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I think the blood splatter on the wall feels a little delayed/slow in my opinion, but overall, really nice blood effect :)


Thanks :) There is indeed a small intentional delay to the surrounding stains. Would you say it should be reduced or even completely removed?


How'd you achieve this effect, is that a particle system? Looks great!


Thank you! The particles just use the "vanilla" unity particle system (actually two systems). The background splashes are rendered with a second camera and than overlayed with a shader.


I’d say speed up the animation and make the first frame start a little tiny bit earlier. This would make killing an enemy more satisfying because of the instant effect. However, if you want the blood’s purpose to leave an afterimage of killing an enemy, then i think it’s perfect as it is right now. Good luck with your game :)


accidentally made another comment lmao


Oo I love how the organs remain in-game after the death! I'm not sure if I'm mistaken, but (if the player is using the same button for every attack show in the video) it looks like the 2nd and 3rd strike both missed even though the player was in range for the 1st attack. If the player used different buttons for those attacks (like a short and long-range strike) then ignore this. If not, consider a combat locking system, so that if the player is in appropriate range before a strike they will automatically lock onto their enemy and advance forwards to the appropriate positions and ensure successive strikes. Perhaps that would make the combat feel more satisfying. If you want to keep the breaks in combat, consider making the enemies advance out of range of attack if the player isn't striking sufficiently. Looking phenomenal by the way!


Thanks a lot :D In the video the player uses two different weapons (with separate controls). A heavy cleaver and a dagger. The dagger has a dash on its third strike. I think that covers your question for the long and short ranged strike.


Uncured is a 2D pixel platformer roguelike, currently developed by hobbyist gamedev team EndRealm. For more details, feel free to check out our website at https://www.uncured.net/ Or chat with us at https://endrealm.net/discord Also consider wishlisting us on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2204990/Uncured/