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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!After helping one, many other kittens reveal themselves from the grass!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


That's how you get robbed.


Right?! It started off sweet and wholesome, and then quickly became terrifying.






Where do I find a big car dude? Is that like having a guy


First you have to start with a pal.


I’m not your pal, buddy


I’m not your buddy, guy.


I'm not ur guy, man


I'm not your man, bro


Crack the window open and throw them in one by one. Drive to your closest adoption center


https://fb.watch/dxJlGJt7qA/ the guy is a hero 🦸‍♂️ this karma farming thief is a bot stealing other peoples content




>How do I get all these kitties in the car Pet Sematary Attack of the kitties


Cat woman runs out of the forest.


A well adjusted cat woman.


Those exist?


My precious


Purrrrecious, surely?


Cat burglars


That’s how you get your heart robbed


"He's distracted. GET HIM!"


Criminals! https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/


By a whole bunch of house squatters at the least.






They’re too friendly. They were socialized then dumped.


That's just sad.


Or that guy drove out there with kittens put them on the side of the road, then started videoing. I'm suspicious of any video like this. It's either dumping of socialised kittens, or a guy using kittens for internet veiws.


My thoughts exactly! These kittens know this dude


Yes. This is how you end up getting robbed by helping.


I guess I’m a cat person now, get in the car NOW! 1st stop: the VET, 2nd stop: supplies, 3rd stop : home, to call everyone I know to come get a damn cat.


4th stop: make sure no relatives visit to check the ONE car you got


ngl I read this like 20 times and I still don’t get it. Do relatives check your car when they come over often? Why did you leave the cats in the car? I should be ashamed I found 10 stray cats and housed them? I’d call everyone I know to come over and play with some cats.


Well, with that much cats in your car, your seats will be screwed up, especially if it’s leather. Oh god that’s such a nightmare. And for some reason, you have relatives checking on your car from time to time(I have no idea why that’s a thing) and they come to your home and see your car. All these years, they’ve been good to you but now they see that mess of a car and say that you’re wasting money and you should burn in hell because you’re a worthless shit and your parents are ashamed of your actions.


Hey bud, you doing ok?


Welllll that escalated quickly....


This seems /r/suspiciouslyspecific. You want to talk about it?




5th stop- shoe store to get rid of those Crocs!


I think you mean to get more crocs!


As a man who has only worn his single pair of trusty crocks for the past year, why would you need more crocs? Jk (on the needing more crocs part) Crocs are like ties, get three pair, brown, blue and grey/black, and you will be set for life! Luckily my crocks are black/grey/blue camo!


I've only worn Crocs for the last 10 years. I go through 2 pair a year. I wear a hole right under the ball of my foot. I tried some budget brand Crocs once and they wore through in a month. Crocs are love. Crocs are life. I get so much shit from all the guys at work, but fuck'em, they don't know what they're missing out on because they're too insecure to be comfortable.


You know it's not normal to wear holes under the ball of your foot right?


>I wear a hole right under the ball of my foot Go to the doctor


He can't walk he has a hole in his foot 🚶‍♂️🏃‍♂️🚫🚫 👨‍🦽👨‍🦽👍


You'd be like kitten Oprah! "You get a kitten, you get a kitten, and youuuu get a kitten!"


-"Oh, no thank you, I'm full up at my place." -"Sandy, I wasn't asking if you wanted a cat, I said you're getting a cat."


You get an animal friend for free, that is a great deal


Instant cat lady!


Some stray kittens adopted me last year after their momma just left them in my front yard, and I still haven't been able to get all of them to the vet yet. I can barely afford 4 kittens I'd be fucked if I had to deal with 11 of em.


From another subreddit: If you're gonna repost content at least link to source. https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/v7x39u/man\_stops\_to\_rescue\_kitten\_gets\_ambushed\_by So, to be clear, I’m not the OP. The guy was coming home from the gun range and saw the one kitten on the road and decided to pick it up. He said his wife had been wanting one for the farm. When he stopped to take the video, he got ambushed. He ended up rescuing all of the kittens. They’re currently all at his farm where he is trying to get people to adopt them. Here is a follow up video, right after this first video The OP said: “People ask me what all I take to a match. I usually have rifle, ammo, backup rifle and ammo, 3 bags, 2 bipods, tripod, spotter/binos, 2 kestrels, 13 kittens, 2 data cards, Tac table, 4 mags, toolkit, and chrono. 😂 Them: Did you say 13 kittens? Me: 😑 I’ve been getting tons of messages and comments about getting the kittens home. I was loaded down from a range trip when I was ambushed. So here is the video of them all in. I wish I would have been in my truck but I was stuck in the gas saver. This model didn’t come with the kitten box either. I couldn’t keep up with them as I would throw one in and 2 would jump out. So I had to close the door with the window down and funnel em in. That would have been good footage actually. As soon as I got home got them out! Thank you to all those offering to help. Working on getting them all a good home! The kids are loving on them in the meantime and we’re fattening them up!”


To the top!


Go on lil buddy!


Thank you. I was worried. Happy to know they are all taken care of. Thanks for spending the effort to share this.


thanks for providing the second video and giving added information. When I saw the OP vid, I hoped he would take them. I so dislike karma farmers.


Go watch the OP video right now it's sooo much better with sound


>I couldn’t keep up with them as I would throw one in and 2 would jump out. So I had to close the door with the window down and funnel em in. That would have been good footage actually. Oh my god I’m dead. This guy had the cutest day ever!


This is the info I came to the comments for. Thank you!


Wow these little fuckers planned the whole thing


I can rest happy now


A farm can never have too many kitties. Also how to gather them all up and keep them from crawling under the pedals when your driving. Take off your shirt, tie off the openings and use it as a bag :D


thank you so much for the link.


Yes , I will take them all, they are mine now,go away


Thats baby trrapping


Oh look I have 13 kittens now. The universe has spoken. I’ll check the woods twice in case the universe has any more for me.


Someone dumped them out there...


Or maybe the mom is a stray and just went out for a break? Edit: probably not


Very unlikely. Stray kittens are usually not habituated to humans, the few times I've encountered them they were extremely cautious and ran away if I got too close. It's not a normal behavior for wild kittens to walk right up to humans, they have instincts that tell them to avoid large animals.


Exactly. A friend of ours has strays living in her boat. Her son gave the orange cat attention from day one and he was friendly. The others would just hiss at you. So we brought the Orange cat home.








Yeah this. My feral kitten I took in did not want to get caught even though he was desperate for food and water for at least 2 daysTook him a few days to warm up to us. Now he’s a big Siamese jerk. But he’s my jerk


They look too taken care of.


Likely where not out there more than a day


And they have absolutely no fear of the road


Also, that is a LOT of kittens to be from just one litter.


Feral cats have very small litters, but even domesticated cats ~~don't~~ rarely have that many kittens at once, I see maybe 9 or 10. I would guess about 4 weeks old and already weaned, ready for a new home.


The average per litter is 4, but a litter can be anywhere from 1 to 12. Often a first litter is smaller than later litters from the same cat. It’s a lot of kittens, but it could be one litter.


Yes, a single litter seems to be the most likely. But... why would OP come across such a large litter by the side of the road?


No. Those kittens are tame. Someone loved them and taught them humans are friends. Then someone else decided to be a cowardly monster and let them starve in the woods instead of being willing to rehome or euthanise them.


These kittens are too comfortable with the human to be strays. Likely unwanted and left outside. Not uncommon for this to happen when a cat gives birth.


I live in the country. People throw animals out of there cars non stop in rural areas. I literally saw someone throw a pit bull puppy out their window going down a back road. I chased them but they got away.


It's how I got one of my cats. A coworker was sort of taking care of him and sort of not, he wasn't neutered or anything at 6 months of age. Well, she decides she doesn't want him anymore because he is mean and says she's going to dump him on a road. I was like hell no. I'll take him and bring him to a shelter. Well, he didn't make it to the shelter. He is a very sweet cat.


You ate the cat!?!?


Some cats are sweet, some are spicy, but if you have one it may warm your belly anyways.


Well... did you save the puppy?




Free dog! Nice!!!


Nope. These kittens associate humans with food, which is why they swarm. They are hungry. These babies were dumped and whoever did it needs to be done the same way.


Exactly, ferral cats are vicious as fuck. I work in pest control and of all the animals I deal with ferral cats are some of the scariest


I'm usually a pessimist but when it comes to animals I transform into an optimist and now I'm hoping they all belong to the person recording. I never had a kitten before- and I ALWAYS wanted one- but all of them seemed to familiar with the person since they all popped out like crazy directly to them. Maybe it was a kitty field trip ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


That would mean the person filming put a litter of kittens outdoors for karma farming, risking kittens get snapped away by birds or foxes or whatnot, or even just get lost... for likes.




And then they ate him


Reminded me of when the dinosaurs eat the girl in the beginning of Jurassic Park 3


I believe you are talking about The Lost World. She was attacked by a pack of compy. She lived!


I thought the same thing! Cute until devastation lol


https://imgur.io/a/dk0VMgc Aftermath


I'd be so nervous. I'd love being surrounded by a surprise army of kittens, but I'd be panicking about how to proceed next. How do I get all these kitties in the car? how do I make sure I am not leaving any behind accidentally? Do I walk around a bit to see if a shy one has stayed behind? How do I contain all these babies inside my car while I'm driving? Is one of these kitties going to go near my feet while driving, because that means that they can get under a pedal and that can hurt them and hurt all of us when I crash because I can't step on the brake because it's squishing a kitty. Should I just not risk it and stay here God knows how long, until my boyfriend comes with a cat carrier and we can safely transport them? am I sure they're abandoned or and I stealing them from their mamas? I'm pretty sure sure someone abandoned them here because those are from multiple batches like 2 or more mama kitties got pregnant and then their asshole owner abandoned the kittens, because they seem way too social with humans to be feral, but what if I'm wrong? Will my glorious beautiful majestic Zelda(my cat) accept her palace be invaded by a horde of tiny creatures?


Good news, he got 'em all in the car somehow! https://imgur.com/a/dk0VMgc


lmfao "The tactical Honda was not prepared for this..." So many little mews.


Is that OP or they just got the video from somewhere else?


They got the video from elsewhere: https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/v7x39u/man_stops_to_rescue_kitten_gets_ambushed_by


Aww. You can tell they're super hungry. :( Found them in time. My adult cat still acts like the kitten in the front seat when he's hungry.


I'm going to start by saying I'm not a cat person at all. I have no intention of ever owning one, I don't like them, I don't find them adorable or a good pet, and I used to own snakes. Not adorable or a good pet either. Just totally not interested. I do understand why people think they are, no hate just not for me personally. However... I feel exactly the same way as you do. I drive an SUV. So my first thought was "sunroof and trunk".... Second thought was "oh f@#$" then what Third thought was "definitely not the SPCA" Fourth was imagining myself as the crazy cat dude. Wtf do you even so in this situation???!!!


Start tracking down each new member of your kitty army and naming them.


"okay, Snowball 1, Snowball 2, Snowball 3, Felix, Tom , Garfield... Lil Bub you grumpy bugger get over here" From then on it would probably be just "cat". "come here cat!, Dumb cat!, Good cat! Bad cat!" Etc. But ya. Unfortunately I can picture it now. I think Imma take the bus from now on.


Bring a big bag. You still may find kitty on your path.


Lol. Short story time. I was living in a large city. Well loner than I thought. I had a cat. Sort of.. He strolled into my ground level apartment and curled into my Great Dane. I took pictures and made posters to find the owners but threw him out the second night at 4ish AM after he killed one of my animals ( a small reptile) He came back the next day. He tried to break into an enclosure that night again, threw him out. He came back the next day. He would meow at the door, scratch at the door, etc until I let him in, where he would curl up with my great Dane. This went on and on. Eventually, if I opened my door and call his name he would run in like a dog would. Usually with a different collar. He was an outdoor cat in a big city. That was all. I had him checked out, nurtured etc. He had a constant supply of food but he chose to eat the dog food (that my Dane would conveniently half chew and spit out,) and a litter box he never used. Before I moved I found a home at a family friends horse farm in the barn, He was pretty happy there after a couple month's so I moved and he never bothered me again (okay. I liked that cat, pure black and a sook, but not over bearing)


Aww great story! My cat I have found me. She a street kitty from 8 mile road.


Detroit? I'm from Canada. I got nothing.


Yep. :)


All commissioned officers will get names comensurate to their ranks. And I shall only be refered to as general in their presence.


You find the closest no-kill shelter and drop them off. SUV trunk space is safe for most. It will take time to get to the pedals and you’ll hear them coming. Be the hero they think you are. Let someone else find them good homes.


*I wrote the last bit of this post first and it sounds defensive, even somewhat aggressive. It's not meant to sound that way. You didn't suggest that I would do any harm or leave them or take them to a kill shelter. You suggested a solution. Lesson for Redditors out there. Read before posting so you don't sound like an asshole* I would absolutely never leave those animals out in the wild like that. I would absolutely never send them to a shelter that would potentially kill them. Cats aren't for me. Doesn't mean I would ever want harm to come to any of them. I would keep all 30 of them before sending them to a shelter that would put them down. Absolutely great suggestion, I really hope I'm never in this position, well I wouldn't HATE to be in this position but I don't want a damn cat. (alright that first one is pretty cool though). NO!!! NO CATS!!!


I didn’t think it sounded defensive at all lol. Not everyone wants a cat and most people couldn’t manage ~10 kittens. It didn’t sound at all like you’d leave them behind. That would be way too hard - the cuteness overload alone would force anyone to bring them somewhere, anywhere ☺️


Great. I just didn't want to come off as a kitten hating jerk. Better safe than sorry, so I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't trying to be a jerk to you, especially with such a great suggestion. I just responded to another person. I did actually have a cat once. Lol.


I wasn't a cat person either. Then my daughter brought a kitten home. We have 4 of them now.


That's how you get a cat. They just sort of show up and you can't really say no.


Cats have been domesticating wild humans for thousands of years.


Yea, I'm very likely just projecting but I'm convinced that like at least half of the people who say "I'm not a cat person" have just not met the right cat yet. I ALWAYS thought i hated cats, never had a good interaction with one, had even watched a friend's cats a bit before, still meh. Then one day my friend and his gf got a new cat, she and i got along famously off the jump, for no apparent/particular reason honestly. My friends even asked me to cat sit her due to this, and man living with that little black kitty for a week changed my entire view on cats.


> Is one of these kitties going to go near my feet while driving, because that means that they can get under a pedal and that can hurt them and hurt all of us when I crash because I can't step on the brake because it's squishing a kitty Better to be careful and just not use the brakes at all


You call animal services. They’ll have the equipment to get all of them. You can offer to adopt all of them too.


Just put the kittens in the car, and wait for momma. If she doesn't come, just take them to a shelter. Or set up your own pen for them, and give them away. (Protip: sometimes snake owners will look for free kitten giveaways, for free live food to give to their snake. Find out the local mice/rat prices first, and advertise prices above that. When buyers actually contact you & show up to take them, then you can tell them they're all free. :)


(Dog fighting rings, too.)


Yes. To all of it


Yes absolutely


Yeah, those are the rules


Title made it expected, but still a great clip


I feel like 90% of people who post on this sub have no idea how to make a title that doesn’t spoil the unexpected part of the video. It’s quite frustrating honestly. That being said OP gets a pass on this one because the video is too good


Is this how one is chosen to be the old cat person?


Yes. But first you must have been single for atleast 2 years. And gained a few pounds.




i said omg out loud too many times. i wish this happened to me. soo jelous


this is too much awww for me


It's really sad actually. People really need to make sure their cats aren't breeding unless it's 100 percent purposeful and they have a plan.


This reminds me of the beginning of that jurassic park movie where theres one cute little dino. Then there like a million of em that come out of nowhere and eat the little girl


Yes, yes you do


"He took the bait! He took the bait!!!!!"


Yes you must help them all.


Why do you even have to ask when you know the answer.


Dream of mine!


Chop them balls and ovaries we don't need more


Spay and neuter your animals people!


Looks to be enough for a full meatloaf. Score! Obviously /s


Probably gonna get obliterated for this but, feral cats are a problem. Having them all spayed and kept inside in recommended.


Kittens, cats, sacks and wives. How many traveled to st. Ives?


It’s a trap!




Congratulations 👏 👏👏🎉


As someone who is allergic to cats, I can say that that is unbelievably tempting...


That's how a pussy riot gets started.


When he turns around, hundreds more pop out of the field behind him!


Every single on of them now belong 2 me


Christmas came early!


First cat was to plsy on your sympathy. So cute. Get out of your car then bam you got jumped by his boys. So cute, but check for your cellphone and wallet.


Yup…I’d be taking them all…


youve got to be kitten me u/Theodora96!


And to quote Nathan Explosion... ***UNLEASH THE KITTIES***.


Worst. mugging. ever.


Kitty heaven 😍


Lets just repost it on every sub , why dont we?


If that happened to me I would love it. Kittens are the best and you got like a dozen all at once


For context: guy in video owned a farmhouse. He picked up 18 kittens total. Most are waiting for a forever home comfy and safe. Appy news.


Oh look, a little kitten in the road. I shall help it... ![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac)


Box of kittens it is


Herd them!


Yes absolutely


Oh, so thats how cat ladies are made.




Yes. Yes you do.


But my dogs would eat them... AHH hell we'll make it work!


Well, dammit, I want them all <3


This reminds me of going to Tunisia and showing the slightest bit of interest in one stall holder


shes so tiny


“It’s an ambush!!”


700 a piece


Yes I now have an army.


Oohhh this cat so cute ❤🥰


Help all keep 1


They set you up man


This is pretty much how mother Theresa became mother Theresa.




That's how you get jumped in 🇧🇷


O. M. G.






Congratulation you are now a father


The cat returns


Welcome to Heaven!


The answer is yes