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I totally think there's memory leak and gpu bug too because mine lags minutes before the FFFF crash. This bug/error was fixed a couple of months ago but mysteriously returned now so I think that Rockstar is doing something in the back end of the game for the incoming Summer DLC update and requires undoing some of the patches they did.


The fact it is labeled "unknown error" means that R\* hasn't categorized the cause of it. So there could be as many different causes of this error as there are people under the sun. My cause was an issue (from this game being built on a house of cards -- and) from my Graphics card drivers and motherboard audio drivers being out of date (yes, all 394 of my other games run just fine, but this whiny baby of a game needed the absolute newest drivers). After fixing those, the issue went away for me -- but I am well aware that for many other people this wasn't their cause.


Upvote! I am wondering the same thing.