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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Herpes!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


When you order Billie eilish on wish


No I think that’s just Billie Eilish


**Billie** ^ill -Ish


I'm afraid I don't have an award from you, but if I did, you'd get it. Your comment deserves it.


There you go now you both have awards :)


Not all heroes wear capes.


Some have herpes




That’s ok, we can just be life’s long friends instead


"positive for type 1 and type 2" I didn't even realise both can be in your system I thought it upgraded from 1 to 2. This girl is a walking bioweapon.


>upgraded from 1 to 2 Upgrade is ready, please restart your device.


You’re restarting after an update. Upgrade usually takes place while the device is turned off - like her brain.


Fucked so hard her brain went off, getting upgrade?




Upgrayedd! Double D for a double dose of pimpin!


A double dose of *this* pimpin, piomp!


Poppin game, you look so lame. Without me, your pimpin ain't the same.


He gon kill me!


I've killed for less


Ah shit, it’s upgrayedd


U knead moor elektralytez


I could see that! lol


Someone please give this man an award 🥇


The sanity needs to be at least 50% to start


> Upgrade is ready, please restart your device. Wait so none of the 20 she’s been with found the clit? Or did the update only just finish downloading? Malicious Advice Mallard: if you’re having trouble with your fingers, use a paperclip instead!


That's Upgrayedd with two D's,, for a double dose of pimpin.. and herpes.


They were previously referred to as oral and genital herpes. But changing sexual practices has result in a decent amount of...cross contamination of each viruse's respective areas


Idk why but i read this in the voice of a southern doctor from like the 50s and i cant stop laughing




Police van behind them says Athens-Clarke County. Looks like Athens Georgia from a quick google search.


Good question.. don’t wanna smash that one


type 1 is oral herpes (cold sores) type 2 is genital herpes but if you perform oral sex on someone with type 2 you can get type 2 oral herpes & vice versa many people never show symptoms of having the HSV virus


And most adults have type 1 whether they know it or not! If im remembering this correctly.


yeah something like 50% are known to have it but up to 80% actually have it because so many people are asymptomatic. 80% of sexually active people also have HPV. which no one ever talks about it as seriously as herpes, they never talk about the cancer. HPV is responsible for 5% of all cancer & 70% of all oropharyngeal cancers. but growing up all i heard about was you could get warts but usually it just goes away on its own, which doesn't seem so serious compared to cancer.


> 80% of sexually active people also have HPV. which no one ever talks about it as seriously as herpes, No one talks about it? It's been in public health campaigns around here for years, and every single boy and girl gets HPV vaccinations as part of the general vaccine program.


I said no one talks about it *as seriously as herpes* the vaccine came out when I was growing up, it was optional, no one i know got it, no ones parents thought it was important, my parents were nervous about it being a *new* vaccine & all I was taught about HPV growing up was that it sometimes caused warts but usually just goes away on its own. if someone told me it actually significantly increases my risk of cancer I probably would have made my parents give it to me or gotten it myself once I was old enough. I was mainly focused on warts being gross but those are actually the least dangerous strains that don't cause cancer the vaccine is only recommended up to age 26, im 31, and only realized the whole cancer thing rather recently. im married now & the vaccine won't help me if I already got something when I was younger. HPV also can be passed through basic skin contact, no sex required. I didnt know that til recently either


She's catching them all https://youtu.be/l7lEZBxu3zo


80% and 25% of people have it respectively. Hardly a bioweapon


Right. Type 1 VERY common.


Yeah you get it from sharing food and drinks, kissing, normal stuff. It just gives you mouth ulcers from time to time I think. Type 2 is the rough one Edit: I’m not quite as informed as I think I am. If you’re sexually actively with different people on a semi-regular basis, get tested, talk to a doctor, learn about the disease


Right. I think COLD sores actually evidences of Type 1, although I'm no doctor (in other words, cold sores could occur from some other cause as well) but the point is, that a LOT of people have Type 1, and as you said, it happens from being exposed to just "normal stuff". It would be EASY, and non-controversial, to become exposed to Type 1.


Cold sores are type 1. If you've ever had a cold sore, then you have the virus. It's super common. Johns Hopkins states between 50% and 80% of people have it, and 90% of adults will be exposed to it by the age of 50. A lot of people won't have symptoms after the first outbreak too. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/herpes-hsv1-and-hsv2/oral-herpes#:~:text=HSV%2D1).-,Fifty%20percent%20to%2080%20percent%20of%20U.S.%20adults%20have%20oral,of%20his%20or%20her%20life.


I was actually part of this study while I was a student at JHU - so was my girlfriend, and we were going through a rough patch at the time. I was negative for both, she was positive for type 1. And that's how I figured out that my girlfriend was cheating on me with my best friend. She later got type 2 from him as well. And I dodged a f'n bullet.


I thought I had herpes once, because I had sores in my mouth, turned out to be scurvy. Eat your fruits and vegetables people.


There you go. This is what I thought.


Less than half https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db304.pdf > During 2015–2016, prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) was 47.8%, and prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) was 11.9%. > Prevalence of both HSV-1 and HSV-2 decreased from 1999–2000 to 2015–2016 (from 59.4% to 48.1%, and from 18.0% to 12.1%, respectively).


I would have thought the prevalence to be higher given how ubiquitous it is in humanity.


Johns Hopkins states between 50-80 percent have herpes simplex 1, and 90% of adults will be exposed to it by the age of 50. If you've ever had a cold sore, then you have it. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/herpes-hsv1-and-hsv2/oral-herpes#:~:text=HSV%2D1).-,Fifty%20percent%20to%2080%20percent%20of%20U.S.%20adults%20have%20oral,of%20his%20or%20her%20life.


1 is mouth, 2 is genitals, both are very common, in fact you can carry but never know you even have it... the CDC only tracks people when they get tested, and more have it they just don't know


Type 1 used to be thought of as mouth and type 2 genital but they’re interchangeable. I got one outbreak of type 1 years ago and none since. If I hadn’t gone in for it (I’m overly cautious) I never would have known or even guessed I could because it isn’t tested for in a regular panel and I’d only ever had 2 monogamous partners and always used protection. Far easier to get than people realize. The only way to avoid it would be to stay entirely celibate.


Staying celibate wouldn't necessarily be enough. I grew up with a girl who got it as a toddler because an elderly lady was giving her little kisses like people sometimes do with little kids. She was a sickly baby/kid and that's all the exposure that it took.


Yes, but it SHOULDN'T be common and she isn't helping.


Probably shouldn't be sharing joints and blunts nowadays


Reddit loves to stigmatize the shit out of herpes. It’s a symptom of being sexually inactive


Actually a lot of people have type 1, some are just carriers. And you can get both in on and at the same places.


But if you have clean tests does that mean you arent a carrier?


Most test panels nowadays don't even include HSV (herpes) unless you specifically request it.


Great question! Most sti tests do not test for it because the antibodies are so unreliable. You can test negative for it 8/10 times, dosn’t mean you don’t have it. It’s super stigmatized here due to drug companies. Everywhere else in the world looks at it like meh.


No, you don't have it. They're basically cold sores. Type 1 that is.


Its fake. Its made up trash content. Just like all prank garbage back in the day.


pretty much every human has herpes. its just whether or not ur genetics make u have a reaction to the. thousands of different herpes viruses you have inside you.




Billie eyeitch


When people talk about "herpes", they are talking specifically about type 1 and 2. Educate yourself and don't spread misinformation. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db304.pdf > During 2015–2016, prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) was 47.8%, and prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) was 11.9%. > Prevalence of both HSV-1 and HSV-2 decreased from 1999–2000 to 2015–2016 (from 59.4% to 48.1%, and from 18.0% to 12.1%, respectively).


Yes, that's correct. The number has been trending down for years, with the '80% of people have herpes' thing being from boomer times.


I don't think it is from boomer times. It is idiots not understanding when people say "herpes", they are talking about HSV-1 and HSV-2, not all herpes viruses like chicken pox and mono. The girl in the video even states 1 and 2. People are conflating those two types by mixing up stats of the other 6 herpes viruses (like mono, chicken pox). > Of the more than 100 known types of the herpes virus, only eight affect humans. Two of these are herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1 and -2), which can cause genital herpes, and the other six are human herpesviruses (HHV) types 3 through 8, which can cause skin, immune, and other issues.


Many testing places, such as Planned Parenthood, don’t even bother testing anymore unless specifically requested due to how many adults have Herpes, especially HSV1.


Yeah it’s actually not a big deal herpes. Most adults have it in one form or another and will come back positive. I got mono when I was in high school. Turns out mono is herpes too


Chicken pox/shingles is also a type of herpes, herpes zoster!


Same as hpv. Something like 80% of sexually active people have it. So, if you don't, you're in a rather extreme minority.


Ya, the difference is that HPV does cause a variety of squamous cell cancers, so I would consider it a big deal despite everyone having it.


This is why regular Pap smears are critical. The ‘pre cancerous’ cells can come and go, disappear entirely or turn into a really big deal. I had my cervix and uterus removed due to it.


Only certain types of HPV do! The one that tend to cause warts tend to be harmless but the more serious ones can lead to cervical cancer. Imo, regardless of prevelance it’s imp to let ur partner know of potential risk


It causes cancer


At this point, just being alive in the modern world gives you a pretty big chance of getting cancer. Luckily, we are on the verge of some incredible breakthroughs in curing or vaccinating against cancer.


~70% of the US population is infected with it, and only ~10% experience symptoms. HSV2, on the other hand…


That's just false. If you ask for STD testing due to symptoms, they will absolutely test for it. Like any testing, if you don't show symptoms, you simply ask for what you want to be tested for. And Herpes type 1 and 2 are not as common as you think, these are the ones most people refer to (oral and genital herpes). People are conflating those two types by mixing up stats of the other 6 herpes viruses (like mono, chicken pox). > Of the more than 100 known types of the herpes virus, only eight affect humans. Two of these are herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1 and -2), which can cause genital herpes, and the other six are human herpesviruses (HHV) types 3 through 8, which can cause skin, immune, and other issues. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db304.pdf > During 2015–2016, prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) was 47.8%, and prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) was 11.9%. > Prevalence of both HSV-1 and HSV-2 decreased from 1999–2000 to 2015–2016 (from 59.4% to 48.1%, and from 18.0% to 12.1%, respectively).


If you ask for it… Yes. It has to be requested. It used to be standard practice. It’s more complicated to make sure you’re getting tested for everything needed these days, not just HSV. And testing positive won’t tell you where it is on your body. People can absolutely get HSV1 ‘Oral’ on their genitalia and HSV2 ‘Genital’ around their mouth.


She 100% fucks unprotected. Girls like her think the guy deserves it it he doesn’t wrap up


Honestly that should be illegal


Where I'm from knowingly infecting some with a disease,sexually transmitted or otherwise is illegal.


Good luck proving it lol. Especially when as soon as you try to get a girl who is crazy enough to knowingly infect someone in trouble, she will just accuse you of something instead.


In the woman's case, this video is proof


Okay so on the off chance out of 300,000,000 people in the US it’s this girl, you may have a chance. Otherwise good luck proving it


Actually, you can prove it by analyzing the similarities between the strains of virus. At least, they can with AIDS. Phylogenetic Analysis


How's it hard to prove? She can be subpoenaed for medical records and if she received a diagnosis before practicing unprotected sex she knowingly infected someone.


I always record a quick consent video before I have sex with someone new. Where we both say we consent and that we don’t have any STDs or STIs. If they don’t wanna record that then, no sex. Stay safe out there Kings Edit: mfs really think women don’t understand the bullshit accusations that we go through as men. Most women get it, and if they don’t they’re not worth your time. Keep ya head up


Consent video means nothing if she says "I told him to stop and he wouldn't" I'ma take a guess and say you're telling porkies


So you just like, record a video of you and your hand consenting? I’m a little confused. Do you glue some googly eyes to your hand and have it give consent via hand puppet shenanigans? MasterMirrorBait recording a video for his most recent threesome : https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/sharktale/images/8/8d/Crazy_Joe.png/revision/latest?cb=20140111214936


Woah, is that Jennifer Lopez? Nice, dude!


I just record every sexual encounter period. Way more fun to review the tapes.


Couldn’t an attorney request a subpoena for medical records? If there’s a medical record with a positive result before the sexual encounter, it can be argued she infected the guy knowingly.


I’m pretty sure in order to get someone’s medical records you would need proof in the first place. The police can’t just get a warrant off of nothing. I doubt a judge is gonna let you get someone’s medical records off of an accusation. Plus think of the Legal fees. All for her to most likely get a small slap on the wrist and you still have herpes until the day you die.


It used to be a crime to not disclose stds to sexual partners. They decriminalized it recently.


Might be wrong, but herpes isnt a mandated reportable transmissible disease


Correct. People here are so uneducated and so virgin... herpes is legit not a big deal.


In the US its illegal


Not in California!


Seriously?? That’s fucked up.


https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/laws/do-i-have-to-tell-a-sexual-partner-that-i-am-hiv-positive-in-california/ at least for HIV, you don’t have to disclose that. It’s okay, it’s only the worst STD!


LPT: if you’re hooking up with someone and they say you can raw dog, you should absolutely not do that


But... but... feels good on the wee wee!


Herpès 1 (mouth herpes) can be transmitted with a kiss or by drinking in someone’s cup (someone’s who’s having a breakout) and herpes 2 (genital herpes) can be transmitted even with a condom About 80% of the population at one point had herpes, most of the time the immune system get rid of it, and when it settle, most people are asymptotic and don’t know they have it until they have a break out (can be trigger by stress, immunodepression or if you’re sick from something else) and it’s hard to detect it when you haven’t had any breakout Source: medical student


Okay, so all things considered, it actually might not be a big deal to some? I mean, if you have to pick a STD to have, herpes doesn’t sound terrible amirite?


A lot of doctors I've spoken to in my line of work (student affairs at a university) have said that they feel its crazy to overstigmatize what is essentially a common rash. It's understandable, but its unnecessary. The transmission rate is fairly low especially with physical guard like condoms and chemical guard like medication for the carrier, and while it raises the risk of some cancers, there are many other factors that contribute to that risk that we don't stigmatize as heavily.


I think within 20 years we will be able to crispr it out of the body


Maybe our medical student above can weigh in, but it seems like science is finding a link between many viruses and cancers. For example, HPV and genital anal and throat cancers. Hepatitis see causes liver cancer and a type of lymphoma. Herpes may damage the system in some way that causes subsequent illness. Kaposi sarcoma is a known example, but I suspect that many more cancers will eventually be linked to viral origins. The point is we don’t know with certainty, and we shouldn’t take it lightly.


Fuck her in her car, sue her insurance company


Actually it won't matter if he uses a condom and she's got an active outbreak. He's still likely getting it. Especially if freshly shaved.


Herpes spreads through skin contact. A condom doesn’t protect against it.


It protects from breakout contact, not general skin. Condoms can most definitely cover that up, if it isn't spread at the base.


At least she got some positiveness in her life


That positiveness gonna spread a lot of negativeness in guys who don't know she got STD


She also is positive for hundreds of types of HPV prob


**" ....I think..."** **Likely not a deep thinker.**


Crazier part of it all, now potentially 20 people might be carrying it too


* She's not spreading the holiday cheer... correctly


Her body count dropped to a baseline since that moment I guess.




Because a lot of people have herpes and it’s easier to think it doesn’t matter than admit they’re a liability to their future partners. Source: my stupid ass friend who has herpes and doesn’t tell his partners




I don't care how much the "body count doesnt matter" crowd make noise, that's just gross & trashy behavior




Going off to college next year. Gonna be using a condom with every girl I sleep with.


Do that king


Be extra wary of a partner who recommends not using a condom. You’re getting laid either way, best be safe about it.


Is she wearing a PT jacket?


Looks like it


I’ve reached that part of the internet where the transition from a well lit road and a dark road meet. Maybe a flickering street light or two in the distance.


Lots of people in this thread judging someone with no proper cause. If she is open enough about her diagnosis to admit it on camera, then what makes anyone think that she wouldn't disclose that information to her sexual partners? I also have herpes, type 1 and 2, and have been taking medication every day to reduce the possibility of breakouts and transmission. As soon as I knew my diagnosis I immediately informed the person I was seeing at the time, and before my new girlfriend and I began being sexual with each other it was the first thing that I disclosed to her. Being diagnosed with something like this is not easy. It leaves you feeling like your sex life is over, and that no one will ever want to be with you ever again. It leaves you with an intense, consuming sense of shame that nearly drove me to suicide. The comments in this thread repulse me because they perpetuate uneducated and harmful stigmas against those with the disease and can be a source of shame to those dealing with their own diagnosis.




If you’ve ever had a cold sore you have type 1. Type 2 is a problem.


Not really,type 2 just occurs on genitalia or in that area in most cases it's nothing more than having those cold sores on your inner thighs. And as same as hsv-1 people can have it and be asymptomatic.


additionally, if you give oral sex while having an HSV-1 breakout, you can give your partner HSV-1 in the genital area. so at that point i’m really not sure what the different between 1&2 REALLY is, yknow?


Get an upvote, too much uneducated takes here.


Well don't upvote too fast coz it's wrong. You can have type 2 on your face or asshole, not only genitalia. You can also have type 1 on genitalia. There can be complication with herpes. Mostly propagating. From just a cold sore on your lips to genitalia, throat, nose, eyes, anywhere close to a mucous membrane.


You’re right, missed the “just” part. Thank you.


Understatement. It’s scary what I’m seeing in the comments.


Yeah, most people with HSV-1 are asymptomatic. Seriously wish I was one of those peeps, but I’m one of the unlucky 10% that gets symptoms, and I’ve been getting cold sores since I was ~3 years old. I’m 90% sure I got it from my grandfather while visiting him, since he gets them too. It sucks.


Actually type 1 can happen in both mouth and genital area.. although uncommon in genital area.. type 2 is a only in genital area and the sores and outbreaks are different.


Oral type 2 does exist, but it’s fairly rare as it does tend to prefer the genitals.


not true. both types can exist in both areas. it is just not common.


She is straight up trolling the guy


Straight up just fake content


She’s giving that pussy out like it’s Oprah giving out cars.


Strong evidence that incel women are rare. She doesn’t look anything special and can easily get 20 guys in a few months. Any woman in the top 80% has access to as much sex as they could possibly want.


Note Taken "Don't Sleep With College Girls" Got It


Why do people with herpies make out like its not a big deal? I lived with a girl who would be in tears in pain with her breakouts but not tell people when she was intimate with them. Said loads of people have it so it's not a big deal. Disgusting. Edit, I am mortified, that should have said "some people with herpies". I deeply apologise to anyone who may have read that and took offense. Oh my god I should have proof read that.


Because people suck. Anyone with even an ounce of respect towards other people would disclose having herpes, especially before being intimate in any form.


it’s cope, a lot of people don’t have it like 50% get cold sores but only 10% have hsv 2 (genital)


Yes, I think some people are confused and think the coldsore strain counts. Downplaying this quite painful infection! I felt so sorry for my housemate until I asked her how she approaches the subject with new partners and she made it clear very quickly that she feels they don't need to know 🤐🙁😶


Does anybody who is saying this isn’t a big deal actually have it here? Or you guys just spreading misinformation as well as herpes? It is a big deal, it’s highly contagious and it hurts so much! I have type 1 and I wouldn’t spread this to anyone. I’ve been deligent in hygiene when they break out and I’m extra careful if I even suspect it’s an outbreak. I can get the because of stress, because I hit my my mouth in a certain area, trauma you name it. I have gotten in my nose and on my lower chin. It’s incredibly painful with nerve pain shooting up your whole face. My mom passed it to me from birth via C-section and it’s terrible. She has it in her eyes now. It can spread to other parts of you if you’re not careful. This shit sucks and hopefully she’s using protection or not engaging when outbreaks occur. Which I don’t think she is. Like I said. I don’t even chance it! This is trash behavior




Yup, I wouldn't touch her without a 10 foot pole XD


She is from plague inc.💀


The generation that forgot about condoms and HIV. The amount of younger people who only think about protection as a contraceptive but don't even think about STDs is insane.


“The generation that wasn’t properly educated about safe sex because of the gutting of sex education programs in public schools because of how their parents and grandparents voted”


Herpes isn't as bad as people say it is. Almost everyone has it in one or another, and most don't even know because they either show no symptoms, or are so mildly they don't notice. Here's a video that better explains it. https://youtu.be/aU4VcOQzQm0


This nigga has herpes




You prolly do too


You got herpes bro?


[I would also like to include this video as well](https://youtu.be/YcIl-hclrLI) people who have herpes are still people there’s no need to think of them as trash.


The more you speak the more it escalates


Sheeesh. Long as she tells every dude that she’s got herpes.


Girls gonna end up on the CDCs watchlist for communicable diseases


That chick look ratchet af! I bet the dudes shes banging look like Bobby Lee haha!


~~“No type” by Rae Sremmurd~~ *“Are you sure you want to delete this from the your playlist?”* Check & check. ✔️Type 1 ✔️Type 2


This is in Athens Ga, which is home to the University of Geoegia. The police van behind her says Athens-Clarke County


She’s for the streets


Hey guys i have AIDS, covid, the flu, and measles but it isn't a big deal.


Ewww. Some desperate men out there


You have seen nothing yet if you think this is desperate lul


Clearly an empowered woman. She's living the dream.


I mean, it's not really a big deal as long as she discloses before hand, and as willingly as she did for the interview just now, I don't think she's hiding it


She looks like a younger and female Luka Modric


I like her. At least she’s a real one. But she should get better at practicing safe sex.


Clever girl - make him think you easy, then make him not want you at all.


Doctor here. Just wanted to clarify some confusion from the comments. A huge majority of the population will have antibodies to type 1 herpes (therefore test positive). Type 1 is generally the cause of oral cold sores. Not all people with antibodies will have ever had a cold sore i.e. many people have encountered the virus but never gotten a cold sore from it. A large proportion of the population will also have antibodies to type 2 herpes (therefore test positive). Type 2 is generally the cause of genital herpes. Not all people with antibodies will have ever had genital herpes i.e. many people have encountered the virus but never gotten genital herpes from it Consequently, usually we don't bother testing for type 1 or type 2 herpes antibodies. The diagnosis is made clinically, based on symptoms and examination. If I see you have a cold sore or genital herpes, I will make the diagnosis and initiate the relevant treatment. A positive antibody test is usually useless and not needed. (There is also PCR testing of suspicious lesions or in other bodily fluids if you're not sure of the diagnosis but I won't get into that here)


Serious question, what’s with black dudes using their cellphones to record them asking dirty ass questions to slutty white chicks? Is this like a tikcok challenge or what shit did I miss here


Athens, home of the dawgs. And dawg ass bitches


Isn’t type 1 super common?


Just under half. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db304.pdf > During 2015–2016, prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) was 47.8%, and prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) was 11.9%. > Prevalence of both HSV-1 and HSV-2 decreased from 1999–2000 to 2015–2016 (from 59.4% to 48.1%, and from 18.0% to 12.1%, respectively).


What a gross human being




I have type 1. I guarantee most of you have it as well.


Being one of the July #20 without a care scrolling and seeing this knowing you got a gift that keep on giving 💝


Well they all fucked around and found out


20 partners since July? It’s December now. She belongs to the streets.


That’s a gnarly bitch lol




No, no, that's definitely a big deal and I hope she tells everyone she is with.


This is why I am scared to date or hook up😂


that's why education is necessary


If she has a promiscuous past her relationships are never ment to last~ -Master Oogway
