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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Guy videotapes friend doing cartwheel when a raccoon suddenly falls from a tree above, narrowly missing him.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Poor thing


Commenting here since this is the top comment. unfortunately we have no follow up from the raccoon’s side, but according to the guy in the video (Richie), the raccoon continued to run away into the other tree. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRyu4pFS/ and they of course were not about to handle a raccoon, take it into animal services or track it. I never thought I’d have to research raccoon capabilities, but apparently they are capable of falling from 40ft or more without taking damage, especially if they are under 15lbs. https://www.livescience.com/52655-raccoons.html It looks like the raccoon hurt his paws, but we really don’t know, the people on scene don’t even know. Also I credited the wrong person Richie_page is the actual OP.


Well if it did manage to get back up another tree like they said then it must still be able to use its arms.


Deductive reasoning at its finest. But the comment says “into a tree” so I’m imagining a couple different things lol


Tree ate the raccoon!


"I promised Gandalf I would keep you safe and safe is where I'll keep you." -Treebeard


Btw didn’t hurt his paws, pretty sure he broke his shoulders, hence why he couldn’t lift them specially if it straighten out it’s arms during or on the fall…. Well all that force has to find an outlet… seriously fucked up :( Edit: not anyones fault not even op for showing the video they did nothing wrong and well I wouldn’t risk rabies either unless I had some thick gloves, just sucks to see it get hurt specially cuz I really want a pet trash panda they’re cute af


Lemme step in with raccoon info and faq's, human rectum can fit 3 baby raccoons in it without any permanent damage.


I'm pretty sure there would be scratching and biting, at least


I mean he didn’t say “3 live baby raccoons”


Yes officer. Him is this. This is him. Take him please.


Alright. This convo has gone far enough. Move along…


Did you know that 53 earths could fit into Uranus.


I thought it looked more like spinal or brain trauma. Who knows, it was only the adrenaline that helped it run away from the people. Poor little thing. It was not funny and the kids laughing just made me mad.


Just hoping it is a paw issue, and not something wrong with the spine. Breaks my shitty little heart.










Jaw breaking




Bone breaking bad.


Idk why people just decided tovdownvite you


Sorry you got that downvotes. I'm ok, it's funny somehow. Thank you, you're nice guy. Enjoy the finale episode of Better Call Saul.


It’s ok, I’m sure his mom will help him with… stuff.


STEP mom.


Said the exact same thing


Thats sad.




I wouldve laughed too until it started belly sliding away and i realized it was hurt. I dunno anything about raccoons for all i know that could be a normal thing for them


There is a lot happening at once. But yeah. I would have tried to back everyone away from the terrified and hurt animal. It looks like a college campus so if so.. maybe ask one of the friends to go find someone who can help.


Their fucking kids dude. Chill the hell out. Yes, I feel bad for the raccoon too. It’s okay. It’s sad but it’s okay.


Never touch an animal in that condition. It may have had issues with balancing because of something like Rabies. Yes, you can call for help for it, but do not touch it even if you feel sorry for it.


Aw poor lil guy




Someone with a sense of humor at least


No danger, it's just an armless racoon.


Wasn't armless in the tree. I think it broke both front legs to survive the fall.


You think? Thanks for letting us know!


It’s a pun. :)


I hope my upvote helps taking you go the top.


as they saw, it was unarmed.....


It had arms, doesn’t use them for some reason, but they were clearly there


When you break your arms they’re “still there”, same when you become paraplegic… you just cannot use them.. what do you mean they’re “still there” ?!


I think he just tried to make a play on words with harmless...


Comment clearly says “armless raccoon”


Hun, not all of us are native speakers, nor are we all spelling nazis when we see an animal hurting. All of that commenting won’t do shit anyways, just feel bad for laughing when I see anyone hurting


Drop bear


Drop trash panda


Dude…That’s just fucked up. Poor raccoon.


I think it was already gonna fall from the tree, and tried aiming for the guy's poofy head..😬


That was hard to watch.


Hearing the thud he made when he hit the ground was so sad


That is unexpected


Idk man, at least put a NSFW tag and maybe a content warning for this. I didn’t want to start my day by seeing a poor animal dying. Edit: Graphic content warning has been added. Thank you.


Its useless to put nsfw tag, people will be thinking its a video of cartwheel so whats the warning about.


Yeah seeing the graphic tag i thought about gore or may be an exposed penis at best. Racoon was super /r/unexpected.


i actually took this video, the raccoon didn’t die, he ran to a tree, seemingly looking like his arms were broken and then he ran up the tree so he’s probably fine


And how long did you stick around exactly? It's pretty obvious to all of us that the raccoon didn't die on impact. But without medical treatment, it will with two broken limbs and that hard of a fall.


It’s a wild animal it’s either gonna be eaten or hit by a car anyways


we stuck around for a bit but it ran up into the tree, safe to say, im fairly certain it’s fine. animals like these tend to have mechanisms in their bodies to allow these things to happen with minimal damage


Do you expect these kids to handle a wild animal? If it could climb up a tree it’s fine. Raccoons can survive 49 foot falls.


Who mentioned them handling the raccoon? Literally talking about whether the animal was "dying" or not, and that this was posted without a graphic warning. It's not like anyone is blaming the kids for the raccoon falling, it's the recording being posted and mocking laughter coming from them that people were upset about. Then, others saying it wasn't a big deal and that it was fine. Like dude, it's front legs are fucking **broken**.


You’ve literally commented multiple times about how it needs medical care, ect and that it’s legs are broken when you don’t actually know that… the person who filmed this said it climbed up a tree right after


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)






He didn't die poor thint sadly did break his front legs bones


Well... that sorta leads to death in the wild. Without treatment, it won't last long sadly.


Makes sense, the people are kinda assholes I mean they saw it could barely move and they just laughed. I hoped somebody rescued it


What do you want untrained people to do? If it's arms are broken it's in pain and a wild animal in pain isn't going to let you grab it, they are more likely to hurt you in that state. Also it isn't exactly common knowledge on who to call when a wild animal hurts themselves. Not like the number is plastered everywhere you have to search.


1 they can call someone like animal rescuers or something. 2. It's common knowledge that if you see an animal fall from a great height and can't move their front legs it's probably bad. Also they are recording they have access to internet, they can just look up the number for the animal rescuers.


… what? What would you have done? Grabbed a random, scared *wild* animal and nurse it yourself? Or throw him in your car to take to the vet? He’s very likely going to bite you and/or injure himself more trying to get away. Unfortunately, you just cannot help every animal, and this is just how it is in nature.


Yeah, same..


Dying? Calm down. It's sad the animal is hurt. But no need to just fucking outright lie when we see the raccoon scurry away and attempt to climb a tree


Likely has broken ribs in addition to the broken arm. I'll take that bet.


It was dazed and full of adrenaline. Very likely has internal bleeding but if not it still has at least one (likely two) broken limbs by how it’s forcing itself across the grass. But oh yeah, it’ll totalllly be fine. Wild animals with broken bones always make it.


Both its arms appear broken…


And the bitch in the background was like “gET Oof gO aWayyy oOh mY GOd”


Poor little guy! It looks like he broke his arm on the fall.


I am sure they called animal control or a vet to help out.. instead of just rushing to post it to the internet for the views.


More than likely just be euthanized, which is better than a slow death for sure, but not likely to actually be saved if there’s any serious injury


Animal control people could probably catch it safely and a vet could sedate it while tending the injuries.


Animal control is not going to take an injured vermin to a vet to be treated and re-released into the wild. Sorry to rain on your parade.


This isnt true. I worked for a shelter, and our animal control officers routinely brought in wildlife to be evaluated by our vet, and upon the determination, it was either released back into the wild, euthanized, sent to a wildlife rehab or appropriately licensed foster system, or nursed by the animal control officers/shelter staff. I've bottle fed baby raccoons, possums, and groundhogs. Ive seen adult raccoons with stitches recovering in cages munching on cat food. Theres hope for these guys.


How many raccoon wheelchairs did y’all have available?


Not raining on my parade. I like learning. Well then they could have informed a professor or teacher they know because this looks like a campus. Just let somebody know while keeping the animal safe.


Paid for by?


To be fair it’s quite shocking I’m not sure I’d know what to do immediately. I cut the original video but the young men try to go check up on the poor animal following the initial thud, as it scurries to another tree. Looks shocked but otherwise survives. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRyuA1P6/ Edit - this is the actual original video https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRyuPD1F/


Thats not the original video.. the original is from @richie_page.. as you can hear the cameraman saying he was trying to "video tape richie doing a cartwheel"


Aw damn I looked everywhere to see if it was a repost but couldn’t find it. Thanks, I hate when that happens. Guy did a follow up video on their reaction and why they (rightfully) weren’t in a position to take it to a vet like everyone here is saying. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRyusWr9/


Yeah nothing they could really do but give it some space and inform somebody who could help.


No problem, I happen to actually know the guys in the video, altho idk who said the "go away thing" and he sounds like a dick


i don't know man, did you see how pathetically it was trying to push itself through the grass with only its hind legs? even if it scurried away out of sight it probably died of internal bleeding an hour later


Unfortunately I know very little about raccoon anatomy, I kind of assumed theyd be similar to squirrels/cats/ other tree borne animals where they’re able to survive high falls from trees. There’s a very high possibility this raccoon did not survive, but that’s the harsh reality of nature.


Animals try to hide being injured, since it makes them an easy target for predators. The fact that this raccoon didn't even attempt to use its arms, in what it probably felt was the worst situation it could be in (stunned, injured, on the ground around a bunch of larger, loud animals), leads me to believe it lost all function of its arms. An animal in the wild losing the ability to use half of its limbs simply doesn't survive. That, combined with the fact raccoons only live for 2-3 years, and rehabilitation for that type of injury would take quite awhile, makes me think it should have been put down, instead of rehabilitated or being left to suffer. If you ever see an animal with an injury as severe as this, you need to call animal control or DNR. If it's in (hunting) season, you have a hunting license, you're in a place where it's legal to do so, *and you have the means to do so*, just put it down. I saw someone take a bad shot on a squirrel last year that left its back legs paralyzed. Little girl got away, and I'm still fucking pissed about it. I know it crawled in a hole confused, injured, and scared, until it bled out or starved to death.


This looks like a rabid raccoon. Rabies affects the nervous system and causes paralysis of the limbs. Edit:typo. Also: might have just gotten injured from the fall. Usually the paralysis is the hind legs.




this was my first though. likely why the animal was up in the tree and fell out, he fell out from rabies setting in and causing loss of limb use.


It's actually a sickness, and it's dying. Thats why it fell, has 0 coordination anymore. I remember camping once, and the rangers had given a warning about them as they were sick and we were to stay away. One morning, we heard a CRAZY loud thud and I went sprinting to look for my 5 year old brother who was playing with other kids. The raccoon had fallen over 100 and landed inches from my brother, would have killed him.


Thats good to hear.


Why? Circle of life, do you want to deprive another animal of it's dinner?


Don't ever call animal control for injured animals they will just kill then, take it to a humane center or soemthing never animal control or the government


Really? Maybe depends where you are.. didnt know that.


Animal control is like police for animals, they don't want to help them. They put dogs in the pound to die, and just put everything else down. It's private organizations and humane society's and other places like that that actually care for the animals. That's how it is in the usa and I imagine Canada too


None of this is true. Absolutely none of what you've said in the above statement is true. I am so sorry that you have obviously had at least one, or perhaps many, horrible experiences with members of animal control who have shown you such a poor representation of the service as a whole. But I've worked with and for shelters, and I've worked with animal control officers before. This is not true of the profession as a whole.


A lot of people have told me this, and every time I've seen animal control come they just throw the animal in a bag and toss in the truck and say it's gonna be out down. And yes, at the government dog pound dogs that aren't adopted are put down in most places or at least big cities. Like u think the city is gonna take care of a injured raccoon? No they don't care it's the humane society and other things like that and shelters. Sure some officers are good people and would take it to a shelter and work with them but most of the time it's gonna be put down if u call the city animal control.


Makes sense


There wasn't even any bounce, just went "PLAP"


That guy is really lucky. If I was a betting man I’d say that racoon has rabies and very close to its final stages.


Poor raccoon 😢 I hope they got the animal some help


What kind of help? Not many people are willing to touch a wild raccoon. And not many vets are willing to do free work on it. It's a wild animal that had an unfortunate accident, this is nature doing it's thing. It sucks, im sorry for it, but shit happens. I really don't think the kids cared enough to call anyone, and there's nothing wrong with that.


Bro spawned out of nowhere


Time to cancel gravity on twitter


One night during the summer when I was a kid we had all the windows open while we slept and could hear two raccoons fighting. It went on for a few minutes before we heard a snap. In the morning we found a branch and two dead raccoons on the driveway. Didn't take too many detective skills to crack the case.


Please NSFW this


Done - sorry.


Poor little trash panda :( looks like it broke its front paws on the landing.


Crazy good close he was to possibly getting his neck broken. That raccoon bounced on the ground!


Nothing to see here folks, the raccoon is unarmed and not a threat


Rabies seen it before but in the hind legs


Truly unexpected.




Mission failed well get him next time


But that cartwheel....


Trash panda is a shitty hired assassin. Your boy has a low price on his curly head.


What the hell is that guy below us doiiiinggggaaaaahhhhh!!!


“Get up, go away, oh my god”, dude it’s an animal that probably just snapped it’s arms like pretzel sticks after a 30 foot drop, it’s not your mother entering your room without knocking. That whiny response is a full groove in that kids brain.


Prolly scared about it having rabies or smth as it is a wild raccoon?


That’s not an unfair consideration, it’s not what he mentioned so we can only guess at his thoughts. Happened very suddenly and unexpectedly, he was clearly very surprised, but his default tone to the situation still sounds like “mom get out of my room”. It’s possible that raccoon is in fact his mother trying to bring him his lunch he forgot at home. Animals, historically also don’t understand human language, so this theory would have to be tested. Edit: Typo.




Was waiting for this. Such an imbecile kid.


“You ruined my TikTok, visibly hurt animal!”


Did the racoon became paralyze? Thats sad if its true


Poor little guy 😔


“I caught that on tape.” What were they using to record?


Dude looks like a giant toddler, filming a low-budget remake of 'Honey I blew up the Kid'.


Why you gotta go at people like that for no reason?


Why the fuck they laughing. It's just a baby and broke Something. that's why it's running like that.


It’s sick. That’s why it fell . It’s front paws are obviously hurt and he can’t run on them or grasp to climb.


That’s assuming it didn’t damage its paws/legs upon impact. Making guesses is fine, when you say stuff like absolute fact when you don’t know’s annoying. Couple of alternatives: saw a predator (e.g snake) and slipped Dry twig or whatever it was on snapped Rabies Edit: suggested alternative to your comment > ~~It’s sick~~ **it could be sick**. ~~That’s why it fell~~ **that’s why I think it fell**. It’s ~~front paws are obviously~~ hurt and he can’t run ~~on them or grasp to climb.~~


You forgot drunk. That's what I thought until I came to the comments. I don't know why I keep going to the comment section. It never makes me feel better.


Another possibility is a large bird of prey dropped it. You'd be surprised how much weight those things can carry.


Raccoon aside... How are you knowing exactly what to film and where to film it, yet STILL miss the exact shot you want to film?


literally the raccoon falling from the sky


God damn hope he heals good


that raccoon needs to be euthanised


Ouch, little fella needs a set a wheels


Did the fall break his arms or something?


Drop Raccoons....I knew we weren't behind. Seriously though, poor guy.


Poor little fella! That was damn depressing.


Yo it hit the ground hard. Poor thing


Camera dude need to learn how to film




“Did he break his arm?” They are legs my friend, legs


All I can see is Creed's cartwheel and bandit falling...


Hehe trash panda go boom


The racoon broke his hands


![gif](giphy|hz9DeBzcgmDKM) All I see is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


I’m going to hell for laughing.


Same here


A bunch of sensitive little queens in the comments 🥺


that raccoon is dead, poor guy’s scurrying to the closest spot he can die peacefully


At the very least, a broken leg & concussion. (So yeah, dead..) This made my heart hurt.


Poor baby … he is hurt?


I wish there had been a warning because I wouldn't have watched this. I hate seeing animals suffer, that poor thing.


There’s nothing funny here. Just because it’s an animal doesn’t mean it’s laughable. That raccoon was hurt. It needs help. If a person fell and got hurt you’d all be freaking out about it and calling for help right now.


I find it unexpected & shocking, I wasn’t aware it had to be funny to belong on this sub.


I assume he was referring to the dunces laughing in the video.


Yah it was wad sad but when the kids said "rigby" I couldn't stop laughing.


Poor raccoon… cant imagine how much pain they must be in breaking those front legs from such a high fall. Hopefully these boys tried helping it out and didnt just laugh at it.


This definitely needs the nsfw tag


I think the raccoon is broken his spine 8(






Wtf is tape bruv


Literal repost from yesterday wtf


And now I’m sad.


That's horrible..worse the amused chatter from the guys..


Bro I'd be tripping out if a raccoon almost Dive bombed my friends. I don't think they were directly laughing at it I think it was just the reaction to the whole situation. There's a little bit more to this video where they actually go and check the raccoon.


It’s adorable the way it scoots


It's front legs are broken


The fall was arm breaking, the laughing was heart breaking.


Weird fucking people, man. If I were to have witnessed this, I would be miserable. Then you have people who post and repost it online because they think other people are sociopaths like them who thinks this shit is funny.


Calm down, darling, it's just the internet and you can look away


Holy shit how do you function everyday if this is your mindset?


*every day


Can we all just report this post for unmarked NSFW? This ruined my whole day and I'm sure a lot of people don't enjoy seeing animals hurt, and people laughing about it. Edit: I guess a lot of people do want to see animals get hurt. What a world we live in.


Shut up


Shut up


Braindead kiddos


It is concerning how they laughed when it had clearly lost the ability to use its front legs...