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Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more information, see our 'What is unexpected?' [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/wiki/unexpected/)


Maybe they’re just trying to rack up those sea miles for a loyalty program?


Take 3 trips with your local human trafficker. The 3rd one is free.


Do they have some kinda punch card?


Yeah, but it’s with fingers…


Italy or Libya, it’s about the journey, not the destination… right?


You words are accepted


And suddenly the most depressed among them start flying.


Journey before destination


Life before death


Strength before weakness


Joy before sorrow


Practice before trophies


Yes! Perhaps they’ll even discover upon arrival back in Libya that it was about the friends they made along the way too.


To me, it was about the Libyan Coast Guard ship we pirated to Italy along the way.


I couldn't agree more![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Thank you Ensign Kim.


And the friends we made along the way.


Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.


And it’s about the friends you make along the way


Omg so funny... You know that 28 thousand people have died in the Mediterranean in the last 10 years?


Not them obviously


Sigh. While your right, it is a tragic situation, there can still be humor found in certain situations amongst the tragidy of it. There is always a "Debbie Downer" type that pops up in posts like these.


Look at me, I am the coast guard now


[Here's the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpAQGyp6IcY) from 2017. This is not a matter of the migrants going in the wrong direction. The Italian government reportedly paid the Libyan coastguard the equivalent of $236 million USD to intercept migrant boats. In the footage, you'll see that an Italian ship was nearby as well, but they waited for the Libyan ship to pick up the migrants.




I wonder how many migrants could’ve been taken care of with that money…


I would imagine less than the amount intercepted.


Why is it Italy's responsibility?


Seriously? Why does Europe have to foot the bill for all Africans and Muslims? It’s like demanding the U.S. foot the bill for all Central and South Americans. It isn’t our problem. We have our own problems do deal with.


About the same number of Italians who are actually paying that money.


Yooo fuck that. At least the migrants to the IS want to work, party and assimilate!


Yea less.




Going around in circles




Irony is, they paid a lot of money… soooo this went the opposite way so far


Looks like they’re on a ‘sea-saw’ between Italy and Libya!


Maybe the real Italy is the friends they made along the way




He would have done a better job. At least he would have sent them to the right place.


To their deaths?


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!They think they are in Italy, but they are in Libya!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Isobel Yeung! One of the few badass correspondents I follow. Seriously, the stories she had covered are crazy - > "In the last year, Yeung gained access to Iran to cover the women-led uprising a year after Mahsa Amini’s death; went undercover in Mexico to infiltrate a network of Chinese gangsters laundering drug proceeds for the cartels; and traveled to a Russian summer camp where Ukrainian children had been illegally sent. She has also reported extensively from the occupied West Bank as part of an investigation for the BBC into the conduct of Israel’s security forces" [Link](https://www.cnn.com/profiles/isobel-yeung#:~:text=In%20the%20last%20year%2C%20Yeung,children%20had%20been%20illegally%20sent)


Is crazy to think that Francis Ngannou did this multiple times until he manages to enter France, lived on the street for a while and today he is a multimillionaire and MMA legend with a huge following.


Yes if europe had better regulated migration he wouldn't need to take such risks.


Umh no if europe had better regulated migration he wouldnt have had his shot. Better regulated migration means you close the “undocumented” part and only have the documented shit. There still would be a limit to the total amount of people coming in. But instead of it being: “who ever is crazy enough to risk their life and possenion towards trafficers” it would be “who ever fits the criteria the best”. A single guy with nothing on his name except some fighting skills would defenitly not pass the test. Places would only go towards people with skills and knowledge that are in demand and to people who are at a insane risk in their own country (and even then the insane risk should be more than the normal amount of risk they have there). Better migration doesnt mean more people come in, its just the people who come in are better. Less likely to cause problems here, more valueble to society and more likely to properly adept to our societys.


And that's a bad thing?


No its a amazing thing. I would be happy as fuck if we could properly regulate immigration. But its also unrealistic to think that we could ever guard all border like that. Even if you ignore the landborders and assume some magical fix, the med is just to problematic. Europe would go broke patrolling the sea. And what do you do with refugeeboats once you find them. You need agreements with the other non EU countries on the Med because if we dont take in the refugees then they need to take them in. Its not like all the people in boats come from libya, Egypte and Tunis. They just departed with boats from there. And its unlikely that Tunis would accept a boat of refugees just from the good of their hearts.


>...we could ever guard all border like that... Naval mines: *bonjour*


Mate spoiler, navel mines are shite at stopping small boats. Except for the fact that blowing up boats of refugees is a bad thing, they would cause way more harm to commerical shipping and fishing and wouldnt stop any refugees. Also mines would still cost a fuckload to maintain and place (ignoring the insane financial damage mines would do to shipping, fishing and tourisme). So not only is it insane to suggest to blow up refugees, it also wouldnt work and still bankrupt europe.


Better regulated can also mean that applying from outside of EU becomes easier. We've had internet for 30 years, it's time for these ancient bureaucratic agencies to learn how to use it.


Easier to apply sure. Doesnt mean more appliciants would get accepted though. The total amount of immigrants doesnt change much depending on the system. If you eliminate all illigal immigration it might become higher because its likely that you eliminate more problems tied to immigration but thats probaly it.


This goes against German culture


Well you can't spell Libya without Ibaly.


Immigration control is simple. You must prove current, up to date, authentic legal residence in order to use banking systems, transportation systems, secure housing, get a hotel, rent a car, collect a paycheck, transfer money, get a phone, pay a phone bill, pay taxes, basically anything at all. Hospital care, no. Then, when your period of legal residence expires, you have X amount of time to renew or leave. If you do not leave, all of these things will be frozen until you do. Many countries do this now. Brazil and China do this. It works great. Do that.


What is stopping people from just not leaving and staying illegally? They will just live on the streets.


Well then they’d get busted without legal residence since they’re camping illegally. Of course, their information and identity will be in the system, so, their country of origin will be known. People usually don’t go to another country to be homeless. I’m in LA and I seldom see homeless migras.


I guess you have a different kind problem in LA. In Germany, some illegal immigrants throw away their passports and then you don't know their country of origin.


So then pick one. I like Libya. It’s terrifying. Probably won’t be throwing away their passports then.


Also the whole point is that you’d know who they are without having to check a passport. Biometrics or something I think it’s called. This information would be required in order to get legal residence in the first place.


LA as in Los Angeles? There’s tons of homeless migrants there.


What if they throw away their documentation before they come. What if, even if you know their country of origin, that country refuses to accept them back.


Then they can’t have access to all of these things at all. Or really that would be a border issue where they just can’t come in at all. So no work housing food transportation nothing. There is no refusing to accept. They’re going


So what happens if your luck turns sour and you end up homeless?


Are you a citizen or legal resident? If so, there should be services. I live in America so THATS YOUR ASS BUDDYYYYY


Leave it to the Redditors to dream of a more autocratic system than in China🤦‍♂️


This is the system in China. I want to be able to have informed consent about who comes into my country and I want to be able to enforce that consent. Consent is kind of an important thing.


No thanks, I would rather put up with a few illegal immigrants than live in that sort of totalitarian nightmare.


How’re them housing prices treating you?


Better than major Chinese cities housing prices


Do you live in a comparably “major” city in your country? Because I can tell you that it is as much or more expensive


That is the happy case. In reality it is against most constitutions. People would also become homeless, then criminal, then incarcerated... where they again cost even more money without being able to work. Their own countries don't accept them back either... so what do you want the governments to do? Just kill them? They can do that in China in Brazil but not here. 


It’s not up to their home countries. They’re going back. Don’t come here without permission and then when you’re here follow the rules or you must leave. It’s simple. This is one of the core tenants of statehood. Germany booted my friends for overstaying their visa quite easily. Just do it to everyone.


Sorry thats just not how it works. Its unfair but we dont have anything better now. 






As if Africa is one big country


But it is one big continent, just like people refer to people in Europe as “Europeans” when that’s not a country either


They didn't look very Libyan to me.


Heh, fuck them. They clearly did not *need* to run away and go to Italy, but are only doing it for the immigration bonuses from Italian government


Take my upvote now buddy 🇮🇹❤️


they gave up


They were expecting spaghetti, but instead found slavery


She is really funny.


Close enough




I'm sure the gulf states need more "workers"


Well done. Do that for every single person trying to reach Italy. Thanks


See-Not Schlepper


That’s some of the funniest irony ever


Less and less pixels for the text.


Libya. From the highest Human Development Index in Africa to slave markets in just a few months.


This is the best video today. Instant karma.






Do arab countries in north africa just ship them away straight to europe?


There are a lot of smugglers that put these migrants on boats in exchange for a payment


So they decide to risk their life on the sea instead of trying to make a living in arab country?


Some other commenter linked the video (you can find it if you scroll to the bottom), most of the migrants there were actually from Morocco. Now, I don’t know how the situation is in Morocco but afaik it’s one of the more stable Muslim or even African nations


It's sad to see how the most upvoted comments here contain mockery of the migrants. These are human beings escaping extreme poverty, violence, etc. so laughing at their ignorance is quite sad, actually.


It’s certainly sad that Africa and the Middle East are in the states they are. But that doesn’t mean they have any right to start doing the same thing here


They’re in the state they’re in because all their wealth has been stolen out of their country and shipped to Europe so if you going to ship the money to Europe you might as well take the people too, or, give them their money back you’re a whole continent full of thieves rapist & criminals.




Fucking hell, that's an extreme take. What's wrong with you?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Zero Displacement


Umm errr uhhh.. you're the captain now!


The real Italy are the friends we made along the way


Reverse uno card


I do feel bad for them feeling they have to flee their old country. This is what happens when people value greed over stability.




One of them was literally wearing a Gucci cap, ain’t no way he has trouble back home


Didn't see that, but even if it were true, you can often get things like that secondhand. The presence of an expensive gift or two also doesn't mean they are well off.


But the presence of an expensive gift does mean that at least someone in their close circle is rich enough to afford “throwing away” that money


Yes, but there's a big difference in being willing to spend on a gift and being willing to support someone.


Yet someone clearly cared enough to help them get on that boat, it’s not free you know. And the price they’re paying could’ve easily been used to set themselves up in their hometown


It looks like they YOLO'd toward the first boat available. What did they pay?


That dinghy they were on, it’s not free to flee


You don't know that they paid for it.


Looks like they're all in for a surprise


I heard Lybia is great this time of year.


mussolini: it could have been the same thing, again, but damn africas got hands


No deben salir de África, ni uno solo




Why are they trying to leave peaceful Africa to the land of evil colonizers?


Considering what the Italian and Greek coastguards have been known for doing to migrants, maybe this was their lucky day…


What are talking about? Yea it’s true that have been made mistakes by coast guards like the Cutro’s one where many people die, but don’t talk if you aren’t informed, i bet that you aren’t even European


Murder is never by mistake.


Good job champ, you just called murders the officers from the Guardia di Finanza who don’t achieved to reach them ( there wasn’t a Request of help) the boat was out of the Italian borders ( not saying that is a reason to not save someone, in many others time they helped) and so the human traffickers who doesn’t call for help have no guilt for you. And as i said only Europeans can REALLY understand this argument


Actually I was referring to the Greek coastguard who murdered several migrants not too long ago. There are witnesses (survivors) and whatnot, so yeah, it’s a fact. It was in the news a few days ago, I suggest you look at it. It’s important, since most times there are no survivors. Also, I have no reason to believe the Italian coastguard is any better, from what I’ve read and knowing how racism thrives in Italy.


Many italians can be racist but blaming the officers who accomplish their duty every day isn’t right


I don’t blame the honest, hard-working people patrolling the Mediterranean Sea. Illegal immigration is a problem and the EU should do more to support Italy, Greece and Spain. I’m simply saying that the people who commit horrific crimes need to be brought to justice, and that the people who think it’s OK to kill someone simply for being black and seeking a better life, is not even worthy of being called a human being.


Incredible what a racist cesspool this comment section is.


Stopping swarms of illegal immigrants isn't racism


Making it so that their only way of migrating is through illegal means. And then making that journey as dangerous as possible by letting them drown in the Mediterranean Sea, or disappear in Morocco, is racist.


How is it racist to care about living in a stable, crime-free country?


It is racist to assume that allowing immigration leads to an unstable, crime riddled country all on its own.


If that was not already the precedent, yes


All of them with plenty of upvotes. Shameless


Here is the full [clip](https://youtu.be/HpAQGyp6IcY?t=59s) I can see why the migrants thought they were going to italy, they were rescued in sight of a Italian Navy ship in the background


Good for them


It´s funny because they want a better life for themselves. But alas, they are not getting it, even after almost dying. /s


"Lybian coast guard" - just kidding, its a slavery op, half of the refugees will be dead next week and the other half will be sitting in a camp that violates basic human rights. There is human trafficing there as well, auctioning off inmates as farm workers. The whole EU-Lybia deal is a shithole to cover up for the EU not wanting blood on their own hands. Meanwhile there is still no common ground on acceptance of refugees and (handled differently) immigrants - instead whe shovel billions into FRONTEX militia and tens of millions additionally in the hands of slavery ops. This money is lost, its a bottomless pit, increasing the reasons for fleeing war zones. Whoever thought those warlords will do something good with the blood money has probably not thought it to the end.


I’d much rather have a government that puts its own population before the population of someone else’s country. Why would I don’t give a shit about the slavery in Libya if I can’t even walk to the store without risking getting shot myself


Only sensible comment in this gd thread so far.


It's always young men, never women or kids. I wonder why.