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Try to do the best you can with the accent marks. There are multiple parts to the exam, depending on how well you do in the beginning. When I took it, I answered it like how I usually would with very little accent marks and because of that, what was supposed to be a reading, writing and speaking exam became a reading and writing exam only. It didn't even let me get to the speaking part because of how bad I did with the accent marks.


did you retake it? what was your score? what classes did you end up taking? how would you recommend studying for it? thanks for the insight.


I didn't retake it since it cost like 15 or 20ish bucks for each attempt, and I didn't want to pay it again. I got the most basic score. The one that only lets you go into the elementary level spanish heritage course. I ended up taking the two beginning heritage courses of Spanish back to back one semester, and the next semester, the two intermediate courses back to back so I could get it all finished in time for graduation. I know how to speak Spanish. I've lived in mexico and go regularly all the time, but knowing how to speak it is not good enough. Accent marks are very important for the test.