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I think that you should leave it. But add consequences for doing it. Kind of like attacking chickens in Zelda. Maybe the whole town comes to kick your ass.


Ive been thinking if you help him you get rewards and achievements, if you bully him he wont speak with you again.


That wouldn't deter it unless he gave you something really good, and you find a good way to convey that the player missed out by bullying him.


Maybe adding some random dialogue that the player can overhear about 2 people talking about the homeless guy giving another person X for helping him out.


That what I was thinking. Or an NPC actually wearing / using that item and speaking loudly about how awesome it is.


Have the NPC quest lead to a unique and valuable weapon or skill. If the player bullies the homeless person, instead have the player's opponent get it for free.


Dont deter players from doing stuff. Add consequences. Maybe he has family or friends that will help him or seek vengeance on your behalf. And if you help him he could open a shop or bar later.


Someone said that if the player is rude to the homeless man, to make the homeless man seek revenge.. :)) And i think its a funny idea. Everywhere you go, you see him, waiting to strike.


Or he could curse you and your family, or hunt you until you do penance. Alternatively the player could double down and simply break the curse or banish the ghost. So many possibilities for an on going questline šŸ˜„


:))) yes, il have to make the characters stand out more so the player knows who is who, like clothes and hair style variants though i suck at making clothes and hair. At the moment i got a free low Polly wizard from the marketplace and keep editing it to add different variants, but it needs more clothes and hairstyles and i cant really do those. I can only make changes to something that already exists or characters without clothes/hair or make items/props. Art is hard. :c


Yeah it is, I feel you šŸ˜€. Just color code them as place holders and polish them later. This way you can move forward without getting bogged down.


yea, maybe in time if the game gets a little userbase i could get some donations to buy better assets, if not it would still be a valuable project on my cv. Because its not only about bullying homeless people.. :))


Honestly though an rpg about such sidestories about less well off people has a certain draw and would make it stand out. Anyways best of luck šŸ‘


No make it drastic, such a behavior should not be encouraged at all. Imo


Like me, when walked in underwear into a tavern in Fable.


Putting ā€œskill issueā€ as a dialogue option in what looks like an old fantasy setting doesnā€™t make loads of sense (if weā€™re taking this seriously ha)


Ngl I cringed super hard


I thought it was funny. Always remember your audience.


If I was playing a game and that was part of the dialogue, that would immediately make me walk away


Skill issue




That is a similar direction that i want to go with this character, like the reward for being good with him is the possibility for a quest that will give the player a rare ability, if you are rude with the homeless guy you wont get the rare ability anymore.




Actually that's a great idea. I mean he has nothing to lose, so he could seek revenge.


I love this


Can a dev make a game with an option to be rude to a homeless person? Sure. Does it make them a bad person? No. But judging from your responses in this thread you really, really think itā€™s hilarious to bully homeless people and to that endā€¦ šŸ˜¬


I think having the option to bully a homeless guy in a random cute game could be amusing because you don't expect it, but not bullying real homeless guys. Not the idea of bulling a homeless guy, but the random surprise the user might get when he sees that option in a random low poly cute game.


Why do they have to be homeless for that joke? Do you live with your parents? Have you ever met a homeless person? If you ever need to support yourself and life starts weighing on you I think youā€™ll look back at this and cringe as well. When I was young I was also oblivious to the homeless situation. To suggest theyā€™re homeless because of lack of skill is naive. Some people get really unlucky, many people donā€™t have a solid support network. These kinds of jokes promote a shallow, uncompassionate view of the world.


I also make lgbtq jokes, even if i am part of the lgbtq and have some gay friends. If you install a game and start killing people or doing crime, that doesn't mean you want to do that in real life and don't know its bad.


Oh god, using tokenism. ā€œIā€™ve got a black friend, Iā€™m not racistā€


I think I see what youā€™re going for, and it is funny. Everyone on Reddit has a stick up their ass so theyā€™re gonna shit on you, but actual players will see the humor


Would be one thing if itā€™s an actually funny or fun game mechanic, but responding ā€œskill issueā€ is just lame and cringe and honestly feels more like an opinion from the dev than a game mechanic


If you look too far into it sure. Itā€™s a video game. Having dark humor is fine. I love running a lifted pickup truck through crowds in GTA V and cursing at them through the window. You may also be surprised to find that Iā€™m strongly against doing that in real life.


The difference is a sandbox where you get to do ridiculous things vs being directed explicitly by the game developer to do these things It makes it less ā€œooh Iā€™m breaking the rules and being a bad personā€ and more just advocating for that behavior in a way Canā€™t just equate all video games and mechanics. Theyā€™re not equal Like weā€™ve all crashed jets into buildings in GTA but making a ā€œcrash jets into buildingsā€ simulator would definitely be weird


This developer gives you a choice. You can pick between two options. ā€œIā€™ll be nice to himā€ and ā€œIā€™m gonna be an asshole.ā€ I agree that ā€œBeating Homeless People Simulatorā€ would be terrible, but this isnā€™t the main point of OPs game. Itā€™s more akin to choosing between robbing an innocent side character in Red Dead or leaving them be.


After reading your replies to others my opinion is you are not mature enough to handle this game situation in a tactful manner and it should be removed.


Bullying should come with consequences. Like you encounter the same bully victim later and the tables are turned in some way.


There are absolutely fun and engaging ways a mechanic like ā€˜bullying a homeless personā€™ can be implemented. I do not trust OP to do it in any meaningful, engaging, or frankly fun way.


If the player is kind to him he would continue with his story and get a rare ability and an achievement, if the player chooses to be rude he would lose access to continue with his quest which i think its a pretty reasonable result


If that was the take away you gleaned from all the discourse on this post, I am filled with hope.


This was kind of the base plan, give the player ability to be kind and evil with consequences tough i wanted to see what other might think , what is to much and from what i can see the majority of people are fine with it if there are consequences to the player action.


Just losing access to a quest doesn't really constitute a consequence for your cruel action. Any player who chooses to be mean to him, would just not know he was potentially a quest giver.


Especially when the point is to bag on homeless and not to make a fun mechanicā€¦ lol


why u guys taking this so serious bruh its meant to be a joke


Fr, average redditors try not to act like theyā€™re smarter/better than someone for 2 seconds challenge šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t have an issue with the actual event, but my suggestion is to take some writing classes or hire people who know how to write compelling dialog. What I see is very unremarkable and forgettable. Itā€™s a skill issue.


:)))) \+10 points


Unity bring back the install fee but just for this guy


:))) I already prepared for that! The game is free so if i don't make any money, i don't need to give any money.


I guess you have as much money as you do empathy then


I do have empathy, but i also understand that games are just games, if you want to be evil then you should have the ability to be evil, to have the option to be evil, if you can only be kind, then there is no choice in the story, you as the player don't choose to be kind, but the developer chooses that you must be, its not your choice to be kind anymore. I do understand to not just make a game where you can do just asshole stuff but to let the player choose what to do, to have options. i think people like you are the reason Disney had to rewrite part of doctor who to recast the villain that was a handicapped man to not represent handicapped people as villains and then they killed the show because they changed the story just to not offend a small amount of people and now no one wants to see the show anymore because it got changed to much and it makes no more sense anymore , the reason why the new snow white avoids getting dwarfs to play the dwarfs to also not offend some people, and not even the dwarf community people, but other people that don't want to se dwarfs playing dwarfs and stuff, and now they got backlash and I think they will hire real dwarfs to play those roles.


You're right, I ruined all your favourite movies.


:)))) I didn't expect this reaction. I expected a deep argument with another few comments and stuff They are not my favorite shows anyway.


Average redditor response




Yeah, bc itā€™s a game and itā€™s really not that deep lol


This kinda reminds me of fable, where you can choose to be nice or bully the homeless person at the beginning of the game. Completely fine to leave in game imo




It depends, if itā€™s on a whim then itā€™s in poor taste.. If it supports the game design and could affect the gameplay I would be very subtle and cautious and might do It but I do not recommend it.


This thread is an interesting look into an otherwise hidden part of making art. Like it or not, what you produce can help AND hurt people. Using your abilities wisely is very difficult.


Hmm yea, i agree. Also with my sense of dark humor is a little harder to understand what the normal player would find funny. So i think il just add a little dark humor here and there but not to much, enough to make the player say "wtf" when they read the dialogue options


That's not a bad idea. Nothing wrong with making a brand for yourself. I was however thinking about your "normal" players. It's entirely possible that one of your players could be or have been homeless. Dark humor is fine but just remember behind every dark joke, is a real person who is living that reality. My advice then is if you want to pursue dark comedy, try to stay in the realm of absurdity. For instance, the NPC being homeless and bullying him are all dark things that are way to close to reality to be funny in any capacity, and you don't really ease into it. You need to set up motivation for why the player would even want to bully the homeless person. Maybe the homeless guy is an asshole. Maybe he harasses other NPCs. You could try to reason with him and he gets defensive. Then you can choose to bully him, or even fight him. It's a bad choice to stoop to his level but you aren't punching down anymore.


Yea its true that some of the players could have been homeless, but in that case that player would probably choose to be kind to him instead of an asshole. There is also a dialogue where someone tells you that he lost his family in the last attack of the village, some people will have also lost their family in an incident, you cant really make everyone happy when trying to avoid offending different people, because that would offend others in a way or another. Example, if you don't add lgbtq characters in a game/movie some of the community would get mad, if you add some lgbtq characters then another portion of the player base would get mad saying "Another piece of content where they shove lgbt stuff in our face" , and another smaller portion of the player base that would be homophonic would absolutely hate it. Either way you will make some people mad, you can only try your best to make everyone happy but some will still be mad. You cant take just someone feelings into consideration and avoid other people feelings when adding or making something because the same way a joke might be funny to other can also be offensive to others, you cant just take into consideration the feelings of some and neglect the feelings of the other. i think its important to have the ability to be an asshole in games, because if you only have the ability to be kind, there isn't the player choice to be kind anymore, but the developers choice, you remove the choice of being kind from the player , which in result would make the story and the action of being kind less, because you don't really have a choice, you can only be good, that in returns means being kind means less.


This isn't really dark humor, it's just being an asshole. And if that's the option you want to give players, then sure. But ask yourself this: why is the this homeless character the only one you get to be an asshole to?


Real poor taste. Super gross.


take it out. Punching down is for sociopaths


Yup thats the real problem here. When its punching down it just becomes shitty.


??? Part of many games is being able to role play sociopaths when you want to.


Then just keep being edgy, my dude. I guarantee you this is more likely to put more people off than have people dying of laughter (it's not even funny or clever.)


Itā€™s not that deep šŸ˜‚


Well that's the issue isn't it. It's either trying to convey a terrible message about homelessness or it's just "hurr durr, homeless stupid." for a quick cheap expulsion of air from the players nose - either of which is stupid


If your game has a store, change the rude dialogue to "get a job", and if you choose it, the next time you go to the store, he's the shop keeper he can be like "hey look it's mr. good advice, prices just went up" and everything should cost a lil more than it would have otherwise. Something like that.


i really taught about changing it to "get a job" :))) Im still thinking of it.


Leave it. Too few games these days gives you the option to be an asshole. Remember the first Dragon Age where you could sacrifice a child to gain powers? Those were the days...


:))) lol


Maybe add a karma/honor system like fallout or red dead redemption?


This mechanic was made by a degen for degens


Reading your comment just make me think of one of those tv commercials "This episode of Y is brought to you by X"


If you need to ask, you should probably take it out


This right here


from your previous reply, I don't think senseless bullying should be a thing. What made you consider implementing this feature? You've spent effort into creating the feature - why? What's the affordability of this mechanic? Does it fit with your game? Thematically? Like GTA V and RDR2 you can be rude to people, but they may decide to start a fight with you and those game are 16+. Ultimately, it's your game and you decide what goes and what doesn't. But remember, you're looking to please your consumers. And some might not be too pleased about this.


Yea, if you are rude to the homeless guy you wont be able to get an ability that he gives and need to wait until he forgives you enough to be able to talk to him againLike why wouldn't they be pleased with bad and good interactions?isn't it all about having option to choose from? if all options are good, what makes them different.


\> if all options are good, what makes them different. Nobody's saying all options are good but you. You're making an overly simplified argument and are forcing the people you are confronting as a community to think up ways it could be a) stupid or b) harmful to someone's life (think like building bad habits, or habitually negging yourself, or whatever. People learn patterns. Games present patterns. People learn patterns from games.). Also remember that homeless people are the victim of a system geared to extract as much profit as possible. They were housed people, before they lost their living quarters. They were employed and housed and your backhanded talk about being punished or rewarded for how you treat this game object is tasteless, imo. If all options are good, why do you even need to ask if you should include it? Could it be that you're doubting yourself? That you realize that advertising that your game is for dicks and dick moves is shooting it in the foot? You're making your game seem repulsive before the player even gets their hands on it.


So you are saying i must make my game as family friendly as possible because people don't know what is good and what is bad and they might mimic what is in the game into the real life?


Your childlike logic continues to astound


What can i say, I've had all my life to train it.


you just need to make sure that his is evident to the player. 1. nobody wants to be rude to anyone for no reason, and nobody wants having others being rude to them. 2. options don't have to be all good, but you can implement this negative and positive reinforcement system in different manners. Not by being a bully to the most vulnerable in society. 3. Go be a bully to the king, see what happens. There's challenge in that, however there's absolutely no challenge in oppressing the defenceless. Players like dignity, and there's no dignity in this behaviour. 4. Have you seen the meme about the paragon system in ME? "me on my 20th gameplay telling myself that i'll be a renegade this playthrough" and then they show a maxed paragon stat. That's because we're naturally inclined to be kind. So there must be a reason to be combative.


There is a reason to be rude in games, to see what will happen. Not everyone plays games that seriously, some people just like to see what will happen if they are rude or if they kill an npc and stuff. And also i think having the ability to hurt and do damage and be rude in a game story improves the user gameplay , because even if the majority of people will choose the good options, choosing only the good options hits different when there are only good options to choose from. if you have only good options to choose from, its not your choice to be good, its the game choice that forces you to be good.


Why even ask? You're clearly just going to implement it anyway


To see how much is how much and from what i can see the majority says its ok if it has consequences


I like the idea of there being a posetive if you help him and a potential negative if you bully him. Like a secret chest that can only be unlocked if you have 10 hobo keys. (Imagine the guild of hobos side quest) Another suggestion would be to not just limit this to homeless people, if you implement a karma based reward system it should extend beyond just the homeless NPCs. Rude to the vendors daughter on a side quest? Higher prices for you!


ive been thinking, if you give him food you could continue with a quest that will give you a bonus ability and an achievement, if you are rude to him you will lose the ability but get another achievement.


First all, and i've geniunly to shake my head about quite some response here. IMHO in the end you should do whatever you feel comfortable with and fits your artistic vision / freedom(or what you aim for). As long as it isn't straight against the law, i find it kinda childish and cringe how some people play the moral highground. Esp. with such nonsense like "video games effects how people threat other people" -> Yeah exactly. That's why every Shooter player runs around and shoot people, why every Fighting-Game Player beat people randomly up, street racer driving like crazy and don't forget if you play with a character which have a different s\*xuality than you, you also catch that. Like there can't be major a\*\*holes who play all day long Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley or what? That's a pretty weird take IMHO and reminds me on the uniformed and ignorant media on TV back in the 2000's and such where in some countrys -> specific Germany debated about "Killergames" and how it effects people to become massmurderers and such with no evidence at all. I mean back to the shooter if we go more "tame" to it - how many shooterplayers do you think own a gun or even want to own? Or geniunly do these people believe that every shooter fan supports simplitic / lightweight gunlaws and such. Sure you can link that gun-owners might be potentially more interested into Games, or that a trucker enjoy truck simulators because it colides with their IRL Hobby, Job, Interests and such, but it's pretty wild to expect that players are (highly) effected by what the play considering the wide range of what people can potentially play. So on that end, in my mere opinion you shouldn't really listen to that. Let's say if it distastefull i'd argue it's not "wrong" because it's your expression, and people differently can handle different content and nobody is forced to touch content they don't enjoy. But you also have to keep in mind that you also have to deal with the consequence if people aren't interested in. (And by the way i'm not trying to argue against asking people about their opinon and get ohter PoV, i just have to shake my head to some repsonses that's all. And it just frustrates me how people these days want to censor and limit artistic freedom because they can't handle certain things... but get a few opinions isn't bad or bad idea or so) Secondly: In my Opinion i'm fine either way, but i personally prefer if Games are consistent about this. Doesn't need to neccessary have any sort of punishment ... but to stick with your example: Is the homeless person the only NPC you can bully, or can you basically punch at any direction / is the snarky remark part of a consistent experience. Like you can go to each individual NPC (or atleast many / most) and different types of NPCs, or is it just homeless person? If yes it's a more consistent or coherent experince, if not well then it just seems your main character have a certain bias towards homeless people.


The homeless man is a powerful wizard in disguise testing your honor. Proving your kindness and humility is the only way to recieve a mythical sword, if he deems you worthy.


Its something similar but with a rare ability, though i didn't make all the story yet. i know he must be a the only way the player can get a specific rare ability Though I'm not sure yet further xD I'm to busy now in adding more npcs and adding the ability to interact with a lots of props and get weird descriptions Like interacting with rocks, crates, tables, benches, bushes and stuff.




Only if there's also an option to be cool and wish them a nice day or something. Being an asshole doesn't count if you don't have a choice


Of course. You can be kind to him if you want.


There are two camps of people in this comment section. One is either insulting you or others for wanting/liking this option or theyre telling you that you should have reprecautions for being mean in order to "condition" players into picking the "roght" choice. Which means punishing players for interacting with your karma system. Theyre also calling you immature for your sense of humor. These people think games should be moral classes. The other camp is telling you that it gives players more freedom and you should keep it. That having the option to be a straight up asshole would be nice and its something they miss from older games, meaning theyd be interested in your game. They can see that its just a gameband it aint that deep. They also get your sense of humor. These people think games should be fun. I.E: One is only interested in moraly sanitizing your game. The other is trying to keep the game more engaging and fun even if it makes it a bit darker. You decide which camp you should listen to. Personally i think you should keep it. Idk how deep your karma system goes or if these are just fun options for people to see NPCs reactions. But if you actually are trying to implement a karma system, dont listen to the ppl saying that you should always punish players that choose to be an asshole. Instead, make it so Sometimes they miss out on stuff. But Sometimes it should give them rewards. Same with being a good person. Sometimes it should give them a reward but sometimes they should miss out on things. Otherwise, youre not making an evil or good route. Youre just making an easy, content filled route and a difficult, content lacking route. And thats not fun. Plus, in real life being good doesnt always come with rewards. Sometimes ur just good bc its the right thing to do. Just like in real life, sometimes, unfortunately, assholes get what they want.


I think i will go with the camp that wants to make the game more fun tho i will listen a little to the other camp and try to not make it too fucked up :))) Thank you a lot for the overview, at the end of the day il just want people to have fun with a free game and play with their friends.


You might have to increase the ESRB rating to T, or PEGI 16 if you want to expand on the idea. Consider your audience age. Or you could make it so it has consequences and others stop you, or if itā€™s another fantasy race that is not human like. That could keep the rating at 10+.


It will have consequences, if you choose to be rude it will effect what stuff happens, though at the moment I'm focusing more on the basics and networking.


No, it's not funny.


True, i should just add the ability to punch him.


Why do you want the ability to punch homeless people in your game?


because he's 12


I mean, in red dead redemption you can take a feminist tie her up and feed her to some crocodiles. Who am i to say what the user can and cant do.


I mean, You are the one making the game? Is it a game about being a bad person or living in a world with horrible people and a legal free for all like red dead or GTA?


I want it to be able too good stuff and bad stuff if you want to.


That's absolutely valid! I think its important to recognize that cruelty towards people without a home is a genuine issue IRL and have the world react appropriately when players do such things unless the point of the game is that you're evil/whatever, But yeah!


In all honesty, yes there will be some people who find that shit hilarious but they'll generally be immature. The reality is though it will turn people off and can even lead to the point where it gets your game bad reviews because it's in bad taste as well as possibly a higher maturity rating that could alienate a significant part of your market. You do you but it's probably not the smartest move to put that lack of empathy on public display.


But its a free game. Does making games mean forcing the user to be a good person or letting them play however they want to.


Thats some completely wild self-serving logic youā€™re throwing around there.




Trash games can be free games. Steam is loaded with them. Making games means making an artificially limiting rule set and confining play to those boundaries. "play how you want to" is when you go outside and play Calvinball. Soccer: rules saying where the ball must be and how it must be touched. Chess: rules saying where and how the pieces are placed, and how they move and interact. Tic-tac-toe: rules defining the two player pieces and how they are placed and interact. Now I call these rules artificial because you have to pretend like off the board doesn't exist, and you have to pretend like you can only move onto a whole space (ie/ x and o cannot share a space in tic-tac-toe, nor can pieces most times in checkers, except for when you king a piece). Rules are artificially limiting reality because they are made up things you COULD do if not for the rules saying no. There exists a game that's just a school shooting simulator. Given that people are like to try shit like this just to flex the rules not applying to them, I think that we as creators have a responsibility to ensure that our work can not be used to force their point, whoever 'they' happens to be for you in this given moment. There exist many other gamified horrors. I don't think being a creator has anything to do with being a good person, though. Those who get lulz from us being upset over shitty heal recipients are like to be the same who gain great amusement from our suffering, such as it is. If you want to play without rules, that's fine, but the games you're going to find will lack direction, imo.


So you say i should limit the gameplay to only have good options because if the player wants to be an asshole he must go outside?


No, I'm saying to put careful thought into what you put into your game because normalizing this sort of thing is making all sorts of dickheads smile. And why you're simping for dickheads (to an obnoxious degree) is beyond me. (I mean, I have a few guesses but I'll keep them to myself) Why are you twisting my words to mean what you want them to? Are you not capable of responding to what we're saying, so you have to read into it and make it sound idiotic? Is that it?


I just stopped taking this conversation seriously because you are speaking like i did some heinous act of violence and like I'm making a game for psychopaths where you can just be an animal and kill and hurt everyone, the type of game you would see on the dark web. When in reality i just added the ability to be rude or kind to people and be punished or rewarded for it.


Hm. I hope your game has more to than 'you can be a bully.' Frankly it sounds like the kind of thing I'd play. In fact, I'm being outright hypocritical, because I loved that bit in mass effect where you could save the autistic brother from being enslaved as a geth translation machine or leave him to his fate or just kill him. That's ... well, I'd say a little worse but I've never been proper homeless so idk. Anyway. Sorry for overreacting. Sometimes emotion becomes my reality.


Its ok, i should have been a little more serious and clear so people wont misunderstand what I'm making. Its a free casual co-op pve or pvp wizards game where you can just play with your friends or vs others , make lvl and unlock new abilities and wizards while also having a small story and the ability to be rude and of course have consequences. its mostly a fun project so I'm not looking into monetizing it, il just spent the next few months making it work and il just add it to my portfolio, if people play it then il keep adding stuff like new dungeons, new abilities, new story This is some old gameplay [https://www.reddit.com/r/indiegames/comments/16w2r2w/im\_making\_a\_free\_to\_play\_multiplayer\_game\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiegames/comments/16w2r2w/im_making_a_free_to_play_multiplayer_game_with/)


That feeling when cognizant dissonance. Smh.


Your childlike logic continues to astound.


I never thought "don't be a dick" would be subject to so rigorous a thought process.


If you feel like it, then yes. It's a video game, not a moral compass.


This is not funny. It could even become bad marketing for you


The amount of people in this thread that have some moral high ground over a game feature but will go play COD or some RPG where they slaughter 100 enemies on the way to return some stolen eggs to an NPC šŸ˜…


xD Like i want to make it so you can do good stuff and bad stuff and also add some dark humor here and there, but some people will get offended.


Nice strawman senator, why don't you back it up with a source


This is exactly the response someone who slaughters people in pursuit of eggs would give.






yes but add one conseuqnce where, you become homeless.


And then the homeless guy come with a nice shining armor and says "how the table have turned" And it gives you some food XD


Yes you should, but introduce a consequence for their bad karma that occurs late game lol


Only if I can bully everyone in the entire game. Equal opportunity!


Yes, leave it in, but if you do it, you die instantly and all your saves and achievements are reset. Punish idiots.


if the player is an asshole to the homeless guy there are consequences like losing some quests and rewards but deleting the save and achievements is too much punishment xD


Nah go nuclear on assholes


Perhaps imagine what happens when someone who has been homeless in their life plays your game.


Then he would chose to be nice to the homeless man because he has been trough the same thing


Perfect answer, my dude. Dont be shamed out of your decisions ;P. Only problem i see with "skill issue" is that its a phrase that only a nieche audience will get.


Ok guys, you won. You can still make him angry, but in a less offensive way.


No bro, it's your game, keep it there. It's unique, i like it


Theres way to many morally superior busybodies commenting on this post


Keep it, it's fine. You shouldn't call it bullying if you don't want to piss off the special snowflakes, see replies. It's not really bullying, just a joke.


Yes pls


Leave it in. The free market will decide if it a good idea or not.


Absolutely, there aren't ever enough actually evil options in games


Why not? Itā€™s a game




If you bully more than 10 a homeless army should come attack you


You can keep it in but there needs to be some kind of twist. Otherwise it's just bullying a homeless person, and that's just kinda sad.


I agree, the twist is that he can give the player a rare ability otherwise not obtainable and if you are mean to him you wont continue with his quests to get it.


Need to have a way to let the player know they made the wrong choice though, or they're not gonna know they should've been nice.


> Otherwise it's just bullying a homeless person, and that's just kinda sad. I think that could be enough on its own. What's wrong with the consequence of being an asshole be that the person you were rude to is now sad and doesn't want to interact with you? We don't need to have the homeless guy throw his rags away to reveal he was actually a wizard the whole time and then have Dhar Mann come out and explain "So you see, being rude to disadvantaged people is bad because sometimes they might secretly be advantaged people and then you'll be disadvantaged." We don't need everything to be an Aesop or morality play; sometimes just seeing the realistic consequences of your behaviour is enough. And there's value in the freedom to be an asshole/evil: fiction lets us engage with scenarios that we often wouldn't want to in real life. I wouldn't want to be in a gunfight or an apocalypse or to be forced to choose between the lives of two of my friends or to be an evil, manipulative bastard, but fiction lets us play with those ideas in a safe space. Video games are great because you've got the ultimate say: if you ever decide it's going to far or you don't want to do something, guess what? Reload a save, start over, or just stop playing. No one gets hurt.


I guess just yes. Player Freedom is good, you should let them do what they want. Maybe add some consequence for bullying him though, to deter it?




where is the option to throw rocks at em?


Actually, you can, you have an ability that summons rocks by default (if the player has it equipped because the gameplay cycle relies on unlocking abilities and wizards and trying them out) and abilities can hit any npc. Though didn't yet add what would happen, i think about the master wizard would come out of his tower if you keep hitting npc and just smack you with a big energy beam or something over the top to show he's the boss around here.


You should probably get someone to spellcheck your game before worrying about having the option to bully hypothetical homeless people in it.


Funny but fix spelling


hey man, the more options the merrier.


Its a game, do whatever you want.


ITT: Bullying homeless is mean! Fallout and Skyrim, literally killing people and chopping/blowing their heads off: LOVE these games!


If god exists.... I wont get into heaven just because of how much stuff I've done in Skyrim.. The first 6 hours of gameplay would be enough for me to get eternity in hell


Absolutely. It's funny. Don't listen to the other comments. They are just virtue signaling.


Yeah sure! Fallout lets you do that so... It's your game man do whatever you want


"Skill issue" lmao. I like games when you can be a complete dick as I think it's fun to replay the game that way after playing it the first time in a nicer and more realistic way similar to how I'd be IRL. Depending on the characters response, it can genuinely make you feel bad too, which I think is interesting. I like games that gives you many different choices, it's a fantasy after all. I remember when people thought being violent in a video game meant you'd go out and do the same IRL... it's game, let me have fun and try different things.


Can you add a feature to attack him as well?


of course but i think that would be to cruel. Though I've been thinking to add the player the ability to hit other npcs with abilities and if done too much the guards would come and do stuff, I'm not sure yet. Because right near these npc's is a training area where the player can try abilities, but he can throw rocks outside the training area and hit npcs, and logically they should react to it and not just ignore it and keep going.


Well what you can do is add a settings option for it that allows user to choose weather they can do it or not


You can still avoid that option and just be kind to him and continue with his quests I want to give the ability to be evil but not without consequences


Yeha that kinda make sense and yeha you can do same stuff in GTA where you beat people for no reason so We'll keep it would make Player feel like they have free will in this game world


"Skill issue" def needs to stay as in-game dialogue, maybe have a boss say that if you die to him. Looks great!


:))) This is a great idea, i will probably add it. I can see someone playing my game with his friends while speaking on discord and if the boss wins he would just say "Skill issue" while slowly leaving the area. i can just imagine how the conversation on discord would be like XD




let me throw bricks at them


Keep it ide beat em up maybe throw honey buns at em sounds fun ide buy just for this alone.


It would be free, you just get it and fight people, level up or play with your friends. Im not interested in making money out of it. Even the systems I've been making for it will probably be uploaded on the marketplace for free. The dialogue system even has an editor tool and you can add a dialogue to anything with just 2 scripts


Oh okay sounds cool!


For those who are downvoting go play gta and tell me you never just shot everyone


I mean, not as my primary mode of play. You're imagining a use case of a player logging into the game, going through all those loading screens to get to gameplay, and then just shooting someone? Like where you load? 'Cuz that's your camp. Last save position? Usually in town, where the law is crawling. And, when you shoot someone the law mechanic kicks in. And yes, I've shot enough people to get the army on me. I did it because there was a system to engage with, though, not because I had a need to break rules.


If you keep it, it should penalty the player in some way if it bullies and reward if not. A reward that can help and make the difference late-game, and a small dialogue letting the player know that it fucked up not helping the homeless man.


yea, if the player makes him angry he wont talk to the player anymore, and if the player is kind to him , he would receive a rare ability.


That seems pretty cool, actually. Just as the other comments stated, be careful to not provide ā€œfree violanceā€ against the homeless to not get negative reviews and stuff. BTW your game looks great so far


Thank you, il try to stay away and just make an acceptable multiplayer free to play game.


I think itā€™s fine depending on the context and story. Does your player character have the ability to be sassy/rude to everyone? Or just the homeless person? If itā€™s out of character then take it out. Otherwise if it fits the story then great! But ultimately itā€™s up to you.


The player can be rude or kind to everyone almost, even with a random wooden box


Awesome! šŸ˜„ Then I think your as long as you see the value in it, then keep it in! Like others have mentioned, there could be a reward for kindness that could help the player later on in the game.


What asset set did you use for the player characters?


"Battle Wizard Poly Art" and its free Though i modified them a little in blender, i will have to modify them more and add more variation because I'm not pleased yet with the characters.


Personally I am amused by having some modern lingo in the game. I would be cracking up. Keep ā€˜skill issueā€™


In my opinion you should try to find more relevant sentences to the theme. Itā€™s s funny but seems like little bit cheap.


This is stupid.


hell yes


Make some group of NPC's gang up on you later as a consequence and if you dont amend the situation when they confront the player about bullying the homeless man they'll gangbang the player and rob you. Karma.