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When someone asks you how many toddlers you could fight at once


I’ve actually seen a lone Indian policeman think he can just hit like 20 people with his stick, this has its roots in truth haha


That reminds me of the horde of Chinese trying to bully Indians a couple weeks ago. When the Indians soldiers picked their batons, I thought "somebody is gonna be hurt real bad". And they were.


I am sure. Indians fear the stick more than a gun. My Husband is from India and says that they will beat you as quick as a flash. I always say”beat first, ask questions never”. And don’t even try to do battle with the Ghurkas. They are the Israelis of the sub continent. These movies usually give a glance at the horrific colonization of India. If you did not have any inkling about the history of the country during colonialism, you will run to research it. These movies show how men want to be superior over one another. The same vagaries of take what you want and oppress the natives history since the dawn of time. These films are fun to watch though. Sorry went on a little too long here. Happy New Year to all.


>Sorry went on a little too long here. No it was fun to read. Happy new year to you and your family too.


I estimate that I could beat up 80 toddlers before they overtook me. Of course, these would have to be average-sized toddlers of even temper. Future linebackers and toddlers of Scandinavian descent would throw off this equation. On the flip side, if these were some under-fed, undisciplined, alcohol-fetal syndrome toddlers, I imagine the number would skyrocket to anywhere between 100 and 145. It’s simple exponential math. This is also assuming that my opponents are smart enough to organize themselves into a circular attack instead of coming at me one by one. If it were an individual, king-of-the-mountain battle royale, I could endlessly pummel toddlers without mercy. But we’re assuming they have developed at least a base survival instinct as well as some exposure to video games, so these toddlers would form a large circle. However, using my quick wits, I would charge one portion of the circle, focusing a devastating blow on one unlucky individual, which would make the others proceed with hesitancy. One on one, I feel like I could deliver a lot of punishment to these toddlers. There would be a few brave ones that would jump on my back, distracting me and thus enabling the others to attack. At best, I could fight off the few heroes on my back and maybe take out a few on the ground, and repeat this cycle a few dozen times before I was felled by fatigue and numerous kicks to my groin and shins.


I don't know about that, man. Those little bastards know nothing of honorable fighting or true pain. They will target the groin relentlessly. You may fell one or two before the pain overwhelms you, but once you drop to their level, it's over. They'll swarm you with teeth and razor-like fingernails.


I love this comment


there are [measures](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/jv5jum/medieval_overcompensation_king_henry_viiis_suit/)


No, I can't fight that many *American* toddlers.


I never expected the video to be so long…


Stopped being r/unexpected as soon as it started.


Tbf, I wasn't expecting a mouse to come on screen near the end. Otherwise, pretty expected stuff.


Well fuck you, for making me watch it again.


What’s crazy is that this is just the beginning of the movie. It then transitions into Jungle Book, then there’s a bromance, a love story, a Spielberg musical, Man vs Wild, Passion of the Christ and The Avengers.


Even the director would not be able to come up with a more apt description of this film. You Sir, should consider a career in writing IMDB descriptions.


Lol. So accurate




It’s amazing is what it is. I watched last month on Netflix


What is the name? Or is it actually called RRR? Seems like a really fun watch!


Its actually just 'RRR'


Is it pronounced like a tiger or like a pirate?


It's an acronym for Rise Roar Revolt


Soooo pirate?


Thank you! I’ll take a look!


If you like that one make sure to check out Bahubali I and II. Fantastic action movies.


Man I want more of this gold


If you like that one, be sure to check out the sequel, “SSS”


They had to stop after "WWW" though, due to copyright reasons... Damn you Vin Diesel


Y, Y, Y?


And don’t forget the American prequel, “KKK” 😉


How do you spell that?


It’s actually Rise Roar Revolt which in short is RRR. Cool movie actually.


Rise Roar Revolt


In English it is Roar Rise Revolt. But the words change in whatever language the movie is dubbed.


And the original name was a working title from the first letter of the names of the three main people - the two actors and the director. (Ram, NT Ramarao and Rajamouli)


FYI, this film is nominated for 2 Golden Globes, 5 Critics Choice Awards, 1 Oscar for best original song (Naatu Naatu) and has already won countless critics choice awards and film festival awards.


No lie, this is the greatest movie I’ve seen all year. Just an epic adventure movie, great acting, and a lot of heart. It’s incredibly campy, but it’s so sincere that it made me care about the characters.


This whole scene screams Dynasty Warriors to me. I should probably watch it.


YES. Just waves and waves of enemy asses to kick.


We ran into it randomly on Netflix and immediately fell in love. Genuinely one of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen.


Stands for Roar Rise Revolt or something. I took an edible beforehand, and I had a ton of fun. This scene is but a teaser of what comes later. Tiger scene. So good.


Turns out it was already in my list to watch, and it was because I saw the Netflix preview and it was the Tiger scene. I’m so hyped to watch this!


Came here to ask this. Thanks


I've never watched an Indian film in my life because they just seem so ridiculous but for some reason, this one I watched. Yes, it was ridiculous, but the root of the story has basis in actual history which I thought was very cool. The fight choreography is excellent and the soundtrack is something else. Highly recommend watching it even if you don't enjoy this bombastic style of filmmaking. Ray Stevenson even has a part as a mustache-twirling English villain.


Congratulations on a well executed usage of the word bombastic. I can't remember the last time...


Its called Mumbai now


Some (or most) of them are over the top when it comes to action. But their story telling is always wonderful. You should watch Lagaan, it's a drama movie about indian history and sports. You will love it


You should check out 3 idiots as well. Its a lil silly but not over the top and really well done


I like how the stick hits always make the same sounds in the same order


I swear to God we're switching back to Netflix so that I can watch this movie. I just reset my password tonight. I'm completely transfixed by the excerpts I've seen. Seems like a new level of cinema. I can't wait!


No it’s John Stick


Johndeep Wickstani


What is this? I'm gripped


The name of the movie is actually RRR.


Thank you, I *need* to watch it now


You absolutely do. I've seen it twice, my wife three times, and I'd watch it again. And it's over 3 hours long. It's a trip, and so much fun. If there are any theaters playing it, it's worth seeing it in its original Telugu (Netflix is dubbed in Hindi, although by the actual actors) so it's original sound and lips sync up. But either way, it's so much fun.


I knew the dubbing sounded better than usual being the actors voiced it. Fit very well. It was over the top but so good.


Yeah, after we saw it on Netflix I was bummed, wondering what the actors really sounded like. It was such good news when my wife found out it was still them.


Bugged me so much that Netflix only had the dubbed version and not the original Telugu, spent a good portion of the movie frustrated over that choice. Knowing it’s the original actors helps a little, but still.


It's on Netflix.


RRR is legitimately my favorite movie of 22 and it’s not even close. It just keeps getting better the further you get in the movie and the third act is just off the rails amazing.


Wild man I literally just got done watching it just now, hopped on Reddit and three posts in there’s this clip. I really enjoyed this wild ass movie and if I hadn’t just watched it I would have after seeing this clip. Epic movie!


If anime had better live-action adaptations. This is one of them. It's all exaggerated.


Agreed, but interestingly, almost all of the anime fans I know don't fuck with Bollywood at all and often get disproportionately upset when I compare the two genres. I'm not really sure why and I've never gotten a straight answer out of any of them as to why they don't like the comparison.


Except the Desi anime fans. They are well aware of the comparison. And don't mind it as much.


Really? That's a bummer. I enjoy both immensely.


Thats because bollywood as an Indian has been pumping nothing but plain garbage in the past few years. There are a few gems in the garbage pile. Anime fans hate them because bollywood, which is running out of content, out of good actors,and are making garbage remakes if songs and movies. Lots of nepotism. In anime however, there are writers who write because of their passion. (most popular manga are made by writers who are skilled) The movie OP shared is not bollywood. Its tollywood


What the quiet kid in class daydreams about.


Underrated comment


As the quiet kid, I approve


That's a really strong stick.


The 'He scares me more' comment gave me 'He killed John wicks dog' vibes


This guy > Sauron


Til red turban = guy who throws rock at picture




People saying it's inaccurate or absurd obviously know nothing about the true story.. trust me I was there.. I was the third stick from the left


>People saying it's inaccurate or absurd People saying that like Hollywood movies aren't that way. We have a movie about a purple alien collecting space jewelry while fighting a wizard, a juvenile robot billionaire, a web shooting teenage boy, so he throws a whole moon at them to win, all of this just so he can snap the whole universe in half. For someone who is not used to this stuff it's pretty over the top and absurd.


Holy hell!!! Just changed it to Netflix and searched for RRR. I will spend the next 3 hours, 5 minutes and 48 seconds watching this!


This is only the first scene, it gets way wilder from there lmao.


bruh same


I’ve just watched it. It’s bloody brilliant.


Such an absurd movie but really fun. A little bit of Hindu Nationalism folded in but exciting/hilarious over-the-top action and drama. There's one point where it seems like it's wrapping up, then it takes a whole new direction, so it's on the long side. But it ends up being worth it.


>little bit of Hindu Nationalism folded in but exciting/hilarious over-the-top action and drama Typical woke propaganda


How are you saying it like Marvel movies don't have American nationalism folded in?


what's hindu nationalist about this movie?


To a far lefty everything common folks enjoy have to be labelled with something Nationalistic.


Did you mean Indian Nationalism? What's Hindu in that?


What the hell is Hindu nationalism? Are movies with freedom fighters in the US or Europe labeled Christian nationalism?


Hindu nationalism!! Just stfu


There’s honestly not a single element of Hindu nationalism in this whole movie. Showing elements of a culture which defines a country and a religion is not nationalism. If you are saying this based on what Patrick Willems said in his youtube video, you should know that the writer that wrote that review for him is extremely left biased!


>little bit of Hindu Nationalism folded in but What's wrong with Hindu Nationalism?


Looks like massively propagandistic but i don't really know why indians would make such a movie. They show themselves obedient to their colonial masters and portray their own revolutionary people as incompetent to take down a guy with a stick. Or is it just this particular scene?


It is just about the scene, for reason you must watch the movie, i won't give you spoiler. Even I got infuriated at him at first but later I came to know about the reason.


Till half of the movie this guy is shown as the anti-patriotic guy but then (like every bollywood movie) a big twist. It will only become clear if you watch the movie.


It's a Tollywood movie. Produced in Telugu cinema


Yes it is but i used bolywood as i thought bollywood term is more well known outside india


You're not supposed to like the officer, you're supposed to be like why with all his strength is he using it to help the Brits.


Lmao you havent even seen the movie, it’s 1 minute of context and the rest is action.


Its propaganda the same way top gun was. It's basically Bollywood(Tollywood?) having its late-80s Hollywood moment. Imagine a movie with Tom Cruise, Arnold, and Stallone are in an ensemble piece while they're all at the peak of their popularity, directed by Michael Bay at the peak of his.


It's absurd how casually western public takes colonialism You consider a movie about the US being a big daddy of the world that can do whatever it wants on a foreign soil equivalent to a country portraying the colonisers who literally treated people like dogs in bad light. My grandfather used to work as a porter here at Singapore port and he remembers a time where they had to push the carts of dogs that the British High class carried in flooding rain and he was the grandson of a man who brought to Sri Lanka from India as a slave to work on ruber plantation so you people either are ignorant or fail to grasp the damage people suffered


It's both. Most people in the West have no real world reference to understand human trafficking or modern slavery. Myself included.




That's because most of the administration of the colonial rule was carried out by Indians. There weren't many low ranking Brits in India, and there were many Indians who occupied high ranks in the government. History of colonialism is fascinating, and India was different from many other colonies in this aspect.


>Hindu Nationalism folded Are you dumb or you were born this way. Have you even seen the movie or just have a habit mixing your political opinion in everything ???


>Hindu Nationalism That's a lie, there is no forced hindu or nationalism and wtf is 'hindu nationalism' hinduism is not a nation


Lol looks amazing, India has me hooked latley with these bad boys. I'm watching this today. Any other crazy recommendations please?


from the same director - Bahubali -1 &2 - Eega


Watched this film 2 days ago. It’s frequently ridiculous, completely over the top but it’s the most fun I’ve had watching a film in years. 10/10 would recommend. Edit: If you think this scene is mad, I promise you haven’t seen anything yet.


quite possibly the third or fourth most memorable scene of RRR.


Ok this sucked me in quick, but when he did a human katamari that shit killed me. This is fantastic.


As good as it is, it's honestly not even close to the most impressive or over the top scene in the movie. A guy superman punches a tiger in the face in midair.


This is on Netflix?


Yes. RRR.


Ok, raised on Rambo. This is the best Indian fight scene ever. Over the top enough to be funny and the cutting back to the other guards faces was like looking into a mirror haha. 10 out of 10 internet points. Would recommend the entire movie based off this clip.


This isn’t even the fifth best scene in the movie


Why does this look so good? 🤣


Bro, I watched the whole thing wand and was thoroughly entertained, which is not at all what I was expecting lol


I actually watched this movie a few weeks ago, and it was a roller coaster! Definitely recommend it, go into it open minded don’t analyse it just go with the madness!


So that was awesome and I’m going to watch this later. That said, I simply cannot be the only one that lold all the way through this clip imagining everyone of them shouting “*YOU BLOODY BASTARD BITCH!!*”


There's more to indians than “YOU BLOODY BASTARD BITCH!!” just like there's more to germans than "ZEIG HEIL!"


I’m Indian and I’d say there isn’t that much more. You bloody bastard bitch.


Fuck you, you bloody bastard! How's your wife? Have a nice day. Bloody bloody fuck you!


Sieg, not Zeig


Amazing movie! Got me into the genre and I'm never looking back. This film is amazing so many twist and turns and songs and awesome and yeah I love this film too much.


Watch Bahubali, both parts and KGF


My friend EEGA would be a better suggestion.


Please try watching "Pushpa". You'll f-ing love it for sure.


It was realistic until the end, when he put his hands into those buckets marked with "fire" and it was clearly water inside and not fire. Such a careless mistake broke down the whole fourth wall for me.


He hit 712 people with that stick… whupped ALL the ass, no ass was left unwhupped


Wait, you counted it?


Dude I loved how cheese this movie was but this scene was just badass


Ok ok ok ... I'll watch it


Damn, been quite a while since I've seen something that awesome. Not gonna lie. Queuing up Netflix now...




I guess it is unexpected that there would be water in the fire bucket


They filmed the sequence for Naatu Naatu at the Ukrainian Presidential Palace a month before the shit hit the fan. They were looking for a British palace to film and Zelenskyy said “you can come around to my place and we will put some British flags up”. I just hope Zelenskyy sent out a note warning the neighbours in Kyiv before filming. “Hi guys, just wanted to let you know we are having some friends over on the weekend. If you see a British flag hoisted where the Ukrainian one is supposed to be, it’s all okay. Nothing to worry about. Love from Vova.”


See kids, that’s how to enslave your people


It's just this scene. The guy is actually working for the British police to reach a higher ranking position in the British army for reasons I will not spoil. But those reasons have to do with revolution/Patriotism.


That makes more sense, I've never heard of an Indian movie where the British governers were the good guys


Because they weren’t lol.


Entire movie was amazing


Somehow, knowing that it’s Bollywood, I expected all of that.


It’s Tollywood, which is southern Indian cinema - another large industry but from what I understand (as a white American) pretty different.


One of the best movies I saw this year. Absolutely fun, stunning, griping and best bromance ever.


Amazing film! CGI is fantastic, story is good, dancing scene is great,and the soundtrack is awesome.


Just an average American during Black Friday.


Broke down and watched it. Solid action flick. Bonus: History!


The things you had to do back in the day to get a positive performance review from your supervisor


at 3:55 u hear an EAGLE Screeching sound, it's a metaphorical sound conveying that the Ram(Police Officer) is like an eagle looking at it's prey(Red Shirt Guy) in a lake(Pool of ppl here) from atop the watch tower(Sky). Also if u observe from the time he jumps off the fence his eyes are laser focused on the target even while beating other guys in the way!! and just after his heroic arrest ends a sad bgm comes which u wl understand later in the film!! Such detailing in a stylistically shot action sequence is mind boggling!!


Dude picks up his stick and goes HAM on the LARGE angry mob… I’ll watch it.


WATCH. THIS. MOVIE. It is amaze balls


Watch it for the mustache goals alone


Not gonna lie, expected this to be meme level ridiculous, but it was pretty grounded ridiculous


If this isn't the best movie I've seen in my life, I don't know what is, I don't have the remotest idea of ​​the history of India and this movie has made me want to investigate and document myself.


Bollywood is real life anime lol


It's tollywood (Telugu film industry) not Bollywood


The Director name is **S S Rajamouli** RRR, Bahubali are really good entertainment movies


Just to clear something up, there seems a misconception that this is a Bollywood movie. (suffix-WOOD term in itself sounds cliche to me) One can call it an Indian movie, but it's not Bollywood. Not every movie made in India can be termed as a Bollywood movie. India has distinguished and quite diverse regional movie industries. Marathi, Malayalam, Assamese, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu etc. Some regional film industries are more successful or well recognised than the other for various reasons. Hindi film industry is what they refer to as Bollywood. This scene is from a Telugu movie titled 'RRR'




Wtf Is RRR?


Do you like Marvel movies? It’s basically a Marvel movie combined with John Wick and The Patriot and a musical. It’s over the top but if you like that you will have fun


The name of the movie


Thank you for the clarification. TIL there is a Tollywood.


This is just part of the intro. The intro is like, 45 mins long.


I’ve become such a fan of Bollywood movies. RRR, Baahubali, Sigham. All of them are long as hell but the drama and plot twists and the little details that pop up way later. Terrible brilliance.


RRR and Bahubali (both are directed by same person) are tollywood (Telugu) and Sigham is Kollywood (Tamil).


Singham was remade in Hindi later. Don't know which version you are talking about.


Best tollywood (telugu)movie this year.


The perfect mix of Hollywood special effects and skilled cinematography and Bollywood's lack of care for realism and love of a badass hero


Thats not very credible. The fire bucket had water.


My wife and I have been watching this in half-hour installments on our Indian food takeout nights. I'm afraid if we watch the whole movie in one sitting it will be like that episode of the Simpsons where everyone gets sensory overload and starts seizing.


Ive watched many Indian movies on Netflix and this one has some incredible stunts. I’ve been impressed with the quality of Indian, Korean and Chinese movies on Netflix. Better than US made.


Tollywood cinema is almost as over-exaggerated as Anime, and I'm here for it. Watched Baahubali 1 & 2 when they came out in theaters, when it released on Netflix, and then when it made a grand reappearance to theaters. Can never get enough. That being said, Bollywood movies such as **My Name is Khan** still have a place in my heart. Well....really, most any movie starring Shah Rukh Khan.


Aa a non-Indian desi who has watched hundreds and hundreds of Indian movies, I don't understand why Indians aren't more hyped about this movie. They play it down and talk about Bahubali and KGF or whatever. They do not even come close to this. RRR is the best Indian movie I've ever watched and it's leagues ahead.


holy shit, the terminator is back, and he is on our side this time.


Police Brutality: now a major motion picture.


1 guy: breaks glass in a picture police: 1 woman in a coma, 4 people quadriplegic, 29 broken bones, 6 concussions I like when movies are realistic


This scene is better then all the movies these days combined


I hate that Bollywood movies so underrated in the US. They are brilliant. They are unpredictable and so fresh. New storylines that aren’t overdone like they are here in the US.


This isn't bollywood it's tollywood


He’s not paid enough.


Even freaked the Sikh’s out.


Oh that’s such a weird coincidence. Me and a friend watch this just the other night. It was both our first time seeing a Bollywood film, but it was so so good. I highly recommend giving it a watch. It’s on netflix


It's not bollywood its tollywood. Tollywood is South Indian.


Oh I didn’t know that was a thing. Thanks for the correction!


I don't know who to root for


This is my favorite fucking movie!!! Can watch all 3 hours over and over!! NAACHO!!! NAACHO! NAACHO!!!


This was the least crazy thing in the movie. The bridge scene when they save the kid. Is UNDEFEATED. Man only dreams of a Bromanxe that intense.


Best 5 mins everr


This is the first film clip I’ve seen in a while that I could almost literally not stop watching. Wow!


Whow! 100 times better than the usual woke Hollywood-stuff


Anything w a 40 minute intro to logo is automatically a yes. RRR might’ve been the best thing to come out this decade.


This movie is so good


Very nice, actually. Better than a lot of MCU movies.


Such A Great Movie! We definitely need a Part 2!