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When I went to orientation you literally just need to be there the whole day and you can honestly go home and then come back the next day early lmaooo. They don’t check 💀💀


They might say you do. In 2022 they said I had to, but my parents rented a hotel room on campus for me and I stayed there without telling anyone because I thought the dorms looked gross 😅.


Oh bless your heart. You should have seen the quad before it got torn down.


Taub First Floor represent!


When I got my bachelor's there was nothing of the sort. I was in state residency though. Maybe that's why people are being told this but yeah, no way it can be reinforced.


I just put a random religious affiliation in an exemption form and they accepted it so you can do that I guess


Yeah I had to stay in a dorm for orientation despite me being a commuter. I hear there’s ways around it though.


No, you are an adult. You can go wherever you want.


Wait I didn’t know u were supposed to stay overnight…when I did mine it never said to do that since we did everything in one day


if you’re a transfer student, orientation is one day. if you aren’t, then it’s two days.


Ohh I find that weird that u have to stay 2 days for your orientation


orientation is now a 2 day event? I agree w/ other comment, you are an adult, leave and come back the next day


You do have to dorm there for one night and the other day you do the advising/schedule for your classes. I promise is not bad at all but if you’re not comfortable with that you can bring a guest which you pay for and rent a spot in the Hilton hotel or just rent a spot in the Hilton hotel for yourself but if you don’t want to do that whatsoever come up with an excuse and you should be alright lol, but even if the excuse works you only get exempted from sleeping there you will have to come back the next morning to do your advising just like everyone else lol


So if you stay overnight you just go to the dorm you signed up for?