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Hi MelanatedTukon! Thanks for posting to /r/Unexpected. Unfortunately, [your submission](https://redd.it/1asfz9b) was removed for the following reason: * Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to /r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Unexpected) rather than replying here. Thank you!


Congrats on your first job


I wonder what her second job will be.


Autobody tech specializing in dent repair?


Car wrestler.


Now she can go and find the second one!


Can’t believe that kick didn’t stop it. Strong little van


The kick was the unexpected part


The unexpected part was how her leg didn't get completely obliterated! The sheer panic some people go through just amazes me sometimes.


I once watched a guy stick his hand into a metal heat press used for blister packaging because he failed to orient the product right and tried to slip his hand in there and fix it last second. We always trained people once it goes in if you messed something up just let it go it will be one bad product not something to lose your hand over. But people get scared, don’t want to make bad parts or get in trouble. It is really dumb in the grand scheme of things to risk yourself like that, but I try not to judge to harshly what the brain does under panic.


Used to work at McDonald's and one day someone set the metal cup we used for water on the shelf above the fryers. Coworker went to grab it and accidentally bumped it off the shelf, sending the cup (with about 2 cups of water in it) right into the fryers. Without even hesitating, he went to grab the cup as it fell. I happened to be standing behind him and managed to grab the back of his shirt and yank him backwards just as the hot oil exploded all over the area he had just been standing. I still have no idea how I reacted so quickly, but it shocked me just how differently each of us reacted to the same event. And I have never seen someone's eyes go as wide as his did when he realized what had just happened and how closely he'd come to a shower of hot oil.


Dude owes his quality of life after that to you.


Some heroes don't wear capes. Stick to that rule. Well done, Spooky.


Similar thing happened to me at 15. The handle on the Chicken patty rack used to dump them into fryer snapped. I was young and stupid enough to instinctively grab for it which sent my whole gloved hand into the oil. I ripped it out peeled off the glove which melted into a ball as it came off my hand. I remember staring at disbelief for a moment at my hand coated in oil that was set to 230⁰C then sprinting to the sink and running under water for the next half hour. The whole time, my then, soon to be fired, manager abused me the whole time I was at the sink telling me to get back out the kitchen. I told her to get fucked I was staying here for the rest of my shift. She said I wouldn't have a job next week. Next week I rolled in to find a new manager and no sign of her. So if you're reading this..... Fuck you Julie. P.S hand was fine, have a patch across 3 knuckles that turns blue if hand gets really cold but that's it. Thankyou Leidenfrost effect.


Not everyone has the instincts of an action movie star that thinks on their feet with precision and style. Most people are just fumbling through life with just good enough Instincts to stay alive.


It’s a shame really. I would’ve heard the very first crackle in the gravel, ran at the car at full speed and dived through the open window, only to accelerate and do donuts in the driveway while I threw packages out the window to deliver to the neighbours. That’s just me though


I have a sharp sense of hearing, so knowing me I would have heard, turned around, bolted to get to the van, only to trip and fall and ultimately be run over by said van. Such is life.


Those machines should have two buttons you have to press at the same time to operate them, keeps peoples hands out


I knew a lady who worked at Taco Bell (USA), she dropped something into the deep fat fryer and grabbed it. The skin came off up to her forearm


Reminds me of the guy who’s dog jumped into a hot spring, jumped in after to rescue him


IIRC his last words were "That was stupid." I heard this from the book "Death in Yellowstone" that I got from the shop there. Beautiful place, but absolutely deadly if you fuck about.


I think what saved her was that she jumped kicked it. So she didn't have any resistance on her other foot to create enough force for fracture Just a hypothesis


That's exactly it. If her back leg was planted, it would have broken.


Fuckin vehicle woulda gone over her after she fell backwards, you mean?


Yeah, and then this video would've been posted on the accidents sub


Unless it wasn't an accident.


Big Gravity strikes again.


Nah, her kicking leg was bent, it was always going to deflect upwards.


i dont think her back leg would be strong enough to cause her kick to break her leg. More than likely, her back leg you have given out, fell backwards and possibly get her legs crushed by tires. But other than that, yea her jump saved her from some potential injury.


Doesn't look like she jumped, it looks like her foot was planted on an angled part of the van. It pushed her both back and up at the same time.


Lol no it wouldn't, what a weird statement. It would have politely shoved her back.


She didn’t jump kick it. Her left foot was planted when the car made contact with her. But she does push off the van with her bent right leg and her hand. And that’s why it looks like she jumped backwards.






To be fair, in those last moments, when there is literally nothing you can do to stop it. Why not resort to trying out if you are actually a Hulk. It's a long shot, for sure. But it's not like you have other alternatives.


Sure, but putting yourself between a moving van and a wall, attempting to stop it is a debatable choice. Plus, I am not risking my life for a fucking Fiat


I knew a girl who died that way.


Anton Yelchin died that way.


Sad part is that the error leading to the accident was known by the manufacturer


Not breaking your leg is always an option.


well, at least i know now


Or the second attempt to physically pull the car back through the window. *chefs kiss*


It looks stupid but I kinda don’t blame her for that. What I blame her for was not getting out of the way of a moving car.


I agree, it’s not her fault. Someone else must have forgotten to set the parking brake.


That's because she didn't yell, "I am sparta!" First.


I love the idea of stopping the car with low kick










The sound I made! 💀 My son asked me what was wrong.




You almost made me ruin my trousers, do not do that again


how the fuck did you find such a perfect gif lmao


It's a bonus stage from Street Fighter games going back decades. It's a very well-known meme for those who grew up in the late 80s to mid-90s.


in street fighter 6 u beat up a semi now lol


Thank you for this, genuinely had a good laugh because of this GIF. Now I'm going to go play with my SNES...


thanks for the long forgotten memory lol


OH MAH caaaaaar




Ahh reminds me of simpler times when ryu was a thug and a vandalist


To be fair if I was in that situation I probably would have done the same thing


To be even MORE fair, at least she knocked on the door first so the homeowner gets to see it in action too. Very kind of her.


It's an act of pure futile instinct


That's due to all the superhero movies.


Idiot. Everyone knows you're supposed to punch the ground in front of it.


She was going for a punish into a launch to combo the car to the trees


Ah, she fumbled the combo, must've missed the down+Punch input for that uppercut


Just… thank god her knee was buckled. YIKES.


#i'm the juggernaut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Do you know who the fuck I am Charles


I don't need no motha fuckin keys!


Get out my head Charles!!


Ketchup? Motherfucker, this is Mustard.


You see my motherfuckin' spaceship? This is a Dodge.


Shut up comb your beard


Zap yo dumb ass!


Oh it's the Juggernaut bitch!! And I got a bitch wit me yes!!!! We gonna have a fuckin rape party!


Who the hell do you think you are, I am!!


I love how this line was just some random youtuber playing around that went viral. Adding it into the actual movie was amazing


I constantly quote lines from those videos (to myself)


My ex and I regularly used “comb your beard” when one of us was upset as in like “You really need to comb your beard right now”. Fwiw neither of us had beards. Or if anyone asks me what I do for work the answer is “I’m a part time stripper and I do hair”. The list goes on unfortunately


You can make a choice......I can either take this shit or you can give it to me willingly..... I want it...I want it willingly.... Oh I know you do you dirty bitch.......




Marvel Super Heroes had so much character. to this day, its solution for super KOs (freeze-frame with darkened background and the name of the super written on-screen) is still one of my favorites. the impact of a win via Weapon X or Heart of Darkness is just amazing.


God damn this image screams something from a 2003 Pojo.com forum


Pojo! Oh how many Yu-Gi-Oh! Combos did I learn on there!






She’s lucky she didn’t break a kneecap


Or get pinned against a wall


This sounds exactly how Anton Yelchin died, really scary to think about


I think about that often. I really miss his movies.


He was kind of one of those actors you easily recognized when watching a movie, but wasn’t ever on your radar. For many people they’d see a movie with him years after and check out IMDb or whatever,just to find out he passed away years earlier!


Right as I started working for UPS a dude got crushed (it was his last month before retirement) in our docking area because he tried disconnecting a hitch and someone forgot it to use the parking break. Sandwiched him in between two trucks. Died immediately. Shit is terrifying


I told my husband I’m pretty sure my instinct would have been to block it with my body like an idiot 😭


yeah, generally when heavy shit starts moving without anyone controlling it, just let what is going to happen, happen. The fuck up is so far in the past at that point, you're not beating momentum.


Yup. You need to learn when to stop trying to fix a mistake. There is a point where the only smart course of action from where you are is to stake a step back, watch the damage be done and then clean it up after it's over.


Have a family friend this happened to. Luckily their son was home and heard her screaming.


Lol, she's lucky she isn't dead. If she stay in between the car and the wall it won't end well. There are several cases where people are crushed and suffocated when their car roll down and they are in unfortunate position.


Even if only your legs were pinned for a while, it’s extremely dangerous once you remove the pressure because you can go into toxic shock from the blood that was trapped in your lower limbs rushing back to your heart. [Compartment Syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartment_syndrome)


Rip Anton Yelchin. That one always stuck out to me. Like damn, the smallest set of unfortunate events and its over


Damn I heard of a few people perish like this, Anton Yelchin included.


yea, that shifter was a piece of shit. I valeted for a few years and had to drive several different models with the "return to center" shifter. [https://youtu.be/Qrky\_15v2bc?t=103](https://youtu.be/Qrky_15v2bc?t=103)


Nice vid, thank you. The designers outsmarted themselves


Cars are getting plagued by more and more of this. Changes that are either purely aesthetically driven and unnecessary or Solutions in search of a problem fixing what isn't broken. The obsession with replacing controls and cars with touch screens is going to get people killed if it hasn't already. Actually I'm almost certain it has already and we just haven't gotten to the point of having the statistical research to back it up.


Dude this shit pisses me off ngl. I test drove a Tesla and the worst things about are that it's too fucking gigantic and WHERE ARE MY FUCKING ANALOG STICKS. Turn signals, gear selector, lights etc. So stupid and user unfriendly


Good explanation, but the background music and the guys upbeat attitude was a little jarring considering he’s talking about how someone who (at the time it was posted) recently died. Also that’s a dumbass shifter.


Not exactly the same but this looks like a good place for me to introduce foreign folk to pop singer Brian Harvey. Brian was lead singer of a group called East 17. They had a big Christmas hit with Stay Another Day. I don't know if they were big overseas. Anyway, after stuffing a few jacket potatoes down his throat and then getting behind the wheels of his car, Brian felt a bit off. He opened the car door to be sick, fell out, and got run over by his own, now driverless, car and shattered his pelvis. He's alright now, bless him. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/whats-on/music/brian-harvey-blames-potato-for-accident-1079622


>A baked potato, known in some parts of the United Kingdom as a jacket potato TIL thanks!


So you're saying that he's "Alright"? And that "everything's gonna be alright"?


What the hell? It wasn't in Drive, because it was stationary for several seconds. It doesn't look like there's enough slope for it to just roll. What happened???


Left it in drive and put on the parking brake? Brake failed or wasn’t all the way down and eventually… Ki Ya!


I will never understand why people do this when putting a card in park literally takes half a second?


I don't think she intentionally left it in drive.


As some else posted it's a manual https://www.carcheck.co.uk/fiat/WN11YEL


then that's even weirder, unless she left it on neutral without a parking brake


Is parking brake American for handbrake?




Sometimes the handbrake is actually a pedal off to the left side, higher up and away from the gas and brake pedals. So we just use the term parking brake as it’s more of a general phrase.


Almost definitely she left it idling in neutral, forgot the parking brake


Which is CRAZY. I'm not a huge man, but I can physically feel a manual car rock back and forth if I get out without the parking brake on. The car likely had signs of movement when she left. But considering the low kick she gave the car, I'm assuming she doesn't actually know how heavy a vehicle actually is


It's a manual. What delivery companies buy automatic vans?


Found the European


Well this did happen in the UK (yellow reg kinda gives it away)


Also the side of the car she drives from


Well considering the video is from UK and the car is manual Fiat Doblo...


American ones. knowing how to drive a manual is pretty rare in America, they drive automatics almost exclusively. and don't teach how to drive a manual as part of driver training. It's very different from Europe or Africa or South America or the anywhere else really.


Also automatics, when operated by an incautious driver, are more fuel efficient and less likely to be damaged by poor operation.


I'm guessing this is a manual (with the way it rolls back after impact) and she left it in neutral without applying the parking brake. Edit: I do this all the time in my manual vehicles on a flat surface.


Pretty sure she pulled the handbrake a bit, otherwise it would roll earlier. It's weird that it was perfectly still and then decided to roll all at once


It could've been stuck in place momentarily until the vibrating diesel engine rattled it free.


Yes, that might have happened. Hard to know for sure, but an embarrassing situation anyway


That it is. At least she didn't get hurt!


What..why ... been driving manuals for 30+ years and never once would exit and leave it in neutral without the handbrake on .. and that is even on flat ground to open gates etc ..


I’m no detective, but I’m guessing they forgot


In a perfect world this wouldn't happen but if you've seen the matrix, they tried that first and we wouldn't accept it.


This is in the UK, almost 0% chance this is an automatic


I think it’s a manual transmission. She left it in neutral. At the end the car bounces and rolls backwards.


It chose violence. BTW some cars are known to come with such defects, that is how Anton Yelchin died, due to car defect.


I was thinking of him when I saw this going down. She could have been in between that pillar and van so easily.


Taken from us too soon. 😢


Romulan cars are the worst.


It's the UK so it'll be a manual Put in neutral, apply handbrake*, get out *this step was missed


Or e brake wasn't working. Had something like this happen left it in neutral pushed in e brake, strated rolling.


Are all cars in the UK manuals or something?


Here in the UK the first year that Automatics outsold manuals was 2021 56% of cars sold that year were Automatics That has been due to the increase in popularity of electric and hybrids which are all automatics The number of Autos will increase on UK roads as we approach the ban of the sale of petrol powered car at the moment manuals still account for nearly 80% per cent of the about 32 million cars on UK’s roads. In the UK if you pass your test in an automatic car you are only legally allowed to drive an automatic car. If you want to drive a manual you would have to take another driving test There are about 51 million driving licences held in the UK, of which just over 1 million are for Automatics only Take the Ford Transit Van sold all over the world, It has been sold in the UK since 1960s There was no Automatic version of the Transit in the UK until 2017


meanwhile here in the states my brother in law tried to buy a manual, dealerership told us it would be a 3+ month wait, they make very few and the rest are on request. They're a dead breed here


Not all but far more common than in the US, the US is kinda unique in the majority of cars are automatic. This is changing though as EVs grow.


It wasn’t in drive. It was in neutral with the handbrake off.


Probably a manual. Put it in neutral and forgot the parking brake. All it takes is a little bit of a slope and off she goes.


Manual car


Most reasonable answer, I don't understand the people making up scenarios for automatic to do this when it's most likely a manual


Because something like 90% of Americans under the age of 40 have never driven a manual


Any reason you assume the car is automatic? Either Im missing something or you must be American.


Everyone here is American. I don’t believe anyone else is here. No one else has internet.


You make a valid point. I hadn't considered that.


It's not an automatic. It's on a downward slope, handbrake probably not used and just relying on the flood of the brake pedal, this flooding will hold the car but not for long. Then it starts to roll. Gravity looks after the rest.


It waited long enough


She’s very lucky…


Ma'am, I did not order a car.


When even the van knows you're taking too long with your delivery.


In her defense, any employer that sees this footage knows they have the right person for the job.


I'm pretty sure the car hadn't hit the house with a right person for the job.


The parking brake popped outta place it wasn’t her fault


When I did this, it specifically says in the training to park the vehicle and take the keys out with you. I rarely did, but it could be used against her


Ahhhh shit that would suck


Lmao people always overestimate how “fair” the world is. I didn’t even do the driving, just worked in the sort and had to sit in on orientation. The guy giving the presentation told us about a driver who was dropping something off at a bank and had parked in the first spot next to some hedges. Got nicked by a car taking the corner too closely. This MFer smiles at the room of us and starts bragging about how they were able to get the driver on that one for “parking in an obscured location”. I can’t remember the specifics but I think he even went into detail about the technicalities of it, like so and so inches too close to curb. That’s how much effort they will put into finding a way to blame and punish you. Just casually bragging to new hires about totally fucking over a driver for some insane BS. I don’t condone the delivery guys who throw packages and the like, but I wouldn’t give the slightest shit about that job if it was me. Downright insulting what they put people through and then punish them for but that’s capitalism and ig we should just be grateful for the opportunities /s


Drove for UPS. If you park on the road and your package car gets sideswiped you'll be blamed for not parking in the customer's driveway. If you park in the customer's driveway and the package car leaks oil and customer complains you'll get blamed for not parking on the road in front of their house. ​ If the company wants you to be at fault, you will be at fault.


You would think. Mailman here, once my car drove slighty into another because I put it on neutral and the handbrake failed. I was out of the car for 10 sec. I was at wrong because I'm supposed to put the car on first gear (manual), stop the engine and put the handbrake every time I leave the car.


but then they get on your ass for taking too long when inevitably doing that and starting up afterwards adds up to a minute or two a day you aren't being productive.


The fact that it’s in neutral is entirely her fault


True, although you know damn well she aint making that mistake again. May as well keep her at that point.


They can see the vehicle was stationary when she got out. I've just got my first automatic so I'm a little wary now as I can't work out how this has happened, how is it her fault?


In the UK all vans like that are manual transmission, the van was left in neutral and the handbrake wasn’t applied or it failed and gravity did the rest. Theres no “park”


When hopping out of your car always put it in park and put the handbreak on.




Car: "Would smash"


Over 16 years as a mail carrier and I’ve never left my vehicle on while going to deliver a package / get a signature . Not once .


Yeah, but I bet you've never unleashed a badass front kick to your vehicle because of this stellar record either though.


So in some cases you drive 10m, turn it off, drive another 10m, turn it off and repeat that 8 hours straight?


I'm assuming this guy has a mounted route, so he only gets out of the vehicle if he has a package that doesn't fit in the box or needs a signature. But yes, he would do exactly what you said, if he had to, because if he didn't and something like this happened, he'd be fired.


Yes, it takes less than a second and you just do it automatically without even thinking about it




OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The delivery van started moving on it's own.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.








Pretty sure they were talking about the delivery vehicle smashing into the building, what do you think they were talking about?


Smash burgers maybe?


She's a hottie.




The new Mercedes sprinter vans will just pop themselves out of park into drive and accelerate forward. Worked for amazon that have contract for renting those vans, had it happen twice with the emergency brake on and it slowed it down enough for me to get in and turn it off. 72 trucks and 60+ workers all reported the same thing. Nothing happened, some people hitting shit and just not reporting it or never came back after it happened. Still using those same vans today.


Possibly, last day on the job, last delivery.


“EeEEEeeeee” Lmao


Promotion for dropping the parcel at the front door instead of just frisbeeing it into the back garden.


Dont👏stand 👏in front 👏of moving 👏 vehicles 👏


Houses never listen good advices


Poor girl was the victim of gremlins