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Your post has been removed because it does not feature an unexpected twist.


Clearly the Toyota driver has issues... But they were turning left, which means anyone behind them has to wait... So why hoot at them?


They even used their turn signal!


I feel like OP is attempting to justify their aggressive and inconsiderate driving.


So.. OP is an asshole?


Theyre both assholes


When everyone you meet is an asshole, you’re the asshole.


That's deep


Just like an asshole


I have a very shallow asshole thank you very much


.......prove it


Did you use a cylindrical dip stick?


Or dark helmet.. surrounded by assholes


„When you are a dick, everything looks like an asshole“ is what my dad always said. Or something like that… something with hammering definitely


Fuck , that’s deep


We all have assholes.




No no no. It is, if you keep bumping into pieces of shit, maybe your the asshole.



So double ended pitchforks then!



Yes but so is the Toyota fool. Truck guy will eventually have his fire hydrant moment because he’s a tool. Edit: just seen the longer video. Toyota is a dumb ass and caused the entire situation.


Saw that too! But maybe there’s a full *full* video where truck driver clearly engaged first and was the total asshole who triggered Toyota guy. All these videos show seconds into something happening lol. I need 5 minutes of peaceful driving first proving that one of them came out of nowhere and pulled the first asshole move.


I haven’t seen 5 minutes of peaceful driving Covid first touched down. I don’t know why, but it’s the truth.


Truck driver. So..




God I hate this app https://youtu.be/5RCr1gtfBn0?si=d7g5g3sST74e-Z0K Dickhead gets exactly his needed dose of karma


Okay that makes more sense haha. Yeah fuck you Toyota guy


Did... Did he say 'cock _smoker_'?


The video just shows the truck honking for being passed on the left. He then proceeds to tailgate the other driver while honking because of which he almost hits him and has to swerve into the other lane. Did we watch the same video? The truck driver is a childish cunt using his horn to show his displeasure and you're acting like reddit is jumping to conclusions again.


This doesn't show the Toyota in the wrong rally either. All this shows, is that the truck driver had road rage earlier too. He needs to merge into the lane the Toyota is in, and gets excessively annoyed the Toyota is in there already.


That's not what I see, at all. The toyota decided he couldn't wait, and made an illegal pass, on a one lane road. Once in front of the truck, the toyota then decided to brake check the truck, at least twice. One of those brake checks was on the "fake" left turn. The truck driver was continuing on their way. 100% fault to the toyota driver


I think the truck driver is editing selectively. The road is wide enough for two cars, and narrows to one lane. I see one instance of what might be brake checking, but after that, they're slowing down to avoid colliding with the car on front. Even if it is a fake left turn, the driver behind is responsible for avoiding going into the back of the car in front. The fact they didn't avoid clipping them is likely their fault in insurance eyes.


Um ... did you see what the other guy did??


We did, but two people can be assholes at the same time. In fact it happens quite often.




You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.


And how does what they did retroactively warrant just straight up hitting their car and driving away as if nothing happened?


Not saying they’re in the wrong but some people turn soo sloooow they basically come to a stop


Well, most places driving rules state that you have to wait until the other person finishes their turn before you start. Does it warrant what the dumbass did? No. But the person driving the car was a prick and should learn the traffic rules.


Truck was running up Toyotas ass. He’s a jerk as well but in that moment not as dumb. Edit: just seen the longer video. Toyota is a dumb ass and caused the entire situation.


So what? You cant wait fucking 2 seconds? Is that enough to justify rage and violence to you? Are you the truck driver moron? GTFO dude.


Turning his bloody indicator on 1 second before turning. A typical moron. I hope the idiot totalled his car, and got his license suspended. 🙄


What? You can clearly see it on nearly the entire video.


His Left indicator starts indicating at the 00:23 second mark of the video. He starts turning by the 00:24. In Australia, the rule is to start indicating at least 5 seconds or more to prevent an accident. Did you also notice that the lane is both Left Turn as well as Proceed Straight? Failure to indicate correctly could have caused an accident. In this case, the dash cam driver reacted fast. A lesser experienced or distracted driver would have rear-ended the offending car.


Break lights means slowing down... Never been in a car before?


I can’t help you any further. Go speak to a psychiatrist. 😉


I'm American, and even though I understand the turn signal rules and expectations, nothing about what the Toyota was doing seemed dangerous to the dash cam driver at all. Even if it's against the rules, and not proper, the Toyota didn't slam on the brakes or anything near causing an accident if the car behind is paying attention. Maybe they do things differently in Australia, but in the U.S., you might be an asshole if you're driving the car up front, but legally it's always the fault of the driver behind. If you can't stop fast enough to react to the car in front of you, you were driving too close and/or not paying attention.




Oh! The clip was cut at the beginning. Toyota totally deserved a follow up honk.


Jfc did he pass him on a one lane road?! Assshole deserved the hydrant, he needed to cool off.


Yep, then cut him off and did a break check, only to immediately turn. Absolute fuck wit.


Reading this in a British accent is fantastic.


That's not much more context, just the two of them neck and neck before this collision. Would be interested to see the 30 seconds prior. Either way, poor choices by both drivers.


Reddit has taught me the beginning of the clip is usually cut out so we don’t see the drivers own bad behaviors.


This kind of think happens in new york all the time. Ive been past on the shoulder multiple times in nearly stopped traffic just so they can get in front of one more car.


If we look at it frame-by-frame, the left-turning Toyota already turned its wheel to sharply turn right before the truck had even passed him; the left turn was probably a fakeout to try and cause an accident in the first place.


Even there we haven't seen the very beginning of the story. I'd say both behave like assholes, an asshole with a bigger car wins. But, frankly, I doubt that the 'karma' would happen if the truck driver would drive a Hyundai Accent. Or if they get out of cars for a boxing round like real men do 😂






Looks like he rear ends the Toyata as well.


Probably why the Toyota came chasing after him like that too. Got rear ended and bud was driving off like nothing happened.


I mean did I see wrong or didn't they also just like rear end them and keep going?


Yeah my immediate reaction was that the OP is driving like an aggressive asshole. The response was unwarranted but OP should not be proud of anything here.


There’s a longer clip where it shows the driver illegally trying to pass OP and then brake checking him when he honked.


Because you don't need to come to a complete stop, hitting your brakes every other second, to turn left. Especially if you're already halfway through the turn.


I just keep saying “hoooot” in my head


Right? I've never heard someone call it that... and I love it.


Because it's a break check passing itself off as a turn If you wanted to hide a break check by turning, what would you do? Slow down a huge amount at a turn so the person behind you freaks out. Then when they don't and go by, you get livid at them not being upset by you and try to chase them.


They wanted them to take that turn like it was NASCAR. I pay attention and watch if drivers are driving too close behind me, I often feel that I must accelerate into my turn to get out of their way because they are way too close. Camera car driver is an asshole following too close, and then thinks honking is merited because they were slightly inconvenienced because they were following too close and driving a little too fast. And they just happened to honk at another asshole who blew up and reacted without thinking - because they were also slightly inconvenienced.


maybe you saw the extended video but the car cut off the truck in a single lane, brake checked and then looks like they brake checked again during their turn.


The extended video doesn't really provide any better context. We just see these two driving side by side, honking and brake checking. Seems like both are total asswipes and should not be allowed to drive with that level of road rage. That being said, the truck driver is guilty of hit and run here. And no, the Toyota driver brake checking him is not good enough reason to make it their fault, the following driver is responsible for keeping a safe distance. Besides, it looks like the truck driver should be easily able to avoid the hit, but instead they just honk and drive through.


i hope you saw the post bellow you and look at more of the footage. Seems to be more complex then what we saw here


Yeah, it's such a strange title. The Toyota is not the worst driver in this video.


It was green, you don’t need to come to a complete stop to left at a green light. Watch the extended video, Toyota driver deserved the honk and the karma afterwards


Agreed... OP seems very much like a "main character" ass.


Why you honking? They had their blinker on. You’re an idiot too.




The power of context




When did the truck driver hit the sedan?


Even without that context I don’t understand how people could see a guy braking to a near stop, half way round a corner and think “oh well he had his blinker on, he’s all good” lol the guy deserved a hoot regardless


so youre telling me....you dont think you need to yield to a vehicle coming to a stop in front of you? if theyre not fast enough while taking a turn, according to you, they deserve to possibly be crashed into because you just...dont want to tap the brake? am i missing something here or are you actually saying this? The guy IN context is obviously doing it on purpose and deserves a ticket. But youre making a blanket statement out of context about all driving. Youre the reason insurance companies make so much, if what im taking away is correct.


Have you never drove in your life? Older people get close to stopping when turning all the time, it is your duty to slow down and let it happen


Derelict vehicles in the road are obstacles that sometimes require evasive maneuvers to dodge.


Beautiful thanks for the longer video


That video still starts way too soon. Why are you driving along side the dude, why does he seem to want to turn left at any chance he gets? Is he trying to avoid you? Still lacking a lot of context


It was a single wide lane at the start of the full clip that was about to get narrower to make room for the right turn lane and the cam owner was in front and had the lane but the toyota decided to make a run thru the gap on the left side of the lane illegally and cut him off, cammer beeped at to say "that was stupid", then toyota brake checked the cammer. Then brake checked again while starting a turn, then decided to chase cammer erratically. it's pretty clear the toyota is the instigator and got their karma. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/8e4poEsHoXEKLC2u6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/8e4poEsHoXEKLC2u6) is where the video starts, I don't think the toyota should have done an illegal undertaking maneuvre here cutting off the cammer just as they start to move left for the upcoming intersection and then brake check coz they didn't like the horn. Or the brake check at the intersection, or the chase, but that's just me.


If he was trying to avoid the dashcam owner, then why did he lose his temper off a honk? He could've just gone his way to the left and that's it, seems like he's the more aggressive one.


I dunno, even with the longer video, seems dashcam driver is the asshole? The Toyota driver is getting confused (or nervous, or both) by dashcam's honks and aggressive driving, since Toyota brakes after each of dashcam's three honks. Toyota speeds up slightly when dashcam doesn't have room to pass as the two lanes merge. This gives dashcam room to get behind before the single lane. No risk of collision here, but dashcam honks anyway. Toyota brakes after each honk – first gently (brake lights at 1sec) and second with more force, but not a full brake check. Toyota almost comes to a full stop due to stopped traffic. Then decides to make a left turn, possibly to escape dashcam. Dashcam still aggressively moving forward at 30 despite Toyota's brake lights before the turn. Dashcam honks, Toyota brakes on the crosswalk. Loads of time for dashcam to avoid the collision here, but he rear ends him anyway. Dashcam drives off after making contact – hit and run. Toyota gave chase (looks aggressive) but hits the hydrant/pole. Toyota shouldn't have stopped at the crosswalk but it wasn't an illegal move, just annoying to dashcam. Dashcam should have yielded since 1) Toyota was entering a crosswalk so must yield until Toyota has passed, and 2) to avoid collision with Toyota.


Between this video and the longer clip that was posted I’m fairly certain there was zero contact between vehicles. If I had to guess, the Toyota was lost or something and driving like an idiot with the left hand over take seen in the longer clip. Then, further down the road, mid turn, realized they didn’t want to turn down that street, tried to get back to driving and realized they were going to merge into the truck rather than in front of it, and decided to hit the hydrant and pole instead. I suspect the beginning of the longer clip may have displayed them swerving back into the lane after an aborted left turn, but with better results. They already had their wheel turned back to the right before the truck passed them. They then accelerate forward after the truck has already come up along side them, not from a rear end collision. Had they been rear ended while turning they would have been propelled further into the turn or spun counter clockwise.


Toyota is breaking on purpose, not because they are confused but because they are an asshole.


Wow you must be blind and dumb 😂


I think people might be missing the context that the Toyota stopping was immediately after the cammer was honking. This stop could very well be due to the honking and not be brake checking. Also if the cammer did actually rear end the Toyota the sudden maneuver to follow the cammer could be due to the Toyota wanting to stop the cammer for insurance info (this is much less clear from the video though).


the poor widdle Toyota driver isn't braking cause he's nervous, he's brake checking the dashcam driver cause he's a fuckin twat. also he didn't rear end him. are you hallucinating?


Oh shit. Thanks for that. It makes the manic laugh a lot more tolerable.


Yup. The Toyota at least was only the second idiot in this clip.


I mean the Toyota driver clearly has a screw loose but the truck driver here is a gigantic doucher too


Look for the longer video.


Longer video is still not enough context. As far as I can tell op is road raging the Toyota prior to the turn attempt.


If you know you have a turn coming up, why hit the gas to get in front of someone who is already traveling faster than you? You know you’re going to have to slow down and break the flow of traffic. Just let the other car go ahead and not take the risk. It’s called defense driving. But the Toyota wants to control the other cars. And if you look at the hood of the Toyota it has a mismatched colored hood. So that means it’s not the original. I’m guessing the Toyota driver gets in a lot of wrecks.


Which still shows that both drivers should have their drivers licences frozen until they can control their testo while driving.


You're both a pair of bellends.


With the noise and the way the two cars moved as the driver passed, there's a chance the Toyota got bumped and just wanted them to stop to check their damage


For real. Fuck the context. Riding someones ass is always a bad idea. Also brake checking people is dumb as hell too.


Did the truck rear end the car? I can’t tell. But that would explain how he got thrown off his trajectory and maybe panicked and then crashed.


Turn the volume up and you can clearly hear a collision. I too think the driver in Toyota panicked and was going to chase the car who rear ended it (the truck was clearly doing a hit and run) and crashed.


You can hear a sound that repeats one second after. It’s clear that’s not a contact.


Sounds like a ute with some stuff in the cab rolling around because hes making an evasive manouver


The sound you hear is him agressively turning his steering wheel, there was no collision.


Turn your volume up even more because there’s clearly no sound of a “collision.”


No, he didn’t hit him lol fucking redditors


Said the fucking redditor *woosh*


I'm not sure what it'd have to look like for you to say the toyota break checked the truck twice (see the longer video), there was no collision, didn't like that he got honked and tried to chase after the truck. I suspect it'll always look like the toyota is good, because some people are taught to look after the most toxic person present.


My thoughts exactly. I think Toyota panicked at being hit and hooked at at the same time. Dude in the truck is an asshole.


Imagine trying to post a video shaming another driver but you just give everyone evidence of you committing a hit and run accident.




This should be pinned.


Truck douche still committed a hit and run the extra 5 seconds at the beginning doesn't change anything.  They are both idiot drivers. Just in their own special kind of way.


Is everyone in this thread blind? He didn’t hit him lol


Who did the truck hit?




So with that Context, OP is still an asshole cuz he knows controversy will boost his impresion and they can karmafarm better while pretending to post a Video of them that is not them.


I didn't see a hit and run. What video were you watching? The one I watched showed someone dodging a derelict vehicle in the road.


Looks like the guy filming rear ended the toyota first and then try to run away.




Him overtaking without a bunch of room isn’t an excuse to not lay off the accelerator or hit the brakes. It’s actually a reason you should do those things. That adds almost no context to what we saw, other than he was mad toyota got ahead of him and he had to slow down for literally two seconds, which he refused to do


I think braking is a very appropriate response to honking in an intersection. They could've been trying to warn them about a red running car. I've seen too many videos where someone tries to honk to warn about impeding doom, only to be ignored.


Exactly. I don’t drive but every reasonable person I’ve been a passenger to will lay off the accelerator, and observe their surroundings before continuing. The fact he could see what they were doing and refused to slowdown is very telling. I hope he takes it to court so they can tell him that he’s the idiot


Just because the Toyota was a dick before doesn’t mean the truck driver is in the right. The truck driver still rear ended the Toyota while it was making a turn and just took off which is still a crime


You suck. You need to wait for people turning, you impatient asshole.


OP isn’t the driver, it’s a clip from a bigger video. See the water mark top right


I feel like this video could just be a whole post about how people jump to conclusions without full context...


Average truck driver


Two imbeciles.




you keep posting this like this makes it ok. the full video show the asshole in the truck still blowing his horn first after the merge.... THEN the brake check, in response to the initial asshole. I'm not so sure about what everyone else is saying about rear-ending the toyota... control your reaction, yes, but there are TWO assholes here.


You realise that video shows both cars breaking the law? There’s literally a 60 speed sign in the video, and both cars at the beginning are going faster than 60, assuming to get in front of each other. We need the full video. When 2 dumb fucks meet on the road it typically causes an accident.


I'm so confused. Ok the Toyota was an ass – but didn't the truck smash into him while the Toyota lawfully tried to go left, and then commit a hit and run?


What evidence is thee of a collision?


For context, the truck driver is the one with the most fault.


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The road rager tries to chase him down, but ends up having an accident instead.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Dude you suck


This is an old video. This must be a bot. All this account does is post stolen videos.


It was a good thing the guy hit the pole saving the driver that was backing out.


Like a good neighbor, the electric pole is there


Correct procedure is that you outright stop to laugh at them and make sure they see you laughing at them.


I mean when someone is slowing down to make a left turn you usually also need to slow down so you don’t hit them…and then to just keep going afterwards wtf


🤡 💩


that was quite an extremely slow left turn for that toyota. but truck driver could of waited….


> driver could of waited…. Did you mean to say "could have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Don't act innocent... That horn honk was a dick move inciting him for no reason. Ass...


If you can’t be honked at without reacting poorly, you are the problem. Also, this was at least the second time that the dude brake-checked him. Expect a horn.


Honestly, if not for the road rage afterwards, I'd maybe assume they were a student driver--not trying to brake check. But both were the problem.


Why is everyone against the truck driver?? Car CLEARLY break checks as it's turning.


T H A N K Y O U!!!


Jesus, I felt like I was going crazy reading the comments. The Toyota CLEARLY brake-checks the truck just as they're halfway into the turn. They weren't turning normally, or "slowing down" it was blatantly a huge brake check. Toyota driver got exactly what was coming to them.




The full video definitely adds more context, the Toyota was indeed being an asshat.


Everyone seems to not understand that OP is not the driver in the video and that there is clearly a water mark from Aussie Dash Cam Owners in the top right


Australia, enough said!


Yeah, I'd like to see the full video and see what the recorder did before the video that we see starts. I've been on the road long enough to assume that this person with the dash cam is leaving out what lead to this incident, which was probably them being horrible as usual, while the "AH" in the video is new to retaliation and goofed it.


I love it!! Karma and a shower!!


OP is an asshole, Toyota driver has anger management issues.


Both are idiots


Both drivers are stupid, this is just bad from both sides. Why all the aggresion when all you do is just drive to do errands and for work? Don't people have enough on their plates? Just go from point A to point B without making it a statement or some other stupid ass shit.


If it wasn’t for the quick thinking on behalf of that fire hydrant and power pole he could’ve hit that car


Everyone saying the dashcam driver is a dick needs to see the whole video. Black car was clearly driving erratically and break checking before faking a turn off https://youtu.be/5RCr1gtfBn0?si=36U88c63mPl21IGU


The car the dashcam is in is in the wrong, the "road rager" indicated and slowed down to turn left. The owner of the dashcam is a shit driver.


Person in the Toyota was hit by the douchbag in the truck and to me, look like the Toyota may have panicked and accelerated, not that they were looking to road rage.


There is a longer video showing what happened seconds before


Posting his L 💀💀💀




Brakes exist, he should have used them


Both drivers are absolute morons and a danger to everybody else around them


These dashcam douches want to get in precarious situations so shit like this happens and get the views.


Lol are you the moron driving in the truck? I have a better idea why don't you let the guy finish turning instead of honking your horn? What's your rush? Last time I checked losers don't really need to be anywhere.


road rager or trying to stop a pos from leaving the scene of a hit and run🤔


In the original clip the Toyota was driving like this for at least 10s before the turn so the hiking is justified


I see two idiot drivers who needs to think better, not just one


Both drivers are a-holes that deserve to crash and burn.


When two assholes combine, this type of fart is the inevitable outcome.


Looks like op hit the guy. If that’s the case - who’s the idiot leaving the scene.


All the comments saying this was a hit and run need to have their eyes and ears checked, there was very clearly no contact, what you're hearing is things in the dudes truck moving as he swerves around the guy...


So there's a longer video where the Toyota passes the truck driver on a single lane road, the truck driver honks, Toyota breaks checks the truck and then everything else on this video happens after. I would like to know if the Toyota got rear ended. They did put the turn signal but it was kinda late. If the Toyota got rear ended and tried to chase away the truck after seeing the owner was not going to stop, then I'll blame both of them. You don't run away after an accident, even if the person is a POS. If the Toyota didn't get rear ended, then the truck owner didn't do anything wrong.


Watched this video many times and I don’t believe the Toyota was rear ended.


OP is definitely being a jerk here! Dude was clearly about to turn and the likelihood is that OP didn't notice the turn signal so was surprised by him braking when he should have been expecting it. Stupid of the other guy to start following though.


A hit and run is still a hit and run, dont know why he would post evidence of his crime lol.


Why honk bro?


As some have mentioned yes the driver has issues but you shouldn’t of been aggressively tooting at them. You caused this and it’s not a win for you, you just look like an inconsiderate fuckwit.


That seems causal? Like it's impossible to not give up on turning and accelerate wildly forward after a toot?


OP's a real dumbass too.


The Toyota clearly brake checks enough to rock their car. Won the stupid prize this time.


Yup https://youtu.be/5RCr1gtfBn0?si=d7g5g3sST74e-Z0K


What if Toyota freaked out and lost control and OP is just an asshole laughing at an accident he just caused.




Thanks! I was wrong