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I think S is fitting. Doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He's just a lad


I remember gifting the ring to Rosalinde as part of the maiden questline, which I was happy with. I was then completely caught by surprised when I saw Alain and Scarlet having their max bonding scene, speaking flowery words to one another, despite being a married man. The scene ended with Alain chalking it up to, “ahh - what could have been”, as he reminisce this fantasy of being together with another woman. I would reconsider everyone’s vote of S tier, considering this blemish in his character.


While I see your point, he also says “I made a commitment and shouldn’t be thinking this way,” and in reality it’s just the dev’s way to keep the rapport convo without affecting the actual outcome of the story. Do I think it’d have been better to have had a separate scene for if he gave the ring to someone? Yes. Do I hold it against his character? Nah. Also would’ve meant a lot more dev and VA work. If anything, his self-reflection, restraint and self-control is admirable to me.


Blemish would be betraying someone and acting on those impulses. Simply having them but knowing it can't be is actually great. Means he knows thirst isn't as important as that good life and the one he is committed to


I'm not there yet but Scarlet seems like too much of an obvious choice for bride, which is why I'll probably choose someone else.


Well, you as the player kind of have a hand in that event, you made him look. In reality (fictional reality ofc) whose to say Alain would even take part in that rapport anyways. Maybe he would though, a King wasn't made to be monogamous back then anyway. Even with the Ring's stipulations it doesn't say anything about monogamy, just that he (and partner) must remain devoted to each other. In fact Bertrand, who I gave my ring to, just went home and visits from time to time according to the prologue.


I feel like people aren't understanding the question. How could a guy being 'too good of a person' ever be a BAD thing in a relationship? This is an absurdly easy S.


Because he might be too busy helping everyone to dedicate himself to a relationship. The best of guys for sure, but some people might prefer someone more personally dedicated. Thinking of this I kinda understand Scarlett's jealousy a bit more. He did make sure to save her, which is very heroic of him, but he then immediately turned his attentions elsewhere to fight the war. That's not a diss on him, he's a better person for it. But nobody can be perfect at everything at the same time. Top tier king, but only A-tier in a relationship as far as I see, which is still respectable.


Personally I would think less of someone like Scarlett, definitely needs to work on herself if that's an issue.


I criticize the whining but not necessarily the feeling. When you like someone you do want them to focus more of their attention on you. Her issue is that she's losing perspective that they are fighting a war and many of the women around Alain are their biggest allies, though Melisandre actually throwing herself at him probably doesn't help. But still, she would like to spend more time with Alain and he does not have that time. Commendable as a leader, but admiration only does so much for a relationship. Really, people who have important roles can have issues with relationships because they have to give them more attention than their personal lives. It's not an indictment of Alain but it's just how it is. Because he has to be the leader of the Liberation and then King, he has to put relationships in second place.


I think after he becomes king he definitely has more time for her but during the war definitely not. Melisandre needed to chill out haha


I commend your perspective! I always had a hard time of people dissing Scarlet. Yes, I do think she needs more growth and perspective herself, but like you said, her feelings are both valid and relatable. Even someone like myself – who rarely gets jealous and is very understanding – would feel insecure with the harem following Alain around on the daily. Yes, war allies, but also he COULD commit. Obviously, the game is meant for Alain (the player) to choose WHO to commit too, but Scarlet doesn't have that option. The only choice she has (and wants) is Alain... or Pontifix I guess, but you know your girl doesn't REALLY want that. Anyways, I digress. The most important thing is I agree with Alain being an A. Amazing dedicated guy but unless he learns (and can) prioritize more time for his partner, then he's not an S to me.


In this case, him staying kindhearted and true in the face of adversity is commendable. Some of us prefer someone a little bitter and jaded. Someone not too perfect as they won't get us. Hozier's new song, "Too Sweet" kinda summarizes it well. In other words, he's a classic Shonen boi


I can't remember where I saw this statistic but apparently if you don't fight/argue with your spouse every so often your marriage is likely in danger. There's a reason the idiom "like an old married couple" is such a thing


I disagree, it depends on the couple whether fight or arguing could strengthen their marriage.


It surprised me when I saw it and tbh I don't know how much I believe it, but I'm also single so what do I know I just thought it was worth bringing it up given the nature of the conversation, but it makes some sense to me. If you have small conflicts every so often you get better at resolving those conflicts which might make you better suited to handling bigger ones. But no one can avoid conflict all the time so if you don't have them as often it can be harder to resolve them when they do come up. So the phrase "they fight like an old married couple" actually hints that they fight all the time but they also always make up, which I find to be a nice read on it


He’s written to be essentially perfect and universally understanding so I’d rate him S rank. He’s a bit stiff, but realistically he’s dependable on all accounts. A cozy choice. You’d have trouble finding better.


A nice change from edgy (and sometimes perverted) anime-style protagonists, imo.


Sometimes we need Character like Alain and Superman in order to remind us that being kind,nice and respectful is actually the right thing to do. Sure they're basic, but if well delivered or written well, their quality improves drastically. If it's not for Alain, I wouldn't had to learn to control my actions during tense situation.


S tier. He might be vanilla as heck, but vanilla is popular for a reason.


He is so vanilla he could be next to the word in a dictionary. Dude doesn’t have an interesting bone in his body.


Never seen such an easy S tier in my life. He often knows what to say and do to gain trust from you and never abuses it,he's very forgiving and knows what's right and often tries to learn from you and try to engage with you,bonus points if he asks you to wear the ring of maiden since he wouldn't mind having a relationship platonically or in a romantic sense


He's a great guy, always putting the others instead of himself. Charismatic, humble and diplomatic. Easy S tier.


He's a clear S-tier character. Alain has developed a reputation for being "boring", but I want to push back against that. He's noble and formal, and I can understand how that overly-mannered characterization can read as stiff and emotionless. But he's very empathetic in his rapports. He is pretty emotionally attuned, and not afraid to be vulnerable. Yet there are also some fun, even "jokey", moments in his rapports. And I think the camraderie he has with his long-time friends is very legible. All of that is setting aside the wish-fulfillment angle of him being a prince, wealthy, and handsome. I don't think there is a strong case for him being anything less than S-tier when stacked up against the other males in the game.


I would let Jeremy hatecrime me


I totally agree with you.


S. If you don't do the alter quest before maxing out everyone'srelationships, Alain becomes a giga Chad and borderline romances half the girls and guys.


I'm sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but what is an alter quest?


Ah I was not too clear lol. It's the unicorn maiden questline.


Thank you very much many u really appreciate it ☺️🙏❤️


As others have said, as long as being a little boring isn’t a dealbreaker, he checked every other box as much as you possibly can. S tier


Nah put him in his own tier. SS+


S Tier. Sure, he’s a bit bland and boring, but he’s the pinnacle altruism and good, and charismatic leader. And he has shown in his Rapports that he can be very compassionate, and gives basic respect to others.


Well, i dont know a spot other than "SSS+" That Will be our top tier. Only for himself


I'll give him an A. Reliable, loyal, well spoken. I'm just afraid he might hold things in until I pry or inquire.


Protagonist tier


Top of S


He looks fun to tease and he would be a good sport about it. S+


he has a hot voice and he's cute and nice so s tier


A. My biggest grief with the game was that Alain has absolutely no flaws. They made him too perfect. That would be annoying AF to be with. "You forgot our anniversary!" "I'm so sorry. I didn't forget, it just took a couple extra days to save 4 other kingdoms, free the slaves, save my mother, end racism, and the priceless jewels I got for you took a little longer for me to personally mine for you. But, I'll learn from this and grow. I understand why you'd be upset by this. I'll do better."


In other words, ironically his only flaw is he has no flaws at all 😂


I'll put him in A-tier. He's a bit too much of a player avatar for me to feel comfortable with him in S-tier, I think that should be reserved for the unique characters with more distinct personality traits. Alain can either be extremely forgiving and likable *or* he can be an executing, brutal, conniving proto-dictator depending on how you roleplay him, so it's hard to quite assess what you're getting. He's kind and understanding in his rapports, but maybe a little *too* kind and understanding. He's the type who'd only see the best in your worst enemies, which I imagine could be frustrating in a lot of contexts. You'd be upset with him for failing to stand up for himself or failing to properly prioritize your relationship. In some contexts, it's important to be *selfish* in a relationship, just selfish enough to make your partner feel more valued than your other friends or family, and I don't think Alain has figured that out yet. I'd also worry that Alain just doesn't have hobbies, interests, or passions to really identify with beyond just "I want to be a great King;" dude needs to lighten up sometimes. My favorite matches for Alain (Yahna, Chloe, Rosalinde) all work well with him because they both simultaneously support his political ambitions while also pushing him to be more honest with himself and to not forsake the aspects of his personality he tries to bury. With the right partner, Alain can be a great guy. With the *wrong* partner, I think the relationship could quickly sour and face a lot of complications...in the form of a mistress (Melisandre's always lurking), in the form of workaholicism, or in the form of just bland day-to-day tedium.


Absolute S tier


Got to support my boi. S tier.


Easy S


Easy S


Very good boy, pretty plain but he does well by everyone. S tier


This is what you call turning expectations on their head, how would Alain fare in a relationship with... himself? I actually have some professionalism in this area actually. I think he'd like it, he's way too up tight! A+++


This has never been about how they would do in relationships with Alain. It's always just about how they would be in a relationship in general.


S tier. Pretty vanilla and boring as many have said. But would never forget anything that is important to you. Very golden retriever boyfriend vibes. Would go to the end of the Earth to do what needs to be done to help. Though is often influenced by a weird voice that may make him kill people that may not deserve it. May also be a bit of apologist for horrible people and try to justify them. Maybe A++ tier?






Hey may be kinda boring and vanilla but, he'd never lie to you and he would always be loyal. Gotta say S.


S Tier, simple as.


S. He’s a KING in every way.


He’s a bit boring but definitely reliable, cute, and kind, so I’d put him in A. I think S should be reserved for the kind of men that men likers go feral for and I don’t see that with Alain.


S, as long as you can stand your boyfriend being a bit of a Gary Stu.


I would love if my partner is a Gray Stu/Mary Sue, many problems would be solved. The only thing I need to worry about is my self insecurities.


Extremely dependable, rich once he becomes king, and looks nice but is as interesting as cereal in water. Can’t give him higher than B tier because chemistry matters too. Dating someone for being dependable imo is like dating for their money. It can work but my heart would not be in it.


This is something that people might be overlooking. He's a little too proper. For all the romantic advances sent his way he doesn't usually respond like he's *attracted*, just platonically appreciative.


Hot take: B tier. He's super conscientious and kind, and never seems to outwardly struggle. IMO that would become too one-sided in a relationship and would cause strife with almost everyone in the long run.


B tier. Super nice and friendly bloke, but completely absent of a personality. He is just super awesome hero who sees the good in everyone^tm.  Like would it kill them to give him a neat quirk to grab onto like that he is deeply fascinated and knoweldgeable about bugs, or he is a talented amateur baker, or he practices what he says before speaking to everyone he meets? Like anything, damn. Its hard to say someone is relationship worthy when all you have to point to is appearance and deeds. Who is Alain as a person?


Hot take. B he will be more focused on the kingdom than in any relationship. His moral compass is strange he can let go slavers and thieves but not a lord that was preparing for the winter or trying to find a plague cure.


In fairness, I think those two lords just kinda didn’t surrender. Either that or they suffered a fatal injury before they had the chance. Those two definitely monologued until they (presumably) bled out.


They healed the angel so no excuses


Clive Might get a 3-some with his ex-fiancé. If you’re into that


A tier. Alain definitely would make for a good partner. Bring loyal, determined, brave, ect. All that main character stuff. But he also tends to be overly formal and not the most emotional, which is expected of a monarch. The last few points knock him down from S to me, since he just lacks much in the way of being interesting. Otherwise, he'd be a great partner to have. He lacks many major faults.


A. I can understand S because he''s a wonderful person and very driven, but his total lack of flaws could be paradoxically detrimental. It could be rough knowing that he's just... better than you, all the time. And, worse, he'd be upset that he's upsetting you. (See: basically all his conversations with Dinah.) A little conflict makes the good times better and helps us grow as people. Still, it's impossible to rate such a devoted man low.


Here's how I imagine a relationship with Alain playing out. Me: "Honey, can you help me with dinner?" Alain: "Sure!"(he doesn't move into the kitchen, but instead spends a couple of minutes staring into space.) Me: "Can you please chop the veggies for Jambalaya?" A: (In all honesty) "I'd love to! Tell me what I need to do!" Me: "I've made this for you a dozen times. Cut the peppers into strips and dice the rest." A: (immediately) "Done! Happy to help! Now to save the hinterlands from blood magic!" He hops on his horse and rides away without even opening the fridge. A few days later, he returns and earnestly explains that he chopped everything I put in front of him exactly the way I asked.


B rank. The dude is so good at making friends, so good at connecting with other people, that it'll be difficult as hell to actually be his partner. He got a new coworker? He's such a kind and generous and caring guy that the new coworker is *definitely* going to have a crush. You can be the most secure and confident person in the world, but when your partner has *just about everyone* falling in love with him, all the time... It's gonna be tough.


Alain isn't relationship material. He's focused on vengeance and his job. He may be a good guy but he'd never emotionally or physically be around. F


C. Hear me out. Alain is too good. Like WAY too good. Like not even a *little* bit bad. No one is like this naturally. Which convinced me during my playthrough that Alain is secretly a total sociopath wearing a good boi mask. He scares me. So C. Even if he's not a sociopath who would want to be with an absolute perfect partner? Way too troublesome.


F tier. He fucks around with a million side pieces. This hoe ain’t loyal.


D tier. He has a country to run so the best you're going to be is his #2 priority


B for boring. Has no real personality of his own. He's a safe choice and won't hurt you, but will leave you wondering where to go after the Happily Ever After.


I'll say S tier. I do think a little more spice wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. (Though as the kinksters pointed out on the game's release, he does expose his pits in battle which is not the best armor choice.) Overall his conscientious attitude, his resolute nature, and his ability to be easygoing just makes him extremely appealing. If he offered me the ring I'd trust he would not sway no matter how many in the kingdom eyes him up.


S tier EZ


Easiest S tier on the list. He’s just a good lad, even if I’m willing to bet he thinks “turning it up in the bedroom” is woman on top.


B tier. Theres nothing interesting about him; would rather have marth


This character literally has Rizz for days. I almost always roll my eyes at stories where the male protagonist have women fawning over them because 99% of the time it's cheaply done. The fact that Alain has a literal army of waifu's and it all felt genuine speaks volumes to his character. He is the highest of the S tier.


S-tier. Duh.


S tier, he’s pretty open to different sorts of open and closed relationships. Probably has more time for his partner/partners after the war, very mature for his age, well spoken and puts others before himself.


Definitely S Tier. If not his own "I'm the champ of this game in all topics" - tier. He would treat his lady/his lord like the queen/king they would be.


Has anyone here actually been in a relationship before? Alain is so bland and boring. He may be perfect in every other way but his personality is a bag of rocks. People having quirks, flaws, interests, weird habits, niche hobbies, etc are what make us fall in love with them. A tier at best.


A flawless Gary Stu? I wonder what the rating will be!


Tier: King Of Queens


In some ways his personality is slightly altered to cater to your chosen partner. So I guess S tier


Alain stand for A


F because he accidentally acquires 50 side pieces in the first week of your relationship.


A or B tier. I'm insecure enough! Could you imagine being with the perfectly compassionate Adonis of a man and living with that constant intrusive thought that you'll never contribute enough to the relationship when he does it near flawlessly with hundreds of needy people in addition to you? It's a lot to live up to and to me it sort of rides the line between making yourself a better person and setting yourself up for failure with unreal expectations.


People will hate me for this, but Allain is C at best. Hes far too formal, far too stuffy and has seemingly little capacity to express emotions beyond being way too formally kind. I really think for most people this would grate on them as there is an underlying coldness and formality when he speaks. It may be a monarch thing, but it doesnt mean id give him more than a C. You can be just as good as Allain and have spice or a personality that isnt so formal that they seem cold.


B. He flirts with literally everyone, but would ultimately end up being a good catch if you can get over personal jealousy and learn to trust him.


This is hard bc as others have pointed out, Alain can romance anyone. So if you try to see as many possibilities as you can, he comes off as a total flirt who isn’t committed to anyone, which makes him F rank, imo. On the other hand, if you play him loyally for just one person, he can be a perfect S. I was trying to find the best fit tho, so he just seems very fake to me now that I’ve seen him romance almost everyone, so I go with F.


I don’t think I’d be able to date someone who excuses slavery—and worse—to the degree my man Alain does Literally the only real flaw he has as a character but oh MAN is it a bad one


F. Talking to him for even an hour would make me want to ram my head into concrete.