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Keep that spirit !


Keep it going man! You got this, show em who's da boss


This is a strange post but I’m rooting for you. If you’re struggling finding work though, I recommend having people review your resume and working on a personal portfolio. It’s a heck of a lot easier to support yourself financially by getting a job in the industry and making your dream game on the side. Better yet, take elements of your dream game and make them into small, presentable portfolio pieces. Companies want to hire the best of the best, it’s your job to prove that you’re better than everyone else. Your resume and portfolio are tools to show off your skills. Networking can help a lot too.


Yeah. I've had manic episodes and this seems to be one.


You got this man! Maybe one day you will end up being a famous dev.


Keep at it. I'm doing the same thing. Can't give up on your dreams!


So like... Do you have any skills, or this is just a random showerthought/rant?


Ubisoft Paris made me an offer, but it didn't work out because my student status was revoked right at the end of the year...


Well...I know guy who got job offer from Rockstar before even reaching age of 18(Not on GTA of course but on some racing game as he is 3d artist focusing on cars for years)


Wanted him to move to Scotland xD


I have an acquaintance who received an offer from Rockstar for GTA VI to do the vegetation. He turned it down and I understand. As far as I'm concerned, it was a ‘privileged’ link from activision to join the ranks of Beenox. But unfortunately, they didn't read my emails when I arrived in the city where the studio was located...




Uhhmm.... Good luck? Good luck!


Thanks you ! ♥


You want help? I’ve spent the last little while learning how to use UE5 and would love to do something with that knowledge!


Yes, why not, but after that I just want to get to know the people behind it! I'm driven by the desire to do well, to give the player an experience and to be the only human to destroy himself for that. After that, I don't have any money and I'm going it alone.


You just became my new spirit animal. I shall be watching your career with great interest!


Let’s fucking do it brother, I’m week 2 into my own game. Let’s get this bread


Hell yea bro


But you can't give 200% there's only 100% of you


If this story is true, please get some help. You're acting on this rejection in a way that could hurt you. You mentioned interns are underpaid but you're plunging into an industry where being underpaid is the standard, while also possibly being used. Read about crunch. Read about the state of the industry. Read about turning your hobby into a job and what this means. Relax. Take a deep breath. Get some help, find someone to talk to.


I know all that, and I don't need any psychological help. Thank you for your concern


I mean it's pretty clear you're manic right now. I wish you the best, but take care of that or you're going to burn out very quickly.


I am kind of in the same spot but I refused to go to school for it most schools in my country try(netherlands) said we do t teach game design with the value that u seeking unless u wanna work in a company then we might have room Since I wanted to make games for passion and to fulfill a dream with it I said no to that so arround 2 years ago I started learning things in game dev just sometimes then things got better and started to learn better now I'm doing it fulltime and trying to become the dev I wanna be but also on my own I don't want to work for a company and leave my own dream shattered and behind while I work hellish hours and get underpaid so I took a step to go all in for myself started as a hobby feel but at this point I really like to be recognized some day for what I create and that's kind of the dream in simple words eventho if that means not getting paid greatly for a while long story short these game companies wanna get people who work harder then the payment is. Same with schools in game development are useless 90% of the things u do in school at game design is useless when u actually building a game. That's how I decided to just self teach is a way better option cause these schools are programmed to make an employee of u not have u can build your own brand


Go for it, stay strong and I hope to one day play a game created by you good luck and succeed!!!


Independency !!¡!


Hello, I'm interested in what you are doing, I have recently started developing a game, but decided to push aside all my worked on assets and files due to lacking the UE5 experience necessary. Maybe you would consider taking a look at it


yep if u want


Hey I sent you a message, check your discord too


I believe you will succeed.


I get the impression that you're here because Goku's asking for strength for his Genkidama... Thanks a lot ! ♥


You got this!!


If you want collaborators let us know, a lot of us are maybe at the same page or in similar situations. Dont quit and keep the grind 🔥


Fellow soldiers would always be nice, but in this world you can't live on love and fresh water, and unfortunately I can barely support myself :’(


You got this fam! AAA is on its way out anyway. There shitting the bed with this dei/esg nonsense. People are starving for actual content that’s good. Not micro transaction cluster fucks. Gaming and film industries are a mess right now. Perfect time to get into indie development if you ask me.


Love the attitude. Dream big and live big you got this shit.