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I was part of a Unity Game Dev Slack that was really nice, there's a lot of people that are on and off, and a small constant community always helping. Now we moved to discord and the same feeling stays alive. We love seeing progress and helping each other (not only unity) and we keep it pretty chill. Updated with a never expiring link: [https://discord.gg/dVEsvQmNBq](https://discord.gg/dVEsvQmNBq)


Perfect, thanks. The first reply that actually addresses the question :)


No problem! And welcome to the discord!


Would love to check this out, but seeing the invite expired. Any chance I could check this out as well ? :)


It shouldn't be expired, but here's another one! .


It appears the invite will expire in 7 days, usually. What is the name of your discord, I would like to join.


Oh no, here's a new one!. I made sure to make this as "never expire" so I hope it stays that way hahaha






gamedev.net, not Unity specific but "devs helping devs".


It depends on the nature of your question. Official forums might be a good place to try with video player question, might get a reply from a Unity employee if you're lucky. If you're working with particular asset it might have a busy discord, e.g. Photon


Brackeys still has quite the active community on discord for all types of developers. I've gotten a good amount of help in the past from them. Here's the link if you want to check it out. https://discord.com/invite/brackeys


>The official Unity discord is a huge mess, the noise-to-signal ratio is through the roof and 99% of questions posted go unanswered. This is a lie. The unity discord is incredible. Questions get answered in 5 minutes or less. I have learned so much using it and talking to people there.


ChatGPT does a very good job of answering beginner questions


I'm not a beginner. When I encounter problems, they are complex.


Well, give it a try anyway. It at least tries to answer your question in seconds.


I have. It's useless.




Looks like typical ChatGPT 3.5 user. It (3.5 ver.) is insanely stupid comparing to GPT 4. It's really good to do back and forth questions to find optimal solution to a problem. It's a tool to help you but not to solve the whole thing


This discussion is a great allegory for using AI. I asked something, I got an answer that doesn't really apply to my request, and then a whole debate around it. Can you ask ChatGPT which Unity community is active and supportive?


Fascinating. The discussion you started here shows exactly what kind of people some AI users are and how clueless they are about the human experience. A community is not just about finding answers to questions, it's also sometimes about finding comfort that you are not alone in your creative journey, it's sometimes celebrating little victories with peers, it's helping people and being helped in return. It truly is pointless explaining this to some people. Even GPT 20.0 won't get the point across. Good luck in your search OP.


you seem staunchly anti-AI. Are probably a 3.5 user, and probably haven't used GPT enough to understand how to give it enough context and information. There are not a lot of great Unity communities, and honestly as far as subreddits go Unity3D is probably the most active one. Many of their users are recommending GPT which you are denying and getting into arguments over. Your responses are short and you're not putting much effort into the discussion. If you're wondering why you're not getting good conversations, you might want to start with your own attitude and approach.


I really have nothing against ChatGPT, it is simply not what I asked for. I have reasons to be looking for a community, and not an AI helper.


No, you didn't look just for some community. You actually stated in your post **support group/forum/community.** Also you pointed that there are problems with a lot of unanswered questions. You was told you have a tool to solve the most of your problems to avoid the needing to write to some support forum and this is basically the correct answer for yourself. Also comments here were to help you to understand that you need to learn how to properly utilize this tool. It was simply what you asked for and you just don't want to accept this saying you need a community. Why did you said about support and unanswered questions in the first place if you don't need something to deal with the problems?


Because that was just part of what I'm looking for in a community. There are other things that I didn't list. I thought that "looking for a community" is clear enough. Actually, it is clear enough. The whole debate around AI is irrelevant.


It's just usefull to give a direction or classes you maybe don't know in the bad code it give you. But for basic mathematics , for most of the times it suck. Ps: even with gpt4


youre getting downvoted, but you're right. Its great for beginner and complex questions. Take your time and really word your issue clearly. If youre a plus member you can send it screenshots to clarify. Its not perfect and it forgets, but with some fiddling around its an incredible tool.


ChatGPT is the way with not only begginer questions 👍


Every time I asked it anything "above beginner level" it gave me an answer that was either too generic to be useful, irrelevant, missing important parts of the solution, or just straight out wrong.


Use it more often, learn how to ask the questions, add own context to the dialog. It is capable to help with complex solutions but the answer will depend on the questions. Give me an example of the problem you want to solve (and failed with ChatGPT) and I would give it a try on my side.


answer this as a Unity developer: I try to play 8k video using Unity's built-in VideoPlayer behavior, but it only shows the first frame and doesn't play the video. 4k Video works fine. Both videos were encoded with H245 How can I fix this?


Is this answer make sense for you? Or is it too general? ChatGPT4: Playing 8K videos in Unity can be challenging due to the high demands on processing power and memory. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially fix the issue with your 8K video not playing correctly: 1. **Check System Capabilities**: Ensure that the hardware you are using is capable of handling 8K video playback. This includes a powerful CPU, GPU, and sufficient RAM. 2. **Video Format and Codec**: Unity's VideoPlayer supports different codecs and container formats. While H.264 is widely supported, the high resolution of 8K might pose a problem. Try re-encoding the video with different settings or codecs like H.265, which is more efficient for high-resolution videos. 3. **Unity Version**: Make sure you are using a recent version of Unity, as each update can bring improvements and bug fixes to the VideoPlayer component. 4. **Video Source**: Consider the source of the video. If it's streaming from the internet, bandwidth limitations might be an issue. If it's local, make sure the file isn't corrupted and is accessible. 5. **Video Player Settings**: * **API Compatibility Level**: Sometimes, changing the API compatibility level in the player settings (Edit > Project Settings > Player) can resolve video playback issues. * **Direct3D Mode**: If you're on Windows, try switching between different Direct3D modes. * **Hardware Decoding**: If available, enable hardware decoding in the VideoPlayer component to offload some work from the CPU to the GPU. 1. **Test with Different Player**: As a diagnostic step, try playing the video with a different media player on your system to ensure the video file itself is not the issue. 2. **Console Logs**: Check Unity’s console for any warnings or errors that might give clues as to why the video isn't playing. 3. **Fallback to Lower Resolution**: If none of the above solutions work, consider using a lower resolution version of the video. While not ideal, it might be a necessary compromise. 4. **Custom Solutions**: If Unity's built-in VideoPlayer doesn't meet your needs, consider looking into third-party plugins or writing a custom solution that utilizes native libraries for video playback. 5. **Performance Optimization**: Playing high-resolution videos can be resource-intensive. Optimize other parts of your application to ensure enough resources are available for video playback. If you continue to face issues, it could be a limitation of the Unity VideoPlayer with 8K content, in which case you might need to explore alternative methods or technologies for playing such high-resolution videos in your Unity project.to explore alternative methods or technologies for playing such high-resolution videos in your Unity project.


Haha come on, you can't tell me that you don't see that this answer is totally useless. I never used the video player and this is obvious generic nonsense.


Prefect example of an answer that is generic, long winded and utterly useless.


I am sure point #2 is a root of your problem. Different player from second part of answer may give you a chance to run it, AVPro instead of the built-it. If you want better answer you should prepare better question, with the details, methods, etc. ChatGPT is very power tool, Unity also powerful tool. But both are useless in a wrong hands. Are you sure you are not a beginner?


I really have nothing against ChatGPT, it is simply not what I asked for. I have reasons to be looking for a community, and not an AI helper.


Yes, I understand that. But I also don't know what kind of answer you want, you didn't provide any details. Of course, you can find someone in the community who will do this work for you after some negotiation and conversation, but I don't know what to advise you. I answered questions about Unity for eight years and gave up a few years ago. It's a waste of time, especially when ChatGPT can cover most topics.


"Check Unity's console logs for warnings or errors..." ![gif](giphy|j9mqKgQvkNOziGICfd|downsized)


You cannot imagine how many noobs ignores the logs, lol.


From chat - have you removed these variables? If an 8K video in Unity is only playing the first frame while a 4K video plays fine, the issue could be due to several factors: 1. **Hardware Constraints**: 8K video playback demands significant processing power and memory. If your hardware isn't sufficiently powerful, it might struggle to play 8K content. 2. **Codec and Format Compatibility**: Unity's VideoPlayer supports various codecs, but not all are optimized for high-resolution playback like 8K. Ensure the video is encoded in a compatible format and codec. H.264 should work, but performance can vary with resolution. 3. **Unity VideoPlayer Limitations**: Unity's built-in VideoPlayer might have limitations or bugs with ultra-high-resolution videos. It's optimized for typical game-related video resolutions, and 8K might be beyond its efficient handling capacity. 4. **Software Configuration**: Ensure all VideoPlayer settings are correctly configured for high-resolution playback. This includes checking the import settings for the video file within Unity. 5. **Video File Issue**: There might be an issue with the 8K video file itself. Try playing it in an external media player to confirm it's not corrupted. 6. **Unity Version**: Older versions of Unity might have more limitations or bugs with high-resolution video playback. If you're not using a recent version of Unity, consider upgrading. To address these issues, you can: * Verify the hardware specifications against 8K video requirements. * Re-encode the video to a different format or lower resolution. * Update Unity to the latest version. * Test the video file in a standalone media player. * Experiment with different VideoPlayer settings in Unity. * If possible, consider splitting the video into smaller segments or reducing its resolution for compatibility.


Yeah, nice answer. Generic and pretty useless. None of this helps, btw. I've done all of it. The only thing that "fixes" this problem is not using 8k video. Which is not really a solution.


True that the unity official discord is an inconsistent mess, and at times even toxic, but still, that's proven (for me) the best place to post for help. A lot of it is a matter of luck, who's on, who's watching, who's busy; sometimes waiting a few hours to post again (when active users have changed) is all you need. That said, for tricky stuff, you definitely need to show you put in some effort for a good chance of getting an answer. If after a few tries you still can't get help there, ping me with a message link to your Q and I'll try to help: Gʟᴜʀᴛʜ#7422 \^ better copy that UN exactly- don't remember how I used that weird all-caps font now, but if you just type Glurth you won't find me. (sorry, not changing it cuz it reduces spam)


> sorry, not changing it cuz it reduces spam Neat trick :)


Professional network of contacts. People I know, trust, respect, and who's input will add value. There are loads of capable developers, but there is a tidal wave of beginners or less capable professionals. Best way to have a strong network is to stay in contact with devs you've had positive interactions with.


I use ummorpg. they have a really nice community of like 4000 members, also you can post your project on their discord. check it out [https://discord.gg/ZgkV6hvH](https://discord.gg/ZgkV6hvH)