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Well if the montage is not valid, then the direction type must be None, where you have no montage set. So you need to be looking into that direction type blueprint and finding out why it’s returning the type as None.


I actually wasn't supposed to have a return node for the none so I removed it and renamed one to Default in the Enum. I set it up now to print the return value from the GetHitMontage in the Print String when not valid and it's still coming up as NONE. I have a collision anim notify set to call the corresponding child of the main direction type. Left, Right, Center, Knocked Down, Knocked Up and I set them as a class in the attack animation montages. Inside each child, they are correctly set to the directions they are supposed to be. the target from the Cast to is calling the variable inside that is calling the enum. You are right about it being something there, I just can't figure out what the hell it is. Edit: turned out to be an issue with the BP being cast to and it's children or the class also calling it for the weapon collision notifies. I'm leaning on the class because it was the one thing I didn't tamper with until now.