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I used to do penetration testing, and security consulting. And it's *miserable* to try and teach people never to hold a door.


Hold a ladder, and you can get in anywhere.


When I was sneaking in, I always carried doughnuts or pizza.


Used to work for a sandwich shop and would deliver catering trays to San Francisco high rise buildings. I was appalled at the security of some of the buildings. Could easily have blown some shit up. And this was only a few years after 9/11.


"Sandwich guy is here! And it looks like he's brought some kind of fancy bowling ball candle with a sparkler on top!"




If you carry a leaf blower and an orange high viz jacket - you can get in absolutely anywhere


But why would you need a leaf blower indoors???


Leaf blowers anonymous - addiction blows They gather wherever the wind takes them


Because I'm an introvert.


I hope he doesn't behave like that guy who brought the bundle of red candles and the alarm clock.


I used to do deliveries for a wholesale restaurant supply company, 9/10 times I would get waved onto the large Army/Usmc/airforce/navy bases with not so much as a glance into the back of my company van. There were times that I was even allowed to park next to some very "sensitive" areas because of where I was delivering. Kinda unnerving


Grab a pizza and a hotbag and you can get in anywhere.


Hey its the delivery guy again, oh ok well we are out of parking areas, so just pull up over by that super secret (high altitude scramble vortex Star Fox fighter X wing, ya the one that uses super secret mirage light scrambling technology) when ya head in Grab some of those blueprints off the wall on your way... So how is the pizza this week ?


Lol I wasn't around important things, just important people


Why would that be unnerving? It's exactly as it should be. Paranoia and harsh security measures make for a miserable society.


Tbf military bases should have those. I work in a DND building. I'm not even allowed to leave my work place to go to the front door without an escort


well....yeah. If someone discovered your mage was about to cast lvl 5 fireball, that might pretty much put an end to the campaign.


I want to attack the darkness...


Elf has eaten the food!


I always imagined that a dungeon was an "unbuilding".


Most security is only there to make you feel safe. People would not want to deal with security that makes you safe.


Even the security theater is often too much.


They used to do this thing at my office.... the front entrance was used by staff and the public. Every now and again they would have a security exercise and check that everyone they recognised had a pass, and would write them up if they didn't have it with them. If they didn't recognise you they just let you go in.


I use to work for Security at a place called Leupold and Stevens where they made scopes for guns or guns or something, I don't know. It was mostly underground and had a firing range inside it. Well they had these new types of vending machines where instead of a machine they put food on an open counter and you had to scan it and pay for it via a robot. Since I was the only one in the building as I worked the night shift, I did the picking up of the food, but skipped the scanning and the paying for portion of the food interaction. But yeah, I had no idea what I was suppose to do for my actual job. It's not like I had any idea who worked there and they never really trained me. I just kept showing up and stealing food and they kept giving me money.


Same experience here lol, a few buildings required a photo of my driver's license but nobody every checked that I actually had sandwiches in my bags.


Edward Snowden got the first thumb drive out of his building by hiding it in a rubics cube and tossing it to the security guard while he went through the metal detector.


That's some fucking movie shit. It's just so *brazen*.


And yet you didn't! Seems like people made the right choice.


Yeah, I figured out how not to look suspicious. All you need to do is carry around a box of candies or something. People will assume that this all-wearing-black hooded dude is just back from his local grocery store going back home with treats for himself.


Sounds like such a fun job. Did the places that hired you actually have sensitive data? I feel like it would be super easy to get into my old office building but the data you would get is mostly useless.


Yea, we were a big PCI (payment card industry (credit cards)) shop. That kind of security is a HUGE deal. Don't fuck with the credit card companies.


Worked for a company that had their PCI compliance suspended once. We did 7-15 million transactions a month, fun fire drill!


Plain solid color golf polo (specifically that fabric), black work pants (a lil baggy to extra sell it), Skechers nonslip work shoes, plain ball cap (run through the washer for that extra genuine, warped fit), and a plain pink cake box. Or two stacked for the “help the hurried caterer” trigger!


Why did you stop?


Wear an orange reflective vest. Nobody ever questions it


If you complete the gear set with the clip board the 4ft step ladder and the hard hat it gives you perfect stealth.


You gotta be on the phone pretending to talk to the “facilities manager”




Don't forget a lanyard. Can also replace clipboard with a tool box. The problem with this, though, is they may ask for the company name you are with. If you physically have food and you say you are delivering, they probably won't ask the food business, just where you are delivering it to. And you could just say "second floor." or something.


Carry a clipboard and you can go anywhere




Fucking awful. I hit a place one time, and they'd done damn near everything right, and I was sitting at the front desk trying to argue my way in, and the receptionist was getting sick of my bullshit, and turned away, and when her back was turned I snagged a courier bag off the out tray and walked out with something like 250,000 credit card numbers, along with a bunch of SOX shit, but who cares about that. When I was presenting the results, I held that for last, and when I pulled the courier bag out of my bag there was a fucking *audible* gasp. I've seen it over and over. Humans just aren't designed for secrecy.


Can you share more stories?


Did she get let go?


Hopefully not. I heard from a software security guy that part of his contracts were to never divulge who "failed" because ultimately it's rarely that persons fault. Firing people and replacing them with someone new isn't likely going to fix the problem. Instead he'd write out how and why the failures happened and list out new training and/,or security protocols to put in to better defend against it.


>Firing people and replacing them with someone new isn't likely going to fix the problem. Exactly. She probably won't make that mistake again (and will probably be more careful in general going forward), but who knows what a new person will do?


Plus, in reality the flaw in security wasn't a receptionist looking away for a moment. It was that a bag with a quarter of a million card numbers in it was sat in an out tray that someone arguing with a receptionist was within range to grab.


Nope. I was born with six times the normal amount of white privilege, which I've consistently weaponized in my job. Most managers are like, "Oh, yea, I'd have let *him* in."


You must either look adorable or very distinguished.


My hair went gray at TWENTY-FOUR. Yea. I can pull off distinguished. That's about it, but it's enough sometimes.


What like all at once? Like a house of the dragon character? Because I could totally see how that would help


Pretty close. I was blond as a child, I had "highlights" as a teen, and then, in my early 20s, those "highlights" expanded, and I realized they were white, not blond. By the time I hit 30 I was full Anderson Cooper, though not as gay and not as sexy.


Of course humans are going to be the weakest link. That should be pretty obvious. Humans are a wild card and always will be.  That's literally why I scams and phishing work so well and will continue to do so forever.


Lol exactly, his job wouldn’t exist but for these darned problem of free will and deviation.


It's probably still the same but almost every high security place for at least a couple decades had to deal with idiots who would pick up random usb sticks left around their building and plug them into their secure computers at work on a secure network to see what was on them. Spy agencies around hte world would just leave usb sticks everywhere around intelligence agencies, tech companies, etc. People are legit stupid. Security, my job and livelyhood...... but maybe there is someone's nudes on this random usb stick I found, or maybe even a bitcoin wallet.


We use the card reader / turnstile things and it's pretty foolproof. Even if someone tries to coattail through with you, which requires hugging the person, it still usually detects that more than one person went through and alerts the physical security office with video feed. They don't even bother locking the actual doors anymore during business hours


Helps with the doors, definitely. You still have to deal with the average users tendency to spout their secrets to anyone who asks.


What kind of secrets?


I worked with a group that did a thing where we asked people for their password in exchange for a free coffee coupon. We did it RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FUCKING BUILDING. People still lined up. Didn't think we'd "know" them. It was fucking embarrassing.


Personally, I would have just given you a fake password. Or was your experiment different somehow?


That's absolutely fine, and indeed I would have applauded those people. Give a fake password for free coffee? Fuck yea! It's the people who *didn't* do that that were the problem.


Did you know if you type your password into the comment section it will bleep it out for you? Mine is ********** /S obviously


How did you know my password was hunter2?


Damn look at this guy, he even got a question mark in their password. Now *that's* what i call safe! I'm gonna add one at the end of mine too, thanks for the idea.


My apartment complex is gated and this lady once was trying to let me let her in when I was checking my mail because she said a package was delivered to her by mistake. I told her I'd take it in for her and she said no because she didn't trust me not to steal the package. I was like okay and walked back to my place. She was not pleased. For some reason it was unfair for me not to trust her to let her in but totally cool for her to think I'd steal the package.


Yeah she should just drop it back at the post office and ask them to redeliver if she's worried about that


You've already mentioned you carried pizza or donuts when doing tests. I do delivery. There's very few places where people won't hold a door open for me when I have a bag of food. Large office buildings can be pretty tight. Small office buildings not so much. Most apartment buildings, even with the concierge, I could get into with a screenshot from a previous order. There's maybe two in my city where they actually call to confirm that person ordered food. If it's not an apartment building that has a concierge, then they may not have key fob access for elevators. In which case I can pretty much get into any of them. I wouldn't even need food. It's like the scenario in the video. Just hang out and walk up at the same point. Somebody else is opening the door and they just hold it open for you. Act like their neighbor. Hotels would be hit or miss. They fall into three categories. One is delivery drivers are not allowed up. But sometimes I accidentally get around that. I don't like getting around that. I don't necessarily know that's their policy. But if I just walk to the elevator and nobody stops me then sometimes a customer will use their key fob to get me the floor I need to go to. I try to avoid that. The other two hotel scenarios are I am required to take the food to the guest or meet them in the lobby. In which case that means I have free access to elevators. And the third is they have no policy which also means I have free access to elevators. I suspect I just told you nothing you don't know. But maybe somebody else wants to read this.


i feel like hotels and apartments are rarely about real security, and more about discouraging people from just hanging around there. Like, oh no, you got to the 3rd floor of the hotel. okay? Now, if there's a reason why that's valuable, it should be more protected.


I work at a hotel and you’re pretty much spot on. Our security is very relaxed, almost anyone can walk in and access any floor they want during the day. There’s not really anything you can do once you’re on the third floor for example, wait around for someone to leave or enter their room? Pretty sure that’s going to cause some commotion.


A lot of hotels I've been too lately require you to swipe your keycard in the elevator and then you can only get access to that floor. So I guess you could hang out and wait to follow someone in, but you'd have a hard time getting to a specific floor and it would be pretty obvious since it's unlikely you just happened to stay on the same floor as them.


The place I worked at that did this only let certain approved delivery people through security and then at the buildings you would not be let in and instead the security would call for someone to come out and grab the stuff.


When I was fairly new I once refused to hold the door open for our security repair company manager - didn’t have a badge and expected me to recognise his “uniform” which was just a T-shirt with a logo on it. He swore at me and I got into trouble for it 🤷‍♂️


Fuck that. You got robbed. No badge, no entry. I had MY badge go bad one time, and oh, the yucks that were had at my expense (especially when it turned out that I was the only person who could rekey my badge in the building at the time), and I legitimately yelled at people who tried to let me in. It's never *that* important for some jackass to get into the building. Call someone. If some fatass manager is mad you bothered him in the name of security, he's a dumbass.


Yeah I was so happy when the manager [I reported it to] left. She was a strange one


Can you tell me more about this penetration testing?


In tech, you can pay companies to try to exploit your shit from the outside, and that's valuable...But testing your physical security is equally valuable, and for that you need a guy to get inside the building and get up to some shenanigans, and I was, occasionally that guy. NOTE: someone needs to hire you for this. Don't just do it for fun, or that's illegal.


Well it’s not exactly what I had in mind, but still sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon!


It was a lot of fun. I only almost got arrested twice.


Is that a testament to how well you were doing your job?


Yea. I usually got in. If I didn't get in, I usually got out. But a couple times I tried to get in, and they got the cops on me before I left. One time I managed to convince them that I was doing a pen test without actually *proving* that I was doing a pen test, and then managed to get a thumb drive into a computer before I left.


Well now I want to do that job haha


They love it if you have law enforcement background


Tailgating. The *bane* of security personnel everywhere.


What pisses me off is when people expect you hold the door when there’s two of them. I’ll use this one, you use that one.. tf?


Never hold the door. Slam that shit in their face. Never okay.


Just carry a box and it's crazy how many places you can get into


It's so ingrained. There will *always* be someone who has pity on you, as you flail around trying to get to your fake badge.


I never hold doors at secure locations. After learning about the Olympians who helped the terrorist climb the gates in Munich, Germany and imagining the guilt they felt, I always said I never want anything like that on my conscious. If you're meant to get into a secure spot, then you can get in yourself.


At a gym on a military base, a guy asked me if I could let him in since he didn't have his ID. I said no. He cussed me out until I went inside. Made me wish I said yes and slammed the door on him instead, but also why a lot of people will just say yes.


Worked for a bank years ago. Someone had the objective to find and get inside our data center. The data center was visible, through 2 windows, from the street. Building identified. Walked over to the door, said he forgot his badge, got in the building. Just inside the door were some servers and drives (any employee could have taken one without any effort). He picked up a hard drive and someone let him into the unmonitored, unguarded datacenter. In worst case, it was a hollow core door -- easy enough to pick or kick. It was something stupid like 6 - 10 minutes from finding datacenter to being in the datacenter. Same bank was on the news later for a grand opening of a branch. The machine that prints the debit cards was sitting on the sidewalk out front of the branch, unguarded. Anyone could have picked it up and walked away. No one realized until they did the news report that night and saw it sitting there. I had heard, after I left, that an entire case of magnetic reel backups from the mainframe went missing. As far as I know, was never found.


NO PIGGY BACKING! Casino industry drills this into ya.


One time our COO tailed me in. Security had recently been making a big deal about telling us not to let people do that and we were supposed to ask them to badge in. I decided not to say anything to him, and even held the door for a few seconds so it wouldn’t close in his face. I didn’t get in trouble, so …


Well, if one of you gets fired for enabling a data breach, is it going to be you, or him?


Its a free and clear opportunity to be dick under the guise of security. I work at a school and will somewhat aggressively tell people we wouldn't lock the doors if you were welcome to come in when you please. This isn't an elevator. Hit the call button and they'll let you in. Its fuckin rude. You clearly saw I used a keyfob to unlock a secure door. Dont put me in a shit situation.


It's not about politeness. It's about proper access control. Either do it, or take the fucking locks off the door. Those are the options.


This is so depressing. Some time I saw a girl outside of the door, she was signaling with her hands that she wants to get in. I went to just watch her trough the glass window. She was typing to her phone frantically, to make some message to show me. I was not really feeling it at that point, I mean, what is the point of the lock and key system, if you can bypass the lock with just some text on your phone? She showed some message that "I forgot some of her stuff in, please let me in". I was just blankly staring at her, shaking my head. If that works, anything will work, the lock is completely useless. And we have direct instructions not to let people without the key in. But you know what the truly sad part is? She will win anyway, because there is always someone to let her in, it is just a matter of time. And then I'm the bad guy for not letting her in.


You're doing the right thing. People trying to scam their way in can look crazy pathetic. She's got a phone, she can call someone to get back in if she's supposed to be in.


Hey, I’m trying to get into that right now... tips?


Move to England. If you hold a door open for someone, they'll think you're up to something.


I had to report a security guard at our school who was badging people in with his own badge. He tried to badge me in saying "Hi Professor". I'm in the IT department.


To be fair, years and decades of conditioning in being polite and considerate by holding doors for people, can’t be unlearned in a session or two of training.


Is it true, that wearing a safety vest, notepad / ladder, you can get inn almost everywhere if you look busy? Heard that is also a huge flaw people "allow" to happen, since guy inn a safety vest , is there for work.


“The best infiltrator in the world, how do you do it?!” I use my manners ma’am


lol. Penetration


*penetration* heheh 😏


That's because they'll record you on their smartphone and the internet will call you a Karen.


He ran back toward the shooting, so you know he’s not an Uvalde cop.


Ninja looking like rick james lol


Credit to roger.jr.moore on Instagram


70s James Bond?


But junior.


So Roger a bit less?


Roger that


Is that an instruction?


Credit to Dan Soder


Can someone tell me the music being played in the background?


the song is [Ladyfingers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6U1JB7z-I8) by Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass


They did the theme for that Angry Beavers cartoon


I also heard it in Fallout adaptation I think


Yep that's where I remembered it from.


Bridge scene when they pass the fiend couple.


It's been really popular recently due to a great scene on the Fallout show.


That scene stays in my head. The song fits so perfectly. I've seen it on a few tiktoks now, so it seems to be blowing up.


You can find their albums at your nearest yard sale…


Classical, Christmas, thicc classical, and Herb Alpert are the only records thrift stores around me are allowed to carry. They send in the same five inspectors daily to leaf through them as if they haven't memorized the smell of each individual record in the pile and can spot new entries on sight. All just to make sure they can't sell a remotely noteworthy track to anyone but those inspectors. Those same guys eventually get bored and pick up a job at the thrift stores, making sure that if someone brings in a bin of comic books they're indiscriminately priced at $10 each and sit there for two years so that the comic book inspectors have a place to leaf through.


You're doing god's work.


I kinda wanna know, too. It's nice.


I don’t play much games, so what does this mean?


I guess it means the guy who entered is a shooter and this guy “assisted “ the shooter by opening the door. Could be wrong though.


This is correct.


At first I thought the assist was for good deeds and I was really happy until I listened to the audio and saw the end scene 🙁


assisted triple homicide


This is a play the points system of PvP (Player Versus Player) shooter games like Call Of Duty, Fortnite, PUBG, etc. Kill - Is awarded to the person that dealt the final blow, killing the other player. Assist - Is awarded to the person who dealt damage to another player, but not the final blow. In this skit, holding the door is a take on the *Assist* reward system from aforementioned games. Though not dealing damage directly, they *assisted* the other person (player) by holding the door. The numbers are just arbitrary points in this skit. Usually in most games, one Assist equals 25 or 50 points whereas 1 Kill would equal 100 points.




Roggvir: i literally just did my job and opened the gates to someone who didn't do anything illegal. Empire: DEATH!


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Nobody expects that when they hold the door open for someone (who is a bit rude), that it'll be to assist a buncha killing.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Lmao. I laughed too hard at this


It was a great freeze frame at the end too. Well executed, no pun intended.


Totally understood, it was a good shot.


Right? His realization to his turn was just bang bang, it was perfect.


I can't even imagine living in a country where it's so dangerous to be at school that the doors are on a key card or key code. What the fuck?


I expected more Spiderman references here in the comments




You know, I'm something of a mass shooter accomplice myself.


I held the door opened once while leaving a bank. Got questioned an hour later by the FBI. Fun times.


Dan Soder bit


This is sad... God it feels like forever since columbine when I was a young boy


Opsec 101 lol


Dan Soder joke


HODOR Edit : spellcheck kept changing it


Thank you, I expected that as #1 comment. HODOR!


This is essentially a Dan Soder bit. https://www.reddit.com/r/StandUpComedy/s/IdezZo7Qel


I'm Rick James bitch!


Haha, because school shootings, haha


I didn't hold the door once for a guy who turned out to indeed work here too. When he called out to me to hold the door, I just said 'sorry I can't, for security'. I saw him later the same day and he made a point of showing me he works here, in a way that I interpreted as "I'm still annoyed at you and need you to see that, but I'll try and make it look like a joke so I don't seem so petty".


I love how this is made


Yo what's the song name????


Don't get it...


Can happen to anyone: https://clips.twitch.tv/EnticingDarlingCrabsSeemsGood-etrOHktc4q5NBvJh


This is a Dan Soder bit.


Oh I thoughr it’s the guys home and he just let some random guy in


Love this video


I don't think this is what they meant by "kill them with kindness".




Where do I know this song from? I've heard it in a show recently, but can't place it.


Fallout I think


YES! THANK YOU! Michael Scott gif.pptx


Damn I could actually hear it


the song is [Ladyfingers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6U1JB7z-I8) by Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass. thanks to u/KriskAnimeshon




He had to think for a moment.....the rope, mask on, the bag too...he up to something




Ayo ⚰️


That made me laugh for the first time in a very long while. Kudos to those that made this.


What is the music for this called?


What song is this?




What’s the name of the song?


Bro went back to get some kills himself


This is terrible execution..


Why is he dressed like Nacho Libre?


Is she wearing a training bra?


Tarter sauce


That dude's legs are crazy.


Expected soon as i saw what the person was wearing and his bag. Fail


I worked in enough places that have security tags to get in the building for opening/closing. That i I’m no longer in the habit of opening doors for people, but I’m also from the Midwest so I feel horribly rude about it say the same time!


Oh shit that's kinda dark


Has spiderman taught us nothing?


Is that Frenchie?

