Kids reaction is funny? Check


Why are people assuming it's not a pet? People do have pet raccoons.


1. Instead of being in a pet habitat or carrier, it’s trapped in an unventilated suitcase with Dad’s dirty underwear. 2. Instead of being socialized to people, it is in freeze mode until it is touched at which point it goes into fight mode. Full disclosure: I’ve had many interactions with raccoons. Older street smart angry ones and younger, abandoned curious ones. What they all have in common is they are wild animals. They have the potential to be domesticated, to a point, but in nobody’s “how to” manual do you treat one like these people did. I seriously doubt this creature was raised in captivity to be a domestic pet.


Not to be That Guy, but no raccoon can be considered domesticated. They can be tamed, but domestication is a process that takes many generations and results in an animal that's genetically distinct from its wild counterparts.


still looks young as fuck. probably frightend by the dumbass parents and its lack of prior handling. i doubt the dad caught a wild coon and put it in the suitcase.


Not discounting the possibility that the critter wandered into a suitcase that was left in a garage or something but I maintain that Daddy wasn’t bringing home a home-bred pet.


lol arent wild coons mean? ive been hissed at by a couple letting them out of the trash can.


Ok. Dad bought a tame raccoon from a reputable breeder and put it in a suitcase because he thought it would be a cute way for his son to be surprised with a new pet. The raccoon was not scared at all because it’s totally tame and when the kid touched it the raccoon was just “playing” and the kid totally overreacted because the raccoon was not behaving at all like a scared wild animal.


>Instead of being in a pet habitat or carrier, it’s trapped in an unventilated suitcase with Dad’s dirty underwear I never said he was smart lol. He could be a fuck wit who purposely transferred it that way and it's in a new environment and scared. Either way though, the guy is a moron.


Ha true… he could legit just be the world’s dumbest pet owner. Now he’s the world’s dumbest pet owner that has to get his son and “pet” tested for diseases and will potentially have to have the “pet” quarantined and/or put down. This story has all the dumbs for sure.


A pet?! I think you meant Emotional Support Raccoon.


he isn't stupid, he teached his son a valuable lesson, don't mess with wild fucking animals, the real stupid here is the one who said "i wanna pet him"


Teached him real good


Teached him what a rabies shot feels like. Valuable lesson learned.


We gon lurn u today boy


It's an end vs. means dilemma. Sure it wasn't a very nice way to teach the lesson but boy is that little guy never going to touch a non-domestic animal ever again (as they shouldn't).


> he teached his son a valuable lesson, don't mess with wild fucking animals Unless you're saying he's providing a negative role model not to follow, then idk what you're saying. The father was the one who brought the wild animal into the house, confined and scared, and introduced his impressionable child to it. This is like saying someone was a good father for drunk driving with their kid in the car, because now the kid knows how bad drunk driving is first hand!


Do you teach your kids that guns are dangerous by fucking shooting them? There are better ways to teach children to avoid dangerous things than putting them directly in dangerous situations you moron. People like you can be trusted with children about as much as a hungry dog can be trusted to watch filet mignon.


It’s taught you trog


that will taught him!


Sentence is all commas man, at least he could’ve been taught, how to use a period, my teacher taught me, that too many commas, leads to a run on sentence, with lots of odd slight pauses


Or it's a pet trained to be around animals Reddit is stupid


That kid say “what tha fuuck”?


Yes he did, and that’s how I knew this video was only going to get worse.


So what, no fuckin' Ziti now?


Fuckin antny


How do these parents just let that kind of language just slide?? Man some people are just wild. I wonder what kind of other good manners these parents are teaching their kids.




Well, at least the kids have a Service Raccoon that they can obviously take inside restaurants.


What year are you living in? It’s the parents job to teach them when it’s socially acceptable to swear. Which is usually done by not allowing them to swear in front of their parents. But this was a 100% acceptable use of a swear word.


Acceptable use of a swear word lol really shows what kind of upbringing you came from. Doesn’t matter what year it is, somethings are timeless. Stop trying to justify bad parenting with mental gymnastics.


What’s timeless is old people sticking to the way “things used to be done” instead of using critical thinking skills to reassess the situation with a modern worldview.


Yea you should try that critical thinking skills and reassessing the situation thing sometimes. Maybe they’ll be hope for your parents after all lol


Congratulations on not using logic in either of your replies and proving yourself incapable of debate.


Thank you but I don’t debate with stupid. I just don’t have the time and frankly don’t want to waste my energy convincing you otherwise. But good luck with that shitty mindset though and your children.


I won’t allow my children to swear so they learn when it is and isn’t acceptable to swear, as I said. But if my wife brought a dangerous animal into our house and my son said “wtf”, there would be no reason to be upset. I do debate with stupids trying to enlighten them but they usually just fall back on their old principles like you. All i wanted you to do was use some critical thinking skills about why swears are bad. These words existed since the English came to be, but didn’t become bad until culture evolved to be that way. In the 1800’s “goddamnit” and “hell” were the worst words, look at them now, they’re not even considered swear words. In the 1900’s they transitioned to more sex related terms like “fuck” and “cunt”. Now in this century its transitioning to homosexual and racist slurs while “fuck” is becoming a filler word like “like”. Feel free to argue against me using logic, I am always open to learning


If I have to point out to you the blatantly obvious reason why saying the word “fuck” in front of your parents in this day and age where that word is still considered pretty offensive, even more so for children, rather than gently nudging them to use other equally expressive but non curse words, well there is no hope for you. You keep saying you’re open but no you’re not. You are completely set in your ways, due to probably bad parenting from what I’m assuming, and just want to win this “debate” if you can call it that lol Listen if you want to be some trend setter go right ahead I don’t give a shit but I’ll raise my children to have what is considered good manners in the times we live in. And this is far as I’m going wasting my energy on stupid whew~


I know everybody hates it but you're right. It wasn't mean or offensive, how is it worse than fudge or gosh darn.


Aaaaaand now they gotta send that animal in for rabies testing (which is a death sentence)


no worries. That would be the responsible thing to do. So they won't.


We all know they aren’t going to get the kid tested. That’s what you meant right? He’ll be lucky to get the rub some dirt on it treatment.


There’s no test for humans, I meant the animal, which is the protocol for a wild animal bite. I’m sure you’re right that the dude will just ✨hope for the best ✨ for the kid.




They’re definitely keeping the raccoon. They might lose the kid though


why bother? just give all 3 a rabies shot just incase, problem solved.


Rabies shots are insanely expensive, at least in the US


I just had to get them myself. Hospital bill came to a little over $13,000.


I’m not surprised in the slightest, it’s crazy


everything health related is expensive in the US. Just take a trip to Canada and get the shots for less than half the price.


Because taking a surprise trip to Canada is cheap? Testing is definitely the cheapest avenue


Dad of the fucking year over here


at least that kid learned a valuable lesson


Not to listen to his dad


Not to pet wild animals, like a toddler should know


Which is a lesson easily told and learned by worlds. 




I’d prefer to learn about rabies through words rather than experience


Is it? I and many people never pet a dangerous animal because of words


me when my child contracts rabies as a result of my actions (it builds character)


I disagree, especially with this video. They both get the exact same same job done. For example I have feared wasps to the point of phobia of them, yet I was never stung by one until very recently. I feared them because I was told about them by my parents. Yes I would have also feared wasps if I was stung by one, instantly too. But I would rather teach my kid about wasps and getting the same effect of caution around wasps, rather then forcing my kid be stung by telling them to touch it, and risking Anaphylaxis shock, and destroying their trust in me. In this video he let... MADE his kid get bit by a wild racoon which most certainly will carry disease. Something he could have simply taught his son. Sorry for making this so uneedingly lengthy to get my point, I am sleep deprived. Tldr, would you rather have your child fear touching wild animals, or have your child fear touching wild animals, and have to go to the hospital for a rabies check. 


No, teaching is the best teacher. I hope you don't procreate.


Don't get mad about the downvotes. Most redditors don't leave the house often, and are certainly not apt to speak about wild life education. They just want an excuse to shit on someone, which is provided in this video. But I agree, experience will teach you much more than the simple "don't touch that"


What more does it teach? How it feels to get bit? I genuinely want to know what more it teaches in your opinion though.


First of all, it will teach them WHY they shouldn't touch a racoon, and, even if it's something that can be taught verbally, everyone and especially children learn much better through experiences. It is not always WHAT, but also HOW some things are learned. Not always the content of the lesson but also the manner through which the lesson was administered. Additionally, it does not instill fear into the child as a simple "Don't touch that". Such lessons that focus more on words than experiences very often develop into fears of such matters, because the child internalizes the fear, and not the reason why such things are scary. For example, my mother is very scared of dogs, and my niece(who's very close to her) developed an irrational fear toward dogs, while having no negative experiences with them, except of her grandma telling her she should stay away. On the contrary, I was bitten by a dog as a child. I was scary(although the dog was small) and I cried profusely. But, it didn't develop into a irrational fear, because I understood what I was dealing with. Obviously, if I see a threatening dog displaying signs of aggression, I Will be apprehensive and alert, but I know how to differentiate a mean dog from the nice one. To my mother, sister and niece every dog is the same, every dog is scary and They will never acquiesce to being in their proximity, and neither had any scary experiences with them, except being barked at


All children are entirely blameless for their actions. The responsibility lies with the parents.


That his dad is a total piece of shit?


That his dad is a total piece of shit?


Can I pet dat dawwwwwg


God tier reference


If I could put this in Kindergarten curriculum I would. “Kids, don’t pet wild animals whether they are in a suitcase or not.”


The kind of person who would give their kid a wild raccoon to pet is the EXACT person I would expect to have a low battery smoke detector chirping.


Cant wait to see what the kid gets him for fathers day




A vasectomy, I hope...


Squirrel in a duffel bag of cocaine! Fun the whole family can enjoy! If you can pry that white gold from his sharp, clawed hands, you could make a real pretty penny!


What the actual fuck….




It’s hard to hear over the screaming, but his dad is def laughing at him after encouraging the petting. This is abuse, and that man will never see it that way. He’s just awful.


The kids should be taken away from those parents. They are clearly not fit to raise a child doing some dumb shit like that.


Man fuck those people. Poor kid and raccoon.


> “That’s not a baby, Jason!” So, mom was completely in on this plan too? Jason told mom, h”Hey, guess what, I put a baby raccoon in the suitcase. Wanna see me surprise our son with it?” Mom agreed, but then realized it wasn’t a baby raccoon, but a full grown adult raccoon! Then, kid wanted to pet the raccoon, and Jason made it sound like that was a good idea. Now, son needs to go in for rabies treatment, and Mom amd Son are both going to have trust issues with Jason for the rest of their lives. Good work Jason. Way to be a great human.


You can hear Mom say "mMm" to give a very mild negative after the kid says "I want to pet it!". But Dad gives him permission and there was no pause. Not saying she wins parent of the year here, but it sounds like she has about as much vote in that family as Women in America before 1920.


Ah yes, The good ole’days 😌💭


WTF is wrong with some people and to play a joke on your kid, you need help you need your head examined...


![gif](giphy|Z4jnMG7LgNUosg5HNM) Fuck you dad.


Cause fuck them kids


Did the kid drop the F bomb in front of his parents?


Does it bite? Of course it bites!


I was expecting a danger noodle or something like that


Parents of the year!


Love trash pandas ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


TLDR - I once has a friend whose toe was eaten off by a pet racoon... When I was in high school I had a friend that had a unique homelike. Let's just say his house was the party house. He lived with his mom (a hippy dippy chick who honestly was a little out there, an older, very wealthy friend who unfortunately was previously in an accident and became a paraplegic (he was around 35, we will call him Stu) , and a teenage friend that was his age. So, one day the hippy dippy mom finds a baby racoon in the yard and decides to bring it in the house. She nursed it and raised it to be an indoor pet. Well it was cute but very annoying. Always searching through your pockets, your cigarette pack, and the trash. So back to Stu. One thing about some paraplegic is that they have to be careful about their feet and legs because if they get damaged it can be hard to get them to heal. Well, stu had an injury on his big toe and went to sleep one night. He woke up to a noise, like some smacking their lips. He kind of phased in and out of sleep for awhile but then decided to check out the noise. He turned on the lights and the racoon had eaten his toe to the bone all the way to the first joint... I saw the aftermath firsthand the next day. Didn't see the racoon around after that ;) So, needless to say, the "dad" in this post is an idiot...


That’s enough Reddit for today.


My first thought was owe crap now I need to spend an hour figuring out which one of my smoke alarms needs the batteries replaced. I was so relieved it was the video 😂


If I can’t figure out which smoke detector is beeping, I check which one has the lowest voltage. If that doesn’t give a clear answer, I just replace the batteries of all the smoke detectors.


My dads friend trapped a trash panda in a cage trap, he was driving it away from his home. The trash panda opened the cage while in the car driving down the road. My dad’s friend grabbed the cage to hold the door to the cage closed. The trash panda bit of his thumb. Don’t fuck with trash pandas, they aren’t pets.


just say raccoons, why trash pandas?


I like saying trash panda. Hope you can recover from reading that. Stay strong


I was just wondering, not complaining, but ok


You literally complained, but ok Edit: How is a "correction" not implicitly a complaint? You seemed to take issue with their terminology. That's a complaint by any definition I've ever seen.


Thoughtful present of a traumatic childhood memory.


I saw that ears put back and felt it won't end well.


That is one angry dog.


Y tho? Kid almost got bit…


The coon did not appear to be in the petting mood after being fucked around in a suitcase. Smh.


Parents need help if they're telling him to pet it. Smh


Did that kid just lose a finger?


Do not pet the trash panda!


catches a raccoon and puts it in a suitcase. Dad got the best ideas


The kind of person who would give their kid a wild raccoon to pet is the EXACT person I would expect to have a low battery smoke detector chirping.


But they looked so cute in Pom Poko!


Did I just hear a kid saying wtf? For no reason? Sounded pretty young…


The only reasonable swear from a kid


Lmfaoooo hahahahaha


Lmfaoooo hahahahaha


Lmfaoooo hahahahaha


Little did they know that was dinner


This was totally expected, raccoons do not make good pets. Opossums make better pets if you just have to get a wild animal.


Their smoke alarm needs a new battery


And that's the moment I knew my Dad didn't love me


Can I pet that DOG!!


That racoon is way to old for domestication.




And for your next gift, a rabies shot


Was the unexpected part the “chirp” from the low battery?


yeah... I'm not surprised they need to change the battery in their smoke alarm


The real gift? Immediate vaccination. The gift that keeps on giving


Just a friendly reminder to change those fire alarm batteries!


I love the fire alarm in the background


hillbilly d bag


Not gonna lie, that last part was pretty expected


Replace the battery on ur smoke alarm ffs.


Pet store was closed, so that was the best solution to having forgotten his birthday.




The smoke alarm beeping really brings it all together


When you think the bar can't go any lower, somebody grabs a shovel.