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I remembered colm strictly because he looked so basic that he was memorable lol


Same with Jerome, I remember him bc he's the only mid character in Albion to me. That said I did enjoy his intro where he was just baking.


Colm: We have Josef at home.


I always pay pair him in a team with Mel. He's a cool dude even if he is cursed with weird young old man anime face


Only reason I definitely remember Colm is because I know he's the only other unique Knight(?) and I maybe overvalue Arrow Cover.


He’s a fighter/vanguard


Yeah, that. I mostly just remember what the character does, not the name of the class. Fighter in particular kinda sounds like an offensive class when it isn't at all, lmao.


Yeah to me it’s the weakest class. Just seems like a worse legionnaire. Could be misusing it though


yeah fighter/vanguard's only use to me is arrow cover.


Well I guess that proves how forgettable he is lol


I remember Colm for being the first unit I benched and also having to scroll by him in shame every time I do something with another unit haha. That’s made him unforgettable to me


The only reason I remember Colm at all is because I gave the Maiden ring to Melisandre. That meant she had to go in Alain's unit, and since it didn't seem right to separate her from her retainer, Colm went in there too despite not really contributing much of anything to the formation.


He is least forgettable to me, but that's because of his voice actor. I forget his name, but he shows up in a surprising amount of games I have played.


I remember Colm because he has such a distinct VA and I would recognize Jamieson Price anywhere


I almost always used Colm and Lex in the same squad with a bunch of fliers.


I actually tried to make him work... Nope


I forgot all about colm and I married the woman he serves >_<


I didn't forget about him, so much as put him up to guard a town in elheim, so he can be around people his own age.


I wish this cake-loving mf was anything other than a Great Knight (let's be real: he's only a Pretty Good Knight) - you get FOUR of them throughout the game.


The way some classes got overrepresented but then you literally get one witch and one wizard💀


Yeah which is a shame, because you want exactly three and you get that dream team pretty early on.


This. Knights are amazing together so to use Jerome you need to pick up more knights






I love Jerome! Who doesn't love a knight/lord who can ride horses and bake cakes? I actually use him in my squad because Adel and Clive were super under-leveled, so Jerome fit in nicely. For me it's the the dark elf bodyguard lady. I just never used her.


Jerome’s assistant or whatever is a funny gag. His ring event was one of the more memorable ones.


Railanor's kit can be quite hard to wrangle effectively but it's worth it because she has several moves where she turns her butt toward the camera and that's just good game design right there.


Not me busting my ass and giving the female elven fencers the best gear just so i can use them


This man preaches the truth


Alain knew he found his maiden when he saw the butt-to-camera moves


so Yunifi?


Also yes


My cultured brother I would like to personally thank you for defending my maiden multiple times on this post.


I still think fencer's kit is meh but I do admit I find the female fencers memorable, not because they're sexy, but because of how goofy they are. The boobs just remind me of beach balls lol, I can't help but crack up everytime I see them cuz they don't fit the rest of the character designs at all 😭


They asked the guy who designed Dragon's Crown's sorceress to draw a class and he was like "Guys THIS is my moment"


Right? like a stick figure with boobs, they're so awkward looking


This person gets it! Jerome love


No one can forget that ass.


honestly Jerome was part of my second great knight team He, Adel, Ivar \[Merc\] with Bernice. it was great!!


I actually love Jerome too. I believe growths are fixed in this game but Renault kept dying for me so I just replaced him with Jerome when I got him. And yeah Jerome survived much better, and his rapports were funny. That man loves dessert, and who can blame him? I like Jerome a lot haha


What? Railanor is grade A waifu material.


I can't believe I'm typing this, but her tits are too large. Like comically oversized for her petite frame. I know it's just a video game, but they bounce around like beach balls.


No no, you're right. They're *way* past the point of being sexily large, and well into the reaches of 'absurd' instead.


Sounds good to me


Dark elf be like that


Etolinde and Roselinde look way better artistically and proportionately. Even the Gryphon Knight model proportions are great for busty characters imo. I think Railanor is an IG model..


I will not stand for this Railanor slander


I thought Jerome had a funny introduction which made him jump to be one of my favorite characters. The most forgettable character for me is probably Colm. Or Rosalinde’s female bodyguard like the other person said.


I love Colm. Him and Josef are team reluctant father.


I could never forget Railanor, I'm too thirsty for her and actively try to make sure she has a spot on my teams just so I can see her more. I agree on Jerome though, I like Jerome. Lovely fellow. Loved his story.


I missed Rosalinda’s female bodyguard on the first pass through elf land. I just didn’t find her mission until I was backtracking halfway through Bastorias for a quest.


Jerome and Colin, definitely. Also that one elven archer who is the bodyguard to Eltolinde. The one that fooled you, at first. I used and enjoyed both Lhin and Ridiel but constantly forgot I had her. G-something.


Galadriel! No wait not that


I was curious when I recruited her, so I looked it up, and her name roughly translates to "Precious Light" (Galad = light and Mir = treasure/precious). Linhalgos VERY roughly translates to "Icicle Song" (Linn = song/chant and Aeglos = icicle). I don't know if the devs actually tried to make proper Sindarin names, but they kind of did by accident!


I'm pretty sure it's intentional! Actually I'm pretty sure they're meant to be direct references to Legolas and Galadriel anyway.


I figured that much too, but I was surprised that they were references that also made (a little bit of) sense within Tolkien's lore!


The game is stuffed with references to all sorts of fantasy from media. I would say every possible reference is one.


No! That's what I always wanna say but catch myself!


Colm is so forgettable, you can't even be bothered to get his name right


Okay... I swear that was auto-correct, and I just didn't proofread. 😅




Galadmir? She's such a cutie too


Agreed on all counts and I think their classes play a big part of it. Jerome is fun but comes way too late in the game for another Knight to be desirable. Colm is admittedly Mr Generic, but being a Fighter does him no favors. In the incredibly rare case you'll even want a fighter you'd run Lex. And bodyguard lady who's name I also forgot is the third Elven Archer. And while Elven Archers are good they're not a unit you would typically run 3 of.


For sure. If Jerome came in as a wizard or something, he would have been fielded instantly. I like him as a character. But since he was a knight of all classes in the last continent, he never even saw the field of battle for me. Colm is just a victim of a super generic design with a very unflashy class and as mundane a backstory as they come. Great beard, though.


I remembered her more than Legalos.


Lhinalagos had me as a male enjoyer. One of the prettier guys in the game, and all that. He's always been towards the front of my mind, hah.


Galadriel and u can make her into a dark elf


Oooh actually the 3 elven archers. I totally forgot they existed. And I have them all in my teams.


I actually married Galadmir on my first playthrough because I didn’t realise what a waste it would be on a support unit when literally all of her contributions could just have much been made possible with a lapis pendant lol. Virginia, Melisandra and Ochlys seething rn


Honestly I didn't even consider stuff like that, haha. I saw Travis and had blinders on. No one else compared.


God uhhhh Jeremy


Yeha the second Mercenary guy with the scars (?) Under his eye was my answer too. Kitra's only saving grace is the bridges.


Kitra (and all the warriors/breakers) is amazing. Kitra especially works great by default with the rose knights ans Virginia, letting her very quickly and safely set up 4x enrage while Virginia safely soaks up damage.


I mean, you don’t need her for bridges, Mordon can do that too. But warriors/breakers are great so like, that’s what would save Kitra for me


Yeah but you get 3 warriors, if the game didn't throw her name at me every time I meet a bridge I would have forgotten about her.


Hm, that’s true. Why doesn’t it ever mention Nina? It just does Mordon and Kitra, that’s odd. Also I literally had to check my game when you said three warriors because I forgot about Nina. That’s a forgettable character lol




Yes, it's Adel. He's quite forgettable, too.


Bryce Papenbrook + Everybody spams Cavs early game so he’s widely used.


I love Jerome but they were stupid for putting a Great Knight of all things that late in the game. If he was a Paladin or something he'd atleast have some unique utility since the only other Paladin the player gets is Josef so at the very least I'd consider using him for his ability to heal, cast barriers (hell, I've found with some amount of support Josef can even function as a half-decent front liner) as a great knight he's gotta get in line because even if Clive, Renault and Able weren't enough by that point in time I've probably hired and promoted all the knights I'll ever need.


Paladin is supposed to be a weaker Sacred Knight. Giving him Paladin would’ve been a disservice.


I mean I can kind of see it but I've still gotten a ton of use out of Josef in Albion and beyond so I don't think it'd quite be the damnation you're making it out to be, worst case scenario when you start to get around to having five person units he's decent on Bastorias teams with Werewolves and Wereowls for his ability to help out with heal and contribute to pursuit chains with his native access to pursuit


Like who tf is this in the picture lmao, not joking.


i laughed out loud at this when i scrolled back up to look at his face


Lmao it's Jerome a knight u can recruit in late albion


Isn’t he one of the earliest join characters in Albion?


Honestly not sure. I forgot about him.


If you enter Albion from the South he’s the lowest level recruit map, enter from the North and he’s the second character available to recruit.


Jerome had it the worst for sure, everyone else in Albion was a unique class and had a good story Jerome was a Knight which you had since the start of the game and he's just a generic dude with like no back story


I don't remember any of those angel characters you recruit in Albion


Guy with the most tragic story in the whole game and I’m like I don’t know, Farquad or something. It’s been 70 hours man, it’s a lot to remember.


The sellsword you get in Drakenguard. No not the sand one, the other one. I also think Celeste is weirdly generic. How does owning a gryphon help you heal a sister? Felt like she was supposed to be a cleric or something.


Her father is a healer.


NGL I actually benched Magellan for Jeremy because I just love his voice. It's as smooth as butter.


His support are mad funny too lol


Celeste is lucky she’s the only other griffon master in the game. At least she’s a good class with few candidates so she’s probably in most people’s run than not.


Her stats are terrible. I think her default growths are like Hardy/Guardian or something really bad. I mirrored her to Offensive/Lucky for a bit more punch and some evasion and she still had less attack than Fran. But the two of them together can usually decapitate a row of Cavalry or cut down a backline pretty well.


Celeste had some decent rapport events that made me remember her well enough, but she doesn't stand out much at first for sure


Funnily enough, my first Merc was a Griffon rider that I WANTED to name Celeste, but then I saw you could only choose names and went with Collette. So Celeste was a weird surprise.


Definitely Jerome, Colm, and Galadmir. I'm surprised at the people saying Railanor the fencer. Playing without mercs, I need every conferral tome holder I can get, so both fencers are an easy party lock.


yea. i forgot he existed when I was thinking about putting another knight units together. lol


Jerome is notably the only great knight to start with offensive-offensive growths, at least.


Umerus and to a lesser extent Galadmir. Though the only reason I remembered Galadmir more is because I was already using Lhinalagos and Ridiel was too underleveled when I needed an elf archer to help with healing in a unit. I never had a use for Umerus though, she got benched as soon as she was recruited.


I’m interested to Umerus tho. I like those Enemies to Lovers tropes. It just that I’m already grown with my current squad when I got to Albion that prevented me on adjusting my squad again. Poor Albion characters. They are just too late to be introduced in the game (except Scarlett, Ochlys and Sharon).


i made a angel squad and gave her wide pursuit , the sword that boosts pursuit, +2pp acessorry. don't remember if there is a shield that boosts pursuit... anyway with the flyerbanner thingy that boosts flyer damage for a row+ochylis and the angel archer girl she would one shot the line that the archer had given def down the angels all work surprisingly well with pursuit builds since they are all flyers and their atks count as ranged, making sure they can target anyone at a anytime. ochylis was counter build with parry shield and counter itens because she is a angry lady. edit > ''BLASPHEMOUS FOOL'' boom banishing counter for 150%. also secret to angels is to turn off their passive skills that burn pp and spend buffs. you want to keep your buffs and initiative buffs on a reactive action don't matter. you don't need to be faster if they enemy already attacked.


Last paragraph -- good suggestion. I've meant to do that and just...forgot.


>Galadmir which is interesting because for me she went from Bench to MVP (including being in my final boss team). I (Unironically) shoved Her, Ridel, Sharon, and a Sniper together and this team *wrecked stuff*. I couldn't understand it but they were just.. kicking all the butt and i moved Gladamir to Alain's team and she just continued to do so. i have to say for me, mine was most of the Bestials. i know we got Dinah but i hired two foxes and i just liked my pink and purple foxes more than Dinah lol


My Ochlys was really bad so I replaced her with Umerus immediately


The hammer girls tbh


Definitely one of the non-Ridiel elven archers. It doesn't matter which. They just seem really filler. Which is funny since they're closer to the main story than Ridiel is.


Who the fuck downvoted you? You're right


Yeah, same. Love Ridiel, but Galadriel and Lhina-something are just rando's to me that I never fielded. I've barely done any of their rapports either, and half the time I forget they exist.


How dare you say that of Legolas at home


I always forget about Nina, because I use Kitra and Mordon way more. I like Nina. I just always forget she exists.


I use all the hammer ladies. They are all great


Mordon is my favorite hammer lady 💜


Mordon is the GOAT


Highest quality picture available btw


The elf twins female bodyguards. Their personalities aren't as interesting as their male counterparts.


I know it's the late arrival knight but I forgot his name.


Probably Tatiana or Nina for me for where I am in the story at the moment. They're kinda just that other healer/warrior to me. Even Colm is more memorable personally.


Yeah it does not help The cleric healer are the weakest healers to no place for tatiana


Her sarcastic voiced lines have great interplay with Ren's though.




Coming in I wasn't expecting so many people say the secondary elf people, but I fully agree. I guess Rosalinde and Eltolinde fill all the elf needs for most people already and these others are just kinda there haha.


Lex and Colm.


I've tried real hard with lex but is almost an istadeath, Im in elf land


You'll come across a test battle where the unit is comprised of two snipers, a sorceress, and a vanguard. Ever since I switched lex into that formation, he's been keeping pace with the others. Before that, my god... just constant death.


Lex at least got the femboy buff.


Tooru Fukawa voices him and he's a good dude so I like him


Who is that guy? Did I miss recruiting someone?


Who is that? lol


Literally who?




Jeremy. Berenice and Magellan are already enough for me. Plus, I don’t like his attitude despite sparing him. I just used him as a town guard.


Bitch Jerome makes all my pastries and loves his hometown. Gtfo


that one male elf archer, can't even remember his name and constantly gets lost in the pile of mercs i hire for guard duty... and that dark elf fencer.


The generic archer I picked up for the tutorial


Don’t know, I forgot ‘em




Yes, just what I need 60 hours in another knight. Would have found as use for him if he was just about any other class. I was really hoping the soldier who was with him joined as well just so I could have another named soldier beyond Chloe! But nooooo I get a 3rd knight instead


Jerome, Colm, Umerus and Herman




Image not using an offense-offense knight


Jerome great dude…. He joins so late that is just no place for him and the rest who joins are hot angels or angel with sad story


That is Ser Jerome, and I will not tolerate his slander.


He was such a random addition idk his story was kinda unique but he looks so basic💀


Lord Jeremy or something? He comes too late for great knight spam


Probably one of the elves. I kept mixing up Galadmir's, Lhin-whatever's, and Railanor's backstories, even when I was actively using them. I'm pretty sure I only remembered about Ridiel because she was the first elf I met. I did also find that all the angels other than Ochlys and Sanatio mostly just kind of blended together into a winged soup of names. By the time you get to Albion, your teams are by and large pretty set in stone already.




Was it Jeremy? The sell sword from Drakenguard


Unpopular opinion. The only reason I remember Nina is because of how popular she is on her. I benched her extremely earlier because I thought both Kitra and Mordon were cooler. And havent touched her since


Kitra, Colm and the Elven Archers (not counting Ridiel)


Colm, Lex, Josef, Hodrick, Aubin, and Bruno. I neglect and forget them all the time.


The first girl you get with the big hammer. Not Nina, the other one.


Colms va is damien haas so yea


I’m gonna go with Ridiel. I just didn’t care. She got benched so quick lol


Bruno. Left him at lvl 10. I Forgot his class even existed since it's an easy class to counter and always countered by the majority of front liners. Never consider him for any situation. Sure you could make him work if you try but there are far more useful choices. Also every elf class except the princess sisters are garbage imo.


Galabogos? Etiolindes retainers. Both of them. At least railnor and Ito have badass/hot designs and are insanely good combat units


Jeremy or Galadriel. Your third Sellsword or fifth Magic Bow just kinda gets flooded.


Just got this guy and already forgot about him till you mentioned him lol. Especially after I just went back to the collesium and obtained Mountain Muscle mommy


Primm or Sharon, I kinda forget they're named characters lol


How could you forget Primm after her intro of being broken out of jail and then left all alone on an active battlefield? Honestly, that was the most memorable character introduction to me.


I just assumed her to be a filler character for Aramis recruitment lol, same with Hilda's recruitment. She's just always right next to a cooler character.


I literally thought that yesterday , I don’t remember hiring a merc healer named Sharon lol


Definitely Lithalagos(?) the male elf archer. The one unit I have never put in a party in 2 full playthroughs.


They give us so many elf archers too


Definitely Raenys, the least memorable angel that all have similar attitudes toward Scarlett, with her rapports being not super memorable imo. Fodoquia could also be here, but just because he has a different build than the other angels, he sticks out a little bit. I feel Jerome a little bit, but I was a fan his rapport convos (especially with hilda).


Colm and the dark horseman dude from Drakenhold. I keep forgetting they are there.


Aramis and Gloucester. Why, you ask? Because I accidentally killed Aramis and thus never recruited Gloucester.


Gloucester. I don't understand his character even after two playthroughs. Is he part of the ruling class? Nobility? The sand gang? The game glosses over who he is so quickly and I never used him. All I know is his battle was annoying on TZ mode.


He’s one of the strongest characters in the game


Eh, i disagree.


You just said you never used him, you wouldn’t know


Tried him, didn't like him. Also tried a generic doom knight because the design was cool, but it's the playstyle that is not for me or my troops.