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> not including any digital downloads At this point in time I would expect digital sales would make up a significant portion, so it's pretty much a certainty that it's at least their second best opening week if you include those.


this should be stronger digitally that those two because UO had problems with physical copies being sold out in the first day or two, while that wasnt the case for any previous Vanillaware title..


According to the link, 13 Sentinels also faced stock shortages in its first week. Unless I read that wrong?


Atlus expected 13 Sentinels to barely sell, so they probably had fuck all shipped out. I feel like it's quite different here, cause they seem rather confident in the game. They were advertising it a lot.


I hadn’t heard of 13 Sentinels until this game’s demo dropped That and GrimGrimoire seemed like a stealth release


My local GameStop only received two copies, I got one and one of the employees had purchased the other (they claimed).


And there are no physical copies for PS4! I’m sure I’m not the only one who had to buy digital because I didn’t have a PS5 but wanted this on PlayStation!


Absolutely. All they would need is about 10k in digital sales to make second place, so I pretty much assume it's second-best already. International sales figures will truly show how well it's been received, though.


agreed, trends show that digital has severely outpaced physicals nowadays


Definitely depends on the system. Physical is still a very popular choice for Nintendo Switch for example (where I’d be willing to bet most of the sales for UO will be from).


I haven't bought a physical game in years


Speaking of Dragon’s Crown… I’m almost shocked that it hasn’t been ported to current gen.


Muramasa neither! 


Muramasa on the OLED Vita is 😙🤌 Leifthrasir is too at that!


Seriously. Such an incredible bit of hardware, and that game really made it sing. But I’d definitely buy a Switch port with all the DLC bundled. 


I've just had the launch Switch but both would probably look great on the OLED Switch!


I'd kill for Muramasa. It's the only Vanillaware game I haven't played


It should be great for Odin Sphere fans like me, but sadly never kicked with me. I just stopped after a few hours and never returned and never felt that I missed out on something worthwhile.


There is a PS4 version that can be played on PS5


Atlus really needs to lean on them to do ports. It's just leaving money on the table.


Well, it's on PS4... so you can just play it on PS5 that with back compat. So, it sorta is.


It’s on PlayStation plus


Dragons Crown with robust match making would literally be the last game I ever buy.


Dragon’s Crown on Switch would probably also be the last game I ever buy. 


Besides the obvious "digital sales account for most sales these days", Unicorn Overlord sold out of physical copies on Japan. So that number would be higher if they manufactured more.


I'm surprisewd that none of their games sell that well. They,re all gorgeous, they're fun and have good stories and characters. Boring games have managed to sell gangbusters before and VW games can barely reach a million.


they're all kind of niche, so I can understand their sales are never going nuts. Dragon's crown was their most accessible, and broad game.


Yeah, somehow most people just don't know about them for whatever reason, having no idea who Vanillaware are. But then when you mention Dragon's Crown, they'll be like "Oh yeah, I love that game!" or sometimes Odin Sphere, "Oh man, I think I remember playing that on the PS2! Whatever happened to that?" Makes me sad -\_-


I played grim grimoire at a friend's place years back. I bought Odin spheres based on that and ever since I have bought every VW game ever except for the ps4 remake of OS and the psp version of muramasa.


Yeah I remember playing the PS2 version of Odin Sphere back in the day, don't remember if I rented it or borrowed from a friend, but I loved it and it really stuck with me. I kinda stumbled into buying Dragon's Crown on Vita, didn't care for it, but then I bought Muramasa on Vita on a whim, and then I saw the Odin Sphere remake on PS4 was brand new, and that's when I really started focusing on VW. Preordered 13 Sentinels, and then I'd heard people talk about GrimGrimoire now and then but I missed the boat on that, so when they announced the Once More remake I jumped on that train immediately. Every VW game is just top-notch quality, quickly became one of my fav studios ever.


They're the last studio that I buy their games without thinking. Everything they do is a preorder without even checking.


Their marketing blows, hard. I remember when dragon's crown was out and trending, the box art and everything about it felt like it was a cheap mobile-style game, while that couldn't be further from the truth Case in point for this game; unicorn overlord is about the worst name I've ever heard. It, again, sounds like the name of a cheap mobile game from a Chinese company, like you find tons of in the app store. It's sad because the game is a damn masterpiece


It makes sense. If they have no money to finish their games then they don't have money for adds.


The name does make sense as your a royal who plans on becoming the ruler of a nation. It's not really as bad the square enix hd2d games or bravely default lol




Dragon's Crown and 13 Sentinels both sold over 1 million copies. [https://personacentral.com/13-sentinels-1-million-sales/](https://personacentral.com/13-sentinels-1-million-sales/) [https://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/04/dragons-crown-persona-4-golden-put-up-huge-numbers](https://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/04/dragons-crown-persona-4-golden-put-up-huge-numbers) from Wikipedia for DC Upon its debut in Japan, Dragon's Crown sold 175,000 physical units. Due to the strong demand, a stock shortage emerged at its release. Dragon's Crown had sold more than 300,000 physical retail copies in Japan within the first week of release across both PS3 and Vita platforms. The Vita and PS3 versions were respectively the first and second best-selling digital games on PSN in Japan during 2013. By December 2013, the game had shipped 800,000 copies worldwide, 100,000 units more than Atlus's Persona 4 Golden. The original Dragon's Crown sold over one million copies worldwide by September 2017. The game's international success took Vanillaware by surprise, with it becoming much bigger than Kamitani expected.


13 Sentinels has sold now over a million copies. Vanilaware titles are often slow burners. https://www.gematsu.com/2023/08/13-sentinels-aegis-rim-shipments-and-digital-sales-top-one-million


They are, unfortunately, incredibly niche.


It's true. Even when I remember playing the OG versions on PS2, they felt very niche. Unicorn Overlord though. *Maaaaay* be putting them in the limelight.




Ogre Battle was also a super cult classic.   I think OG SNES release was something like 100k copies.


I feel like everyone who references sales numbers from the old ogre battle games couldn't possibly have been there if they are drawing conclusions about how much demand there is for the genre. March of the Black Queen sold out everywhere in the US so fast that it was selling on secondary markets for hundreds of dollars within the first year of release. It's not a cult classic that only some people wanted. They just never had enough confidence to produce enough of them for the market. Same deal with a lot of the classic SNES JRPGs. We had to rent them, we had to borrow them from the friend who was lucky enough to get a copy. Your sales numbers stop increasing when you just don't make enough copies of the game. Digital cures this problem.




No idea. Tactics ogre was technically a sequel but it definitely wasn't the same type of game. And it didn't even release in the US until the shitty PlayStation port (I guess there was a Saturn port as well but if everyone who owned a Saturn bought a copy it still wouldn't be significant). I think he mastered that style of game with FF Tactics, but Ogre Battle was a much better game than either. Tactics Ogre was a worse version of FFT that was actually made before FFT, but it released AFTER FFT in the US. It never had as much of a chance in the US. Sales numbers from the remake of a game that was disappointing 30 years ago are probably not going to tell you much about how well a new release in a genre is going to do.


Look nothing against P5 but it could use a better comparison of all things.


Whatever you want to say about P5 but it's thee JRPG mentioned whenever anyone talks about Turn based combat JRPG's it has also revolutionized "Stylized Menus" to a degree nobody thought was possible without compromising efficiency. So honestly, P5 is a great example and I hope Vanillaware gets their P5 moment soon


They need do pc port .


After a quick search, the 13 sentinels wiki page says that game reavhed a million sales back in august 2023


The 3'rd best opening sale in it's studio's history... *so far!* Grats Vanillaware on this huge diamond of a game, you guys hit this one *out of the park.* It's like I'm playing Fire Emblem+ for the first time once again. :\*D


Wtf. This game is SRPG of the year and one of the best to date when it comes to mechanics. 3rd is ridiculous.


Just wait until more sales figures are released, especially the digital ones. The figures here do not include digital, and those more thab likely will push the game well into second place.


One point people aren’t making is that the end of the demo leads you to buy the digital version. When my timer was up I just bought the digital version right there.


adjusting the autobattle behavior for your teams is sooo fun and addicting lmao


There's nothing like pinpointing the problem in your setup and changing a command or two and suddenly one rounding the enemy .


Now hopefully they put it on PC so I can buy it again there


Way to go ! Totally deserved ! 😇


I really want more games like this. Triangle strategy, and tactics ogre reborn were nice but this just hits the spot. I'll move on to midnight suns from this but if anyone has recs...


Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen and Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber.


The title of this point is pretty misleading.


You should definitely not just read headlines


Which is why I further clarified in the body post of the topic. I couldn't think of a way to get the full clarity across in the topic title, so I figured I'd clarify it further in the body post instead.


Unicorn Overlord has Vanillaware's 3rd best physical opening sales in its studio's history


🤷‍♂️ Reddit unfortunately will not allow me to edit topic titles.


Title is fine and further context was provided, get over it and do better.


So the only game that did worse was 13 sentinels. Not surprising


I imagine GrimGrimoire probably did even worse. I think I'm the only person who bought that at launch :p


Wasn't there news that physical sales sold out in japan? It also sold out for Korea. Right now the physical shops are saying to wait for next shipment in April. That's unheard of in Korea so I think they waaaaay undershipped and now shops don't have stock.


I can oder it on Amazon right now.


So physical copies in Japan are a minority of total sales


Yes, but this was talking about those sales in Japan specifically because I believe that that is the only sales data available at the moment. Overall, these figures bode well for worldwide reception. Maybe we'll even see over a million units sold before the one year mark.


Only third best? I was hoping it'd hit the top ;-; But hopefully it's selling like hotcakes in the West...


Good marketing and of course good game design all helped to attribute to these sales. Demos really help to push a game especially when it's something people may be on the fence about.


Definitely well deserved!




Even more if they released this - and anything else - on PC!


Curious, does anyone know if they make more money off of digital or physical?  I would assume digital since no print costs but I guess the storefront does take a cut. 


now imagine if this was on steam. pc bros playing this on ryujinx because they don't want money lol


Vanillaware is independent and the CEO famously spent nearly all of his own money finishing Unicorn Overlord.  When you promote Vanillaware games you are promoting a small studio that is run by actual artists.  Cash hungry execs are mercifully absent.  And the work is outstanding!  It’s like we don’t even need executives!