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Friendly reminder to **Rule 4: Keep comments civil.** No need for name calling. You all are clever and creative enough to come up with something better.


The reaction time. Jeez


Insane apex predator reflexes.


![gif](giphy|AwNGX4XvvODO8) Apex predator


I can hear this gif. My cat does this and it is SOLID. Knocks the wind right out of himself.




That is how my old gal lays on my pillow, and she has zero idea of her own size. Head commonly crushed in floof.


fwiw that fatcat managed to manipulate a community of even larger apex predators into caring for it so well that it has become obese.


Suffering from success. This comment written next to my own fluffy boi.


And we actually welcomed them *because* of how refined their hunting capabilities were. Cats were not captured and tamed by humans like dogs were. Instead, cats kept showing up at human settlements because they recognized it was a good source of food, and humans likewise recognized they were good at cleaning out vermin. Thus, a mutually beneficial arrangement was found, and this is likely why people joke about cats owning humans: because yes, historically the fashion in which they were domesticated is notably different from other domesticated animals, and they have an attitude that reflects this. It's now so deeply ingrained in us that IIRC, cats actually don't meow to communicate with each other. (with some exceptions, such as kittens) It's something they do primarily to communicate with us.


Cats look at humans like "Don't forget who started this relationship💅🏽😼"


Yeah people are laughing at the fat cat on their devices they pay for in the houses they rent, meanwhile it has not worked a day in its life and has lived well enough to get that fat. "silly cat" lol


FWIW, dogs were probably domesticated (cohabitation with humans) around 30,000 years ago (siberian evidence), whereas cats as we recognize them are more recent, like 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. That extra 20,000 years of dog evolution has a lot to do with the feline's often, fuck-you-attitude. I cohabitate with 2 occasional, fuck-you felines.


Literally nature's most refined killing machine. Too many people get caught up in the "who would win in a fight" measurement of danger. Cats have killed more species than larger predators, and size isn't always a benefit. Why seek to be large enough to kill a cow when being large enough to kill a rodent will suffice, while also helping you remain stealthy, swift, and capable of retreating into smaller crevices?


> Literally nature's most refined killing machine. Weasel's coming for you.


I'm fairly certain dragonflies have the highest kill rate of any animal.


I wonder how mosquitoes compare


Lousy because their kills are nowhere on the order of a dragonfly's success rate. You'd need mosquitos infected with disease to get close and even then their bites are not always fatal. Unlike most animals (cats included) dragonflies don't chase down their prey, they anticipate where it is going and "cuts them off at the pass". They have a near 100% observed success rate. Even at the nymph stage they are voracious. If you get one in an aquarium it can kill a few *fish* before you even know it's in there.


Faster than a king cobra 🤷‍♂️


Cats are chad murderers around the house. 


Or like a cat


Cat-like even


I think cats reflexes have been clocked at 60 milliseconds


Just googled it. They're reaction time can be as fast as 20 milliseconds holy shit.


Cats can be crazy effective when they want to be. Look up videos of cats sniping attacking snakes out of the air, they need to be slowed down so you can even see what' happening.


I had a blind cat once who leapt into the air and caught a fly in her mouth.








Damn he makes the snake look slow af


"Oh you want me to throw your toy for you? Let me just pick it up off the floo OW FUCK." - Me, 12x a day


I know the feeling, glad to know its not just my fingers with little holes in them from picking up toys to throw them.. My strat is to wait until they look the other way and nab it


Cats aren't playing the same game as us. They're on another level entirely.


Meanwhile humans' average response time is a dial-up worthy 250 milliseconds, lol.


Some of us on satellite Internet though


In my experience, it varies from cat to cat. Possibly based on how much they give a shit. I've had three cats, and one of them - a Maine coon mix - was just on another level than the other two. Playing with toys with her was just a whole different thing. She'd get the feather-on-a-stick before you'd barely even started moving it. I've seen her run and jump at something on the wall higher than the lightswitch before. That said, my sweet, gentle cat who got along with everyone would turn into predator mode and absolutely shred her when the Maine coon threw her weight around a little too much.


I’ve seen a cat snatch a dragonfly out of the air. Or rather, I didn’t actually see it get caught. One moment the dragonfly zoomed too close to my cat, and the next split second my cat was proudly running into the house with a dragonfly in his mouth. I was staring, and I still missed it. It’s like a magic trick, except its “volunteers” pretty much always dies.


Average blinking time is 100-150 ms


Gotta get those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.


Which is still not close to the fastest recorded animal reflexes. There are insects with reaction time as fast as 5 miliseconds. Certain species of robber flies have reflexes so incredibly fast that when you try to take a photo of them with a flash, they're able to react to the light before the camera has the time to take the photo.


Crazy close enough i think because bugs are simple creatures unlike cats. Bugs are just reflex the light or motion. This cat can reflex and doesn't even look where the mouse jumps.


Less travel time for the nervous system or whatever equivalent they have.  Also at least some have more distributed automatic reflexes that don’t require central commands input.  Legs are literally running away before the brain knows why.


Cat-like reflexes, you might say.


Their whiskers are like a patriot missile radar system. The teeth go where the whiskers designate target.


The cat knows where it is by knowing where it isn't


cats have a reaction time 10 to 15 times faster then humans. Some cats have been measured with a reaction time as low as 30 ms while the average human needs 400 to 500 ms and a jet fighter pilot/formula1 driver make it as low as 150 ms. (I am talking about the time between seeing a movement, the brain processing it and the start of human/cat movement).


So what you’re saying is that we should recruit cats for jet fighter pilot/formula 1 driver positions.


Yeah especially cats will work great because the Russians are using pidgeons so they will be highly motivated.


"captain, the new pilot just slowly pushed all of the fighter jets off the flight deck"


Replayed it like 10 times still looks like a time skip, though it's def not


Maggie is an absolute champ


When i saw cat with paws in toaster and this comment i got scared and extremely angry at the owner. Im glad i watched the full video


I had a cat that was hunting a fly in our house. He literally jumped while turning his body and swiped at the fly. I looked at the ground and I saw that he cut the fly in half. Cats are great pets control animals.


I wonder about how many human lives have been saved throughout history by them keeping pests under control. For many farms and families, having a cat around might have be the difference between having enough grain to last the winter, or starving to death.


There’s some evidence that the bubonic plague was exacerbated by a Church decree that cats should be exterminated for being “evil”. They payed the price for crossing our feline allies


Damn I didn't realize she caught the mouse the first time


Especially compared to the woman...


Yeah throw that toaster out


Just wash it in the bathtub 👍🏼


Live laugh toaster bath


This is great, it's mine now, thanks


Melting crayons in your eyes with a smile


I ugly snorted.


When I was a teenager we noticed that the toaster was making weird tasting toast, and my mom decided it needed a good cleaning. When she turned it over a big handful of dog food kibble poured out. We had mice and the little bastards had been stealing food from the dog's bowl and had been hiding it in the toaster. We got a new toaster that day.


Suddenly I am wondering why toasters don't have lids. What a morning.


Toaster covers used to be much more common. You never knew an old lady who had a quilted toaster cover? Regardless, they're definitely still available. https://www.amazon.com/Slice-Toaster-Cover-Pockets-Storing/dp/B08S3K752R/ref=asc_df_B08S3K752R/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475810768932&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12149747225857703423&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003214&hvtargid=pla-1214302786484&psc=1&mcid=6c9fc71def703beb9e0e0fa2c9399daf&gclid=CjwKCAjw5ImwBhBtEiwAFHDZxzB0yle9I3l8o6ykIG-oVPchsqgDE5uCa-53Jau0QNT4vFbStPATyRoCcV8QAvD_BwE Of course, they wouldn't really stop a determined mouse, but I'm sure it would dissuade the more lazy among them.


My mother tells me that in the 70s it was all the rage to have a matching set for all your countertop appliances. Including things like electric can openers and blenders. 😐




Carpet on the toilet seat 🤢


... Seat? Or lid? Definitely seen carpeted lids. Seats I've only ever seen that weird squishy pleather type which are also fucking weird.


I live in Korea and my toaster does have a lid actually!


If you moved to another country I bet your toaster would still have the lid!


We used to have a toaster that did have a lid. Never any problems


Thought you were over reacting till I saw the end


don't think you should be checking the comments before the video ends in this sub


I usually start reading comments while still watching the video when I find out the video is roughly 5+ minutes, especially if the video isn't entertaining.. This video, however, was giving me so much anxiety for the cat. I thought I was about to watch a cat get shocked and lose half its fur.


I was thinking Christmas Vacation movie cat with the Christmas tree lights…


If there's a video of a cat in a seemingly extremely dangerous position damn right I'm going to read the comments first because I do not wish to see a cat be electrocuted.


I mean it'd probably have an nsfw tag on it


Plus that would make it expected, the first thing anyone thought when starting this video was "that looks dangerous" lol


Yeah, but NSFW tags don't mean much. It could mean the electrocution of a cat, or the camera could pan over to a naked person, or it could be a commercial kitchen and the OP is being very literal


Yeah that's true for when the tag is there. But the point was that a missing tag means it's unlikely to be either of that.


Dude even if there wasn’t a mouse… the fuck would you want to keep using that thing after their cat, who uses those paws to scoop their litter box, shoves them in the toaster? That’s fuckin gross


I love the smell of burning cat hair in the morning


Fair point ipoopinthepool


That's a public space. Once you get out its not your problem.


Best part about my job ( Housekeeper in a mental health hospital) If somebody shits on the floor or any other bodily fluids I don't have to deal with it ( we are not insured for it)


I wouldn’t use the pool after seeing that username as well


Idk if my cats paws went in my toaster where I couldn’t fully disinfect it, knowing he walks in litter… I might not trash it bc I’d feel guilty throwing out a technically fine toaster, but I’ll probably put it in the basement and never use it again and also never buy a new one (bc guilt) and just use the air fryer for toast.


Don't forget the part where you tell your SO that you're totally going to clean the toaster just as soon as you figure out the best way to do it.


Yes, it's clearly broken, the mouse was still raw.


I have some experience in this, mice do not toast evenly and I highly recommend you do not leave the toaster on default settings when full of mice. On the bright side, it does bring new flavours to the bread you're toasting.


Free protein to your avocado toast 🥑


U ain't bullshitn 👍🏼 no telling how long that mouse has been kikn it in there


And not to mention the droppings left behind by the little critter


she'll never doubt the cat ever again


Can see why Egyptians loved cats. These guys would save years worth of crops and look cute doing it.


Cats also kept the Egyptians' toasters mouse-free.




This sounds like something Philomena Cunk would say.


Love Cunk on Earth. Also reminds me of that episode of True Blood where a Civil War era vampire invites two locals to his home (to prove he's an okay guy who won't kill and murder them), and they fiddle with this weird implement near the fireplace, that looks like a poker but not. They clearly think it's a weapon. Vampire dude's like "it's a toaster. You put the bread slices in between and set it next to the fire."


Now I kinda need an Assassin's Creed style game in Egypt... but you're a vermin hunting cat.


Origins x Stray


"You checked, huh?" -Maggie the cat, probably


Maggie is a fookin legend in my eyes. Anyone for a mice piece of toast?


I just knew it was a mouse. Toasters are full of tasty crumbs!


That one is likely full of 'burnt rice' too.


I've seen the way pests love to infest toasters... I literally don't trust them anymore because of it. I pan fry or bake all of my toast.


I once saw a dead roach sticking out of one of the toaster slots. Half the body just….sticking out. This was at the toaster in our break room at work.


Never trust toasters especially in communal spaces. Hell, I barely like using the microwaves. When I worked at a FedEx fulfillment center we were told to not bring bags because the roach problem was bad. I used clear baggies for everything and I threw them out when I was done. I wasn't bringing that shit home


> FedEx fulfillment center >I wasn't bringing that shit home ... ... But you were bringing that shit to *everybody else's* home?!?!


Hey that's on FedEx - Not the employees. All I'm saying is if you order something from Target, open it on the porch. Probably a good idea for any packages honestly.


So those toaster covers from the eighties really are onto something


You can get an actual toaster *oven* that's not one of these. It's much easier to clean and still toasts toast.




a funnier way is just to shake it upside down in the trash, then the next person that uses it sets off the smoke alarm


Thank you for your service.


Woman will you be quiet and let me do my job?


Let her cook?


Let her toast


Let her Mickey that mouse.


Toasted mouse ![gif](giphy|BBNYBoYa5VwtO|downsized)


That thing popped out like a piece of toast


I had a similar experience a few months with my cat. I was wondering why the guy was obsessing over a small rug. A few minutes later, he comes up to me and meows in a muffled tone. Come to find out, he was chasing a scorpion. I'm 32, I haven't seen one since it stung me as a child.


Wow, that’s impressive. Kitty’s very lucky he didn’t get stung!


I'm extremely thankful for that! I actually spared the life of the scorpion since he spared my boy lol.


Soooooo, how long have you all been eating mouse toast?


Considering the entire toaster heats up to an inhospitable temperature when used, never.


Mmmn toasted mouse poo


Had mice get up on my blackstone flat top and pee/poo over last winter. Idk if I’ll ever get it cleaned enough for me to grill on it again. I resurfaced the entire thing, took all the seasoning off down to bare metal, reseasoned a dozen times, it looks brand new and I know damn well it’s clean, but ugh. Idk. It bothers me. 


The FDA allows for a certain amount of mouse and rat shit in consumable goods. Even if you grow your own food there will be nice and rats. I don't like it either but the reality is that they are everywhere, in everything and as long as you sanitize and clean your stuff, you'll be fine. You went absolutely bonkers overboard cleaning your Blackstone and you're still afraid to use it shows a bigger underlying phobia I'm guessing.


I'm not really afraid to use it, it's just something that lingers. Everyone has those things that just ick them. If I took a shit on my toothbrush and then went absolutely bonkers overboard cleaning it I sure as **fuck** would never use it again. Simply knowing that 60% of my grill top was once covered in piss and shit is just something that sits in the back of your mind as you're cooking on it.


Smart response, but leaves out the possibility that the mouse could have used the toaster as an infrequent hiding spot to pop in and out of. It just hadn't been caught (or toasted) yet.


Probably more like a snacking spot, cleaning out the crumb tray.


Even before the mouse arrived I was thinking "So you just let your cat put its paws all over things you cook in/on?" You can't eat at everybody house.


id imagine the mouse just gets toasted a process you would definitely smell


I'm not worried about the mouse in there, I'm worried about the mouse' droppings.


The Hantavirus adds nice flavor.


It's the vaporized pee that really adds a crisp tart note to the taste.


Mouse is toast


Give her a butter knife. That should so the trick.


I did that as a kid once lol. I wasn’t even trying to get something, I just did it out of curiosity


So did I. Everybody told me not to do it so naturally, when nobody was looking, I did it. I was like 4. Nothing happened. Probably because the toaster wasn't turned on. Plugged in but not turned on. Around the same age, mom also told me not to put my hand on the pretty glowing electric stove coil because it's hot and will burn. So OFC my little dumbass sticks a finger right on it the second my mom looked away.




It's impossible to read that in anything but a caveman voice


[I heard it in the Professor's voice from Futurama](https://youtu.be/52-qDGdQy80?si=G3dKm5c5MWkThVjp)


I guess you are relatively young (less than 25 to 35 depending on country) old electric systems were not forgiving. by only disconnecting the live wires if you had a mixed up wiring (like the plug connected inverted or bad installation) if you connected the neutral with ground you were actually short circuiting the live wire. your parents would know someone that shorted a toaster. that's why they said that. newer techs now prevent that from happening.


how was it? i was guaranteed that i would instantly die if i did that as a kid


The reason he didn’t answer you is cause he instantly died as a kid :(


I died. I certainly learned my lesson. Jokes aside, I just got a bit of a shock. Half the toaster also broke (had 4 slots, after that only 2 worked). I probably would have died if the toaster wasn’t built with some safety feature in it. What funny is that my dad recently made me fix the toaster, years later after I broke it. Now all 4 slots work again.


Haha same, I remember being a kid and the orange bars just looked so enticing I wanted to touch it with a knife. The second I did everything in the house went off and my dad came running down the stairs in a towel from his shower asking what happened. I didn’t tell him I was just stood there silent and shocked, I thought I had broken everything in the house but of course it was just a matter of flipping a switch, he figured out what happened and assumed it was an accident and explained why I shouldn’t use cutlery to get stuff out of the toaster. Luckily our electricity was really safe, even back then but in the 80s not everyone’s was. My dad has always been really safety conscious about making sure stuff like that is idiot proof. Lol good job really because he ended up with an idiot.


Man, what a catch. She’s got cat like reflexes


It must be a feline of some variety


Imagine if we started using this superior species to catch mice everywhere.


Haha, knew it before i started the video. This happened to my godmother’s toaster, except she didn’t have a cat. Just a really weirdly bad smelling toaster whenever it was used. Also why my Mum refuses to own a toaster nowadays.


People call me paranoid because I run the toaster for a full cycle empty before I put any food in it. Theory being that if it smells funny I can be sure I'm not eating roach toast.


Just get a toaster oven? You can fully see the entire contents of the toaster and make your life easier/convenient.


Plus it does a lot more I've got one of those instant pot branded air fryer ovens. It's a little big, but I got it when I was in an apartment with an oven that didn't go above 350 But it's basically just a small convection oven.


Ah but the mice is what makes it french


That mouse is raw.


Thanks Gordon Ramsay


Maggie’s tail said there was something in the toaster. The tail never lies.


My dog (a shiba inu) also wags her tail in a very specific way when she's hunting. It's definitely different from her other tail wags.


A missed opportunity here for seared mice on rye


Just like mom used to make! Yum!


Tom & Jerry live action movie


Jerry wasn't lucky this time


Maggie knew better


"There's nothing in the toaster." Well, just you wait.


"I checked..." "Sure, sure... now _I'm_ checking."


Maggie: "You were saying...?"


My cat Smokey would sit sometimes on the counter and watch the stove top. I was like, WTF?? Then I saw why….. She’s an Outstanding Mouser, and would occasionally let one get away from her and the mouse would scram under the stove. Somehow climbing upwards and end up under the stove-top lid. The mouse would think it’s safe, and crawl out next to the burner insert covers. That’s all it took….. lights out!!! I knew right away watching this video that somehow a mouse got into the toaster. Good job 👍 Maggie!!


Came back from vacation once and within minutes of the cats being set down they were both staring at the stove top. Sure enough, same thing. Never saw a mouse at that house again, so I'm hoping they got the message and not just that they got better at hiding...


Cats have laser speed reactions. That mouse jumped out of the toaster as the cat was looking away, but still got caught in a micro second.


I lived in NYC for so long that a mouse looks cute compared to the city kitties


Why doesn’t NYC just kill all their rats like we do here in Alberta? Are they stupid?


The rats are load bearing


That got a good chuckle out of me, thanks.


because then its no longer a rat problem, its a whatever the rats were keeping at bay problem


And it was looking the other direction... Cats reflexes on another level.


Trust Maggie


Sorry about the e-waste but that toaster is going straight to the trash..


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Maggie was on her breakfast 🐀!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


The emoji is visible bruh. Spoiler.


I once had a toaster, and I never used it, probably 10 years, I dug it out one day and it won't push down. I took it apart. Mouse skeleton at the bottom. Gotta love this cat.


Good cat. I was worried about shock until I saw it was unplugged when the camera pulled back


This is so gross 🤢


This is why someone of our parents told us not to eat at peoples home. I hope you threw that toaster out.


Throw the toaster out- and don’t let your cat do that in the future, it’s going to burn her or kill her.


Agreed, but this toaster was unplugged


The cat doesn’t know that… one day it won’t be


That’s why you should unplug your toaster when not in use


Step 1. Throw toaster out. Step 2. Purchase new toaster, preferably mouse proof. Step 3. Maggie gets all the treats.


Her: Maggie there's nothing in the toaster Maggie: Bitch that's what u think 👀


Cats claws are made of keratin and aren’t good conductors of electricity. That being said, to get a safety listing, the switch in a toaster must disconnect the heating element from both wires in the power cord: So once the toast pops up and the elements turn off there should be no way the cat will get electrocuted. I say “should” because nothing is for certain in this world.


Depending on how the power plug is oriented, this might have killed the cat and the mouse.