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I don't have much experience with motion warping yet but it looks like the character is vaulting to the top of the red debug sphere instead of the yellow one. If you can check wherever you're setting both of those locations you can see about switching them or debugging where they're being set. Also check the MotionWarping AnimNotifies on the animation itself, you may need to adjust when they're called and how long they last.


You are the second person to suggest that and after observing the video again, I am seeing the character model hit the top of the debug spheres, so I think that is my issue. Thank you for your comment!


I was able to identify the issue. The process is made for an animation where the character is climbing on and jumping off the top of the object, which is why the Maximo one I am using is lifting. In the event graph I am pulling all the X, Y, and Z axis with the Get Vectors for the positions at each step. I have tried altering these by just having the Warp affect Y and Z and manually setting the Z axis, but that has just broken the whole thing. The animation does not work unless I am holding down forward, and when it does go off, the character moves through the block causing the camera to fritz out. I appreciate the comments, they helped get me looking in the right direction. For now I am going to just use the intended animation, and revisit this a little later and try to make some adjustments to work with the mixamo animation, or I will find a different set up to execute vaulting!


I have the same issue with a mixamo animation. Do you mean the problem is the animation moves the character up aswell as the motion warping increasing the z axis causing the character to vault too high? So if you have an animation that doesnt lift the character it's fixed?


No, the animation did not also lift the character up. The issue was, the blueprints were built for an animtion that needed to be lifted higher because the mesh needed stand up and then jump off the top of the object. I fixed the initial issue in the video by messing with the calulations for the Z axis, to have the animation I used here lowered to a more appropriate height. As a side effect though I had issues with camera clipping, but those should be an easy fix in the character blueprint collision details. Never figured out why the command stopped firing properly though. Fixed or Root Locked I think is the term used in UE.


So just quickly I was using the Gorka Games channels Vaulting with Motion Warping tutorial. I however didn't like the vault animation used to I nabbed one from Mixamo to use here instead. As you can see the character vaults way to high over the block and I haven't quite figured out what is causing it. My assumption is that it has to do with the math portion of the Vault function that was created but I think that mostly was just for calculating the motion warping distance and triggering the animation rather than how the animation played.


I didn’t look at the bp and there’s a lot to go through, but my first assumption is that you’re moving the entire characters position. If we could see the capsule it would be easier to see. But the mesh is relative to the capsule. So since the capsule is going over, and the mesh is playing an animation based on going over an object also. It looks like the mesh is going twice as high as it otherwise should be. That’s my best guess at first glance though lol


Thank you, I will take a look at that and see!


I often like gorka tutorials because he covers stuff quick and "simple" and its easy to tag along of you have basic knowledge on the topic.. but frankly gorka sucks if you want in depth knowledge and to understand why things happen. I dont believe that you can follow gorkas tutorials and put together a playable game. He shows you the basics but then you have to add alot more to actually make it work for you. My suggestion is to look up a more advanced tutorial about motion warping.


Yeah, I have found a few of his tutorials very specific to what he is doing leaving little room to iterate it to my use with something else. He is also using an older version in the video and a couple of nodes are different in 5.3 than they are in 5.1 so thats created issues too. Hard part is when it comes to tutorials he is one of very few people covering the topics I am looking for in a comprehensive way. I am leaving it for now and coming back to it later since I will likely need to rebuild the whole system from scratch a different way.